Calling BS here. His treasury does have a limit, and Vimana's isn't nearly as effective as it should be because he stripped all the weapons systems out of it.

Fair point on the Treasury. When I was referring to the Vimana as his most effective transport, I meant it more in terms of maneuverability, speed, and general capacity to get him from point A to point B in a reasonable amount of time. So less 'fighter plane' and more 'commercial flight'.

Beast candidate Morgan?? JK but this does put into mind the idea that if things went slightly less her way, Morgan would have been a Beast.

Oh gods, oh fuck, oh gods. Manaka has Altera. MANAKA HAS ALTERA.

Welp, looks like they didn't need to worry about how Matthew will feel about leaving Cu behind.

1. Fairy Queen = Scary Queen. Felt the need to emphasize her 'I love you but in my way which is only adjacent to human love'. She is very, very good at human-passing - like Merlin. She is also very, very not-human - also like Merlin. She's just a little better at the empathy thing on a general basis.

2. YES SHE DOES! Even if it's Saber Altera, this is Manaka so this is the appropriate level of fear.

3. No, now they need to worry about Matthew mowing through innocent people to find his husbando. Assuming he isn't sufficiently distracted first...

Only the Saber Altera, not the Titan sealed in the Zero Dark. No way in hell could Manaka ever hope to control Sefar. And the Saber Altera can be dealt with. The problem now becomes a question of if Chaldea can retrieve Altera from Manaka or (if need be) destroy her, before Manaka's meddling invariably alerts Velber to Earth's location and continued existence.

Oh, she'll still be a lewd nun. She's still a practitioner of Tachikawa-ryu, after all. She'll just be lewd in a good way, to help heal people, soothe their spirits, and guide them towards true enlightenment, rather than mind****ing them into giving her everything of themselves until they willingly hurl themselves into her maw as her Beast version does.

As a follow up, I don't know nearly enough about the rest of Velber to bring them in so we shall assume that Manaka will somehow not alert them. Somehow. Unless I feel like doing something based on what little we got, so who knows.

And thanks for the information! Time to read about a religious sect based on enlightenment through f**kin' so I can incorporate that (or not) on a case-by-case basis.

Oh joy, due to apparently behind-the-scenes modifications Mash can now hear Morgan. And Morgan is intending to help. :o

Good news Ritsuka, you're not going insane. Bad news is that Morgan now has your mental hone number.

It's not QA levels of 'halp' yet, but ohhh Morgan has been doing some 'halping' behind the scenes. Especially with Matthew's many, many issues.

Tell me, what happens when you repress an entire facet of a personality and cram it in a box marked 'do not open' but leave the key to it in plain sight? Well, it's not this arc, but I do intend for it to become veeeery relevant by Okeanos (and more importantly, the following event).
Tell me, what happens when you repress an entire facet of a personality and cram it in a box marked 'do not open' but leave the key to it in plain sight?
Well considering Fae shenanigans I'm expecting a pseudo evil-twin situation arising. That is we get two Matthews; one Seelie and one Unseelie, or the boy is going to go Jekyll and Hyde.
It's not QA levels of 'halp' yet, but ohhh Morgan has been doing some 'halping' behind the scenes. Especially with Matthew's many, many issues.
And even if she is sincerely helping them, what Fae consider to be helpful actions is not always seen that way by humans. I can see Mash and Ritsuka developing all new kinds of headaches from the coming insanity.
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And thanks for the information! Time to read about a religious sect based on enlightenment through f**kin' so I can incorporate that (or not) on a case-by-case basis.
Good luck, the japanese government has that info under heavy lock and key, they widely believe it to be cursed and need a priest to escort any aspiring student of the texts and said priest must perform a cleansing ritual before even letting the person have a peek at them.

And by student I mean "guy who wants to study history" not "guy who wants to practice that", its known the buddhists of Japan actually tried to murder all people involved.
Good luck, the japanese government has that info under heavy lock and key, they widely believe it to be cursed and need a priest to escort any aspiring student of the texts and said priest must perform a cleansing ritual before even letting the person have a peek at them.

And by student I mean "guy who wants to study history" not "guy who wants to practice that", its known the buddhists of Japan actually tried to murder all people involved.

Well there goes that idea. Guess it's just 60% less lewd Kiara, then.
gripped in vice-like thighs
Holy shit.
My, my. If that's the case… I'm sure something could be arranged.

