And it's back ladies and gentlemen; Let's do this!
At least he still had some limits.
Don't worry, Matthew will work on expanding them.:V
"Fou, be a darling and fetch me whatever you can off that Hydra. It appears to have some other components-"
Something softly brushed my cheek, and I glanced sideways. Fou crouched on my shoulder, a trio of red plumes clutched in his tiny jaws.

"That's a dear," I purred, gently scratching his ears.
Fou, Cath Palug, Beast IV, Primate Murder, Privileged animal of Chaldea, Loot Goblin.
"I have it on good faith that you're… how should I put it?" I lowered my eyelids and gave a mocking grin. "Full of shit."
One of these days Matthew is going to poke something and get his finger bitten off as a result.
"Ehehe… well…" He scratched his cheek with a sheepish smile, suddenly looking far more familiar.

Mash planted her face into her hand. "...the crown acts as a limiter and you went all out. Didn't you." It wasn't phrased as a question.

"Yep!" Matthew chirped.
Some things never change.
Matthew's eyes shut. "How endearing!" he chirped.

…that was the new danger sign.

Ritsuka snatched the crown from his head and closed the remaining distance between him and the faerie.

Matthew's eyes shot open just in time for Ritsuka to slam the circlet down over the top of his head.

The change was immediate. Like a ripple spreading across the water's surface, light shimmered down his body. In its wake, Matthew's normal form - the silver-clad blonde with green eyes - replaced the pale vision he had become. His eyes fluttered shut, and the sudden height differential had him tumbling to the ground.
It's like the Monkey King and his circlet. Both items prevent the wearer from doing (as many) bone-headed stunts but unlike the previous example, this doesn't bother trying pavlovian conditioning (do bad things -> giant headache) on Matthew.
Another arrow fell, this time stabbing into the Hind's deck near Kirschtaria. Once more, the seals on Kirschtaria's hand flared red.

A twist of wry amusement echoed down the new bond with the legendary huntress.
Atalanta, legendary huntress, devote of the goddess Artemis, Argonaut, troll.
"...if you're going to be living here, I'll need to insist on rent."

She looked around the waters. It was surprisingly spacious, but it still paled to her great home in the ocean. Slowly, she pumped her flukes.


The not-human sighed. "I'm not paid enough for this. Vivian's Taxi Service, Vivian's Delivery Service-"
First thought; You're paid?

Second thought: Is this what they call a big fish in a tiny pond?
"I cannot blame him for tarring my mentor and the coterie responsible for his suffering with the same brush, but I fear for Britain if they manage to earn his furor."
Easy solution: just convince Matthew to focus his ire on the Clocktower instead of Britain in general. Much less collateral damage.
"Matthew seems hellbent on dragging Ritsuka into the 'family' by way of Mash," Roman muttered with a tired frown.

"They do have pretty good chemistry," Da Vinci chirped mischievously, a sunny smile on her face.
The shipping is spreading.

Dare I ask if there is a betting pool going around?
"While I do have concerns about you overworking yourself even with that assistance, I'd prefer to take a secondary role in administration."

Roman wilted. "O-oh. Okay."
Sorry Roman, you aren't getting out of paperwork hell that easily.
Just something to think about! Morgan's voice echoed with forced cheer. So. What're you gonna do for Christmas?

"...the fuck is a 'Christmas'?"
Well I foresee this is going to be a fluffy and heartwarming part of the story........

