Alright, have my poorly organized thoughts regarding the new chapter.

"Hm. I'll need to confer with the others," Conquest mused. She leaned back, her black armor wrapped around her body like a skeleton. Feathered pauldrons adorned her shoulders, and long pink hair cascaded down from a black, spiked crown. Her gold eyes weighed the images over the stone table in a calculating manner. She drummed elegant fingers along her bare thigh. "Though if they do make it to me, I call claim on Cu Chulainn. Whether my own summoning bears fruit or not, having the original at my heel would be invaluable for the coming war."
Medb? Huh... I hope we get to see her being badass, instead of just a caricature. Conquest as a sin fits her perfectly. Or I'm wrong and this is somebody completely different.
Babylonia's overseer was the only one Goetia felt a fraction of kinship towards. He favored her with a patient look, only for the young girl to tilt her face slightly away. Her kimono clung to her, wreathing her in white. A long lance lay at her side, crinkled paper dangling from the head of it.

(One born of humanity that embraced their godhead, only to be entrusted with a bloody, thankless task. Goetia wondered if she too hated her forbear.)
Erice or Izanami. Nice.
Beryl smirked. "Oh, I bet you're gonna be a scream."

"I aim to please," Crowley returned with a lidded gaze.

Goetia decided he had better things to do than to watch depraved flirting. As he drifted through Ars Paulina, he dearly hoped the two would leave. Soon.
Ew. Typical Beryl, I suppose.

I'm going to be completely honest here, Beryl and Desire arguing over Matt was... annoying.

Also, regarding Desire, is she an alt version of an existing character or something completely original? Is Erice/Izanami the Something Particularly Bad you mentioned for Babylonia?

I remember you mentioning that Beast III was showing up in Okeanos, and that it was the Beast of Obsession. I am Very Excited for that.

But first, Extra. We have a Moon Cell that's apparently been changed in Hakunon's absence, Hakuno trying to regain her lost memories, a therapist...

Is Andersen going to appear, considering the version of Kiara we're getting?

Edit: Oh, hold up. Looking at the list of Beasts you were planning, it seems that you've replaced one of the sins with Desire. I'm assuming that you've cut out Obsession, because they're the most similar.


All in all, thank you for the chapter! Excited for what's to come.
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Well that wolf has had a very bad day/week/month. Not surprising he isn't looking his best.

Don't forget, Fenrir was killed by Odin's son Vidar during Ragnarok. Manaka's forces managed to revive him somehow, then reforged Gleipnir and forced him to be used by Remus, then Ophelia freed him. He was basically running on fumes.

The Third leaned forward, grey hair tied into a flowing ponytail. She adjusted her glasses and slowly licked her lips. "Well. At least the more consistent members are pretty enough," she purred. "I'm sure I'll get some fun out of tearing their hearts apart." Desire's eyes were bright as she fiddled with the short pole in her grip. She wore a white top etched with gold and a black skirt, and dark heels on her feet. At her neck was a pin - a pink heart backed by crossed red feathers.

"Hm. I'll need to confer with the others," Conquest mused. She leaned back, her black armor wrapped around her body like a skeleton. Feathered pauldrons adorned her shoulders, and long pink hair cascaded down from a black, spiked crown. Her gold eyes weighed the images over the stone table in a calculating manner. She drummed elegant fingers along her bare thigh. "Though if they do make it to me, I call claim on Cu Chulainn. Whether my own summoning bears fruit or not, having the original at my heel would be invaluable for the coming war."

Hmm. I don't recognize Desire or the London Berserker, but Conquest is obviously Medb. And I still have no idea who they'd recruit for Jerusalem; of the three major powers there, Ozymandias is far too proud and respects Arthur far too much to ever work with Manaka, King Hassan is a Grand, and the Goddess... hmm... No, I don't think even one so divorced from her former humanity would willingly aid Manaka's designs for her counterpart.

"Heh. Yeah, I'm done with you too. I owe you for getting rid of the people who hurt me, true." Matthew folded his arms. "But here's the thing."

Flauros paused, flames dripping from his maw as Matthew hovered in front of his good eye.

Matthew smiled, innocent and joyful. Olga shuddered at the sight.

"You missed one."

... Is he referring to Beryl, or Flauros himself?
Desire/Obsession is Celenike from Apocrypha, yes. She's mixed with a Divinity. She will be in Okeanos.

