I'm wondering why Ritsuka isn't in immense pain from Matthew doing all this insane shite that uses likely a metric fuckton of Mana from the circuits
I'm wondering why Ritsuka isn't in immense pain from Matthew doing all this insane shite that uses likely a metric fuckton of Mana from the circuits
Remember that not only have Ritsuka's circuits 'somehow' slowly been improving (10 to 1 blame Morgan because this would normally be impossible) but the Singularity they were in was so mana-rich that the Masters needed protective measures or they would burn-out/explode.

So Matthew most likely siphoned environmental mana to help with his shenanigans.
Remember that not only have Ritsuka's circuits 'somehow' slowly been improving (10 to 1 blame Morgan because this would normally be impossible) but the Singularity they were in was so mana-rich that the Masters needed protective measures or they would burn-out/explode.

So Matthew most likely siphoned environmental mana to help with his shenanigans.
Of course someone with an Ainz Ool Gown pfp is this smart. Hail Ainz-pfp-sama
Remember that not only have Ritsuka's circuits 'somehow' slowly been improving (10 to 1 blame Morgan because this would normally be impossible) but the Singularity they were in was so mana-rich that the Masters needed protective measures or they would burn-out/explode.

So Matthew most likely siphoned environmental mana to help with his shenanigans.
Quite the insightful opinion that's pretty damn true sounding to me
Of course someone with an Ainz Ool Gown pfp is this smart. Hail Ainz-pfp-sama
Or he just plays a lot of Fantasy Games and\or is a Nasuverse-nut......either works
Quite the insightful opinion that's pretty damn true sounding to me
Heck it's not just Ritsuka that's been getting altered. Mash is also getting tweaked and trained (along with getting that shield which has likely caused her pre-planned 'expiration date' to go poof) along with the rest of the masters except for (possibly) Asako.

Also we have to remember that Morgan (and more recently, her council working alongside her) have a Plan. They aren't just intending to revert the world back to normal when all the Singularities are solved and Goetia is put in the ground. Instead they're going to take advantage of the world 'rebooting to make some changes. I'm far from 100% sure what the result will be but the impression I've gotten is that they will be 'tweaking' reality so that the phantasmal species (gods, fae etc) will be able to freely exist on Earth instead of being religated to laternate dimensions or something.
Or he just plays a lot of Fantasy Games and\or is a Nasuverse-nut......either works
Far from it. It was mentioned in previous chapters of the story that the mana levels in this Singularity were in the 'toxic' category and the masters needed protective mystic codes to survive.
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tweaking' reality so that the phantasmal species (gods, fae etc) will be able to freely exist on Earth instead of being religated to laternate dimensions or something
So basically do something similar to Grail's personal skill, the one that makes him be a Mana reactor that pours out mana that permeates any world he is in. Not only does this give that world a boost in energy and re energizes Mystery, it allows Mystery to coexist with Human Sense, aka human science.

Which makes the need to keep magic and magecraft a secret a moot point, since it cannot degrade by that point
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And dangerous to normies
It all depends on how the world is getting reworked. Because I haven't seen any true indication whether Morgan's plan will result in a rewriting of history or the proverbial 'world shift' for lack of a better term. In the former's case for everyone but Chaldea, this new world will seem as if it's always been this way.

But if it's the latter, it'll be a Type-Moon version of The Magic Comes Back, which I agree will be incredibly messy.
So to cut off/fuel speculation, Morgan & Co intend to alter a very specific facet of the Moonlit World alone. It wouldn't change 9.9/10 parts of history and would be unnoticeable until the present day, which is where things would get interesting.

The 'magic comes back' isn't exactly what would happen, but the timeline would further diverge from certain possibilities.

There's a reason I have an arc named 'White Princess Echo Dance'.

Also, a lot of people are assuming their success is a guarantee- between Manaka, Goetia, and Raziel, we have a Gambit Pile Up in the works and the purposes of all four are sufficiently divergent only one can get even some of what they want, and explicitly at the expense of the other three factions.

Which is to say nothing of Chaldea's opinions on the subject.
So to cut off/fuel speculation, Morgan & Co intend to alter a very specific facet of the Moonlit World alone. It wouldn't change 9.9/10 parts of history and would be unnoticeable until the present day, which is where things would get interesting.

The 'magic comes back' isn't exactly what would happen, but the timeline would further diverge from certain possibilities.

There's a reason I have an arc named 'White Princess Echo Dance'.

Also, a lot of people are assuming their success is a guarantee- between Manaka, Goetia, and Raziel, we have a Gambit Pile Up in the works and the purposes of all four are sufficiently divergent only one can get even some of what they want, and explicitly at the expense of the other three factions.

Which is to say nothing of Chaldea's opinions on the subject.
Which, naturally, leads into an absolutely vicious game of Xanatos Speed Chess.
So to cut off/fuel speculation, Morgan & Co intend to alter a very specific facet of the Moonlit World alone. It wouldn't change 9.9/10 parts of history and would be unnoticeable until the present day, which is where things would get interesting.

