Isn't that Altera with a mustache, or was that Wyatt Earp?
If she has appeared in FGO before I'm unaware of it.

Columbia is the closest thing to a 'Goddess of America' in American folklore. A female personification of America that has existed since the mid 18th century and inspired the names of several cities including the capitol.
During the FGO event All the Statesmen Altera appears as the Goddess Columbia. But this kind of events are mostly comedic so I wouldn't make much of a fuss if Blink decides to make Columbia her own Servant.
The moment David appears I think all pretense Romani will have of keeping the Charade of powerlessness will have vanished considering the current circumstances. That or when Goetia or Manaka show their faces.
The moment David appears I think all pretense Romani will have of keeping the Charade of powerlessness will have vanished considering the current circumstances. That or when Goetia or Manaka show their faces.

In canon, David just kinda purposely ignored that possibility, so he might do that here. The Servants (before meeting Matt) don't really seem to be aware of Manaka's existence, so I doubt he'd see a need to point it out.
...Correct me if I'm wrong, but was that Romani at 1:33 onwards?
...Here's a interesting theory that I found.
The Heroic Spirit Solomon was erased from the Throne of Heroes and will never return. ...However, Heroic Spirit Romani Archiman may still exist.
Oi @Blinktwice13. When David shows up, are you gonna have him use his Anti-Army NP? It never got used in game for some reason...

There's a nonzero chance of it. Okeanos will have some high stakes.

As for the American Servants discussion, the most likely candidates for summoning are Tall Tales, Native Americans, and American revolutionaries (not necessarily connected to the Revolutionary War). I'm keeping Karna and Arjuna because they're great, but don't expect more Indian Servants there. I'll probably homebrew an event for more Indian Servants.
In canon, David just kinda purposely ignored that possibility, so he might do that here. The Servants (before meeting Matt) don't really seem to be aware of Manaka's existence, so I doubt he'd see a need to point it out.
Considering how many people already know about Romani's original identity along with Matthew inadvertently piecing together who's behind the Singularities; I suspect that secret is going to be blown open a lot sooner than in canon.
Also, I'm aware you probably already have the Septem lineup locked in, but Simo Hayha would fit right in to the snowy terrain as either an Archer or Assassin.
If Simo Hayha, appears then im going to root for him to be a Pseudo-Servant, with the leading ego and look being Patxi. You all here know who i am talking about. Fuck bittersweet endings, the friends we made in the lostbelts deserve happiness in a world that is not, actively trying to kill them everyday, has monsters that like human flesh and the ruler of humanity offers all the people past a certain age to be eaten while forcing younger teens to breed, humanity being kept like a goddamm pet by a peacock emperor, weekly cycles of birth, death and rebirth in which anyone that may hold the smallest smidge of evil even if it is natural is yeeted out of existence (and said cycles being enforced by someone that only likes to see the mote in his brother's eye and not the rafter in his own, ARJUNA!), the less said about atlantis the better and fuck i want to use Beryl's guts as garthers!.......ok ok im calm now.....sorry about that, but it hurts you know? Even if its fictional, the first lostbelt specially......i wanted Patxi and the rest of the Yaga to be able to see the blue sky and the sun, how the seasons change, to not to have to fight for resources everyday and backstabbing each other to survive, for the pups to be able to be children and play amongst the summer fields and flowers....
I may need a few moments.....

I'm really looking forward to America after seeing these new lineups. I really want to see more servants from the US with how underrepresented we are in Fate
Careful there, remember what is also chilling in America inside a Valley. Poke Murphy and Type-Mercury may come knocking

...Here's a interesting theory that I found.
The Heroic Spirit Solomon was erased from the Throne of Heroes and will never return. ...However, Heroic Spirit Romani Archiman may still exist.
Interesting theory, there is just one problem that was already explained more or less in Atlantis.
Dude, the Chaldean is a mix of the remnants of souls of Romani and Goethia with Goethia on the driver seat and helping chaldea. He may have kept his Independent Manifestation (Beast) to be able to appear anywhere he wants.
If Simo Hayha, appears then im going to root for him to be a Pseudo-Servant, with the leading ego and look being Patxi.

Would be weird for both, with Patxi being Russian, and Simo's legend being about sniping Russians.

There are famous Russian snipers, probably, and they're less famous than Simo, so justification of Pseudoservant-ness can be even easier.
ORT is in the SOUTH AMERICAN CONTINENT not in the American Nation, where the American Singularity takes place.
Ok, i didn't know where in America he was, only that it was there

Would be weird for both, with Patxi being Russian, and Simo's legend being about sniping Russians.