And a source of chaos and insanity when the mistletoe comes out.
A white, round, fluffy thing at least the size of a king bed tucked in the corner. Brown antlers touched the wall, barely not scraping. In the faint light, Mash could make out the velvet coating the mighty rack. Atop its large stomach, there was a comparatively small form curled under a thin blanket. Light snores echoed just under the soft gusts. An aura like a peaceful spring wood filled the room. The massive form had long arms and legs, but it appeared that Ritsuka fit on its stomach alone.
Ah is seems Cernunnos decided to visit and he decided to see if Seig was on the mark.
"Ritsuka'd like you very much, I think," the dragon said. "He loves big fluffy things."
While also meeting the first new fairy born in a long time.
Asako is someone we have, nine times out of ten, seen from the outside. She's comic relief, decent under pressure as seen in Seraphix, and a twelve year old magus. Zero will give us at least a small look under the hood, and she will be crucial during d'If. That will be where I really flesh out her character. Whether you'll like her is up for debate, but there's more going on than 'lol.lmao.'
Also considering the situation (and her previous training etc) she's no doubt putting up at least something of a front when interacting with others. Rin might not raise her children to be 'conventional' Magi but as her heir, Asako would have to have the skills to survive in the snake-pit that is the Clocktower.
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Dare I ask if there is a betting pool going around?
TBH, I'd say it's more of a question of how large the thing is at this point
Ah is seems Cernunnos decided to visit
Will he come in for another visit if and after LB6 happens? Because I think that Boobhan Sith will appreciate that massively
Also considering the situation (and her previous training etc) she's no doubt putting up at least something of a front when interacting with others. Rin might not raise her children to be 'conventional' Magi but as her heir, Asako would have to have the skills to survive in the snake-pit that is the Clocktower.
And then there's maybe throwing Assassin EMIYA or Grampa Hassan at the jackasses
Will he come in for another visit if and after LB6 happens? Because I think that Boobhan Sith will appreciate that massively
I have the sneaking suspicion that if LB6 occurs in any form it would be very different than in canon.
And then there's maybe throwing Assassin EMIYA or Grampa Hassan at the jackasses
If even some of Morgan's plans come to fruitiion by the time humanity's history is restored I doubt any but the most insane of Clocktower magi would even think of poking the collective Tohsaka/Kyrielight/Chaldea group.
I have the sneaking suspicion that if LB6 occurs in any form it would be very different than in canon.
Considering that disregarding anything else we're gonna have 2 of Artoria's Witch-Bitch (Blame OtakuDaiKun (or as I call him Professor Ota Kuda Ikun)) of a sister in the same LB, That's a bit of a understatement
If even some of Morgan's plans come to fruitiion by the time humanity's history is restored I doubt any but the most insane of Clocktower magi would even think of poking the collective Tohsaka/Kyrielight/Chaldea group.
Regardless of the fact, someone might try something stupid and seeing King Hassan go to town on a bunch of Fuckfaced Asswipes would just be perfect
Regardless of the fact, someone might try something stupid and seeing King Hassan go to town on a bunch of Fuckfaced Asswipes would just be perfect
Oh sure somebody will try something (there is always one idiot in the room etc), it's just the question if the rest will jump on them before they actually manage to do anything.
"You maniac, don't anger the 800 lb gorilla!"
"And where might our sister be?" one goddess asked. "Yes, Meduseless-" the other began.

The girl waved her arms, paling rapidly. "Nope!"

Teach felt the air charge with anticipation.

"You dare deny us?" the first one drawled.

"Oh not that, but do not let Matthew or Musashi hear you call her that." The girl held her hands up. "Musashi might hold back for Medusa, but fairy-boy? He'll wait." She rubbed her chin. "Think… think Hera if instead of getting heated at her husband's conquests it was-"

"Duly noted." The two spoke in quiet chorus.

and with them on their best behavior, we have a more supportive possibility for medusa and a window for swimsuit medusa!

"Well girls, welcome to the opening of the newest Miyazaki film! Fresh collab between Studio Ghibli and Avalon!" Raphael chirped. "I call it 'My Neighbor Cernunnos'!"

FLUFFY BOI! also, any chance he manifested as a sort of servant?

aside: brain now back on the movie mini singularity and all what could happen with that here

"Get back here and let me hug you into submission, you punk!" Musashi cried out from down the hall. "I told you it was fine so long as you didn't pull that on my behalf!" Medusa waved with a vague little smile from her side.

oh no! such a terrible punishment~!
I assume it's for the destroyer wave in the singularity.

lastly, i've watch Overly Sarcastic productions' video on the iliad and journey to the west
1: I kinda wanna see achilles in a blanket burrito being grumpy now
2: can Wukong use laser eyes as a lancer? or only as caster
Oh sure somebody will try something (there is always one idiot in the room etc), it's just the question if the rest will jump on them before they actually manage to do anything.
"You maniac, don't anger the 800 lb gorilla!"
So in other words

Sir Gawain (and maybe Ozymandias and Karna): PRAISE THE SUN MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Freaking love that
2: can Wukong use laser eyes as a lancer? or only as caster
Dunno, but I'd say he'd have to be Caster if we have to deal with a Abrahamic Singularity\Lostbelt where we have to storm Heaven......can we have Dragonball (Canon and TFS) references if that happens?
Sir Gawain (and maybe Ozymandias and Karna)
That actually is something to consider. After Solomon and co are dealt with; will the Servants remain and if they do, in what form?

