Do you know who I'm hoping for in fgo heroic spirit Maui I mean he can fit as a rider with his Waka his jaw bone and his net so see if you can fit him in there
Also, I guess the FATE system is altering the masters to be beyond their normal selves? Guess that'd explain how Ritsuka gets so good at running in the latter half of Part 1 and Part 2.
Which is probably going to be terrifying when they really sit down to think about it. Becasue if/when the Mage's Assoication hears about this after the Singularities are resolved, there are going to be some very pointed, potentially 'Sealing Designation' style cross-hairs aimed at Ritsuka, his sister and the rest of the FATE system users.

Because from the sounds of it, Ritsuka's circuits are heading towards 'I can handle Avalon's mana' territory. Which is downright impossible for modern-day humans while any sort of circuit expansion tends to require the insanity that they put Mash, Matthew and their many, many 'siblings' through. And not only is what's happening to him far better in terms of results, it's practically harmless to him.
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Also, I guess the FATE system is altering the masters to be beyond their normal selves? Guess that'd explain how Ritsuka gets so good at running in the latter half of Part 1 and Part 2.
Well then, Wodime is gonna pick up some stuff from Caenis that will be interesting in the Chinese sense of the which I mean an indirect connection to Poseidon through Caenis's Divine Core of the Sea God and Favor of the Sea God (and also Monstrous Strength).

Also if Daybit's Grand Berserker turns out to be Huitzilopotchli then that will be fun in the Dwarf Fortress sense of the word.
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Psst. @Blinktwice13. You can't just leave poor Kingprotea all alone in cyberspace, but she's a bit too big to fit in Chaldea... any plans?

Let's say I have similar plans for her and Violet as Kazuradrop. Again, people will probably Not Like It, especially if they like those characters.

Also, I'll take the 'X scene overstays its welcome' critique into consideration when writing future chapters, thanks for the feedback @cupcakedrinker and @EVA-Saiyajin! It'll probably mean shorter chapters overall for some filler, but that's probably for the best.

Also Re: LaVoisin: someone pointed out Marie was the most likely to befriend her out of the France Servants many, many pages back. Don't think there won't be some Conflict from other French Servants or Atalanta when she finally shows up. Probably a scene or two next chapter regarding the former.
Well then, Wodime is gonna pick up some stuff from Caenis that will be interesting in the Chinese sense of the which I mean an indirect connection to Poseidon through Caenis's Divine Core of the Sea God and Favor of the Sea God (and also Monstrous Strength).
The most logical (coolest) outcome I can think of for this is 'haha anima animusphere go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-'. Somehow. :V
To be honest, Babylonia would be the closest to the circumstances needed for that (and even then it's dicey).

As an aside, I've decided to give the Demon Pillars a little more personality (at least the Singularity/Event leads), if only because the Ars Goetia has some insane design potential and letting them all be pillars feels like a waste.
To be honest, Babylonia would be the closest to the circumstances needed for that (and even then it's dicey).

Yup. The Sumerians didn't attribute nearly the same level of Mystery to the stars that the Greeks did, and the Age of Gods has been in decline for about 9500 years by the time of the Seventh Singularity. Wodime's Animusphere magecraft, while undeniably more powerful than in the present, wouldn't be nearly at the level demonstrated in the Fifth Lostbelt. So he'd need one heck of a boost to use Grand Order/Anima Animusphere, and it'd probably be one-time only. Like, he'd need to spend all three of his Command Spells on himself at once to use it, and the others would have to buy time while he charges it with the full ten-count aria.
Yup. The Sumerians didn't attribute nearly the same level of Mystery to the stars that the Greeks did, and the Age of Gods has been in decline for about 9500 years by the time of the Seventh Singularity. Wodime's Animusphere magecraft, while undeniably more powerful than in the present, wouldn't be nearly at the level demonstrated in the Fifth Lostbelt. So he'd need one heck of a boost to use Grand Order/Anima Animusphere, and it'd probably be one-time only. Like, he'd need to spend all three of his Command Spells on himself at once to use it, and the others would have to buy time while he charges it with the full ten-count aria.
Doesn't Olga use it in case files but massively nerfed? If so even if the age of the gods is in decline in babylonia it should still be ridiculous in what it can do.

Maybe not oneshot the full powered olympians that kirsch can do in LB5, but still very op and thats not including what mutations his connection to caenis via FATE will cause.
Hmm. @Blinktwice13, I've got a suggestion for OG Servants you could include at some point; the rest of the Nine Worthies. So far Fate has six of them: Hektor, Caesar, Iskandar, David, Arthur and Charlie. That still leaves three unaccounted for: Joshua, Judah Maccabee, and Godfrey of Bouillon.
I'm not even surprised that Hannibal is a girl.

Nope. Fate/Requiem had Hannibal as a man. Class unknown, but presumably a Rider.

Hannibal is a muscular middle-aged man with a lush beard and stout, hairy arms. He is dressed in traditional battle garments and has a sheathed blade at his belt.

Outside of combat Hannibal seems like a completely different person. In his casual clothes he is dressed as if he were at a resort, in a short-sleeved safari shirt and shorts. He has round-framed glasses that give off an intellectual air, contrasting the rest of his outfit.
I'm not even surprised that Hannibal is a girl. Mash Alter seems interesting, wonder what circumstance turn her into that.
Well here's the translation of the text that I've managed to find:
Mashu Kyrielight (Alter)
Class: Shielder (normally disguised as Avenger)
True Name: Galahad
Gender: Female
Work of Origin: Fate Grand/Order
Region: Grand Time Temple/Chaldea
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Height: 158cm
Weight: 46kg

Strength: B
Endurance: B+
Agility: C
Mana: B
Luck: E-
Noble Phantasm: A++

Creator: Hashimoto(?) Shinobu
Artist: lack
Assumed VA: Taneda Risa
Main Work: Grand Order/Alternative

Class Skills
Magic Resistance: A
No matter what kind of grand magecraft, anything below A rank will be nullified. This is a remnant of the Skill she possessed as Shielder.

Independent Action: A++
The ability to act without a Master.
Her Saint Graph was remodelled and strengthened by Demon King Goetia to serve as a self-regulating falsification machine(?), granting her this special skill.
(Presumably this is related to her class being disguised as Avenger?)

Personal Skills
Mentality Investigation: A
A Skill that lets her discern a target's mental weaknesses, then materialize them with her Noble Phantasm and crush them.
Because she herself is continuously running from her own weakness, she is specialized at seeing through others and accurately piercing their mental weak spots.
She believes this is an effect of her Noble Phantasm, but it is actually a result of her innate ability (this is the reason for her differing behaviour during Noble Phantasm invocation, compared to Shielder Mashu).
Gameplay: one enemy is afflicted by the [Weak to Longinus] debuff.

Cursed Blood Stigmata: C+
A special ability - curse - based on the legends of the Holy Spear Longinus.
Wounds inflicted by Longinus are extremely painful, and can only be healed by blood poured from the spear's tip.
In Arthurian legend, the Sir Balin inflicted a wound on the Fisher King's thigh with the lance, and it is said that it continued to pain him, unhealed, until Galahad's visit.
Gameplay: apply [Inflict Curse on attack] to self (3 turns) and inflict Buster Down to one enemy.

