And I understand the staff acting like that, and Olga obviously, but Mash? Ritsuka? Romani more than once? Even EMIYA and Arturia a little when he explains his motivations for attacking Marisbilly.
Ok, i shall play devil's advocate here, even though you are very right, the problem with some of them is that they lack context for Matt's actions. Context is a wonderful thing, helps relate......and i need to re read the entire fic again at least the first chapters because i didn't catch all that....HOW?!
So like Garreon said, there were a handful of people who had context for Matthew's actions and attitudes. Most of them are dead. Two are in cryo preservation. And then there's Lev and Gut.

Roman had his hands full with Mash, so however much he cared he had little power to do much.

Without context, few people know how bad things were. All they have is Matthew's actions and words, and he isn't quite human. His main upbringing has been as a member of the Fair Folk, and he has a mental state somewhere between that and human.

For Mash, there's a deliberate distance there that is just starting to close as of the last few chapters. Ritsuka very much changes his tune starting the chapter after the one referenced.

Roman gets better the longer the fic goes, I promise that much. There was a lot Marisbilly didn't tell him and he just didn't have access to.
For Mash, there's a deliberate distance there that is just starting to close as of the last few chapters.
Wasn't helped by Matthew constantly worrying if and when the knight in the back of Mash's head would suddenly decide to override her and start trying to decapitate him (again).
This, this right here! I find it funny how the magus and the other residents of Chaldea are so afraid of him and treat him like what he did was not a natural conclusion of a human snapping after being hurt one too many damm times.
The thing is, the vast majority of the magi etc involved in the Demi-servant project didn't (and some still don't) consider him human.*
His creation was similar to that of the homunculi we see in the greater Fate setting. He and Mash are artificial beings created to serve a purpose and nothing more. In their eyes, him snapping and attacking Marisbilly would be akin to a household appliance suddenly trying to kill you because you performed upgrades on it.

*I mean take a look at the 'discussion' Caspan has with Roman on the subject. Guy doesn't even refer to Matthew by his (admittedly self-chosen) name, but by his production number.
"The Servants-"

"Are playing to his tune, because he's just as inhuman as they are! In different ways, but still! I will give you credit to your raising of Mash, but with the crisis surrounding A-Team and Lord Animusphere's desire to seal the record, it seems Da Vinci was unable to keep him in line."
"He was seen with Caster Seven often…" Caspan mused.

Roman didn't twitch. He didn't. "I prefer to call him by his name."

"Noted, but unlike Mash he isn't human-raised. His influences are a genius apart from man and a self-styled Faerie Queen." Caspan regained his composure. "They both started as dolls for Heroic Spirits to inhabit, and while Mash may have evolved further, he went feral."

"Due to mistreatment. Basic psychology would indicate that when presented with detached abuse or a warmer influence, one would tend toward the latter. Marisbilly all but pushed him into Morgan's hands." Roman crossed his arms. "And he never went 'feral', Caspan. If he had, he would have ceded control to Morgan and we would have one of the most dangerous magi in history loose in Chaldea with a grudge."
"Or we could talk the Masters into using Command Seals. Caster Seven is a Servant, and therefore subject to our command." Caspan leaned forward. "They may seem human at first brush, but they are fragments of legends. Memories given form. You don't have a background in Magecraft, Doctor, so let me tell you - whatever they are, they are no longer the humans that walked the Earth."

Roman was torn between tears and laughter. He knew all too well that Servants were capable of genuine emotion, desires, and affection. That said, it was neither the time nor place to make that argument.

'Good' magi made poor Masters for that reason, and those less inclined to the learned sociopathy of magus culture made far better ones. Unless, of course, the 'good' magus took a liking to or was compatible with their Servant- then that turned it all on its head.
"After seeing the success Morgan Le Fay had training Matthew, he decided to try and loosen the restraints on Mash's knight to awaken him and force his powers to the forefront. It was still in the proposal stages because I refused, adamantly. I managed to talk him down due to the fact that it took Morgan influencing Matthew into doing something to force the knight down, and then again to stop him from continuing his attack on Marisbilly." Roman gave a grim smile. "Given the timing, I guess that Matthew heard the rumor and decided to take things into his own hands."

Caspan was silent, eyes narrowed.

