Ah right, the smart-yet-dumb supporting character whose goal in life seems to be keeping Lord El-Melloi II's blood pressure higher than healthy (and giving him a target to practice his face-crush maneuver). Considering what he did to Trimmau, I don't think letting him near Chaldea's systems is a good or safe idea.

probably not. not familiar with the trinamu incident but he's also the master of a unique version of Jack the ripper in Strange fake.

Summoned from a mock up of one of jack's daggers that el molloi wone for beating a Video game, and accidently summoned him by connecting a circuit to the dagger in a park - no circle or incantation. fortunately, this Berserker jack is Sane and rational on acount of the madness countering is own mental state. he has no fixed form as is basically the combination of all the theories of who Jack was, able to take any of their forms and skills. he could possess Flat when necessary, and his NP's were the ability to turn into a demon and the power to become up to 200 individuals. His unstable form makes me think he'd need to manifest as a pseudo servant with Flat to manifest in a Grand order setting.

Flat's Chaos magecraft is so potent that in any timeline he doesn't meet Waver, the counter force has him assassinated. and he has skill with interfacing with other people's magecraft.

and of course he'd need babysitting from El Molloi :p
Oi, @Blinktwice13. New Servant over on JP.

Alter Ego, Bazett Fraga McRemitz. Pseudo-Servant of Manannán mac Lir, Irish God of the Sea and Underworld, original wielder of Fragarach. Cu and Angra are gonna be thrilled.

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Oi, @Blinktwice13. New Servant over on JP.

Alter Ego, Bazett Fraga McRemitz. Pseudo-Servant of Manannán mac Lir, Irish God of the Sea and Underworld, original wielder of Fragarach. Cu and Angra are gonna be thrilled.

…You know that feeling when one of your plans gets derailed by JP? Well, not derailed, per se. But I do have plans for Bazett in future arcs.

On that note!

Taking a break from this to write a Pokémon Legends Arceus Crack fic. Which will be way shorter.

Will come back as inspiration takes me/I have the energy for heavier faire.

This ain't dead! Just sleeping.
probably not. not familiar with the trinamu incident
Trimmau is the 2.0 version of Volumen Hydrargyrum that was upgraded by Reines while Lord El-Melloi II gave advice/assistance (she was the one that apparently decided on the Mercury maid form). However towards the end of her 'programming' Flat apparently interfered while thinking it would be a great idea to show her (and I'm quoting here) a "detrimental movie" featuring a "killer robot from the future".

This somehow resulted in Trimmau developing a 'troublesome bug' where she occasionally insists to be a golem made from futuristic science instead of magic, in which she rampages around, thinking that she is a "killer robot from the future" due to said movie. Doesn't help that Flat decided to show her even more films before they could stop him (including Full Metal Jacket) etc, resulting in her sometimes making rather inappropriate movie quotes in public ("I DIDN'T KNOW THEY STACKED SHIT THAT HIGH!"), embarrassing Reines. Trim actually started doing a sterotypical wrestling commentary speech when Luvia threw down in ep 6 (Reines was not amused in the least).

Apparently the main reason Reines hasn't retaliated against Flat for this is because analyzing his 'magic hacking' of Trim's proverbial programming code is enlightening.
Flat's Chaos magecraft is so potent that in any timeline he doesn't meet Waver, the counter force has him assassinated. and he has skill with interfacing with other people's magecraft.

and of course he'd need babysitting from El Molloi
You forgot the II, he's very instant on that matter. :V

And as for the Counter Force offing him, considering the quote by Touko Aozaki it's not surprising:
"This isn't working off of any existing Foundations, is it? He's using the spell itself to serve as an impromptu Foundation. That's like inventing a new CPU for every spell he wants to cast. So he's one of those idiots who does ridiculous things just because he doesn't know they're supposed to be impossible."
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I still remember one example of what command seals can do without magic resistance when bazet in hollow attaraxia tells angra to become her right arm. Also did you know kirei dies in every possible outcome of shirous grail war as caren tells us?
Well a week or so ago I learned from my brother that first hassans valentines is weed apparently.
Been going through strange fake and Flat's remark to Jack about why he doesn't kill enemy mages being about how a person's life weighs more than the earth because they're components to overcome it is honestly frightening when you think about. It shows that he's clearly very much not thinking like a regular human and that there's something going on in his head. I mean when the incarnation of the legend of Jack the Ripper summoned as berserker is unnerved by your thinking process there's clearly something wrong. I can see why the counter force would get rid of him in the timelines he doesn't meet Waver. If he's brought to Chaldea him and Matthew can be be not quite human mindset buddies though so that'd be fun.
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Been going through strange fake and Flat's remark to Jack about why he doesn't kill enemy mages being about how a person's life weighs more than the earth because they're components to overcome it is honestly frightening when you think about. It shows that he's clearly very much not thinking like a regular human and that there's something going on in his head.

I mean when the incarnation of the legend of Jack the Ripper summoned as berserker is unnerved by your thinking process there's clearly something wrong. I can see why the counter force would get rid of him in the timelines he doesn't meet Waver. If he's brought to Chaldea him and Matthew can be be not quite human mindset buddies though so that'd be fun.
Oh he's definitely abnormal when it comes to mentality. It's noted that he didn't really have a functional sense of empathy or morality before interacting with El-Melloi II. Apparently his parents (and others) began to consider him a Fae changling or something similar and tried (presumably multiple times) to have him assassinated. Waver was supposed to be the first person that really treated him like a person (if a highly exasperating one) and not a case study or monster. This behavior in turn caused him to form a somewhat shaky moral compass based off Waver's own principles.