Yearning at the Moment of Death: B+
She realized her feelings just as the person she loved most was about to die.
The fact that it was too late at that point was something that drew the innocent girl named Mashu Kyrielight down a path of blood-soaked sin.
"Until Senpai lives once more, I will never give up..."
Until the recreation of the planet is complete, she will display her indomitable will, and continue to look away from her own mistakes.
This skill is the sublimation of her drive/obsession.
When her desire has been fulfilled, she will surely find the courage to end her own life.
Effect: apply Buster Up + Attack Up + Guts to self, apply Defence Down + Debuff Resist Down + Stun (1 turn delay) to self (demerit).
Seems that she saw Senpai die, broke and Goetia snatched her up to 'remodel'.
In Which Cu Chulainn Has a Lovely Camping Trip
A/N: This might as well be "Mood Whiplash: The Chapter". I swing back and forth between a fluffy camping trip and Actual Plot, with a bit of Chaldea Shenanigans for good measure. And then the ending has a sharp tonal shift as well. Tried to cut anything that felt it rambled too long, let me know if it worked!

Minor Content Warnings: Darkly Humorous opening, and one scene that is very much post-coital cuddling. Nothing graphic or anything (depicted or thought/said, folks are at least partly clothed), but Cu does get a little Horny On Main in his head. Mostly fluff. Starts with "Cu let out a content sigh" and continues through the end of the scene so skip if implied offscreen M/M/F/F foursomes aren't your jam.
It ran.

Paws pounding the dirt under its feet, its mouths gasping for air as it tore through foliage without care for stealth. The goat's head lolled on its snapped neck, having been gripped in vice-like thighs and twisted past the breaking point. The snake drooled blood, one of its fangs missing from inquisitive and greedy hands tearing it out while ignoring its poison. The lion relied on its ears and nose to guide it away, lumbering on three paws. A flash of red had sundered it's front left tendons, and twin streaks of silver had removed one of its eyes.

"I swear on, on, on Morgan that you better not take the other eyes out! Or teeth! Or bones, or claws! I! WANT! THOSE! VENOM! SACS!"

The chimera yowled in abject terror, pouring on the speed of desperation as it saw a flicker of blue out of the goat's eyes.

"Diiiiinnerrrrr! Come baaaack!"

Dirt stung as it seeped into its wounds.

"I'll kill you kindly."

The chimera toppled to the ground as great force slammed into its back, pinning it to the earth.


"You don't need the muscle, do you Matty?"


The chimera's last thoughts as the spear ruptured its remaining undamaged brain were that it had looked like such a promising hunt before. There were only humans until these maniacs showed up!

Musashi gave Cu Chulainn a dour look as she cleaned her blades.

"What?" He raised his eyebrows at her, continuing to carve meat and setting it into a pot they'd procured from some locals as thanks.

"That wasn't nearly enough of a fight," she grumbled. "I thought I'd get to bring home the bacon this time."

He smirked. "Well, you did slow it down by taking the eye out. Nicely done, it was moving pretty fast once Matty got his mitts on the tail."

"...heh." Musashi's expression cracked into a grin. "You know- he's such a cute little imp, then he goes absolutely psycho for the weirdest things."

"Casters. Give them materials to play with and everything's on the table," Cu replied knowingly.

"Mm. Too bad we didn't bring any booze, then we could have some real fun," Musashi mused.

"I can hold my liquor. Dunno about Medusa, but she's tall enough she could do a glass or two." Cu Chulainn gave Musashi a knowing look. "But Matty? Really?"

Cu watched as she considered it. "Hehe. Poor guy would probably get utterly shitfaced. Could be cute if he's a happy or cuddly drunk."

The two worked in silence for a few moments.

The glen they'd staked out gleamed with an otherworldly light. The grass was long, soft, and clean, somehow not irritating skin when brushed. The trees gleamed with runes, forming a thin canopy overhead with branch and leaf that would let in sun-and-starlight but keep out rain and other ill weather.

Cu Chulainn sighed, dumping the last of the procured meat in. "Now to wait on Medusa and Matty to bring back some plants and we're good. Too bad we couldn't bring Archer's spice rack with us." He smirked. "Though that would have given the bastard a coronary."

"Don't you two get along now?" Musashi asked.

"Nah. I just keep my mouth shut, and since Shotaro lacks context he doesn't start shit in front of him. Wants to be a cool big brother, I think." Cu snickered. "Even if Shotaro's got like a decade on him." He stood up. "Ah. Now to get that fishing rod in order!"

Musashi sighed. "Well what am I supposed to do?"

Cu shrugged. "I could teach you to fish. I was planning on teaching Matthew when he gets back." He thought. "Don't see Medusa having an interest, though. She'd probably spear some with her chains and call it a day."

"Which is why I brought a book," the woman in question noted as she dragged a grinning Matthew behind her into the clearing.

"Hey guys! Medusa showed me how to mark the materials for a proper Rayshift! They had enough magical energy that we could do that, and it's not like the replication engines could handle stuff like that anyway!" Matthew preened. "We got. So many chimera bits…"

"You said something about fishing?" Musashi asked, eyelid twitching.

Cu stood up, wiping his hands before frowning at the remaining blood. "Hrm. Oi, Matthew?"

A flicker of gold, and even the dried blood flaked away and into the air, vanishing.

"Convenient," Medusa remarked.

"Oh, I just broke it down into a mist and sent it away through the air. Some predator's getting a high somewhere and not knowing why." Matthew shrugged. "Poor thing."

"Right!" Cu clapped his hands. "So I need four branches, something to act as string, and some lures."

"We're gonna make things?" Matthew began to vibrate with excitement.

"Not qui-" Cu Chulainn began.

"I've never camped before! Or been somewhere that wasn't totally falling apart! And we got to beat the crap out of a chimera, and now we're gonna fish-!" Matthew babbled, eyes glittering.

Musashi clocked him gently over the head with a sheathed sword. "Cool it, short stack. Fishing with a rod isn't that exciting."

"It's more calming than anything," Cu Chulainn pointed out as he walked over, Matthew gingerly rubbing his head with a sheepish look.

"I mean, it's still new. And I'm not that much shorter than you anyways!" Matthew snapped playfully, rounding on Musashi.

The relationships between the four of them varied, Cu Chulainn mused to himself.

Musashi was a fellow warrior, and they shared a mutual respect and admiration for each others' skills. She was closer to Matthew, and to Medusa by far- but they enjoyed each others' company and were always up for a good tumble. He got the feeling they'd bond more if they could find some good booze in Chaldea. With Matthew they socialized as peers, indulging in more modern past-times such as movies and whatnot. Medusa...

Medusa doted on Musashi and Matthew. Cu Chulainn got the impression that she definitely preferred women, and their initial arrangement had been more about scratching an itch. Well, he was good enough to get a more long-term role than that so it ultimately benefit both of them. Over time, a calm friendship and mutual appreciation had grown. With Musashi, Medusa was charmed by her brash nature and how easy she was to fluster. It wouldn't surprise Cu if she was Medusa's favorite. Matthew would be close behind, if only for his wholehearted acceptance. Even if he was of age, he was still something of a brat but… a lovable one. And he was willing to help her without questions and had no preconceptions based on her past. With that, it was easy to see how he'd charm her.