The 'magic comes back' isn't exactly what would happen, but the timeline would further diverge from certain possibilities.

There's a reason I have an arc named 'White Princess Echo Dance'.

Also, a lot of people are assuming their success is a guarantee- between Manaka, Goetia, and Raziel, we have a Gambit Pile Up in the works and the purposes of all four are sufficiently divergent only one can get even some of what they want, and explicitly at the expense of the other three factions.

Which is to say nothing of Chaldea's opinions on the subject.

Nice It's going to be interesting when all the plots and plans get reveled won't it though I'm going to guess we can safely assume that none at Chaldea will want to see either Manaka or Goetia's plans go through. Which just leaves Raziel and Morgan's plots that's going to be intriguing seeing what those at Chaldea will think of them and which way they'll lean if any.
I have an Omake in my mind about my own OC talking to the gang in Chaldea and telling Raziel and Morgan via Mathew how the flaws of their plans will make so that Humanity won't learn certain lessons that would make the Age of Will not an eventuality, but a Gamble

While I wish that Humans had more Joy in their life via magic, I also know that in the Nasuverse there are outside factors to consider which can't be seen coming and for Humanities own Survival, they must not be Cuddled or Limited, in any way, shape or form.

Because sometimes the only way to truly learn a lesson is through a Harsh. Unforgiving. Experience.
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I think matthew is going to go all I choose some of each on their plans and fuck up everything like raziel sorta wants.
Because as we've seen, for the most part ruling deities kinda consider humans things that must shut up and obey and not actually sapient and sentient folk.
And if Matthew figures out how to switch the Class of Servants without outright getting rid of the current one and summoning a new one in a different class, all he has to do is switch Sun "Great Sage Equal to heaven" Wukong to Caster and Saberkles to Archerkles and let them loose
And if Matthew figures out how to switch the Class of Servants without outright getting rid of the current one and summoning a new one in a different class, all he has to do is switch Sun "Great Sage Equal to heaven" Wukong to Caster and Saberkles to Archerkles and let them loose
Its not that easy.

Ritsuka beat Goddess of the Rhongomyniad by having Bedivere return her humanity back to her.

Later on Ritsuka ends defeating Skadi because she was in a suicidal path.

Arjuna is only be able to be fought and defeated because Ashiya's assholery and Chaldea's own plot massively weakens his divinity.

The remaining Greek Gods needed to be killed by using a specific and super dangerous weapon, The Black Barrel, and even then, it nearly killed Ritsuka with each shell fired.

Gods are mayor badasses and need a lot of tricks and hoops to figure how to stop them. They are the last challenge of the Lost belt, a mountain that's by far and large very difficult and almost impossible to climb.

This is worsened because this Morgan has grown wiser, Chaldea is merely a tool at her disposal, as we know, in canon, LB6!Morgan was able to replicate rayshifting with minimal problems. That's the tier of danger she's in, what took chaldea decades, she reverse engineered with minimal problems and almost instantly.
This is worsened because this Morgan has grown wiser, Chaldea is merely a tool at her disposal, as we know, in canon, LB6!Morgan was able to replicate rayshifting with minimal problems. That's the tier of danger she's in, what took chaldea decades, she reverse engineered with minimal problems and almost instantly.

Point of order: this Morgan, Nasu PHH Morgan, INarM PHH Morgan, and LB6 Morgan are all drastically different beings.

Nasu PHH Morgan was pulling triple duty: at once, she was Morgan the Fairy, Morgan the villain, and Vivian. LB6 Morgan was straight-up a fairy with a more singular focus and her own brand of damage in the form of... well, LB6. That tracks with what you're saying here.

The PHH INaRM version fires what I thought was a blatant Chekov's gun in Erosion, the body/soul-jacking Mystic Code introduced in El-Melloi Case Files. Therefore, I had Morgause, someone else who is often portrayed as Arthur's sister, usurp the position of the Goddess of Avalon in that manner. Basically playing around a little more in Arthurian myth in a manner that made more sense than a severe case of conflicting alters caused by Gaia or some such. This is the iteration who has taken 'Camelot' for herself in Singularity 6 in-story. Her actions have also resulted in it being both Camelot and Jerusalem at the same time, which has its own terrifying implications. She is featured in half of the subtitle: Black Dragon Roar/Howl of the Last Trumpet.

The Morgan that 'raised' Matthew is none of these. This is her uninhibited Goddess form from what is specifically described as a Lostbelt. This is a being who has survived a pruning, escaped, and learned from how and why her timeline was pruned. What happened there is that Morgause targeted Merlin instead. As Erosion ran off of both possessor and possessed, the reduction in power was far greater and Morgan was able to overwhelm Morgause!Merlin with ease.

(The downgrade put Morgause!Morgan on par with PHH Merlin. Make of that what you will.)