There are famous Russian snipers, probably, and they're less famous than Simo, so justification of Pseudoservant-ness can be even easier.
Everyone that i have seen online talking about Lostbelt pseudo-servants are saying that Patxi and Simo should go well together. Also they seem to like the idea of Gerda as Pseudo-servant Idunn
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"Uh-huh. And what'd you do, shrimp?" Joan gave me an unimpressed look.
A quick turnabout from liking him.

Anyways...honestly I was a little loathe to get into this because it read as one of those stories with an MC that fluctuates in usefulness so as to heap the most pain and edginess on him, and his modern vernacular compared to everyone else to make him stand out and everyone treating him at times like an abused dog (in the sense that they're the ones who know better even if their kind and friends were the ones who abused him) while he acts rebellious for good reason but in the end doesn't actually follow up on it, bark worse than bite (I HATE that in characters in fanfics, it's generally just the authors being lazy because they want to write competent and rebellious characters but refuse to commit and are wishy washy with the character's motivations) with others joining him in gaiety and his backstory getting properly fleshed our (though it would have been better at the start) it's grown on me. I still think people need to treat him like an individual, not a walking caricature of edgy-mcbaddecisions, (because apparently one isn't "innocent" in regards to being a victim of a honeypot murder scheme, thanks Ritsuka) but it's not as bad as, say, Of the River and the Sea or literally anything by Kur0Kishi.

so yeah. The first chapter and one or two after it were poorly handled as a start to the story, but if one ignores that it comes into its own somewhat. The technical writing is excellent, as are the details.

Excellent idea to switch perspectives. I really like reading those right now (I'm in the France arc)

"In my delirium, I infused a boulder with the power of a Noble Phantasm and broke it over his head. His response was to remove my Mad Enhancement when he could have ordered me to impale myself on my blade." Lancelot inclined his head.
Perfect Knight, y'all. The Fate version is heavily, heavily tinged by his Berserkerness and his affair, so what made him the Perfect Knight gets left to the wayside a lot in fanfics. Kudos there.
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Everyone that i have seen online talking about Lostbelt pseudo-servants are saying that Patxi and Simo should go well together. Also they seem to like the idea of Gerda as Pseudo-servant Idunn

Gerda as Idunn would be great, ngl.

Dunno, it just seems weird to me? Simo is Finnish, and fought in WW2/Rus-Finnish gainst the USSR/Russia.

Patxi, no matter how you cut it, is Russian.

I'm not saying they'd clash - Simo is documented to be an "orders are orders" guy - but it'll probably be awkward.

Mikhail Surkov - Wikipedia

Ivan Sidorenko - Wikipedia

^You could do one of these guys - lesser known, but also very deadly WW2 snipers of 500+ confirmed kills.

Tho, like hell Nasu would know about them...
A quick turnabout from liking him.
From what I understand part of Joan/Jeanne Alter's issues, flip-flopping attitudes etc are that she is inherently a flawed/impossible existence. She only came about because Gilles wished on the Holy Grail to return Jeanne to him so that they could take vengeance upon France together etc etc. Issue was that no such Jeanne existed due to her natural personality. So the Grail had to improvise by creating whole-cloth an imperfect being with Jeanne's appearance, memories, a mentality that would in thoery go for what Gilles wanted and so on.

End result she is rather messed up when it comes to personality, interacting with others, what she wants out of her 'life' and so on. Tvtropes breaks it down better than I can (search for Jeanne d'Arc).
"Someday, I will be a hero of justice!" There were similar notes to Emiya's voice, but a lighter register. Younger, but not too young.

"A… hero of justice?" I wondered aloud.

Emiya stiffened. "I don't recall telling you about that."
He did, in fact, tell him that. Back at In Which Things Take Shape

Emiya shrugged. "Who can say. I'm so far removed from him that for the longest time all I felt was bitterness for the fool I was. Following an ideal to try and fill some empty space inside. I managed to make some peace when I realized that the ideal had merit, even if the methods taken to reach it were wrong."

"An ideal…?"

"To be a 'Hero of Justice'. It sounds childish, now." Emiya's smile hardened back into his usual smirk.

He did, in fact, tell him that. Back at In Which Things Take Shape

Whoops! I'm usually a little better at continuity than that, thanks for catching it. I'll edit a different detail in for a similar effect.

Edit: Fixed! I put in the last line of Shirou's UBW Aria and had him reference it, and that's something that Archer doesn't use in front of him until later. Thanks again!
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In order...