And between the two of them it was simultaneously simple and complex. Simple, in that neither really asked for much. Both enjoyed tactile affection, Cu Chulainn was relied upon for matters of protection and the heart, and Matthew guarded his back in battle. It wasn't that cut and dry thanks to Matthew's issues, and Cu had the feeling if he divulged some of his more complex thoughts Matthew would desperately muddle through to reciprocate what Cu had given him. The kid was inexperienced, but not unintelligent. Cu was happy to protect him, and to rely on him. That was part of why he enjoyed letting him heal him after bouts, so he was able to feel the happiness of looking after his partner. Though they could share in hobbies a bit more. Thoughts for the future...

"Hey Blue!"

Cu Chulainn blinked, looking up. "Ah? Me?"

"Yeah, you were lost in thought, there. Also, Blue! It's a good nickname, right? Nobody took it?" Matthew's eyes gleamed hopefully.

After a moment, Cu Chulainn grinned. "No they haven't, Matty. Though I wonder what it means for the younger Shirou Emiya that he's 'Red' and I'm 'Blue'. Do we need to worry about adding him and the young miss-?"

Matthew puffed up indignantly while Musashi snickered into her hands. Medusa sighed through her nose with an indulgent shake of her head.


"Fine, fine! Worth an ask. So, ready to learn how to make a fishing rod by hand? Think the materials are all around here…"

And from the amused looks on the ladies' faces and the return of Matthew's excited expression, Cu Chulainn could tell that all slights were forgiven.

Mash crossed her arms under her chest, nervous. "So what does it mean?"

Da Vinci looked up from the tablet she held, smile nowhere in sight. "According to the database the FATE system provides referring to each linked Servant, Galahad's very Spirit Origin is damaged. Not enough to dissipate, but too much for you to really call on his powers. Manifesting your shield and using your more passive skills will be the extent of your ability for the near future. Your Noble Phantasm - even the reduced form of Lord Chaldea - is off the table entirely. Using active skills will strain you deeply, though not as much as I would have expected." She inclined her head with a narrowed look. "Though how you gained a skill like Hybrid in any rank is beyond me, it should help with mana costs."

Mash dropped her arms and placed her hands on her knees. "I see. Um…?"

"It's just an E rank. More than the bare minimum to qualify, but not much." Da Vinci's eyes glinted. "Perhaps it's because you and Matthew are linked that there's bleed over." She looked up to where Roman stared over a series of charts, a dark look on his face. "So long as you aren't in pain, I think this is manageable for now. But deploying you wouldn't be advisable."

Mash's stomach curdled. Galahad had taken the brunt of Lord Camelot's price. If it had been him using it directly, he would have been fine, if a little winded from expending energy. If she had used it…

"Don't blame yourself," Roman said firmly. "Galahad made his choice to protect all of you. It was a necessary risk and he took the brunt of the gamble. Without you, everyone on Vesuvius would have died. Matthew wouldn't have had a chance to act, and Valac would have rampaged without Illyasviel and Heracles to stop it. Not to mention no one would have remained to help Olga Marie finish Flauros off."

For several seconds, she simply breathed. "R-right. Is this… can it be fixed? Can we help Galahad?" Mash asked.

"...there is something that may be an option in the near future. We've detected the outskirts of a pseudo-Singularity, like the second Fuyuki incursion Matthew was summoned into and you and Ritsuka followed. It isn't an anchor point for Proper Human History, but a crisis center nonetheless." Roman turned to face her. "According to the entity known as BB, it's an incursion of Hakuno Kishinami's timeline upon our own. There may be an access point to the source of her powers, and she might be able to access a specific ability that would be able to resolve this situation."

"That's a lot of probabilities," Mash pointed out. "Is there anything certain?"

Roman nodded. "The pseudo-Singularity will manifest, that much is sure. The rest I'm taking on faith. BB is still bound not to harm Matthew, and I doubt he'd leave a loophole - physically, emotionally, mentally, indirectly, or by omission. He's likewise bound but BB is self-sufficient enough that he effectively made her an unwilling ally."

"How do I figure into that?" Mash asked, confused.

"If she were trying to trick us by using your condition, the geas would trigger and stop her. The only way this is possible is if she is honest in her interpretations." Da Vinci folded her hands in her lap. "And she didn't give us this for free. This Singularity holds threats to her own agenda, and Chaldea is expected to handle them. The carrot is the ability to help you, the stick is that the only way to get it is to resolve the Singularity."

What Da Vinci didn't say, but Mash inferred, was that the Singularity would cause its own issues if it went unchecked in the first place.

Mash looked to Ritsuka, who had sat in silence. "Senpai?"

"I'm… thinking of who to bring." He looked up. "Is it really unsafe to bring Mash?"

Roman gave an aggrieved look. "Yes. Galahad's Spirit Origin is damaged but stable. He is effectively in a coma. Mash will not be operating at full capacity until it's restored." He exhaled through his nose. "I'm sorry, but this time Matthew is the only primary you'll have access to. I cannot in good conscience let Mash go on this mission."

Mash looked downwards, thinking. What could she do? The shield was needed to invoke a summoning circle and link to Chaldea. Without her...

"Of course, this does raise the problem of us having no beacon to pinpoint you," Da Vinci admitted.

Ritsuka jolted. "Oh. Right. No shield, no circle."

Maybe… Mash sat up. "Senpai."

He turned to her.

"You should take Hakuno. Her power is tied to computers, right? Maybe she could forge a link by influencing the Rayshift system. It might not allow you to bring anyone outside your initial team, but…"

"If BB can manipulate our systems to flawlessly deposit someone at a place of her choosing, Hakuno could easily assert herself in a similar way." Da Vinci smiled. "That's a wonderful idea, Mash."

Ritsuka nodded. "Thank you, Mash. I'll be sure to talk to her about it."

Mash gave a small smile. "Of course, Senpai."

This wasn't forever. She just had to have faith that the mission would be successful. And when they woke Galahad, she'd find some way to get stronger - strong enough this wouldn't happen again.

She wasn't going to let her brother and Senpai face any of this alone, not if she could help it.

And… she wouldn't let Galahad go again. Not until they truly understood each other. There was clearly more to the knight than she had first assumed.

My, my. If that's the case… I'm sure something could be arranged.

Mash dismissed the errant thought. She had to remain focused on her goal.

"Testing, testing? Halloooo?" Merlin leaned over Morgan's shoulder, peering into the mirror that sat on her vanity.

Cath- sorry, Fou- sat atop a half-rebuilt Vimana, staring down as Shotaro Tohsaka continued to tinker and repair under Gilgamesh's watchful eye.

His appreciative watchful eye, if Merlin said so himself.

"Ow!" He clutched his head where it had been punched. "Owowowowow-!"

"Pervert wizard!" Olga Marie Animusphere hissed.

"I didn't say anything!"

"Like you need to! If the King of Heroes tries to lay a finger on Tohsaka's father, I will intervene personally!"

"Wouldn't advise that," Morgan mused lightly.

"I'll tell Matthew, and he'll… I don't know, give him sad eyes or something!" Olga Marie folded her arms with a huff.

Morgan paused. "The way things are going, that might actually work a little. Probably more effective if he saves it for down the line." She waved a hand. "Regardless, Fou has nothing to report. Apparently my child's on vacation." A smile. "I'm thrilled for him. Hopefully he'll be able to appreciate nature in the absence of someone trying to destroy the world."

The image of a small old-time phone with a turning dial appeared in the bottom right corner of the mirror.

"Ah." Morgan gestured, and the mirror's surface rippled without moving.

Scathach's unimpressed visage appeared, holding the viewpoint away from her in her palm. Merlin took advantage of the pleasant upward view and said nothing at all with a smile.

