Don't know if this is important but the rune was resuscitation if im remembering correctly while that might help for gouges and being pierced I don't know if its like god hand or avalon and capable of curing fatal disintigration and poison(not that that works on ritsuka if theres anything we're stupily resistant to its that.)
Also bazett straight up SOLOED corrupted Emiya and Cu working together.

No, it was definitely resurrection, healing all injuries and likely curing any poison, but it wouldn't work if her body was disintegrated.
Bazet's just sorta bullshit y'know? Shes descended from divine blood, capable of 1v1ing servants, most likely could've taken the grail war if not for gilgamesh's immearsurable impossibilty to predict as a possibilty and kirei taking a cheapshot.
In other news, the Sessho-seki in Nasu, Japan, the "Killing Stone" said to imprison the spirit of Tamamo-no-mae, has been found broken in half with the rope formerly binding the stone torn down.


Jokes aside the stone breaking is a pretty historic event and it really brings up some interesting thoughts one of which is if our worlds Tamamo-no-mae was truly sealed inside it what will happen now that their free?
i know this is a bit off topic, but i was curious about the valentines scenes for those from Avalon le Fae - which were your favorites?
I've heard hilarious things about FK Tristan, Bahrghast and morgan
Hey have we discussed arthurs five children with guinivere? I remember thay all died in various ways. I don't know if they were a thing in fate but considering merlin cast THE SPELL in fate and mordred is there I don't why guiniveres children wouldn't exist.
Edit okay looked it up and they usually die young or aren't born in the actual myth.
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Hmmm.... what would matthew do for St. Patrick's day? he is dating Irish hercules, after all

Edit: i don't THINK matthew can drink legally...
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Bold of you to assume that would stop him.

And let's assume 'kiss me, I'm Irish' gets a lot of mileage on this one.
Oh my, drunk matthew, that's an image with a lot of comedic possibilities. i imagine a very fun time in the bedroom would be enjoyed... how many things would get turned green via illusions?

Fou and mash's outfits have had green added to them, along with shamrocks and tiny green hats

Matthew's ensemble looks a lot like a mostly clad leprechaun

caspan can't find any green clothes, and for reasons unknown feels like he's getting pinched constantly by the air
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Listen matthew would learn the denial of nothingness if it meant his now zelretch Sponsered cosmic trolling operation continues to make romani and animusphere DESPAIR.
Bold of you to assume that would stop him.
Of course multiple people would be trying to stop him because Matthew can cause enough insanity as is. A drunken Matthew would result in far more spontaneous actions taken based on his whims. And considering he's a rather powerful magi?

Edit: Besides if you want drinking shenanigans, try Reines El-Melloi. The girl canonically has one of the most insane alcohol tolerances outside of the classical depictions of the Norse gods. In the LN Waver notes that she often downs ~10 glasses of wine before going to parties (where alcohol is served and she partakes) and easily drinks enough that Waver would be 100% out cold. Now consider that this is a 15 year old girl that only weighs 41 kg and is less than 1.5 meters tall. What she casually throws back should be killing her, not shaken off in a matter of seconds/minutes.
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Edit: Besides if you want drinking shenanigans, try Reines El-Melloi. The girl canonically has one of the most insane alcohol tolerances outside of the classical depictions of the Norse gods. In the LN Waver notes that she often downs ~10 glasses of wine before going to parties (where alcohol is served and she partakes) and easily drinks enough that Waver would be 100% out cold. Now consider that this is a 15 year old girl that only weighs 41 kg and is less than 1.5 meters tall. What she casually throws back should be killing her, not shaken off in a matter of seconds/minutes.
Reinforcement is apparently supposed to strengthen things on a conceptual level, rather than being a straight strength increase, so reinforcing her body to mitigate the effects is at least plausible if slightly insane to do while blind drunk. Or she has some sort of mystery to mitigate the effects (perhaps some sort of anti-poison effect)?
Reinforcement is apparently supposed to strengthen things on a conceptual level, rather than being a straight strength increase, so reinforcing her body to mitigate the effects is at least plausible if slightly insane to do while blind drunk. Or she has some sort of mystery to mitigate the effects (perhaps some sort of anti-poison effect)?
It's never actually said how she has such an insane tolerance as far as I've been able to tell. She just somehow naturally (or got herself modified at some point) has the ability to ignore what would otherwise be lethal amounts of alcohol.

Who knows, considering that magical creatures are/used to be a thing in Nasu-earth and some did interbreed with humans, there may have been an....irregularity some generations ago in her family tree and she's a throw-back.