Because Morgan seems to be heading off Losbelt formation and her plan seems to involve some sort of realignment of reality/human history. So what all this will result for the world is kind of up in the air.
and with them on their best behavior, we have a more supportive possibility for medusa and a window for swimsuit medusa!
FLUFFY BOI! also, any chance he manifested as a sort of servant?

aside: brain now back on the movie mini singularity and all what could happen with that here

oh no! such a terrible punishment~!
I assume it's for the destroyer wave in the singularity.

lastly, i've watch Overly Sarcastic productions' video on the iliad and journey to the west
1: I kinda wanna see achilles in a blanket burrito being grumpy now
2: can Wukong use laser eyes as a lancer? or only as caster

My Neighbor Cernunnos is a very low-investment divided spirit. Technically he doesn't fight. In reality he's a solid Berserker due to being a fragment of an Animal God. He doesn't really 'get' humans, but pack-bonding he can do.

Curiously, wiping out the pirates isn't the worst. Medusa has a higher body count, and Musashi kills people in duels as a matter of course. It's Celenike that got the Heroic Spirits cringing.

Burrito Achilles I can do. The actual chapter will mostly revolve around him. Interlude is first and will be snapshots about Beryl, Goetia, and Gil.

I would say pew pew Wukong is a Caster exclusive.
Oh man, it has been a while! Happy to see a new update.
Heracles stepped forward, black mane of hair glistening in the sun. "I can't stand back and let Illya fight alone. And I owe a debt to the little fairy as well." He smiled. "So tell me, noble. Are you worthy of being my Master?"

Heracles dad continues to be best dad.

Fou's ears flattened, and his eyes narrowed shut.

What a timeline to be in, where Fou is the morality chain. Wild.

A white, round, fluffy thing at least the size of a king bed tucked in the corner. Brown antlers touched the wall, barely not scraping. In the faint light, Mash could make out the velvet coating the mighty rack. Atop its large stomach, there was a comparatively small form curled under a thin blanket. Light snores echoed just under the soft gusts. An aura like a peaceful spring wood filled the room. The massive form had long arms and legs, but it appeared that Ritsuka fit on its stomach alone.

Oh, I thought that was a dream sequence. Is this
Raphael hijinks? I'm blaming Raphael hijinks.

Regardless, happy to see the closing of this arc. Honestly wasn't expecting Jason to tag along but I look forward to seeing how he gets along with everyone else.

So you plan to make Blackbeard a big nerd here?
Oh, I thought that was a dream sequence. Is this
Raphael hijinks? I'm blaming Raphael hijinks.

Regardless, happy to see the closing of this arc. Honestly wasn't expecting Jason to tag along but I look forward to seeing how he gets along with everyone else.

So you plan to make Blackbeard a big nerd here?

Nope, it's real. He was informed by Sieg in the interlude that a New Friend exists (both in terms of Ritsuka and Matthew) and decided to finally make a Divided Spirit to see what the hubbub was about. He is uncontracted, autonomous, and content to just loaf around and offer hugs in these trying times.

Jason is literally along so I have a non-harmful shit-stirrer of the 'arrogant jackass' flavor. We have pranksters and the naive ones, and I needed to add to the Pot o' Chaos that is Chaldea. Gil doesn't count because he's too focused on 'Goin' a Courtin'.

Spoiler will happen, but in a much more PG variant than canon. I kind of like the Funny Uncle version of the character being a bro and not contending with the… decisions… DW/Lasengle took with his portrayal. So like, 75-80% less 'problematic'.
You ever worry that shoving all this power and force into Chaldea will make it difficult to write convincingly difficult enemies without making it look like Chaldea is being nerfed or stuff like that? Not criticism, curiosity, it seems like the sort of ongoing issue for a writer.
Whoops, accidentally hit wrong button on mobile and posted earlier than intended. Apologies.