Mash dismissed the errant thought. She had to remain focused on her goal.
"...Asako. You need field experience, so…"
Asako's getting fielded two events in a row? This and Zero...
Above, above, up high above the gathering clouds sat a man atop the tree. The wheel turned above his head as some sort of ornate halo. His glasses exposed grey eyes, and he had short dark hair. His doctor's uniform consisted of a white lab coat ,black gloves, black trousers, and black shoes. His chest was exposed, showing a fig-leaf pattern of scars across his skin.
Twice. I should've known.
"And ever since, those powers of yours grew stronger. In fact, you're probably the greatest threat to these jerks' plan, aren't you?" the girl added in a teasing voice. Her smile slipped. "Seriously, though. I can't believe you of all people get to be a real heroine!"

It seems that Twice has corrupted Saver (the Buddha). I'm assuming Twice was stuffed with some deity with a relation to figs, or Astaroth is related to figs.
"Well then. It certainly looks as though you've landed yourself in it now, haven't you?" Hans folded his arms with a severe look.

"Kiara Sessyoin."
Oh, this is going to be fun.
Asako's getting fielded two events in a row? This and Zero...

It seems that Twice has corrupted Saver (the Buddha). I'm assuming Twice was stuffed with some deity with a relation to figs, or Astaroth is related to figs.

So Buddha had his enlightenment under a fig tree, which is where the dying tree and fig symbolism came from. This is reflected in the skill 'Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig (EX)'.

The hell-tree is a corrupt and watered-down version of the Amita Amitābha Noble Phantasm, but instead of salvation and enlightenment it transmogrifies the target into a bloodcrazed maniac that grows in power the more they kill. So it reflects Twice's salvation through war (in a lucid Berserker manner) rather than Buddha's salvation through the dissolution of attachments.

In general, Twice has a degraded version of Saver's kit. Still trying to decide what Servants (if any) would sign on with his... self. Or Astaroth. We'll see if that happens or if it will be a Seraphix Fun Hour dodging and fighting lots of Not-Zerkers while being Upset About Unethical Experiments plus Moon Cell Shenanigans.

Speaking of Astaroth! Re: Wikipedia (Ars Goetia Demon List)

Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth) is referred to in The Lesser Key of Solomon as a very powerful demon. In art, in the Dictionnaire Infernal, Astaroth is depicted as a nude man with feathered wings, wearing a crown, holding a serpent in one hand, and riding a beast with dragon-like wings and a serpent-like tail. According to Sebastien Michaelis he is a demon of the First Hierarchy, who seduces by means of laziness, vanity, and rationalized philosophies.
His adversary is St. Bartholomew, who can protect against him for he has resisted Astaroth's temptations. To others, he teaches mathematical sciences and handicrafts, can make men invisible and lead them to hidden treasures, and answers every question formulated to him. He was also said to give to mortal beings the power over serpents. His name is possibly taken from the goddess Asherah or Astarte.

I would include a nod to Ishtarin/Ereshkigal/Ashtoreth, but that would make this event even more busy and it's already chock full of Stuff.

That aside, Astaroth fits Twice the same way Zepar fit Kiara. Zepar was a demon who among other things made women fall in love with men, directly linking to Kiara's... well. But Astaroth's tendency to prey on rationalized philosophies to lead men to damn themselves made him the perfect enabler for Twice.

Asako is going to be here, but Zero won't happen until after Okeanos. I'll have more events between Singularities post-London and the other Masters will get a chance to shine. More meaning more frequent; through London there will be my two-event formula - one major, one minor/fun.
It seems that Twice has corrupted Saver (the Buddha).

Impossible. Buddha in Fate is THE strongest Servant. He's a god of cosmic proportions, capable of governing the entire Solar System easily. He could take on Sefar at her full strength and she wouldn't stand a chance. Even with Beast!Kiara's Nega-Saver skill disabling his class skills, she'd still be utterly helpless against him, even if she'd succeeded in merging with the Earth. And remember, Mara wasn't able to do anything to him even BEFORE he achieved enlightenment. You'd have a better chance of corrupting GILGAMESH than you would Buddha, and we all know how hard THAT is. (Gil shrugged off about 5 billion curses, so you'd need at least 15 billion to corrupt Gil.)
Okay, entirely not a filler chapter. Jesus, this is starting to ramp up to a major conflict just because you apparently don't think they need more than a day of downtime between wars. Because, let's be honest, you are tossing them into a mook grinder just to see how many buttons you can push on the grounds of "it worked for Worm, and corruption is baked in already". Worm is not a good story by conflict ramping measures, namely that it was constant and started at street level to end at "savior of multiple Realities", FGO only gets away with it due to almost all the help that isn't story locked by chapter dies off canonically but not in game play so they can justify the enemy having more than a hundred wyverns at any one point as "by this point, they are mooks, so why not".
Impossible. Buddha in Fate is THE strongest Servant. He's a god of cosmic proportions, capable of governing the entire Solar System easily. He could take on Sefar at her full strength and she wouldn't stand a chance. Even with Beast!Kiara's Nega-Saver skill disabling his class skills, she'd still be utterly helpless against him, even if she'd succeeded in merging with the Earth. And remember, Mara wasn't able to do anything to him even BEFORE he achieved enlightenment. You'd have a better chance of corrupting GILGAMESH than you would Buddha, and we all know how hard THAT is. (Gil shrugged off about 5 billion curses, so you'd need at least 15 billion to corrupt Gil.)