Medb is indeed channeling Morrigan, or part of her. As a triune goddess she'll be part of a triumvirate. She will indeed be a badass and not a caricature rapist.

Jerusalem is not showing up yet because they hold themselves apart. I have plans for them and didn't want to spoil them yet.

London is a person from England, and the description is heavily implying who she is. The biggest hint I have is she has a hardcore Innocent Monster skill.

Erice is not the Bad Thing in Babylonia, but she is the mind in charge there.

Thanks for all your feedback!
So we have erice for Babylonia, probably izanami . Conquest is Medb. No clue on desire. Berserker is a phantom so I'm thinking Queen of Hearts/Bloody Mary
How much Divinity does this alteration of Fenris possess? On top of being a monster already and not born from two full gods, then made even more monstrous...Nobu is definitely on the wrong side of the battlefield when Amaterasu and her fragment are right there.

Edit: On the other hand if he's degraded so much Nobu has limited effect, he should no longer have those Authorities as they come with the godhood
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Goetia: only sane man of the operation.
So at what point does he chose to say screw it; and proceeds to spend the power/take the risk in order to cut the proverbial Gordian knot that is Chaldea? The impression I always got in FGO is that he never really considered them threats to his plan, until they were. And by that point it was too late.

Here both Manaka and Morgan are intending to use/screw him over and he has to know this. No matter who wins, he loses. But if he removed Chaldea, he might not win due to Manaka's retaliation but he wouldn't truly lose either. Spite, it's an emotion he's learned from extended interaction with his new 'boss'. Granted thanks to the defenses Matthew/Morgan have set up he can't just blast the facility out of existence. However the fun thing about mystical defenses is that there are always loopholes.

For example somebody is in an anti-magic field, you launch a projectile at them. The initial acceleration is magic-based but the object and momentum imparted are 100% natural. Seen a similar situation in fiction where somebody has armor impervious to directed effects so the opponent simply uses geoscaping magic to open a rift underneath them.
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"Shit." Nobunaga landed at her side. "Do we have something to handle pissed-off winter gods?" She paused. "Besides me. Bullets aren't getting through that, and pulling everyone into my burning fields would be… bad."
If it's a full god, then her attacks should be very effective. That's the nature of her power. Moreover, a winter god in her Reality Marble would likely be the worst possible opponent to face her, and she doesn't HAVE to drag in anyone she doesn't want to.
"If nothing else, they say when Singularities are over that history will assert itself," Nobunaga pointed out. "So… yeah. You probably won't remember any of this, and it'll be like it never happened."
That was an appropriately careless (and heartless) comment from Nobu.

"Hmph. Do not look at me so. Why should a king waste words on a cornered fox?" Gilgamesh scoffed. He raised his voice. "You hear me, fox!? You are but one tail of a monster of myth, a creature far lesser to those I have slain! Come and face me, cowardly creature!" He bared his teeth. "A cast-off, power discarded once its use was met! Neither your origin nor her lover desired you! So come and meet my blades! You, who trampled the king's garden - come accept all that would ever await you!"
What was that about not wasting words, Gil?

A torrent of molten metal erupted in front of the Vimana, coating the wings and tearing it to shreds, ignoring Gilgamesh's defenses entirely.
@Blinktwice13 i think the main problem with combat is it's largely a mix of just raw power and gimmicks. "Type Advantage" seems to only be used when convenient. Nobu's anti-divinity, Gil not having gotten the Max Fire Resistance thingamajig or three by this point, Sigurd being incapable of compensating for a lack of stability via his sheer skill and/or runes, and a lot of arbitrary "Power: Yes" moments.

She darted away as the arrowhead passed her, golden chain barely grazing her cheek. The would-be Beast's eyes widened.

"This is one treasure you will never hold," Gilgamesh grit out with a fierce glower. "But it shall ensnare you."

The chains spiraled through the air, forming a web that Vitch wove through, bloodied claw and jian firmly in her grip as she stampeded forward. much Divinity does this fragment have, because Enkidu can stop spatial translocation, conventional agility from a being with divinity is implausible as a tactic against it.
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Main Quest 2 - Cleared
now it time for some event or interlude, the insight in Manaka's "Faction" foreshadows bad things. Time for some fun.
If it's a full god, then her attacks should be very effective. That's the nature of her power. Moreover, a winter god in her Reality Marble would likely be the worst possible opponent to face her, and she doesn't HAVE to drag in anyone she doesn't want to.