Nope, it's real. He was informed by Sieg in the interlude that a New Friend exists (both in terms of Ritsuka and Matthew) and decided to finally make a Divided Spirit to see what the hubbub was about. He is uncontracted, autonomous, and content to just loaf around and offer hugs in these trying times

Ah, ok, I must have mixed up Sieg and Ritsuka. I just remembered the fairy realm sequence as being dream like in quality.

Although that last line does mean I will now be reading any internal or spoke dialogue from Cernunnos in Danny DeVito's blessed voice.

I kind of like the Funny Uncle version of the character being a bro and not contending with the… decisions… DW/Lasengle took with his portrayal. So like, 75-80% less 'problematic'.

Ah, ok. So reasonably in line rather than "hmmmmmmmmmmmmm". I do like that interpretation of him but quite a bit of it is definitely... Hmmmmm.
You ever worry that shoving all this power and force into Chaldea will make it difficult to write convincingly difficult enemies without making it look like Chaldea is being nerfed or stuff like that? Not criticism, curiosity, it seems like the sort of ongoing issue for a writer.

So the main limits are: there's roughly two functional rayshift coffins. Each Master can field five Servants of which at least one to two must be a 'primary' plus one they can contract from the Singularity.

Repairs are underway, but rayshifting is fiddly to start. Getting enough to field all eight of them will take a lot of time - it'll happen, but not until at least after Camelot.

In terms of raw power, I have put together the villains with and without Lostbelt info. For all the power Chaldea has and is getting, it's enough to keep them at parity and give a solid chance of victory.

London will show that despite the raw power and other elements that success is not a certainty. I won't do spoilers, but London in particular will have some Rough Shit. I will likely need actual Content Warnings for some chapters.
Spoiler will happen, but in a much more PG variant than canon. I kind of like the Funny Uncle version of the character being a bro and not contending with the… decisions… DW/Lasengle took with his portrayal. So like, 75-80% less 'problematic'.
I am still half convinced he does so for shits and giggles, this is the guy who used to set his beard on fire as a scare tactic.

So he's likely proceeding as he did on life "how can I be the most unsettling thing here?"

In arcade he acts like a school girl on some of his lines.

Plus he's a full bro during luluhawa/summer 3.
"Noblesse oblige, then?" Da Vinci gave a knowing smile.

"Something to that effect." Wodime turned. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to make my rounds. I'm sure that if Caeneus hasn't started trouble, Jason surely has."

"Not Matthew?" Da Vinci asked, unable to avoid the last word. She gave a knowing smile.
Perhaps change the second bolded phrase to something like "Her smile turned even more knowing." or something to avoid repetition?
Got myself Woklong babysitter, need a ST Caster for my upcoming fight with Afrodite.
Yeah thats fight is hard not as hard as demeters immortal bullshit, But! The hypest part in my fight with her is when my skadi showed her what a real goddess of love looks like and finished her off with a 70000ish damage 10% quick crit right before she would have killed off my party the next turn with her noble phantasm and attacks.
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I am still half convinced he does so for shits and giggles, this is the guy who used to set his beard on fire as a scare tactic.

So he's likely proceeding as he did on life "how can I be the most unsettling thing here?"

In arcade he acts like a school girl on some of his lines.

Plus he's a full bro during luluhawa/summer 3.
Yeah, this is Blackbeard after all. dude tends to do shit based on shock value, and that hasn't changed since his time among the living. dude practically lived for making people go 'Dude, WTF?!?!'
If anything, he's just found even more methods to make use of in such efforts.
Yeah thats fight is hard not as hard as demeters immortal bullshit, But! The hypest part in my fight with her is when my skadi showed her what a real goddess of love looks like and finished her off with a 70000ish damage 10% quick crit right before she would have killed off my party the next turn with her noble phantasm and attacks.

I had to use all of my command seals in one go and one Saint Quartz for her, Waver+Mash+ft.Caenis along side Ryoma+SantaGale+Ushiwaka are a speciality team🙂
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I had to use all of my command seals in one go and one Saint Quartz for her, Waver+Mash+ft.Caenis along side Ryoma+SantaGale+Ushiwaka are a speciality team🙂
Still not as bad as my davinci rider+ryoma+ozymandias+astolfo+simayi team still getting annialated By demeter cause I was stubburn lost 2 quartz and seals. 1st fight cleared aphrodite and dioscuri tho!