It's more that Buddha noped out and left his toys behind than that. Twice plus Astaroth plus whatever insanity Manaka got up to made him decide staying by Twice's side out of pity was no longer an option. So the wheel got superglued to Twice and Manaka filled in the rest of the blanks herself. A little of Last Encore, to be perfectly honest.
It seems that Twice has corrupted Saver (the Buddha). I'm assuming Twice was stuffed with some deity with a relation to figs, or Astaroth is related to figs.
Impossible. Buddha in Fate is THE strongest Servant. He's a god of cosmic proportions, capable of governing the entire Solar System easily. He could take on Sefar at her full strength and she wouldn't stand a chance. Even with Beast!Kiara's Nega-Saver skill disabling his class skills, she'd still be utterly helpless against him, even if she'd succeeded in merging with the Earth. And remember, Mara wasn't able to do anything to him even BEFORE he achieved enlightenment. You'd have a better chance of corrupting GILGAMESH than you would Buddha, and we all know how hard THAT is. (Gil shrugged off about 5 billion curses, so you'd need at least 15 billion to corrupt Gil.)
well, sorta? If you mean Buddha Buddha, yeah, but there is an alt that doesn't really needs corruption.

Kishin, aka, the Wrathful side of many buddha's.
Poor legendary monster. It had the bad luck to be spotted by a bunch of fighthungry (and regulary hungry) legendary heroes and a Caster who's on the lookout for crafting components
Ah yes, they think they are hunting prey, until the prey turns out to be crazy people that only sees them as walking sacks of loot drops.

Oh joy, due to apparently behind-the-scenes modifications Mash can now hear Morgan. And Morgan is intending to help. :o
I think its going to be Halp before Help.

2. YES SHE DOES! Even if it's Saber Altera, this is Manaka so this is the appropriate level of fear.
Lemme guess, Altera is Conquest.

Tell me, what happens when you repress an entire facet of a personality and cram it in a box marked 'do not open' but leave the key to it in plain sight? Well, it's not this arc, but I do intend for it to become veeeery relevant by Okeanos (and more importantly, the following event).
Oh fuck, Wodime clouds it and sets off Unseelie Matthew doesnt he?

Well there goes that idea. Guess it's just 60% less lewd Kiara, then.
I shall endeavor to find all info i can and pm it, for the good HORNY!!!!

I would include a nod to Ishtarin/Ereshkigal/Ashtoreth, but that would make this event even more busy and it's already chock full of Stuff
Aaaaaaw no Edin Shugurra Quasar
Oh, she'll still be a lewd nun. She's still a practitioner of Tachikawa-ryu, after all. She'll just be lewd in a good way, to help heal people, soothe their spirits, and guide them towards true enlightenment, rather than mind****ing them into giving her everything of themselves until they willingly hurl themselves into her maw as her Beast version does.
I imagine that most of her dialogues with her patients include some form of "Have you had any sexual activity beyond self-pleasure recently?" and I find that fucking hilarious.
3. No, now they need to worry about Matthew mowing through innocent people to find his husbando. Assuming he isn't sufficiently distracted first...
I mean, there's the pretty blonde himbo to flirt with, not to mention the cynical author to complain about humans in general.

Also I forgot to mention but BEST CASTER IS HERE! GIVE IT UP FOR HANS!
I imagine that most of her dialogues with her patients include some form of "Have you had any sexual activity beyond self-pleasure recently?" and I find that fucking hilarious
"Remember, masturbation not only eases bodily tensions, it also satiates spiritual needs, be sure to at least pleasure yourself once a day" pfffffffff god this is too good, a ultra lewd nun that is super wholesome at the same time......hey didnt kiara hypnotize Joan's manga group to do a similar book?
"Remember, masturbation not only eases bodily tensions, it also satiates spiritual needs, be sure to at least pleasure yourself once a day" pfffffffff god this is too good, a ultra lewd nun that is super wholesome at the same time......hey didnt kiara hypnotize Joan's manga group to do a similar book?

