I recall that Goku changes gender like other people change their socks.
and doesn't his female form look a lot like Gudako?
Is his male form a Ritsuka-Face?
Will Mash now dream of her own Ritsuka-Harem?

...I will keep the genderswaps in mind. Would that count as genderfluidity? Much to think about.

To be honest, I hadn't thought about it. He could be a Ritsukaface but with black eyes instead of blue. Maybe. And if Mash is attracted to him now, she won't be before long.

An absolute catch until he opens his mouth. That's Sun Wukong.
Hmm black eyes would be cute but aren't Sun's eye's normally either red or gold? Meh artistic license but still that aside Sun Wukong looking like Ritsuka is a wonderfully amusing idea and it's not like there isn't plenty of precedent with others.
Hmm black eyes would be cute but aren't Sun's eye's normally either red or gold? Meh artistic license but still that aside Sun Wukong looking like Ritsuka is a wonderfully amusing idea and it's not like there isn't plenty of precedent with others.

I can go with red, then. I haven't described him that in depth in fic so it's not like it's set in stone yet.

And I'm going to assume it's because Sanzang mistook him for Wukong during the original event is why he's close to a Ritsuka face. At least that's what I recall... it's been a while.
I can go with red, then. I haven't described him that in depth in fic so it's not like it's set in stone yet.

And I'm going to assume it's because Sanzang mistook him for Wukong during the original event is why he's close to a Ritsuka face. At least that's what I recall... it's been a while.

Cool though if you want to go with black still feel free I just brought it up because of what I've heard of the original journey to the west along with what they did with Ergo and his eye's.

Though red would make it a bit easier to tell him apart from Ritsuka and even Charlemagne.
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...I will keep the genderswaps in mind. Would that count as genderfluidity? Much to think about.

given that Sun Wukong was supposedly born from the Earth/a great Rock, he might not have a real gender identity and only adapts on a whim or to mess with people. Like a kid that doesn't understand the topic.

To be honest, I hadn't thought about it. He could be a Ritsukaface but with black eyes instead of blue. Maybe. And if Mash is attracted to him now, she won't be before long.

Not attracted, but it could cause Mash have a dream of a dream of a Ritsuka-Harem :D
If only because of hormones.

An absolute catch until he opens his mouth. That's Sun Wukong.

say would Sun Wukong be weak to Children?
And would Asako shamelessly exploit that weakness to make him her toy?
Amendment to 'In Which A New Headache Appears'
Apologies for the double post, but the following is also incorporated in the latest chapter. Those who have already read it, I'll just place this here:

EDIT, 5/11/2021: I decided to remove the bit where Gaheris had a crush on Kay. While it was interesting (to me) while I wrote it, there's just not enough room to unpack that with the respect it deserves. Tackling Middle Ages homophobia and compulsory heterosexuality and whatnot is a bit beyond the purview of this fic beyond a one-off joke. Not to say certain issues in history won't be addressed with due consideration, but that particular plot point is dropped.

I haven't edited something so extensively for a while, so not sure of the etiquette for announcing it. Hence post.
Apologies for the double post, but the following is also incorporated in the latest chapter. Those who have already read it, I'll just place this here:

EDIT, 5/11/2021: I decided to remove the bit where Gaheris had a crush on Kay. While it was interesting (to me) while I wrote it, there's just not enough room to unpack that with the respect it deserves. Tackling Middle Ages homophobia and compulsory heterosexuality and whatnot is a bit beyond the purview of this fic beyond a one-off joke. Not to say certain issues in history won't be addressed with due consideration, but that particular plot point is dropped.

I haven't edited something so extensively for a while, so not sure of the etiquette for announcing it. Hence post.
Honestly, I think you're overthinking it personally, at least as a one-off joke. If it was going to be a thing, I kind of understand, though I would have simply have never brought it up again if I decided to not mention it again. It wasn't that intrusive. Admittedly, I thought you were referring to Gawain's non-Mordred sister; I can never tell their names apart.
Honestly, I think you're overthinking it personally, at least as a one-off joke. If it was going to be a thing, I kind of understand, though I would have simply have never brought it up again if I decided to not mention it again. It wasn't that intrusive. Admittedly, I thought you were referring to Gawain's non-Mordred sister; I can never tell their names apart.