@Blinktwice13 i think the main problem with combat is it's largely a mix of just raw power and gimmicks. "Type Advantage" seems to only be used when convenient. Nobu's anti-divinity, Gil not having gotten the Max Fire Resistance thingamajig or three by this point, Sigurd being incapable of compensating for a lack of stability via his sheer skill and/or runes, and a lot of arbitrary "Power: Yes" moments. much Divinity does this fragment have, because Enkidu can stop spatial translocation, conventional agility from a being with divinity is implausible as a tactic against it.

So in order...

I didn't know Reality Marbles worked in quite that way. The way I understood it was that either something could be brought out (Ienai Hetairoi, UBW), or the area could be overwritten. I had Nobu overwrite the area just long enough for Spartacus' blast to get no-sold, but not long enough to draw in her teammates who would have definitely gotten killed. Though now that I think about it, I could have had Nobu turn it into an anti-divine flamethrower. Something for future fights.

I probably wasn't super clear, it's more that Vimana got wrecked and Gilgamesh was fine. He had the armor and shields, so didn't get hurt until Daji-Vitch got her hands directly on him.

I'd say that Vitch's Divinity is either a high E or low D, especially with modifications. Further, even if Enkidu wasn't made by a human Gil still has human blood so there was a considerable nerf from Nega-Weapon. So once it got hold it was fine, but it was the getting hold that was the problem.

Beyond that, Nobu being where she is was under the assumption that she was of best use against Remus and Fenrir - and she was, because without her Spartacus' swan song would have taken out over half of Ophelia's Servants. If I'd known she could have just sucked Remus into her Marble, I would have had her do that (although she would have had no backup if there was a secondary clause or something). Not everything will be Peak Efficiency.

Also I really wanted the NP used to be Brynhildr's and show off Mana Burst (Storm) because lightning spears are neat. Folks said to cut back, so I tried to cut back. Edit: also Re: Sigurd, the runes noted on Brynhildr came from him giving her a boost. I liked the little twist of the one who supported heroes being supported by a hero.

And to the general critique, I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I'll keep an eye on rock-paper-scissors matchups better and try not to have 'overwhelming force' be the end-all of things. Thanks for the insight!
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So in order...

I didn't know Reality Marbles worked in quite that way. The way I understood it was that either something could be brought out (Ienai Hetairoi, UBW), or the area could be overwritten. I had Nobu overwrite the area just long enough for Spartacus' blast to get no-sold, but not long enough to draw in her teammates who would have definitely gotten killed. Though now that I think about it, I could have had Nobu turn it into an anti-divine flamethrower. Something for future fights.

Yeah, Archer did it because he was taking the long road in both surviving and leading up to what he hoped would culminate in the death of Emiya Shirou across the timelines (and his). And even then, it should be noted he still released it in such a way that he was able to quickly grab Rin despite being a good distance away in UBW and Saber being much closer.

As for the Hetairoi, in the battle against the alien abomination he drew said abomination in, and left everyone else out.

I probably wasn't super clear, it's more that Vimana got wrecked and Gilgamesh was fine. He had the armor and shields, so didn't get hurt until Daji-Vitch got her hands directly on him.
Makes more sense.

I'd say that Vitch's Divinity is either a high E or low D, especially with modifications. Further, even if Enkidu wasn't made by a human Gil still has human blood so there was a considerable nerf from Nega-Weapon. So once it got hold it was fine, but it was the getting hold that was the problem.
I admit I forgot about that, sorry.

Beyond that, Nobu being where she is was under the assumption that she was of best use against Remus and Fenrir - and she was, because without her Spartacus' swan song would have taken out over half of Ophelia's Servants. If I'd known she could have just sucked Remus into her Marble, I would have had her do that (although she would have had no backup if there was a secondary clause or something). Not everything will be Peak Efficiency.
How much Divinity does this alteration of Fenris possess? On top of being a monster already and not born from two full gods, then made even more monstrous...Nobu is definitely on the wrong side of the battlefield when Amaterasu and her fragment are right there.

Edit: On the other hand if he's degraded so much Nobu has limited effect, he should no longer have those Authorities as they come with the godhood

As for not everything being at peak efficiency, that's a given, I agree. Just keep in mind that there are a lot of very keen tactical minds on Chaldea's side, or at least those with vast battle experiece, and Ritsuka is going to better at that as well, and they will likely (?) have practice sessions to do that very thing: change the playing field. Plus, the Servants can communicate with the Masters mentally, that allows for the Master to serve as a real-time-strategy command center, passing information from different battlefields.