Yup. A Collection of Eiten-Style Teachings, one of my favorite parts of that event. "The art of Zen is the art of expanding one's mind. All you need do is let your body truly become a temple."
I mean, there's the pretty blonde himbo to flirt with, not to mention the cynical author to complain about humans in general.
Wouldn't that be close to Incest? Morgan is Gawain's mother after all, even if it's technically another Morgan that Bonded and practically raised Matthew.

Priest of Eresh is right, it's pretty incest-adjacent and isn't on the table. That said, iirc the wiki said Gawain doted on his younger siblings and Matthew very much would count in his pretty himbo head. So that'll be good for a laugh.

Also Hans is good civ.
Well there goes that idea. Guess it's just 60% less lewd Kiara, then.

Yes, my understanding of SERAPH Event is a bit spotty/rusty, but while Kiara remains a Bhuddist, I was led to understand by what vids and pieces of the manga I managed to get my eyes on that this one version did ditch that particular sect of crazy loons on the grounds of one doctor on a humanitary mission coming to whatever fuckhole (eh) they were walling themselves in and healing her from that disease which plagued her childhood. Which did motivate her to get out of said fuckhole to study medicine and become a therapist. Might want to check it again, but I'm pretty sure Kiara's over-the-top lewdness in FGO is all Zepar's fault after the sync with the Mooncell Timeline.
Priest of Eresh is right, it's pretty incest-adjacent and isn't on the table. That said, iirc the wiki said Gawain doted on his younger siblings and Matthew very much would count in his pretty himbo head. So that'll be good for a laugh.

Also Hans is good civ.
Oh my god, if Gawain and Gareth show up would they declare themselves Matthew's older siblings? With the dynamic, mess with him get Galatine and Gringamore to the face?
Yes, my understanding of SERAPH Event is a bit spotty/rusty, but while Kiara remains a Bhuddist, I was led to understand by what vids and pieces of the manga I managed to get my eyes on that this one version did ditch that particular sect of crazy loons on the grounds of one doctor on a humanitary mission coming to whatever fuckhole (eh) they were walling themselves in and healing her from that disease which plagued her childhood. Which did motivate her to get out of said fuckhole to study medicine and become a therapist. Might want to check it again, but I'm pretty sure Kiara's over-the-top lewdness in FGO is all Zepar's fault after the sync with the Mooncell Timeline.

Oh, good! Now I can stick with my initial plans for her. Good to know! Didn't want to derail her too much so I was prepared to avert a full archetype shift, but if this means I can get away with it, neat.

Oh my god, if Gawain and Gareth show up would they declare themselves Matthew's older siblings? With the dynamic, mess with him get Galatine and Gringamore to the face?

Yes. And that's before we even touch the ball of issues that is Mordred.
Wouldn't that be close to Incest? Morgan is Gawain's mother after all, even if it's technically another Morgan that Bonded and practically raised Matthew.
Priest of Eresh is right, it's pretty incest-adjacent and isn't on the table. That said, iirc the wiki said Gawain doted on his younger siblings and Matthew very much would count in his pretty himbo head. So that'll be good for a laugh.

Also Hans is good civ.
Honestly I forgot that Gawain was Morgan's son but now that I have been enlightened with big bro Gawain my sixth eye ha been opened.
Oh, good! Now I can stick with my initial plans for her. Good to know! Didn't want to derail her too much so I was prepared to avert a full archetype shift, but if this means I can get away with it, neat.

Chapter 10.1 to 10.3 on Mangadex have the best look at FGO Kiara pre-Zepar I could find: Ch. 10.1 (Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Deep Sea Cyber-Paradise SE.RA.PH) - MangaDex

The SERAPH Event is also available in vids here. Act 1: Swan Lake Returns (6/6) is the one with the scene of the manga above:

Beyond that... The most I could find of FGO Kiara pre-Zepar is mentions she was pretty much a saint before all that shitshow happened. (FGO Material V, link to the reddit translation here: r/FGOGuide - The Profile of Sesshouin Kiara from Fate/Grand Order material V

Didn't manage to find more readily available. Mats do focus on her Beast/Alter Ego/Synchronized with CCC self.
So after reading the manga excerpt, this Kiara is perfect for what I have planned. Many thanks Hardric!

And before anyone gets nervous, this is a good thing for the protagonists and story at large.