"It seems to be a pattern. Prelati managed to injure Cu Chulainn - or so it appeared - and then Matthew unleashed all hell. They're lovers," Roman explained as Caspan wore an utterly befuddled expression. "Though I don't know if it's going to be a good influence either way."

"The point?" Caspan asked.

"My point is that Matthew is viciously overprotective, often to the detriment of himself and others. I can't say that he would have gone through with his attempt on Marisbilly's life and happiness if he hadn't heard what was happening, but it definitely didn't help matters."
Honestly makes me see the possibility of some Chaldea staff member that, while terrified of Matthew; decides that the best bet for survival is to not draw the Fae's attention. So he does his job, doesn't sign the petition (I am not adding my name to that list for when that little monster goes looking for the people that demanded he be put under 'control') keeps his head down and try to be as uninteresting as possible. Because the Fae are flighty critters and if you don't draw any attention, they're less likely to do anything to you.
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I mean, in all honesty I'm enjoying this. I just (and no one is obliged to think like me) had a very bad first impression from the first few chapters, and it colors ALL of their interactions.

I appreciate your calmness in response to my criticism. Others have responded with barbs to such in the past.

Why didn't Matthew just kill Kirei then and there, in the first meeting at the church?
I mean, in all honesty I'm enjoying this. I just (and no one is obliged to think like me) had a very bad first impression from the first few chapters, and it colors ALL of their interactions.

I appreciate your calmness in response to my criticism. Others have responded with barbs to such in the past.

Why didn't Matthew just kill Kirei then and there, in the first meeting at the church?

I mean, I won't lie and say I enjoy having it picked at, but being rude isn't going to do anything but stoke tempers which is counterproductive. Also, it gives me insight in how I can better it going forward, so it's a net gain overall.

At that point, Matthew is dealing with an entire cavalcade of issues. First, FSN!Cu's attempted murder. Second, Shirou holding onto his seals. Third, the sudden revelation that 'Shotaro' is AU Shirou so maybe stabbing him with a refined Fisher King Blade is Bad. He knows Kirei is a pain but doesn't have the context, and isn't in a space to explain it. So there's some barbs, but he doesn't fling himself in a whirlwind of death because he's very off his game.
The next singularity should be interesting. Matthew will no longer be quite the MVP given he lacks the advantages of the last micro-singularity. I don't dislike that, being a top tier is all well and good but there is no such thing as a worthless Servant. And Ritsuka has been sidelined since Matthew got his shit together more and more.

Mozart tossed his headphones onto the ground. "Finally!" he snapped dramatically. "WE! ARE! OUT OF HERE!"

Sanson jabbed him in the kidney with his elbow, winding him.

In moments, the world righted itself, space contracted-

And we all stood in the Summoning Chamber.

"Eh?" Ritsuka stared, frozen with the guitar in his hands. It too vanished in a puff of red glitter.

"Happy Halloween!" Marie cheered. "So what rooms do we get?"

Kadoc collapsed onto the floor, the drumset and seat vanishing as he laughed himself sick.

Artoria opened her jaws, falling to her feet. Immediately she was composed once more. "Welcome to Chaldea. In the absence of our Masters, permit me to guide you around the premises." She said this with all the gravitas permitted by wearing lion pajamas.
There is so much right and hilarious in this.
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To be honest I want to see more Jealous!Mashu, I got hooked on that after that brief talk with Jalter...
I wonder who the next rival will be... please be Melt, she's also a contestant for best girl.
Meh, it's different dimensions in the first case so it doesn't matter. BB might be amused by the Idea.
She may even be amused enough to let Ritsuka call her Auntie BB, also she would get to be the senpai again. We all know how BB is like, she may joke, she may be a bloodthirsty memer and a very scary cheater as well as one of the few characters that belong in the dreaded pedestal of Ultimate Munchkin. But she is also reliable and has a known weakness to cuteness overload, i fear that ritsuka asking auntie BB to help them may end her instead.......besides of Hakunon is here, then Hakuno is as well, and BB can't say no to her beloved senpai......
Wait, now that i think about it.....Ritsuka is related by a technicality, at least spiritually, to all Sakura 5........well that is a scary prospect if they developt Aunt instincts ( those exist btw, i should know, i'm an uncle and my nephew is one of the things i would kill for)
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I was thinking is Kazuradrop a beast candidate? She is canonically the only one of the sakura 5 that doesn't hold hatred for humanity and LOVES them. Her way of expressing that love? She pity's their existence and decides to kill them all equally.
I was thinking is Kazuradrop a beast candidate? She is canonically the only one of the sakura 5 that doesn't hold hatred for humanity and LOVES them. Her way of expressing that love? She pity's their existence and decides to kill them all equally.
..........that sounds like goethia. But naaaaaaah, i cant see it. Kazura drop was created by BB with fragments of other goddesses from the database of the MCA, unless something like fragments of kama, amaterasu, tiamat, the whore of babylon or, heck, even kiara slipped into her.......i cant see it, the one who has fragments of Tiamat is Kingprotea and she is more childish than Beast-y if you get what i mean
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I don't see how a lack of "beast fragments" disqualifies an entity from being a Beast candidate.