"OW!" He shuffled as he clutched his bruised shin.

Scathach's expression twitched, almost giving the smallest of smiles. "Olga Marie. Good to see you up and about."

"Thank you, Lady Scathach," the former Director replied pleasantly, giving a slight bow.

Scathach's gaze flattened. "You've observed what's happened with Mash?"

"Yes. Lord Camelot nearly overwhelmed her body. She hasn't had time to fully acclimate to the power, and it would have killed her. Instead, Galahad's Origin has been damaged and she only has the powers she could access alone."

Scathach cocked her head at Morgan's ease. "You seem far too calm about this."

"Hm. Galahad owed a debt and he repaid it. Such as it is. Call it a change of heart, call it atonement, but he fulfilled his side of the bargain - in exchange for me not binding him to Mash's complete control, undefended as he was, he would intercede on their mutual behalf if the situation demanded. So it goes." Morgan leaned back. "If Chaldea revives him, that's their prerogative. I've been twisting the FATE system from the inside so that my power can overflow into Mash, granting her the boons which we blessed Galahad with in life. And perhaps a new gift or two," she added with a glint in her eye.

"I have to ask- is everything the boy uses from you?" Scathach frowned. "I've seen you in a fight. It's… different."

Morgan shrugged. "I'm allowed to lie, just not break faith. It's the weaker ones in my court who are forced to truth, whether by sabotaging themselves or compulsion."

Merlin froze. "Hah?" He blinked at her.

"Well, the truth is most of my power has gone into sculpting the effects his connection to Avalon has had. The armor I forged myself - for him. Call me a helicopter parent, but after Beryl I needed to do something." Morgan tilted her head. "Annwyn Ataraxia… that was a little twist I added based on inheritances from me as a third parent, so to speak. A small workaround for the Spear of the End to tear a quickly-healing hole in the Texture to the Reverse side. The Shroud I offered the schematics for based on my memories of a certain other Shroud - though a physical ritual rather than a Divine Construct." She smiled. "Everything else? All him. His application and learning of Runes, the other things he's forged?"

"The Bounded Field?" Scathach asked aggressively.

Morgan twitched. "No. No, that was me working through his sum total of power. He can't handle it yet. Especially that which we would call 'Unseelie'. There's a reason I sculpted him to have that part of himself separated."

At that, Olga Marie jerked. "What?"

Morgan's expression didn't change. "Well, it would suffice to say that a different side of him exists. One whose priorities are… shifted. You've noticed, haven't you? How, despite poorly hiding it under a layer of snark and blitheness, he still has the capacity to care for others? The lack of open antagonism unless provoked?" She narrowed her eyes. "Imagine someone with the Universal Language who could twirl secrets around his fingertips and the malice to use them. And that's assuming his powers haven't adapted to that mindset. Predator, pack, prey. That is the basis of the Unseelie mindset, and if-" Morgan cut herself off. "I've kept him ignorant of it because we still need the Rayshift crew. If he stumbled into it, they would be dead or worse by dawn."

"The engineers?" Olga Marie whispered.

"No, the magi. He'd likely overlook the engineers entirely. Convincing him of the goodness of A-Team's remnants would be an uphill battle but doable. But too many of the Rayshift crew are close enough to traditional magi that he'd wipe them out on a matter of principle." Morgan's voice was even and cool. A flicker of black crossed her armor. "I would be hard pressed to argue a case for them, in all honesty. For centuries I've wondered if the King of Magic's truest mistake was not the creation of Goetia, but the permission of humans to enact Mystery unguided."

Merlin remained silent.

"But! That is all besides the point. BB informed me that the oil-drilling platform has already begun to merge with that reality, and echoes of the Serial Phantasm overlap." Morgan leaned back in an elegant chair.

"Nothing to say, Merlin?" Olga Marie hissed. Of course, out of all of them she carried the least blame - which was to say, close to none.

Even Scathach had facilitated Mash's development into a Perfect Knight, which would continue with or without Galahad. It would be up to Mash to hold onto her humanity - her and Ritsuka Tohsaka.

As for Matthew…

"I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I did," Merlin said lightly, eyes closed as he smiled.

It wasn't anything different than what he'd done to Artoria.

"Ah, Morgan and I. Our love truly is a terrible thing, isn't it?"


The riverside was nothing short of a paradise, and the company only added to it. Birdsong in the trees, the rustle of beasts in the bush - wary enough to keep distance, but curious enough to pass by. The grass beneath him acting as a cushion, and the air free of taint.

'Home' was the word that echoed in Cu Chulainn's chest as he held the fishing rod in a lax grip. Nothing he baited could escape his strength, so he was free to fully relax.

Musashi sat half an arm's breadth away from him, expression calm as she observed the water's surface. It was almost a meditative state, and Cu respected her for it. Just enough space for 'safety', as though the hooks on the line could do anything to any of them.

Medusa stretched out on her stomach, not bothering to move away as she idly turned another page in her book. With a smirk, she rolled her shoulders and Cu felt her long legs pass behind him, the tip of her foot nudging the top of Musashi's tailbone in the corner of his eye.

Musashi smiled a little.

Matthew had decided to take a nap, and that tickled Cu Chulainn almost more than he was willing to admit- given he was the spot he'd chosen. The younger man curled into a ball in his lap, forcing Cu's arms to go around him to hold the fishing rod, and tucked his head under the warrior's chin. His light breaths passed over Cu's collarbone, warming the skin there while his hair gently tickled Cu's neck.

Cu had dealt away with his upper armor, wanting to relax a bit. Surprisingly enough, heavy pauldrons and armor in general detracted from that. Given his outfit couldn't change like Matthew's (lucky little punk had simply shifted his to a sweater, sweatpants, and slippers) and wasn't a mix of casual and armor like the ladies', he made do.

The water rippled lazily around his line, flowing to its destination as though it had all the time in the world.

Were it Emer, Cu Chulainn would have already huddled with her beneath a tree, taking advantage of the privacy. Ferdiad would have pushed him into the river and started a wrestling match to end one way or another. Neither was superior or inferior to what he had now. Though, the slightest grip of melancholy held him for a moment, only to roll away like the river itself.

"Y'r thinkin' too loud," Matthew mumbled, and Cu felt his eyelashes flutter against his neck.

From anyone else, Cu Chulainn would take that as a jest. For all he knew, Matthew was dead serious.

"Sorry about that," he offered lightly. He smiled. "Comfortable?"

"Mm-hm." Matthew snuggled closer, then let out a quiet squeak of shock.

Cu glanced down to see Medusa pulling a finger away from where she'd gently prodded Matthew in the back with a small, mischievous smile.

"Aww. Something spook you?" Musashi teased.

Matthew finally sat up and sent her a dead-eyed look. "I'll spook you, you-"

And of course, that was when something snagged Cu's line.

"Hold that thought," he said with a grin, hauling on the line. Then he found himself falling backwards as Medusa moved in a single, serpentine motion and gripped his wrists to 'aid' him. "Oi-!"

Medusa laughed softly as a huge trout flailed in the air, only to land with a thud on the grass near them.

"I had it," he opined playfully, leaning into Medusa's half-embrace.

She smirked. "Maybe I just wanted to be involved," she teased.

Musashi snickered, only for her line to go taut. "Oh? Oh!? I got it, I got it-!"

The shadow leapt into the air, causing her eyes to widen and pupils to shrink.