Sooner or later it's gonna look less like inexperience and more like plain stupidity on their parts to not get better at the whole "tactics" thing.
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Ritsuka took a deep breath. "Matthew."

Mash visibly swallowed as Matthew lowered his head.

"You're forbidden to use that knife outside of severe emergencies. I don't want to put anyone through that if we can avoid it."

Olga looked to Mash, but her expression remained firm. She would do it again, to preserve the people she cared for. She would hate it, Olga knew, but she would still execute the punishment as needed.

Cu Chulainn didn't say anything. He merely slung his spear over his shoulder and gave the spot Flauros had been a measuring look.

"And here I thought I'd seen some terrifying things," Hakuno murmured. "That was… disturbing."

Illyasviel shrugged. "To be a magus is to walk with death. Flauros played a stupid game and got a stupid prize." She smiled brightly. "Besides, I got to see Berserker again!"

Heracles grunted, placing a hand on Illyasviel's head, dwarfing her entirely.

" might have some valid points," Matthew muttered. His eyes flicked to Olga, then returned down. For what it was worth, Ritsuka didn't set him on the ground, and he didn't fight to get away.
I agree with Ilya. I'm sure their nausea and "morals" are of great comfort to those incinerated; I'd imagine knowing one of the arbitrators suffered soul-blinding agony would be appreciated.
I probably wasn't super clear, it's more that Vimana got wrecked and Gilgamesh was fine. He had the armor and shields, so didn't get hurt until Daji-Vitch got her hands directly on him.

Hmm. He'll probably need to get Shotaro to fix it up for him now that he's back in Chaldea. Yes, it's an Indian NP, but there aren't any Indian Servants in Chaldea currently, so Shotaro will have to do. Doesn't look like it got totally destroyed, so it should be salvageable.
Hmm. He'll probably need to get Shotaro to fix it up for him now that he's back in Chaldea. Yes, it's an Indian NP, but there aren't any Indian Servants in Chaldea currently, so Shotaro will have to do. Doesn't look like it got totally destroyed, so it should be salvageable.

Medea is more of a potions/cloth/small arms and jewelry gal, otherwise I'd say she'd help. If all else fails though: Da Vinci-chan to the rescue!

And Matthew can lend an extra pair of hands I guess.

...Caster collab time? Caster collab time.
So at what point does he chose to say screw it; and proceeds to spend the power/take the risk in order to cut the proverbial Gordian knot that is Chaldea? The impression I always got in FGO is that he never really considered them threats to his plan, until they were. And by that point it was too late.

Here both Manaka and Morgan and intending to use/screw him over and he has to know this. No matter who wins, he loses. But he removed Chaldea, he might not win due to Manaka's retaliation but he wouldn't truly lose either. Spite, it's an emotion he's learned from extended interaction with his new 'boss'. Granted thanks to the defenses Matthew/Morgan have set up he can't just blast the facility out of existence. However the fun thing about mystical defenses is that there are always loopholes.

For example somebody is in an anti-magic field, you launch a projectile at them. The initial acceleration is magic-based but the object and momentum imparted are 100% natural. Seen a similar situation in fiction where somebody has armor impervious to directed effects so the opponent simply uses geoscaping magic to open a rift underneath them.

Well, Goetia is also a signatory to the Pact of Fairytales. The only one who isn't that has a seat at the table is Beryl. If he breaks it or even starts to, Bad Things Happen. This includes dropping the nuke we fondly call Ars Almadel Salomonis.

As a note, the Council includes Amaterasu who outclasses Velber 2 on her own according to the F/Extra lore, so it's not like there isn't an appropriately unpleasant drawback aimed already. And that's just the brute force response, rather than activating any geasa that might be part and parcel of signing an agreement with Actual Rules Lawyer Goddesses.

Goetia has options on the table, but they're limited. That said, they will eventually be explored as the fic goes on.

(Upsides of thinking you're God: World-Class Ego. Downsides of thinking you're God: not reading the Fine Print.)
Medb is indeed channeling Morrigan, or part of her. As a triune goddess she'll be part of a triumvirate.
Channeling the war goddes third of the goddess, I think. Does that mean there's a chance for the other 2 parts of the Morrigan to appear in someone else??
Correct! Goetia noted that playing with Phantoms rarely ended well, so I was hinting towards that.

Goetia: only sane man of the operation.
Sane Man Goetia is a terrifying thought