It counts. The Blessed(tm) now number four.
What about mean hot paladin?

Fou, sitting on mean hot paladin's shoulder. Mean hot paladin with a leotard and blonde twintails glaring. Tiny paladin in a dress, just happy to be here. Charlie, in awe that I can apparently turn off Berserkers at the price of a few bits of lung, easily replaced. Knight, still scary as hell but no longer threatening. Siegfried, in one piece with his shirt distressingly open.

Fou jumped off of mean hot paladin and ran to me, clambering up Mash and travelling to sit on my shoulder. He headbutted my cheek gently, and I leaned back
Bradamante was momentary and out of convenience. Kadoc notes that sometimes he'll grace lesser mortals with his presence, but currently his humans (and human-adjacents) are Mash, Ritsuka, Asako, and Matthew.
The Beast of Revelations, 666, is the final antagonist of Fate/Prototype (the original idea of Fate before it came together as Fate/Stay Night) and 'pet' of Manaka.

Canonically, Proto Arthur (who has the power to traverse through parallel worlds like Musashi, somehow, I blame Proto Merlin) arrives in Chaldea after Solomon, chasing after 666 and decides to help them while he looks where the Beast has hidden itself. To this day we have yet to see any sign of it.

Yes, this means that most likely Proto Arthur will arrive sometime in the future to help with this clusterfuck of a situation and I'm kinda surprised Morgan hasn't contacted him considering he has personal stakes in all this.
It counts. The Blessed(tm) now number four.
Helps that she had an 'in' with her brother being one of the Blessed(tm). That and she probably let him gorge on Halloween candy.

Though speaking of the most recent chapter:
"Well, you made immense headway in all the paperwork, and most of the staff are taking the day off." Da Vinci leaned against his desk. "It should be okay to enjoy a little down time."

Roman threw himself back in his chair. "And do what!? I don't even have Magi Mari to heal my soul any mo-ho-ho-rrrre!" he sobbed. "My precious idol is goooooone!"

"You mean Merlin?" Da Vinci asked sweetly.

"VILE TRICKSTER!" Roman slammed his forehead into his desk.
When did Roman become aware that Merlin was catfishing as Magi Mari? Because the only previous mention of this in-story (that I can find) was when Matthew mentioned idols from Roman's magazines.

And in canon as far as I know; Roman never found out that Merlin was screwing with him until the Soloman singularity when Merlin left his message.
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Helps that she had an 'in' with her brother being one of the Blessed(tm). That and she probably let him gorge on Halloween candy.

Though speaking of the most recent chapter:

When did Roman become aware that Merlin was catfishing as Magi Mari? Because the only previous mention of this in-story (that I can find) was when Matthew mentioned idols from Roman's magazines.

And in canon as far as I know; Roman never found out that Merlin was screwing with him until the Soloman singularity when Merlin left his message.

It happened during Morgan's 'chat' right before the FSN Event. It was offscreen for later comedic payoff.
That was likely the parting shot of the meeting. Romani going off to see the 'Idol', Morgan making a comment, Da Vinci connecting the dots, and Merlin laughing his ass off. And Romani breaking down into a sad wreck, Da Vinci was likely enjoying the whole show as well.

By the way Blink, will the Queen of Sheba arrive earlier this time?
Considering I intend to finish this in one 'season' (though it'll be a lot more chapters), yes. She'll show up after Roman's identity is revealed past Morgan's Conspiracy.
So wait where is Romani/Solomon's relationship with Queen of Sheba at? From what I understand Sheba loved Solomon dearly and a big regret for her was not being in Chaldea sooner to be with him? And Romani/Solomon still cared for her as well will that be different here?
Omake: Sheba!?
That's a special surprise for later.
Now I can't help but envision this scene in my head.

Roman: (collapses in office chair) "No more, by the grace of the almighty, no more!"
-A pair of female hands comes from off-screen and start massaging his shoulders-
"The staff are proving troublesome?"
Roman: "Ha! I think I liked it better when they were terrified of Matthew and stuck to their jobs. With my being Solomon out, they're badgering me every day for the endless magecraft secrets that I 'obviously' have. Never mind the fact that I don't have any magic circuits anymore and thus can't practice magecraft even if I wanted to."

"Well, fools will be fools no matter what one does."
Roman: "True." -groans and leans into massage- "Da Vinci, you're truly god-sent. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Da Vinci hmm? Sounds like somebody I need to be introduced to."

-Roman freezes, wide-eyed. He then tilts his head back to see who he had been talking to. Staring down at him is a smiling, deeply tanned face sporting a pair of long fuzzy ears-
Queen of Sheba: "Hello Solomon, it's been a while hasn't it?"

-An echoing scream draws the attention of everyone in the cafeteria as Roman tears past the entrance at a dead run. A second later QoS casually strolls into view, gives everyone a dainty wave and then strolls back out of sight after Roman.
Matthew: (slightly smug) "I guess Roman found out about Sheba."
Mash: "You were supposed to tell him!"
Matthew: "I did, I sent him an e-mail. Guess she just got there first."
Now I can't help but envision this scene in my head.

Roman: (collapses in office chair) "No more, by the grace of the almighty, no more!"
-A pair of female hands comes from off-screen and start massaging his shoulders-
"The staff are proving troublesome?"
Roman: "Ha! I think I liked it better when they were terrified of Matthew and stuck to their jobs. With my being Solomon out, they're badgering me every day for the endless magecraft secrets that I 'obviously' have. Never mind the fact that I don't have any magic circuits anymore and thus can't practice magecraft even if I wanted to."