"Yeah," Matthew mused. "You sure got it."

And the chunk of driftwood landed flat on her head with a wet smack. It rolled off onto the ground, having left only a smattering of debris on her hair. Slowly, she turned her head to Matthew.

He tilted his head in confusion.


"If I had anything to do with it, there'd be way more of a lightshow," Matthew scoffed. "Wait, wha-!?"

In movements fast enough that Cu didn't have time to stop her, Musashi scooped Matthew up and flung him into the river. He soared from his lap and through the air, smack into the middle.

Cu Chulainn and Medusa blinked.

Musashi crossed her arms with a huff. "Take that!"

Matthew bobbed to the surface, slowly floating downstream. "Oh wow!"

Cu twitched.

"This is the second time I've gone swimming! I've never done it in moving water before!" Matthew said cheerfully. "Uh, does it work differently?"

"No, just get back over here," Medusa replied, voice strained with laughter.

With the most ungainly splashing Cu Chulainn had ever seen, Matthew performed the worst doggy paddle on record and managed to gain inches toward the shore.

"...well fuck this."

And that just bodes ill, Cu Chulainn mused as Matthew slipped his ornament out of his hair and used the pin to attach it to his choker. The sapphire glowed a radiant blue.

Musashi backed away slowly. "W-wait, I'll come get-!"

"Whee! Surf's up! Or something!"

And the river drew back from the bank…

Medusa sighed, letting go of Cu Chulainn. "Flee?"

"He's probably going to aim for me," Cu muttered. "You go on ahead."

Medusa gently pecked his cheek. "You were a true friend," she said in a darkly teasing tone before scooping her book up and bolting for the treeline.

"Incoming!" Matthew hollered with a malevolent gleam in his eye, the surge of water pitching him forward in a flash flood.

There was a crash of spray, leaving him slightly damp but otherwise untouched. Even the grass hadn't taken much damage from the sudden influx of water.

Surprisingly, Cu Chulainn had not been the target that time. Though given who threw the fairy prince in, it was to be expected.

Musashi was pinned beneath Matthew's new bulk, seeing as his legs were fused together in a shimmering fish tail. She twitched from the impact, eyes crossed as she struggled to regain her breath.

Matthew smirked, interlocking his fingers under his chin and waving his fins in the air while atop Musashi. "Paint me like one of your fear mara?" He fluttered his eyelashes coyly.

Cu Chulainn's roaring laughter was joined by Medusa's giggles.

Musashi just let out a wheezing chuckle.

Gilgamesh slowly set his cup down as he stared at the unfolding chaos in the lounge.

The Chevalier d'Eon, a Servant he had little cause or desire to interact with, was at the center of what could only be described as a hunting party. Joan - the twisted version of Jeanne d'Arc - lead it. The rest brought up the rear: Bradamante, Elizabeth, and Astolfo.

"Dare I ask what this is?" he rasped.

The 'French' contingent passed their table with a roar, and Gilgamesh craned his neck to see the target of their ire.

A woman in simple white robes with a round face seemed to sleep atop the shoulders of her familiars. The familiars were all of a meter and a half in height, and appeared to be humanoid little goats in suits, bleating as their crimson eyes widened in terror and exertion. They ferried the sure-to-be Caster away in a storm of noise.

"Huh. That's gotta be LaVoison," Charlemagne mused. "Guess she decided we were the safest bet and hitched herself to our side." He paused. "She kind of did some dark rites and we ended up with a giant meat-goat-outer-god that we had to fight. So."

Hakuno slowly blinked. ""

"Worked with Prelati."

Hakuno and Gilgamesh stared. Gilgamesh knew, but-

"Gilles de Rais' teacher?"

Hakuno made a small 'oh' with her mouth.

The stampede passed by once again.

"Your highness, help! We gotta stop them before the Masters find out!" Astolfo yelled in panic.

"DON'T YOU DARE, YOUR MAJESTY! WE SHALL NOT SUFFER A WICKED MAGE!" Bradamante bellowed, eyes blazing.

"Why are we chasing her again!?" Elizabeth shrieked.

Charlemagne slowly turned to Hakuno and Gilgamesh. "So," he said lightly. "Got anything in that treasury of yours we can use to stop this without anyone getting hurt?"

Gilgamesh folded his arms. "Perhaps. I see no reason to intervene, however."

"If you do, I'll tell Matthew you did so on your own initiative," Hakuno offered in a knowing tone.

A rug rolled out of a golden portal, spreading itself across the floor. It didn't move when LaVoison's entourage crossed it, but upon the hunting party treading its weave it lurched skyward.

Astolfo and Elizabeth, who had been lagging behind, stared up as a chorus of surprise rang out.

"Well that works," Astolfo said faintly.

"Yes. It does." Hakuno sipped her tea with a slight smile.

The carpet began to shake, even as LaVoison stood upright in a smooth motion and dismissed the familiars in a wisp of black fog.

"I will be extremely put out if my property is damaged," Gilgamesh stated, raising his voice ever so slightly.

The shaking stopped.

Ritsuka dragged his hands down his face. "Thank you, Gilgamesh. Charlie and Hakuno as well."

Charlie shrugged. "I just told off Bradmante. She's my paladin, so my responsibility." He took on a thoughtful expression. "So long as I'm around, I guess. Otherwise she's you guys' problem."

Bradamante gave a muffled groan as Anastasia loomed, eyes glowing a frigid blue in sync with Viy.

"But you got that under control!" Charlie added while flashing finger guns at Ritsuka.

Kadoc blinked at the 'perpetrators' with an exhausted look. "Seriously, guys?"

"She poisoned us all in the royal palace!" the Chevalier accused, pointing at LaVoisin.

"They are correct, Masters." LaVoisin did not show a hint of regret. "However, I did warn them off and did not proceed to lethal levels until they directly attacked my person. Had they focused on Prelati I would have left well enough alone and vanished with the Singularity."

"I wondered why you left him to us," Joan muttered, arms folded.

"He broke contract." LaVoisin blinked slowly. "I do not faithfully work for fools. Had he been more effective I might have actually put forth effort."

Ritsuka did not like the considering look Gilgamesh gave her. "I see. So the nobility of France who you worked with were less foolish?"

"Hardly. They were simply sane and therefore easier to manipulate."

Gilgamesh's mouth quirked. "Oh?"

LaVoisin gave him a flat look. "You are the Hero-King, possessed of the wisdom of ages and great Clairvoyance. Pandering to your ego might buy me a few days, but trying to string you along is ultimately futile. Serving you faithfully and hoping the recompense might preserve my life is my best bet."

Hakuno sighed as Gilgamesh tilted back his head with a loud laugh.

"It is good to see that you have some function in that brain of yours, Caster." He smirked. "Though in all honesty, one man did try such a thing, so I would not be aware of his plans to sacrifice me to the Grail."

"How did he die?" LaVoisin asked.

Gilgamesh's eyes flickered to Ritsuka, and he felt his stomach clench. "Like a fool, betrayed by his own blood and his student."

Sigurd perked up, standing behind Gilgamesh. "That's true. I recall that war."

"...let's clear everyone out," Kadoc said, looking at Ritsuka. "Hey guys? No fighting, even if the person in question pulled some shit. We're all in the same boat. Got it?"

Asako stepped out from behind Ritsuka, pointing at her eyes and then at the gathered Servants.

With grumbling assent, Joan, Bradamante, and the Chevalier made to leave.


