Yes. And that's before we even touch the ball of issues that is Mordred.
I imagine that Matthew and Morgan will put her into the niece/cousin slot while purposely not bringing up/ignoring how she came about. She's Artoria's daughter child (Nasu Mordred doesn't like being refereed to as a girl/female if I remember right) and that's it.

Though they'll still need an ice-breaker to get Mordred to relax.....Matthew! Turn into a catboy again.
You skipped the part where she was summoned, but Emiya is still there.
She? No, this is Harem Protagonist EX Counter Guardian EMIYA. As in, is male. Also, he got summoned in the first Singularity.

It's certainly been longer then a day fam.
Not really. They got to hunt a chimera, cooked the parts Matthew didn't claim, fished, fucked like they usually do, fell asleep, and now Singularity event. I could do the stuff that doesn't involve a mystical creature in about four to six hours before the sleep. Granted, I would wind up with about five to ten fish due to my own fishing luck, but the point still stands.
So for Priest of Eresh's bit, I think l they meant that Beni-Enma hadn't been summoned but EMIYA had, making him the trainer for chef boot camp.

For the latter, there was a two-week time skip between the end of Septem and the chapter preceding the camping trip. It was referenced when discussing how Gil's armor got fixed. Now, it's still not a massive amount of time but it is downtime between missions.

I didn't want to do a lot of between chapters because of Mash's condition and I wanted the one arc she isn't involved in to occur near-immediately after.

As for the constant conflict, that's part and parcel of having a deadline for 12/31/2020 (in-story). That much hasn't changed from canon, though the dates have. I'm going to have breather episodes and not-war sequences as a matter of course, but after a chapter or three I get restless because the story drags.
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War for mankind's evolution?

Pfft what load of bullshit If that doctor/A.I bothered to do his research he would realize thats not the case at all.

It would only stagnate the process of humanity.

Sorry I am just pissed off at that logic.
War for mankind's evolution?

Pfft what load of bullshit If that doctor/A.I bothered to do his research he would realize thats not the case at all.

It would only stagnate the process of humanity.

Sorry I am just pissed off at that logic.

In all fairness, neither Twice the person nor Twice the NPC were the picture of human mental health. That said, I very much agree: it's a rationalized philosophy.

Per Wikipedia:

In psychology and logic, rationalization or rationalisation is a defense mechanism in which controversial behaviors or feelings are justified and explained in a seemingly rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable—or even admirable and superior—by plausible means.

And per the dictionary (via google):

Rationalize: attempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate.

This is the main reason I chose Astaroth as the Demon Pillar for this event; while Twice is not lazy or vain he is very much a victim of trying to rationalize war beyond a conflict for needs or at the whims of those in power. He needed a greater meaning for it, so he gave it one himself. Astaroth is the best option to prey on that mentality - as I showed him coddling Twice's ideals and coaxing him further along the chosen path.

There will be another scene or two regarding that, though I will admit to having more interest addressing what happened with BB and the Sakura Five, reuniting Hakuno with her waifus, and Good!Kiara. Also Matthew getting adopted by Gawain, and the Chaldea gang making new friends, and EXTRA!Rin meeting Ritsuka...

There's a lot on the table! 😅
There will be another scene or two regarding that, though I will admit to having more interest addressing what happened with BB and the Sakura Five, reuniting Hakuno with her waifus, and Good!Kiara. Also Matthew getting adopted by Gawain, and the Chaldea gang making new friends, and EXTRA!Rin meeting Ritsuka...
I can hear Xuanzang's nerd scream of joy in the distance.
Speaking of the Sakuras......will we be seeing Violet alive? And will Kingprotea imprint on Mattie boy? Oh god, please dont let Matthew be subjected to his Older Brother's cooking
I will reiterate: people Will Not Like what I did with some of the Sakura Five. I've laid the groundwork to hint at it through Septem and the end of the last chapter.

Even before Hakuno got broken out by BB, the Moon Cell was Having a Time because a certain yandere saw shinies she could make use of.
I will reiterate: people Will Not Like what I did with some of the Sakura Five. I've laid the groundwork to hint at it through Septem and the end of the last chapter.

Even before Hakuno got broken out by BB, the Moon Cell was Having a Time because a certain yandere saw shinies she could make use of.
........of fucking course Kazuradrop would fuck up
Since this thread has not been active for all of 2 days, have some of the LB3 intro's greatest hits.
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My LB6 Headcanon is that the one who drank Dragons Blood wasn't was Uther.

That would really throw a spanner in the works.

Also I just want PHH Vortigern to be summoned in the Camelot Singularity.
While the events of the upcoming Pseudo-Singularity are no doubt troubling, I'm more worried about the potential upcoming train-wreck caused by Morgan's help.

Because from what I understand Fou (one of the Beasts that can destroy humanity) is judging said species based on the actions, behaviors, morality etc of Mash and Ritsuka. But Morgan is ensuring that her power leaks into Mash (and presumably Ritsuka) causing changes. Her new E-ranked Hybrid skill (which I presume is the equivalent to Mixed Blood) indicates she's shifting away from 'conventional' humanity and said stat is probably only going to increase given Morgan's mention of granting her Galahad's boons along with 'a new gift or two'.

Of course then there is this lovely little bit:
Even Scathach had facilitated Mash's development into a Perfect Knight, which would continue with or without Galahad. It would be up to Mash to hold onto her humanity - her and Ritsuka Tohsaka.
If the forefront representatives/defenders of humanity against the Singularities and Goetia have the potential to slip into an inhuman mentality/outlook, yeah problems all around.
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It's been a while, so I'll just ask some silly questions:

Is Big Hans set to appear anywhere? For that matter, how is Summer going to work? Will there be multiple seasonal events, or will you just pick only one Christmas, one Halloween, etc.
It's been a while, so I'll just ask some silly questions:

Is Big Hans set to appear anywhere? For that matter, how is Summer going to work? Will there be multiple seasonal events, or will you just pick only one Christmas, one Halloween, etc.

Well, I'm hard at work writing the next chapter and I think it'll be ready by this weekend. But to answer your questions...

There will be one more Halloween and two Christmases. I might crib some details, but it's dependent on who I've had show up and what gets written (non-serious events tend to be fairly unplanned).

I'll have an original Summer Event with equal-opportunity swimsuits (though jury's out on modifying Saint Graphs). It will be non-serious, but probably two to three chapters - maybe. It's a ways off given it's between America and Camelot (which will both be intense for different reasons).

I have not considered Grown Hans, but I might have him show up somehow.
I swear to god I'm not psychic. I'm really not. I know in my heart of hearts that nothing from my story will be in LB6 but the name alone makes me so happy.
Of course this means you have the excuse to include some moments of Matthew's Morgan wanting to kidnap Artoria and Mordred to take home and cuddle forever.

Followed by Mash making a comment about seeing where Matthew gets it from. He then reachs over and pokes the now-pointed ears she's gained due to slowly-but-surely ranking up Hybrid skill.
"You don't get to dodge the family quirks that easy sis."
So, supposedly the voice lines for Grand Saber have been datamined at some point, and guess who's the VA?
If you guessed Ayako Kawasumi, you'd be correct! Which means that the likeliest candidate for the role of Grand Saber in FGO is none other than the very first Saber, Artoria! Who better to fill the Station of the Crown than the wielder of the Sword that Saves the World, after all?