I wonder if during the beast fight Gilgamesh could have pulled svalinn the shield from his treasury and used it so Amaterasu could go danger close without burning the planet
Channeling the war goddes third of the goddess, I think. Does that mean there's a chance for the other 2 parts of the Morrigan to appear in someone else??

Correct! There are still two thirds remaining of Beast V to hit the field.

Why would he sign that? The Pact seems to be shooting him in the foot so hard it blows it right of-

.....It was a mirror to the Matthew versus BB situation wasn't it?

Rule One of making deals with the Fair Folk: Don't.

I wonder if during the beast fight Gilgamesh could have pulled svalinn the shield from his treasury and used it so Amaterasu could go danger close without burning the planet

As far as I know, Gilgamesh is limited to things that have been owned by humans (be they divine or otherwise) for what's in the Gate. Something along the lines of sum total of human wisdom. I could be wrong, I don't know.

But even if that were the case, Tamaterasu going Full Nova would definitely violate the Pact, and the last thing anyone needs is Manaka claiming a weregild.
Yes and no. I'll discuss it in PMs if people want, but the circumstances for each 'Beast' differ. Morrigan's particularly tricky, and the full scope of her won't be apparent until America. It's also very spoileriffic.
Now do you mean Morgan or Morrigan? Because if it's the latter then I'm confused at how the succubus from Darkstalkers got involved with this. :V
Now do you mean Morgan or Morrigan? Because if it's the latter then I'm confused at how the succubus from Darkstalkers got involved with this. :V

The Morrigan is a triune (three-aspect/persona) war goddess from Celtic myth, Irish specifically. Think the role of Valkyries plus a whole carrion-bird motif, at least in pop culture. She has other aspects, but that's the most pertinent one at the moment.
Correct! There are still two thirds remaining of Beast V to hit the field.
I'm glad I was right but the terror has just risen for what is soon in store for Chaldea.
Yes and no. I'll discuss it in PMs if people want, but the circumstances for each 'Beast' differ. Morrigan's particularly tricky, and the full scope of her won't be apparent until America. It's also very spoileriffic.
I'm guessing another L/R sitch with the third being a free agent. PM me if I'm close. :D
The Morrigan is a triune (three-aspect/persona) war goddess from Celtic myth, Irish specifically. Think the role of Valkyries plus a whole carrion-bird motif, at least in pop culture. She has other aspects, but that's the most pertinent one at the moment.
Also the source of Morgause. Who is both source and cause of the chaotic stupid moments of Morgan trying to kill Arthur. In lore Morgause was supposed to be a cousin of Morgan who died mysteriously which led to an obsession curse of Morgan wanting to be the next ruler. In lore, after a while of trying and failing to kill him in a disgracing manner Morgan fucked off to a minor keep until Arthur swung by and Morgan was calm and even nice about things. Then she headed off to Avalon before Camlann became a thing.
Erice being the one in charge of Babylonia... something must have happened for that outcome. She also didn't seem too pleased to be there, same as Goetia actually.

And the fact that she's there likely means Voyager will also end up appearing. That's gonna be a fun reunion.
If Fate has taught me something, was that poor eyesight and obliviousness was a common trait.
No Knight of the Round could tell their King was a woman, Iskandar's body Double is not even close to the original, even in gender. The fact it happens so often is surprising considering most Servants tend to be portrayed with noticiable assets.
I haven't considered using Faker, no. It could be interesting in the Zero cross but that's already going to be busy enough without her.
As far as I know, Gilgamesh is limited to things that have been owned by humans (be they divine or otherwise) for what's in the Gate. Something along the lines of sum total of human wisdom. I could be wrong, I don't know.

Yup. Made by humans, wielded by humans, and/or understood by humans. For example, Vasavi Shakti is not in the Gate, because Karna never got a chance to actually use it before Arjuna killed him, while Rama's version of Brahmastra is in the Gate, since though he was Vishnu, he was incarnated as a human. The Gate also holds items that Gil personally collected in life, such as that monstrosity Ig-Alima and his trump card, Ea. Neither of which were made by or ever wielded by humans, and certainly could never be fully understood by humans*, but they're in there nonetheless.

*Until the Age of Wills comes to pass, at least. Then we'll be able to understand anything and everything.
Oh, with the realized weakness for red tattoos, E Pluribus Unum is going to be a treat if it isn't completely derailed.
Oh, with the realized weakness for red tattoos, E Pluribus Unum is going to be a treat if it isn't completely derailed.

On the one hand, it's going to be turbo-derailed. On the other, Cu Alter will still be a thing - though this time because Medb wants an efficient killing machine rather than exercising her degree as Dr Monsterf***er PhD.
(Page 72, huh.)

I can't believe I forgot! No Kazuradrop on Manaka's Council? Is she yet-to-be-involved? With how prominently CCC gang featured here, you'd think she would be in the game...
(Page 72, huh.)

I can't believe I forgot! No Kazuradrop on Manaka's Council? Is she yet-to-be-involved? With how prominently CCC gang featured here, you'd think she would be in the game...

On the one hand, I haven't forgotten Kazuradrop. On the other, I can't promise people will like the route I'm going with her. Some might even hate it, and if so I am sorry in advance. But it isn't something that would make her OOC, and has to do with BB's behavior being 'different' over the course of Septem.
On the one hand, I haven't forgotten Kazuradrop. On the other, I can't promise people will like the route I'm going with her. Some might even hate it, and if so I am sorry in advance. But it isn't something that would make her OOC, and has to do with BB's behavior being 'different' over the course of Septem.

Just remember that Kazuradrop in Foxtail is VERY different from the canon Kazura. Other than that, do as you wish. It seems interesting.
Berserker Diogenes would be a fun one.
He's actually capable of reason...mostly for the purposes of out-debating other people.
Also he lacks Battle Continuation, instead relying on his Noble Phantasm Behold a Man, Refutation of the Human Order to construct a new "Hairless featherless biped" body around his Spirit Core when the old one gets destroyed.
The Throne exists outside time and space, allowing Servants from one timeline to be summoned in another one... therefore, the logical choice is to revive Hinako, and have her summon herself on her first summoning. She's canonically in the Throne, after all, and everyone's reactions should be hilarious.
Yeah, yeah, double post. It's been over 24 hours so whatever.

Just got reminded of something important. Once the Incineration is resolved and Earth is restored, Chaldea needs to track down Francesca Prelati and deal with her. Permanently. Doing so won't remove Francois from the Throne, sadly, but it's better than nothing.