BB is all but confirmed to be a Beast herself - and, you know, Kiara became Heaven's Hole by eating Passionlip (who consists of Durga, Brynhildr and Parvati), then getting buffed by Andersen's NP.

There were no Beast fragments, but she still became one. Therefore, it is entirely possible to become a Beast by own merit?

All you need to qualify is a twisted "love" for humanity, Independent Manifestation, plus maybe a plan to take away agency from humans "for their own good" to qualify.
From what I've gathered Independent Manifestation is a skill that can be learned by beast candidates, Merlin is a beast candidate but he didn't have that skill originally, he had to learn it.
From what I've gathered Independent Manifestation is a skill that can be learned by beast candidates, Merlin is a beast candidate but he didn't have that skill originally, he had to learn it.


Here's to my headcanon that Amakusa isn't a Beast only because he doesn't know ins and outs of his Skeleton Key of Magecraft.

Rayshifting is Magecraft, so he probably could make do with it as his Independent Manifestation.

Who knows, maybe he could've stolen a (clear) Greater Grail in one time period, planted it in another, then re-did his Apocrypha plot via a controlled HGW.
I don't see how a lack of "beast fragments" disqualifies an entity from being a Beast candidate.

BB is all but confirmed to be a Beast herself - and, you know, Kiara became Heaven's Hole by eating Passionlip (who consists of Durga, Brynhildr and Parvati), then getting buffed by Andersen's NP.

There were no Beast fragments, but she still became one. Therefore, it is entirely possible to become a Beast by own merit?

All you need to qualify is a twisted "love" for humanity, Independent Manifestation, plus maybe a plan to take away agency from humans "for their own good" to qualify.
Yeah, there is just one problem.......what is her sin then? I mean, yeah the love for humanity is twisted by the sin. In Kazura Drops case she is the Alter Ego of love, differing from the other Alter Egos in that she doesn't hate humans....buuut she holds some doubts over their existence due to how she views it as contradictory. Basically she doesnt have a true love of humanity, Goethia pitied humans and burned the pan human history to get enough energy to launch himself to the past and create a improved version of humanity that would not be shackled by their mortal lives and could truly be "happy".
Tiamat wanted to have her children and nurture them, watch them grow but once they grew up she would turn them back into mud so she could birth them again and love them forever, basically she did not want to have to watch them leave the nest and her love.
Beast 3 is an R/L case, i think nasu just made this one like that just to have an excise to use Mara and not just leave beast 3 as just kiara herself.
Beast 3 is twisted by the sin of Pleasure, and Kama and Mara represent other two sins, being both the extreme opposite of each other.
Kiara sees herself as the only human, to her the rest of us are like insects or animals, so she takes all the love from us to herself.
Also, she absorbed Passionlip because the divine fragments she had, 2 of those belonged to mother Goddesses, and then used Andersen's NP to be reborn as an earth mother goddess but close to a demon.
Kama craves Depravity, giving her love to all of humanity.
Fou bears the sin of Comparison, basically he culls the weak in order for those that prove to be strong to survive.
Beast 5, nothing is known about it
Beast 6 is another R/L, and we only know that thanks to Arthur who came hunting them.
Beast 7 is the Alien god, no idea why though.
Oh, and about BB, Gilgamesh said that she was a New Evil of Humanity, but BB is more like Merlin, she loves Humanity enough to not go Beast on them like one said anything about not messing with them and being the absolute troll.
Angra Mainyu could manifest as an Evil of Humanity, but seeing as his existence is just that of a normal human who was ritualistically sacrificed to shoulder all the evils of humanity he is on the counts doesnt camp....unless his wish of turning into the Evil they called him comes true through the use of Heaven's Feel, then he counts.....but i cant see him as a beast, he doesn't love Humanity at all, it would be just an envision of all the evils of humanity.
Then there is Vitch who wants to supplant Amaterasu as a Beast and her sin is collection............which could be any fate go or gacha game player ever, lets be real hahahahahahahahaha.
Then there is the Beast of Regret, whose name is unknow.....but i would bet my life it is Cain...
And Amaterasu that is an Extant state, she could manifest as a bening beast or as a malignant one
Thing is, Kazura Drop only wants to be the perfect nurse AI and go back to being whole. That is all she wants. She is nice and kind but that's it, she doesn't have a love of humans that a sin twists, she is too perfect for any of that