They turned.

LaVoisin raised a single finger. "Might I offer a complimentary palm-reading as recompense?"

There was a moment of silence.


LaVoison shrugged. "Ah, well." And then she vanished.

The others made to leave, but Ritsuka cleared his throat.

"What's up?" Kadoc asked, exchanging a look with Ophelia.

"Sigurd… who was your master in the war?" Ritsuka asked after a moment.

Sigurd hummed. "Well…"

"Let's speak over food. I'm sure our Masters are famished," Gilgamesh announced. He got a gleam in his eye regarding Ritsuka.

"True," Ophelia said hesitantly. She, Kadoc, and Asako left, with Anastasia and Sigurd in tow. Hakuno and Charlie were next, leaving-

Ritsuka startled as Gilgamesh set a hand on his shoulder.

"Ritsuka Tohsaka."

He looked up at Gilgamesh, swallowing but otherwise keeping his composure.

"From the beginning, you have comported yourself appropriately. Further, your actions in Septem were of note - as was the manner in which you later followed up with your Servants." The king allowed a small smile. "You have no need to worry of my betrayal. Your cause is just and your loyalty to those who aid you noted. Whatever flaws your grandfather had, they do not appear in you."

"...right." Ritsuka let himself smile back. "Thanks, your majesty."

Gilgamesh gave a firm squeeze to his shoulder. "Your gratitude is noted."

"Wait, so you both fought in Mom and Grandpa's war!?" Asako gasped.

Sigurd nodded firmly. "I was contracted to Sakura Aozaki. Rin Tohsaka changed to her side in order to protect her mother, herself - and ultimately her sister. I hadn't made the connection, I am ashamed to say." He bowed his head.

Ophelia gently pat his arm. "In all fairness, we were running out the door to Septem." She raised a teacup. "Though I will say it's an odd twist of fate that the nephew of your former Master is now allied with your current one."

Ritsuka ducked his head with a chuckle. "Yeah." Mash leaned on his shoulder, eyelids lowered as she held her cup in front of her.

"Tired?" Asako asked with a tilt of her head.

"A little," Mash murmured.

Kadoc gave a soft frown. "You haven't been the same since you got back. What's up?"

Ritsuka hesitated. His eyes flicked from Mash to Gilgamesh, and the king raised an elegant eyebrow. He inhaled.


"So Mash accessed Galahad's Noble Phantasm, and her body wasn't ready for it. Galahad took the brunt, but now he's… out of commission." Ritsuka began.

Hakuno jolted upright next to Gilgamesh. "Oh. Was- did I-?" Her eyes were wide.

"No," Gilgamesh said firmly. "If anything your actions helped preserve the integrity of the young knight's body. Fear not that."

Ophelia tightened her grip on her teacup. "So what are we doing to help?"

Anastasia lowered her eyes. "My magecraft isn't suited for it, but maybe I can have Viy look around…? There must be something in the base he can locate that will help."

Kadoc perked up. "Not a bad idea."

Ritsuka flexed his hands. "There's a Singularity coming. A minor one, but…" He looked at Hakuno.

"Hm?" She tilted her head, a strand of hair falling across her forehead.

"It's supposed to draw in part of your world, Hakuno."

Hakuno leaned back. "It is?" Her eyes went wide.

Ritsuka nodded. "Doctor Roman said BB contacted him."

Gilgamesh's mouth drew down sharply in anger. "Did she."

"She says there's a Codecast you'll be able to access with a full link that can help Galahad. She didn't say what it was, but…" Ritsuka shrugged. "So you'll be deploying with me. Mash will stay here. ...I haven't figured out who else is going yet."

"Me!" Asako stood. "I'll bring Dad and Aunt Touko! They'll both be a huge help!"

Ophelia looked downwards. "Perhaps… Sigurd and Brynhildr and I could…?"

"Hey, you need Anastasia and I? Let me know." Kadoc gave a sharp nod.

Mash seemed to perk up at that, and smiled.

"...Asako. You need field experience, so…" Ritsuka took a deep breath. "Gilgamesh."

The king gave Ritsuka a curious look.

"Can you be ready to deploy again? You'll be without the Vimana-"

Gilgamesh scoffed. "Who do you think you're talking to, Ritsuka Tohsaka? My treasury is boundless, and I've no shortage of chariots or other modes of transport to suit me. The Vimana was merely the most effective." He smirked. "I shall act as guardian for my Masters, former and current."

Hakuno swallowed. "I. Yes, I'll do everything I can."

Ritsuka worried his lip. By sheer numbers, Touko and his father were the strongest options for Primaries. But Asako…

"I want to help Mash." Asako folded her arms. "After all, she's someone precious to my big brother."

Ophelia folded her hands together. "Then we'll need to get you outfitted with enough protection to handle it."

Ritsuka cast an eye towards the kitchen, plotting. "And I know who your third Servant will be."

Shotaro stood next to an empty mixing bowl, speaking quietly to Emiya with a smile.

"The Faker?" Gilgamesh pulled a face.

"Yes. He's practically adopted my father as a sibling, and has acted as an uncle to me here." Ritsuka gave Gilgamesh a calm look.

Gilgamesh held his gaze for a long moment. " you wish," he ceded, grumbling. "At the least he will be working with your sister's Servants and not myself." He perked up. "Myself, Hakunon, and Matthew."

"And Charlie," Ritsuka added. "Hakuno and Matthew can perform supporting roles and you have ranged power. We need a close-range fighter."

"Well, hopefully Matthew won't be too put out by Cu Chulainn staying home," Mash murmured, seeming to wake up a bit.

"He'll live," Ritsuka said shortly.

Cu let out a content sigh.

Matthew had insisted they put some clothing back on, so they'd managed to slip into their underclothes before he collapsed.

Musashi spooned Matthew from behind, her arm across Cu's stomach. Matthew tucked himself into Cu's side, shoulder lodged in his armpit as he used the older man's chest as a pillow. Medusa's leg sprawled across his waist, leaving her to cradle Cu's head to her bosom while she combed through his long hair with her fingers.

The air was still and pleasantly warm - unseasonably so for spring. The grass was soft and didn't irritate the skin. Cu was sated in more ways than one; the empty bowls by the flickering fire saying as much as their state of undress.

"He's conked out," Musashi muttered, nuzzling the back of Matthew's neck.

Matthew's breath was calm and steady, and the slight stubble on his face gently scraped Cu's tattooed skin. The rise and fall of his chest against his side was soothing.

"I suppose we should get comfortable," Medusa teased, reaching down to gently stroke Matthew's head.

"For a few hours at least," Cu Chulainn agreed. And it was comfortable. It might not have been their bed, but he'd had some good food, good fun, and wonderful company.

Medusa reached further down and linked her fingers with Musashi's, and Cu Chulainn adjusted his head so he wouldn't impede her breathing. Slowly, he shut his eyes.

He hadn't had such carefree days since his youth. The hunt, fishing, cooking, playing. The company which varied from loud to quiet, but always welcome.

The tangling of limbs, gasping breath, the fire in his belly and sweet pressures-

Hrm. Perhaps best not to ruminate on that particular pleasantry, or he might make their current arrangement a little awkward. They'd already been 'active' for well over an hour and Matthew at least needed rest. Though he wagered Medusa could go a bit more, if not Musashi.

As his breathing evened out, Cu Chulainn had to admit: this truly was everything he could have asked for. And the best part? The people who held him close seemed to agree.