"Well, fools will be fools no matter what one does."
Roman: "True." -groans and leans into massage- "Da Vinci, you're truly god-sent. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Da Vinci hmm? Sounds like somebody I need to be introduced to."

-Roman freezes, wide-eyed. He then tilts his head back to see who he had been talking to. Staring down at him is a smiling, deeply tanned face sporting a pair of long fuzzy ears-
Queen of Sheba: "Hello Solomon, it's been a while hasn't it?"

-An echoing scream draws the attention of everyone in the cafeteria as Roman tears past the entrance at a dead run. A second later QoS casually strolls into view, gives everyone a dainty wave and then strolls back out of sight after Roman.
Matthew: (slightly smug) "I guess Roman found out about Sheba."
Mash: "You were supposed to tell him!"
Matthew: "I did, I sent him an e-mail. Guess she just got there first."

Y'know, lose the chat format and I could see this slotting in fairly well.
So, someone was doing a little manga about Crypters, and Wodime's chapter dropped. Posting it here, since it might offer more insight on the P1 Crypters in general (and duck is Golden Boy a dork).


Read manga online for free on MangaDex with no ads, high quality images and support scanlation groups!
So, someone was doing a little manga about Crypters, and Wodime's chapter dropped. Posting it here, since it might offer more insight on the P1 Crypters in general (and duck is Golden Boy a dork).


Read manga online for free on MangaDex with no ads, high quality images and support scanlation groups!
Thanks for telling me about that and linking it, I just read it and holy crap the feels man! They really did an amazing job with kirsch and caenis huh?
You make a very good point. I'll be sure to have a rank-and-file POV very soon to fix that. Also, two things: I intend for Gilgamesh to show up very soon, which though he'll be... less... than his FSN version, will still be an issue. Second, I have the first 'event' for Matthew lined up to run concurrently with GudaGuda 1 (away from it), and he Won't Like It.

The fight against Bael did go smoothly, but it had a cost I'll tackle while writing the next chapter.

Invoking Aegis Titania to full is a mana drain, so he was already tired but running on adrenaline. Annwyn Ataraxia eats as much mana as an Excaliblast, so if it hadn't been for Ritsuka burning all his command seals? Yeah, we'll cover that when I get the next chapter ready.
I really like this. It's perfectly possible to have a strong OC so long as one remembers there is no unstoppable power in Fate, and absolutely no irrelevant character, and a host of grand and competing personalities and ideologies.
I'm not really sure about how unambiguously, without argument Cu and Matthew agree he could have killed the former, no question. I mean, maybe with surprise, knowledge of how Cu fought while Cu lacked any of that knowledge and surprise,

Edit: And Cu May have been nerfed by having a poor Master like Kirei, as Gilgamesh was.

but in open combat right off the bat, and even after he gets the memories? Raw power isn't the by all end all. Otherwise Noble Phantasms would be used right at the start of a battle. And Cu is wickedly dangerous. He's incredibly fast, ridiculously hard to put down, versatile, has good Magic Resistance, and has a Noble Phantasm that can provide extreme long range power or something close to "Yes" in close combat power.

Now obviously Matthew/Morgan is cheating by taking him beyond his class container as a result of his nature, but it seemed a little early for him to be able to ROFLSTOMP Irish Herakles.

Power levels aside, Cu remaining a protective equal/superior kind of tugs at the romantic heartstrings I admit. The guardian trope as the younger one comes into his own is sweet, and admittedly influenced this post.

Edit: Honestly, that level of killiness so early is the main issue, not a measure of a Vs debate. No Servant is helpless against another Servant, save perhaps bottom of the rung vs top tier (like FZ Assassin vs Iskander using Ionioi Hetairoi)
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It would actually be pretty close. If Cu used his runes on Gae Bolg, he could have killed Matthew. However, Matthew's hairpin has two settings: precision with fine control, and enormous AoE effect.

If he had unleashed a lava pit to consume the Emiya estate, he would have 'won' at the cost of executing everyone else there, not to mention being unable to control convection and dealing heavy damage to the surrounding area - save for himself, because the hairpin is at the threshold of what his armor negates. Likewise, any other massive elemental disturbance would overcome Magic Resistance and do immense harm, but vaporizing would be the go-to to get around Battle Continuation.

However, as stated before, Matthew would have to accept the loss of those fighting alongside him to make use of such a tactic - and as Cu pointed out (even without knowing), it would kill his heart to do it in the first place. This is without regarding how attached they are to each other.

If the Runes straddle Marble Phantasm and Reality Warping, the hairpin allows him to access a limited Marble Phantasm at high speed by having those specific Fairy Runes etched into it.

So it's not a ROFLSTOMP, but more of a 'in case of emergency, break this glass' sort of deal.

Cu Chulainn has experience and speed on his side, so about seven out of ten times he'd win. The other three are Matthew hitting the 'fuck this township in particular' button and giving up his morals entirely for a pyrrhic victory.

Cu Chulainn has way more life experience than Matthew, and so is definitely going to remain his 'rock' for the fic. There will be times where that role is reversed, and Matthew will be able to return the favor - like with what I have planned for America - but Cu will definitely be the strongest relationship he has outside of Mash and Ritsuka. Some will come close, but that's my plan as of this moment.

That was a little bit averted during the initial Gilgamesh situation due to him being... well. It's in the text. But that got cleared up, so business as usual from here on out.