From what I've gathered Independent Manifestation is a skill that can be learned by beast candidates, Merlin is a beast candidate but he didn't have that skill originally, he had to learn it.
He actually states that he grants himself the skill, this may have to do with his incubus abilities, granting himself Independent Manifestation in his dreams and manifesting his lucid, dreaming, self
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Here's to my headcanon that Amakusa isn't a Beast only because he doesn't know ins and outs of his Skeleton Key of Magecraft.

Rayshifting is Magecraft, so he probably could make do with it as his Independent Manifestation.

Who knows, maybe he could've stolen a (clear) Greater Grail in one time period, planted it in another, then re-did his Apocrypha plot via a controlled HGW.
What did matthew call him again 'a prodigious amateur'? lol, still though think if he comes back in the future he'll be in his shimousa avenger class cause of matthew breaking him?

Matthew: Now I know what you're all thinking but this totally wasn't my fault, hell this is probably an Amakusa from another world like Morgan and Musashi😇

Ritsuka: Then why is he screaming your name like a lunatic?
Here's to my headcanon that Amakusa isn't a Beast only because he doesn't know ins and outs of his Skeleton Key of Magecraft.

Rayshifting is Magecraft, so he probably could make do with it as his Independent Manifestation.

Who knows, maybe he could've stolen a (clear) Greater Grail in one time period, planted it in another, then re-did his Apocrypha plot via a controlled HGW.
Ok, normally all servants have complete knowledge of their noble phantasms.....Astolfo's Casseur de Logistille is an exception due to his Evaporation of Sanity, which makes him forget about the Book's true name until there is a new moon, in that moment he remembers how to use it.
Head cannons are good, and i could see Amakusa as the Beast of Regret, but he knows what his arms do. The left arm allow him to use any Magecraft without having to master it, while the right grants him something similar to Mind of The Eye (False).
Meaning that, yes he could probably use the Rayshift system.....but unless he builds it, something he doesnt how to do, he cant use the Rayshift. The Matrix of Xanadu lets him use almost any kind of magecraft, but he doesn't know how to build it, nor the arm contains a library of magecraft or a connection to the root.

Also, Independent Manifestation is a skill granted to the Beast Saint Graph. It cannot be learned, although a Beast's independent manifestation is OP, the IM that belongs to the Archer Saint Graph only lets a servant stay manifested in the world for a time without a master, beast's IM can be used to manifest anywhere in time or least that is what Merlin said

What did matthew call him again 'a prodigious amateur'? lol, still though think if he comes back in the future he'll be in his shimousa avenger class cause of matthew breaking him?
It would be more appropriate to call him a Prodigious Cheater
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...sigh. Your post seems really unhinged. I... mostly parsed what you were telling me, but it was annoying to read.

Well, yes. The facts you stated are mostly correct (though the wall of text describing other Beasts was unnecessary).

Also, there is no reason to believe that the Sins must be the same for every given Beast position.

Kazuradrop was planned as a "sensible/not dangerous" Alter Ego for CCC. Thus, her baseline/Materials self is benign.