I was planning on making it a thing given I plan to have a few extra Knights around, but I have too many plates spinning right now both with the main plot and side-plots with specific Singularities to do it justice. This is me snipping it out before I bite off more than I can chew, narratively speaking.
I was planning on making it a thing given I plan to have a few extra Knights around, but I have too many plates spinning right now both with the main plot and side-plots with specific Singularities to do it justice. This is me snipping it out before I bite off more than I can chew, narratively speaking
Considering we are getting at least 1 more Knight of the Round in this next Lostbelt, you may have one of those extra Knights already developed, so that is less work for you.
Btw did you get Gray?
I was planning on making it a thing given I plan to have a few extra Knights around, but I have too many plates spinning right now both with the main plot and side-plots with specific Singularities to do it justice. This is me snipping it out before I bite off more than I can chew, narratively speaking.

I kind of agree I think your overthinking it you don't have to do anything with it plus it was a very nice bonding moment between Gawain, Matthew, and Mash.

"Edit" Plus this is just my opinion but after rereading the edited bit I think it's just not as good as the old it just lacks the cute family bonding the original had.
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Considering we are getting at least 1 more Knight of the Round in this next Lostbelt, you may have one of those extra Knights already developed, so that is less work for you.
Btw did you get Gray?

That'll be interesting. And yep, NP5 Gray! Still need to clear shop though.

I kind of agree I think your overthinking it you don't have to do anything with it plus it was a very nice bonding moment between Gawain, Matthew, and Mash.

"Edit" Plus this is just my opinion but after rereading the edited bit I think it's just not as good as the old it just lacks the cute family bonding the original had.
Hm. I'll go over it a few times tonight when I'm off the clock and see if I can't polish it some more. I do intend to include Gaheris in Camelot, and Kay has a role as well, so dealing with all of it would have been tricky. Narratively it was One More Thing to keep track of, and Camelot/Jerusalem is already going to be insanely busy.
Hm. I'll go over it a few times tonight when I'm off the clock and see if I can't polish it some more. I do intend to include Gaheris in Camelot, and Kay has a role as well, so dealing with all of it would have been tricky. Narratively it was One More Thing to keep track of, and Camelot/Jerusalem is already going to be insanely busy.

I hope it goes well though I still think the original was the best it felt like in the original I could just imagine Gawain talking warmly and a bit nostalgically sharing a fond memory with is little siblings while with the new bit it just feels like he's commenting absently or nonchalantly it just doesn't have that closeness from the first.

Hmm well for the Camelot/Jerusalem bit you could just have Gaheris be over his crush on Kay? I mean people do move on plus even if Gaheris isn't crushing on Kay anymore he could still consider him fondly and care about him.

Maybe you could post the original version separately? That way it can still be viewed.
Who knows. Maybe what Mash dreams of with her senpai is a white picket fence, 2.5 children and an overall setting that is so wholesome and sweet it causes tooth decay at 100 paces and spontaneous diabetes at 25.

that sounds like canon!Mash
not sure if the Mash in this story goes the same route, she has some competition. AND Mattheus' influence.
By the way on a different note if you don't mind me asking will Gawain be taken by Sanzang? Because I think I remember it being mentioned that he was fond of her in the Camelot singularity?
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By the way on a different note if you don't mind me asking will Gawain be taken by Sanzang? Because I think I remember it being mentioned that he was fond of her in the Camelot singularity?

I hadn't considered it, but I won't put it off the table. We'll see what happens.
I hadn't considered it, but I won't put it off the table. We'll see what happens.

Cool also I meant to post this yesterday but things happened anyway it was really neat the way you brought Hinako back even looking at the story outline it never occurred to me you might bring her back like this. I also have to ask was it on purpose or just a coincidence that the members of team A that have been revived so far have been in the same order as their lost belts?
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It's mostly intentional. Pepe is a touch later because America has Karna, Rama, and Arjuna, but otherwise it's more who fits where the best.

Hinako is the odd one out because the Singularity I intend to deploy her to is London.