...unfortunately, nothing gold can stay.

Rotting branches tangled the buildings, flickering with bits of distorted code. They stretched heavenwards - twining branches that spread into dead and decaying leaves, roots branching down into the platform and beyond. Above it all spun a great wheel, supported atop the tree.

Vines crept down, spreading through the complex. A scientist watched as they snaked by, only for one to grasp him from behind.

His screams were swallowed as he was cocooned. After moments, the pod - no. The fig split open, the man covered in armor and a blade at his waist. His eyes were devoid of color, pools of black malice.

Go and fight.

He charged, dashing beneath the only light there was - beneath the turning of the great wheel.

Above, above, up high above the gathering clouds sat a man atop the tree. The wheel turned above his head as some sort of ornate halo. His glasses exposed grey eyes, and he had short dark hair. His doctor's uniform consisted of a white lab coat ,black gloves, black trousers, and black shoes. His chest was exposed, showing a fig-leaf pattern of scars across his skin.

"It's gradual, but you'll get there. This is your show now, after all."

The man's head turned.

Reclining with his legs crossed laid another person, a cane in their hands. They wore a small bowler hat adorned with curling silver horns. Blonde hair curled to their shoulders in ringlets, and pale skin gleamed in the light. Their black suit clung to their body, and the cane was topped with a snake's head carved of emerald. Their shadow shifted through a multitude of shapes beneath the limbs of the tree.

"I mean, let's be honest: these people weren't getting anywhere. The King of Magic himself consigned this dead-end to destruction, but who knows?"

"They were at peace," the man replied. His eyes glinted. "The strong will prevail here, and the weak perish. Such is the nature of war."

"Right, right. War breeds innovation and competition. Competition breeds evolution. So for man to proceed? War. Whatever survives deserves it, right?" The other person smiled icily. Their white-gloved hands fiddled with the cane.

"Precisely. War is a necessary horror for human advancement. So for humans to overcome this trial, they must embrace endless war." The man gazed downward at the roaring battlefield.

"Mm. And we have to keep going towards a future, right?"

"Yes." The man atop the tree inclined his head. "I am grateful for your understanding, Astaroth. All of the Masters… they never understood. Not one. None of them recognized the truth of our world."

"Well hey, I am a person of discerning mentality. And your rationale is very, well, rational." Astaroth grinned. "Excellently rationalized, I must say."

Light flared below, and the man's eyes shifted in curiosity.

"Hm. Looks like the old ways have a thing or two to say, huh Twice? War for peace's sake? Pff. Nobody fights a war for that. They fight to gain or to keep, nothing else." Astaroth snorted. "Except your war, of course. A war for strength…"

"Yes. That is the only righteous war. Not for territory, not for material needs. But for the greater advancement of mankind."

Astaroth nodded, continuing to smile. "Right. That makes total sense. You really are trying to save these people, aren't you?"

"Of course," Twice whispered passionately.

"I know you are, buddy. I know."

And Astaroth's yellow, serpentine eyes gleamed with cheerful malice.

The blade dented the armor, and Nero frowned. It hadn't been a weak strike, though she hadn't put her all into it. Slowly, the transformed human got up.

"The more of the others they kill, the stronger they get," a voice warned. The blue-clad priestess moved to stand at her back. "This is really starting to get on my nerves."

"We need to keep moving!" The black-clad girl skated by on bladed limbs, water sluicing in her wake. "We haven't encountered enemy Servants yet, but it's only a matter of time."

"This thing conquered the entire Moon Cell, we know that already!" Tamamo-no-Mae snapped. "And you still haven't identified yourself!"

"Tamamo," Nero warned.

"No! Almost everyone is gone! Altera was kidnapped by that psychotic bitch in the green dress!" Tamamo bristled. "Our Altera! And that girl, who looks like her," Tamamo continued, pointing at the blade-legged woman, "took our husband away! Your praetor!"

"My name," the girl grit out, "is Meltryllis. I am trying to help you!"

The blue blur shot through the air, scoring a line across a descending root. It landed, and spun on its heel.

A girl in red dropped to his side, brushing her blonde hair back. "It was a good attempt, Lancer," she said, "but they're too durable for us to attack directly."

Golden claws flew through the sky, and the girl attached to them clambered down the root to join them. "S-sorry! I'm sorry I'm late!" she warbled.

The blonde shook her head. "As long as we're all still alive. Has anyone seen the other Saber? What about our enemies? The false Savior? The snake? Any Servants?"

"None, Rin." Nero planted her sword. "If they're here, they're in hiding. The other two… they're likely atop the tree."

"Right. So one of the strongest Servants ever was hijacked by an NPC backup and it has something to do with this place," Tamamo-no-Mae rattled off, gesturing at the platform they stood on. The steel slowly gave way to the familiar datascape of the Moon Cell. "And now we have to deal with all this."

"So it seems," Nero agreed. She paused, looking at Lancer. "Lancer? Thoughts?"

The man… looked lost for a second, then incredibly grumpy.

"Lancer?" Rin asked warily.

"I'm going to fucking skewer Merlin whenever I finally meet him," grit out Cu Chulainn. He inhaled, then exhaled. "New intel. Local memories acquired. Help will be on the way shortly."

Nero's eyes widened. "You're sure?"

"Yes. Hakuno's coming back."

Nero and Tamamo's eyes met, and Nero's heartrate rocketed.

"H-how? How do you know!?" Passionlip asked, struggling to stand despite the weight of her arms.

"Because this is where she ended up," Cu answered. "And trust me, she isn't coming alone."

Light erupted from the Rayshift chamber, and Ritsuka sprinted forward in a panic. "Wh-what's happening?"

Medusa fruitlessly tried to grab Matthew, who bolted forward. "WHERE'S CU!?" he roared, flickers of darkness starting to cling to his armor.

"New Singularity detected!" Da Vinci called across the intercom. "Please attend briefing in the Rayshift chamber! Requesting Masters Ritsuka Tohsaka and Asako Tohsaka! Servants on deck: Caster Matthew Kyrielight, Ruler Hakuno Kishinami, Archer Gilgamesh, Saber Charlemagne, Caster Touko Aozaki, Alter-Ego Shotaro Tohsaka, Archer EMIYA!"

Matthew turned to Ritsuka, eyes blazing.

Ritsuka swallowed. "BB's calling in her favor. She has a way to help Mash, but we need to solve this first."

"And what," Matthew hissed, "does that have to do with Cu Chulainn?"

I just sent him forward, given there was a matching vessel. He'll be fine!

Ritsuka flinched at the voice in his head.

"Mor...gan…!" Black flame started to drip from Matthew's mouth as his irises began to bleed red, only for the color to snap back as he wheezed. The flame vanished.

Ritsuka felt icy sweat trail down the back of his neck.

"Prepare for Rayshift! Repeat, prepare for Rayshift!" Da Vinci called.

Asako ran in, followed by Mash and Doctor Roman.

The Doctor took a deep breath. "We have a location and time."

Matthew whirled on him. "When and where?"

Medusa and Musashi looked at each other, calm but worried. At least unlike Matthew, they weren't on the verge of hysterics.

"A Chaldea Organization property." Roman's eyes were calm. "Somehow, it's in the year 2030 - a bubble in the incinerated future." He turned to Ritsuka.

"You're going to Seraphix Oil Platform, in the North Sea."

She ran.