However, when people speak of Kazuradrop as a Beast candidate, they mostly refer to her Foxtail incarnation, who is batshit insane, and deems humans to be "bugs" she needs to "purify" to become pure/perfect.

So, I'd say that her sin is "Perfection" - desire of everyone and everything to be of exact specification and loathing of those that aren't. "I love humans! Unless they're not following rules, so I, as a nurse, should fix that with my Insect Eater".

Granted, that's my headcanon, but who knows. Blinktwice already stated to have "toddlers" running as Beasts, so maybe we'll see her.

Ok, normally all servants have complete knowledge of their noble phantasms.....Astolfo's Casseur de Logistille is an exception due to his Evaporation of Sanity, which makes him forget about the Book's true name until there is a new moon, in that moment he remembers how to use it.
Head cannons are good, and i could see Amakusa as the Beast of Regret, but he knows what his arms do. The left arm allow him to use any Magecraft without having to master it, while the right grants him something similar to Mind of The Eye (False).
Meaning that, yes he could probably use the Rayshift system.....but unless he builds it, something he doesnt how to do, he cant use the Rayshift. The Matrix of Xanadu lets him use almost any kind of magecraft, but he doesn't know how to build it, nor the arm contains a library of magecraft or a connection to the root.

Also, Independent Manifestation is a skill granted to the Beast Saint Graph. It cannot be learned, although a Beast's independent manifestation is OP, the IM that belongs to the Archer Saint Graph only lets a servant stay manifested in the world for a time without a master, beast's IM can be used to manifest anywhere in time or least that is what Merlin said

Reyshift is Magecraft. It's just the puny humans need a lot of crutches to make sure they don't go "poof" in the process. Servants are a lot sturdier, and some of them already travel Singularities.

Come to think of it, there was an Avenger Amakusa who jumped worlds on his own, so that guy might already have IM. It was described as similar to Musashi's Rayshift-like travel, and she is a mobile Singularity...

IM is NOT an Archer class skill. Independent Action is.

A Skill is usually a denomination of a Servant's ability, and can be different in execution despite having the same name. I don't see how a Skill can't be learned/earned - remember the Skill Interludes we do in FGO.

Basically, if Amakusa cracks Reyshifting, then he has a type of Independent Manifestation.
So for the Beasts I have planned (and at least one I'm leaving to decide later), the sins are as follows:

1. Pity
2. Collection
3. Obsession
4. Comparison
5. Conquest/Domination
6. (Whatever fits 666)
7. Still Thinking About It

So from that, you can tell which canon ones I'm using and what is probably new. Also 6 is just 666 because Manaka's here, so of course it is too.

Full disclosure: Who/What 7 will be and the extent of its role will depend on further FGO reveals, and I won't need to cement it until Camelot at the earliest. So expect me to waffle.

As of right now, though, the Alien God is mostly On Hold.
How much of Gilgamesh not disrupting the deactivation of part of his Gate's functions was him not caring enough to do it (and between his sight and what he could get from the Gate we all know he could) and other Servants insuring he didn't try?

It's hard to tell with only Lancer actively doing anything on-screen. Artoria just and Medusa just provided emotional support, but according to Mash his actions garnered him a poor reputation among the Serva
How much of Gilgamesh not disrupting the deactivation of part of his Gate's functions was him not caring enough to do it (and between his sight and what he could get from the Gate we all know he could) and other Servants insuring he didn't try?

It's hard to tell with only Lancer actively doing anything on-screen. Artoria just and Medusa just provided emotional support, but according to Mash his actions garnered him a poor reputation among the Serva

I'd say 95% the former and 5% the latter. He's amused and intrigued enough that he'll leave the protections intact, and he also approves of blocking Goetia's sight. It helps that he has access to his creature comforts and other luxuries.

He doesn't engage with most of the other Servants and they don't deal with him. Thus far his main interactions are with Roman and Matthew. He doesn't see a point in engaging with them, though he's going to start taking an interest in Ritsuka at least.

It's accurate to say people tolerate Gilgamesh, but that only goes for as long as he behaves.

Nothing has happened to really stoke his ire yet (not even the net), and he's content to poke and prod at his objects of interest and see their reactions.

Well, he'd blast Roman off the face of the planet in a heartbeat, but he's still needed. That's the one exception.