And he's not the only member of the crew that's....off. Reines is definitely abnormal but it can be a bit hard to say exactly how much of it is her and how much is learned behaviors etc that she developed to survive in the snake-pit that is Clock tower politics considering her family's perilous situation after the Fourth Grail War. Troyca did a very good job on her facial expressions in the anime to help convey her somewhat twisted mentality.
Oh he's definitely abnormal when it comes to mentality. It's noted that he didn't really have a functional sense of empathy or morality before interacting with El-Melloi II. Apparently his parents (and others) began to consider him a Fae changling or something similar and tried (presumably multiple times) to have him assassinated. Waver was supposed to be the first person that really treated him like a person (if a highly exasperating one) and not a case study or monster. This behavior in turn caused him to form a somewhat shaky moral compass based off Waver's own principles.

Honestly, that 'off' morality makes him sound like Matthew a bit more. matthew would have someone else to share with that if he did turn up
I can see gray and castoria stumbling around and flustering each other because NEITHER OF THEM WANTS TO BE SABER and they both have saiba faces.
I can see gray and castoria stumbling around and flustering each other because NEITHER OF THEM WANTS TO BE SABER and they both have saiba faces.
I suspect that 'Alterate' versions of various servants in this story will be a fair bit rarer and/or appear in a different way. For example instead of Altria and Castoria running around, maybe the former gets sucked into another 'class' and has to deal with the memories of a different timeline. Advantage is that when it's over she can 'swap' between states as it were.

Because the only Alter we had with an already summoned 'normal' version side-by-side was the result of a wish on the Grail (Jeanne and Joan). In comparison the Caster Cu they meet in the first Singularity and Lancer later were more or less the same individual retaining memories from the previous summon. Hmm, wonder if Altria remembers something from her 'Blackened' appearance. I mean, she took Matthew's appearance pretty easily on her summoning.
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I suspect that 'Alter' versions of various servants in this story will be a fair bit rarer and/or appear in a different way. For example instead of Altria and Castoria running around, maybe the former gets sucked into another 'cast' and has to deal with the memories of a different timeline. Advantage is that when it's over she can 'swap' between states as it were.

Because the only Alter we had with an already summoned 'normal' version side-by-side was the result of a wish on the Grail (Jeanne and Joan). In comparison the Caster Cu they meet in the first Singularity and Lancer later were more or less the same individual retaining memories from the previous summon. Hmm, wonder if Altria remembers something from her 'Blackened' appearance. I mean, she took Matthew's appearance pretty easily on her summoning.

honestly, if i were writing a fic, that's how i would do it, for most of them - or at least those without distinct identities. like Basic artoria would get her archer form, alter would get her swimsuit and rider form, Cu would get his caster form as an alt, astolfo the ability to be shifted between saber and rider, etc.

not sure that would happen in this one, but i do like the idea
like Basic artoria would get her archer form, alter would get her swimsuit and rider form, Cu would get his caster form as an alt, astolfo the ability to be shifted between saber and rider, etc.
Admittedly I ignore the obvious parody/beach/joke forms of various servants for how they might appear in this fic. Now if there was somehow a 'beach episode' in this series I can see the in-joke of Altria being called an archer after hogging the water gun while Mordred is 'rider' from hogging the surfboard and catching every wave she can etc.
Valentines day matthew in the days of the Choco servants:

"matthew, What did you do?"
"nothing! I just made a chocolate cu"
"of course i didn't alter anything! his ass is perfect!"
if were talking Bout servants that make you bisexual penth and super orion can crush me between their abs anytime.
Back to the name thing, I have only a handful of possibilities that came to mind, if it is directly connected to someone else's name.

Sir Ector, sometimes called Antor - five letters, starts with A. No direct ties to Morgause that I know of.

Second would be Amr, or Amhar, one of the sons of King Arthur.

This is of course assuming his Name is tied to the spirit that was summoned in him at all, and isn't something else entirely different. So I needed to widen the scope of my search beyond that.

Given his role in the story and ties to both Morgan and Morgause, the title Leannan Sidhe, his gift giving, his support of Ritsuka, someone being put out of his depth in a position of power over incredible warriors and legends, I would say it may be Amrys, or some other variation on the theme of Merlin's older names perhaps - one could say he is playing a Merlin-like role for Ritsuka's journey, with the other Masters and heroes being the equivalent 'knights' gathering about the Round Table. He even has some degree of prophetic power with his special hearing/universal language thing going on.

It could be Artur, obviously, but I doubt it - it just doesn't fit.

For just names that strike me as potentially his without Arthurian ties.

Auryn, meaning a powerful person or a person with golden hair.

Alula, first born, born with celestial wisdom, winged one.

Amery, Divine, Hard Working, Home Ruler.

Ailin, meaning Harmony, but definitely not peace - this is the one I deemed least likely.

There were other names with meanings that felt right but were too long or too short, so I'm not bothering with listing them.

That's about all I got for the name game at present.
Oi, @Blinktwice13. You should have Sigurd and Brynhildr make false teeth or something for each of the Masters and Mash inscribed with that Rune of Resurrection Bazett uses in Prisma Illya. The one that triggers when her heart stops beating, bringing her back to life. Won't work if their bodies are destroyed of course, but against lesser mortal wounds...
Oi, @Blinktwice13. You should have Sigurd and Brynhildr make false teeth or something for each of the Masters and Mash inscribed with that Rune of Resurrection Bazett uses in Prisma Illya. The one that triggers when her heart stops beating, bringing her back to life. Won't work if their bodies are destroyed of course, but against lesser mortal wounds...
Don't know if this is important but the rune was resuscitation if im remembering correctly while that might help for gouges and being pierced I don't know if its like god hand or avalon and capable of curing fatal disintigration and poison(not that that works on ritsuka if theres anything we're stupily resistant to its that.)
Also bazett straight up SOLOED corrupted Emiya and Cu working together.
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