The vines chased her, but she had to escape. She had proof, if she could get to the infected-!

With a cry, she fell. A vine snared her ankle, dragging her back.

A brilliant blade carved through, causing the vine to loose an unearthly squeal as it recoiled.

"Fear not, beautiful maiden!" A strong arm wrapped around her shoulders, and the woman held onto a broad-shouldered torso as they flew down the hall, her legs off the floor.

As the door shut behind them, only then did she dare to look up.

Gentle aqua eyes framed by a handsome face gazed down. His blond hair was tousled, but he barely looked as though he'd exerted himself. "I am glad you're safe. Too many have fallen to those things, let alone their leader." With care, he set her on her feet. "Well met, maiden. I am Gawain, Knight of the Round."

Slowly, the woman caught her breath. "Thank you." Her usual state of calm reasserted itself. "I apologize, I'm usually more difficult to fluster. But this… thing…"

Was wrong. So much was wrong. The tree whispered of enlightenment, but the result was anything but. It unrestrained the kleshas in each person, reducing them to their basest instincts and provoked them to violence.

"Of course." Gawain frowned. "Defeating this danger will be difficult. I would recommend you stay here, however-"

"It would still find me." She nodded.

"I'd leave my compatriot to guard you, but I'm uncertain if he could hold back the transformed." Gawain folded his arms, his blade's point resting on the floor.

"She'd be fine."

The woman blinked as a girl in black strode forward out of the shadows, purple hair flowing behind her like a curtain. Her eyes gleamed knowingly. "After all, you had that dream, didn't you?"

The therapist froze. "How…?"

A thousand eyes, gazing down. A thousand hands, offered in aid. The serene surface of a lake. Atop it, a single lotus.

"And ever since, those powers of yours grew stronger. In fact, you're probably the greatest threat to these jerks' plan, aren't you?" the girl added in a teasing voice. Her smile slipped. "Seriously, though. I can't believe you of all people get to be a real heroine!"

"What." A blue-haired boy in formal clothes appeared from behind Gawain, a dumbstruck look on his face. "You must be joking, BB."

"Ah, that's her name? Wait! Pardon, maiden, but this is my companion: Hans!" Gawain smiled brightly.

"Oh. Oh my. You- and-" Hans' gaze swept from BB to the therapist and back. "I have no idea how this is possible."

"We got here first, is how," BB droned. She winced. "Damn. I need to go and make sure Passionlip and Meltryllis don't fall. It'll be worse for me if I do. I'll return shortly." And she vanished in a swirl of petals.

The therapist's mind raced. Things were moving quickly, almost too quickly. There was so much information and she had no idea how to proceed first.

"Well then. It certainly looks as though you've landed yourself in it now, haven't you?" Hans folded his arms with a severe look.

"Kiara Sessyoin."

Collaborative Event:
Fate/Grand Order x Fate/EXTRA
Beneath the Blasted Fig: Cyber Dystopia SE.RA.PH
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Gilgamesh scoffed. "Who do you think you're talking to, Ritsuka Tohsaka? My treasury is boundless, and I've no shortage of chariots or other modes of transport to suit me. The Vimana was merely the most effective."

Calling BS here. His treasury does have a limit, and Vimana's isn't nearly as effective as it should be because he stripped all the weapons systems out of it.

The woman blinked as a girl in black strode forward out of the shadows, purple hair flowing behind her like a curtain. Her eyes gleamed knowingly. "After all, you had that dream, didn't you?"

The therapist froze. "How…?"

A thousand eyes, gazing down. A thousand hands, offered in aid. The serene surface of a lake. Atop it, a single lotus.

"And ever since, those powers of yours grew stronger. In fact, you're probably the greatest threat to these jerks' plan, aren't you?" the girl added in a teasing voice. Her smile slipped. "Seriously, though. I can't believe you of all people get to be a real heroine!"

"What." A blue-haired boy in formal clothes appeared from behind Gawain, a dumbstruck look on his face. "You must be joking, BB."

"Ah, that's her name? Wait! Pardon, maiden, but this is my companion: Hans!" Gawain smiled brightly.

"Oh. Oh my. You- and-" Hans' gaze swept from BB to the therapist and back. "I have no idea how this is possible."

"We got here first, is how," BB droned. She winced. "Damn. I need to go and make sure Passionlip and Meltryllis don't fall. It'll be worse for me if I do. I'll return shortly." And she vanished in a swirl of petals.

The therapist's mind raced. Things were moving quickly, almost too quickly. There was so much information and she had no idea how to proceed first.

"Well then. It certainly looks as though you've landed yourself in it now, haven't you?" Hans folded his arms with a severe look.

"Kiara Sessyoin."

Ah, good. Looks like this time, she'll be realizing her potential as a Saver-class after all.
My, my. If that's the case… I'm sure something could be arranged.

Mash dismissed the errant thought. She had to remain focused on her goal.
Morgan, I love and trust you but that was too vague a statement for me to work with.

"Ah, Morgan and I. Our love truly is a terrible thing, isn't it?"
Beast candidate Morgan?? JK but this does put into mind the idea that if things went slightly less her way, Morgan would have been a Beast.

"No! Almost everyone is gone! Altera was kidnapped by that psychotic bitch in the green dress!"
Oh gods, oh fuck, oh gods. Manaka has Altera. MANAKA HAS ALTERA.

"I'm going to fucking skewer Merlin whenever I finally meet him," grit out Cu Chulainn.
Welp, looks like they didn't need to worry about how Matthew will feel about leaving Cu behind.

Oh gods, oh fuck, oh gods. Manaka has Altera. MANAKA HAS ALTERA.

Only the Saber Altera, not the Titan sealed in the Zero Dark. No way in hell could Manaka ever hope to control Sefar. And the Saber Altera can be dealt with. The problem now becomes a question of if Chaldea can retrieve Altera from Manaka or (if need be) destroy her, before Manaka's meddling invariably alerts Velber to Earth's location and continued existence.

Hey, if Zepar hadn't forcibly overwritten FGO Kiara's personality with that of Extra Kiara, she would have been practically a saint. Looks like we'll be seeing that aspect of her instead of the Smug Lewd Nun.

Oh, she'll still be a lewd nun. She's still a practitioner of Tachikawa-ryu, after all. She'll just be lewd in a good way, to help heal people, soothe their spirits, and guide them towards true enlightenment, rather than mind****ing them into giving her everything of themselves until they willingly hurl themselves into her maw as her Beast version does.
The chimera's last thoughts as the spear ruptured its remaining undamaged brain were that it had looked like such a promising hunt before. There were only humans until these maniacs showed up!
Poor legendary monster. It had the bad luck to be spotted by a bunch of fighthungry (and regulary hungry) legendary heroes and a Caster who's on the lookout for crafting components.
And… she wouldn't let Galahad go again. Not until they truly understood each other. There was clearly more to the knight than she had first assumed.

My, my. If that's the case… I'm sure something could be arranged.

Mash dismissed the errant thought. She had to remain focused on her goal.
Oh joy, due to apparently behind-the-scenes modifications Mash can now hear Morgan. And Morgan is intending to help. :o
I just sent him forward, given there was a matching vessel. He'll be fine!

Ritsuka flinched at the voice in his head.
Good news Ritsuka, you're not going insane. Bad news is that Morgan now has your mental phone number.
"I'm going to fucking skewer Merlin whenever I finally meet him,"
And not in a way that Merlin would enjoy.
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