1. Behold! Two Welfare five-stars and a four-star! This is totally normal, right?

2. Matthew is True Neutral, with some decidedly amoral leanings. Very few things keep him in check, but he is easily influenced by those around him once they manage to endear themselves. Ritsuka is a good influence so far, and having Kadoc and eventually Hinako and Pepe will help. Also I needed to get that bit of backstory out to establish why he would be as brutal as he will be during event 1. Matthew is not a bad person, exactly, but he is not a good person. He is a creature of utter whim that is placid when undisturbed, and willing to unleash a total war when agitated.

What he did to Marisbilly was A Bad Thing, and he shouldn't have done so. Caspan is actually in the right, though it doesn't account for any personal changes he might have undergone in the four years since (this takes place in 2019-2020).
See, this sort of thing is my biggest issue. People act like his grievances are annoying and troublesome as opposed to understandable. Like he's a dog growling at and biting the hand of humans because some (including the one directly and indirectly responsible for it, Marisbilly) tortured and committed heinous acts; it sucks for the dog, but it doesn't make it acceptable. You talk like he's crazy, not like he was abused and those responsible are good people doing good things.

Whoops! I'm usually a little better at continuity than that, thanks for catching it. I'll edit a different detail in for a similar effect.

Edit: Fixed! I put in the last line of Shirou's UBW Aria and had him reference it, and that's something that Archer doesn't use in front of him until later. Thanks again!
Cool, I'll take a look!
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See, this sort of thing is my biggest issue. People act like his grievances are annoying and troublesome as opposed to understandable. Like he's a dog growling at and biting the hand of humans because some (including the one directly and indirectly responsible for it, Marisbilly) tortured and committed heinous acts; it sucks for the dog, but it doesn't make it acceptable. You talk like he's crazy, not like he was abused and those responsible are good people doing good things.
This, this right here! I find it funny how the magus and the other residents of Chaldea are so afraid of him and treat him like what he did was not a natural conclusion of a human snapping after being hurt one too many damm times. I mean, i understand that he tried to use a fisher king's curse on Marysbilli's dick, but if you had been experimented on (and in this fic and canon contest those experiments were brutal and in canon Mash was the only survivor), had a servant jammed onto you that shows you kindness and acts like a mother and then you see the same horrid shit happening to your sister? If anything Marysbilli got off very lightly if not scot free. Furthermore, ok i understand that Magus' worldview is screwed to not see a tortured kid that has been hurt, only a tool....but Chaldea also has normals operating it if memory serves me right and they should have at least acted a lot better to Matt than outright fear.
This, this right here! I find it funny how the magus and the other residents of Chaldea are so afraid of him and treat him like what he did was not a natural conclusion of a human snapping after being hurt one too many damm times. I mean, i understand that he tried to use a fisher king's curse on Marysbilli's dick, but if you had been experimented on (and in this fic and canon contest those experiments were brutal and in canon Mash was the only survivor), had a servant jammed onto you that shows you kindness and acts like a mother and then you see the same horrid shit happening to your sister? If anything Marysbilli got off very lightly if not scot free. Furthermore, ok i understand that Magus' worldview is screwed to not see a tortured kid that has been hurt, only a tool....but Chaldea also has normals operating it if memory serves me right and they should have at least acted a lot better to Matt than outright fear.
And I understand the staff acting like that, and Olga obviously, but Mash? Ritsuka? Romani more than once? Even EMIYA and Arturia a little when he explains his motivations for attacking Marisbilly.
And I understand the staff acting like that, and Olga obviously, but Mash? Ritsuka? Romani more than once? Even EMIYA and Arturia a little when he explains his motivations for attacking Marisbilly.
Ok, i shall play devil's advocate here, even though you are very right, the problem with some of them is that they lack context for Matt's actions. Context is a wonderful thing, helps relate......and i need to re read the entire fic again at least the first chapters because i didn't catch all that....HOW?!
Ok, i shall play devil's advocate here, even though you are very right, the problem with some of them is that they lack context for Matt's actions. Context is a wonderful thing, helps relate......and i need to re read the entire fic again at least the first chapters because i didn't catch all that....HOW?!
Well it's mainly from the first few chapters, and a consequence of no build up. From there, in my view those first chapters color everything that comes after.

One doesn't treat biting back at abusers with exasperation, for example.

Roman gave a wintry chuckle. "I thought you had a whole Epic regarding how you learned not to do that? Or was your friend so worthless that you cast their wisdom aside at first sight of a pretty young thing?"
I gotta admit, I couldn't stop the "OOOOOOOOHHHH-"
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