Back to Morgan, she hasn't displayed power exactly. She's shown planning, insight, and managed to gather (and diplomatize) a Council of varying Goddesses. She has also given an indicator to a more capricious nature with how she changes appearance and armor depending on mood. Yet despite her mercurial temperament she never sways from her core values and purpose. She's open to the idea of not succeeding, and is satisfied with merely moving the needle. This is partly due to why her timeline got snipped.

I have been purposefully vague about Morgan's full suite of powers, and more importantly all the ways her timeline differed. Instead of Merlin, she trained 'Altria'. She engaged with the Knights of the Round, and she helped found Camelot. What sort of ruler and person 'Altria' was, what sort of kingdom Camelot was, the relationships of the Round Table, the outcomes of numerous battles from the Arthurian mythos - these are all cards I've been holding to my chest for a while and they are foundational to her character, her influence on Matthew, and her goals for the plot as a whole.

Keep in mind, it isn't just dystopias and failed utopias that get snipped - things that are just too good for humanity to progress past get cut off too. That's the sort of fairytale world Morgan hails from. One where she won, kept winning, and any sort of narrative tension and chance for plot progression was utterly stifled - aka, any kind of human development. She set the board up with everything in her favor, and sat back and let her works reap their own rewards. Humans were free to live as they liked, but didn't need to progress through science because the world was structured to give them as many 'win buttons' as they liked.

Also, for the bulk of the story she has been regaining power. Even when she did something like geasing Beryl in the Interlude, she did that at a small percentage of her full strength. She didn't get out of her Lostbelt unscathed, and there was a time she had to pour the rest of her power into a working I've been alluding to for a good little while. She's been recovering in Avalon for roughly eight years to get to where she is now. It's only now that Matthew's gotten the word out to multiple major players across time and space that she has a more viable anchor to work beyond the Blessed Isle.

Coming back around to your point, Morgan does have Chaldea as pieces on a board, but there is room for them to become players at her side or otherwise. The entire point of the Pact of Fairytales she slapped on Manaka, Goetia, and herself/her allies is to give Chaldea room to grow big enough to take that seat at the table. She knows from experience that leaving things exclusively to the powers that be, especially the mystic ones, ends badly.

(PS: None of this is a spoiler, and has either been directly or indirectly mentioned in-text.)
She knows from experience that leaving things exclusively to the powers that be, especially the mystic ones, ends badly.
I always do prefer it when those who 'play the game' recognize and allow new players to enter, as opposed to new pieces. All too often in these sorts of works, the established powers will work very hard to make certain no one can actually claim a new seat; either by subordinating rising players or outright destroying them, often to the point of allying with their enemies across the table to keep the game as-is. The fact that Morgan is letting Chaldea slip upward is refreshing by contrast, even if she's predisposed herself to be their ally when they reach their seat.
I've got to be honest as interesting as the storyline with the Lostbelts that FGO has made the idea behind them is frankly a load of crap and is a perfect example of why I don't really respect the franchise in a lot of ways another being the constant retcon/rewrites done whenever they want to add the latest nonsense.

I mean don't get me wrong the fandom can be a lot of fun and has potential but it can be tricky to pull off.
I've got to be honest as interesting as the storyline with the Lostbelts that FGO has made the idea behind them is frankly a load of crap and is a perfect example of why I don't really respect the franchise in a lot of ways another being the constant retcon/rewrites done whenever they want to add the latest nonsense.
... mind elaborating?

Coming back around to your point, Morgan does have Chaldea as pieces on a board, but there is room for them to become players at her side or otherwise.
huh, I figured morgan would throw away chaldea at the best moment possible as soon as her plans bore fruit and it would end in a Morgan & the council vs Chaldea situation, a massive uphill climb with a bittersweet victory.
huh, I figured morgan would throw away chaldea at the best moment possible as soon as her plans bore fruit and it would end in a Morgan & the council vs Chaldea situation, a massive uphill climb with a bittersweet victory.

I've painted my endgame out fairly thoroughly, especially with the denouement of Okeanos. The board is almost completely set; I just need to introduce a couple more pieces in London for the escalating clusterf**ck Manaka's timeline-twisting is going to produce.

Zero-London-KnK is going to simultaneously fire and load multiple guns I've either left or am introducing - Zelretch's interest in the plot, Crowley, Matthew's status as 'protagonist, not hero', the Pact of Fairytales, Beryl, Goetia, and Morgan for starters. That's not even mentioning how I'm going to bring in aspects regarding Manaka's goals and the choice of a certain Beast.

And Raziel's Magnum Opus is brewing in the background - it's been shown in Interludes, and got kickstarted with Matthew finding his book.

Morgan and the Council are a Big Good situation. They are there to give boons (within reason), call in backup tailored to the Singularities (Emissaries and the BB-composites), and ultimately they want to destabilize the Incineration Ritual as much as possible while leaving the unhooked Quantum Time Locks intact. There is one in particular they want to subvert to their needs, and I've definitely hinted at it from very early on. It (probably) won't hurt humanity, the 'magic coming back' thing is a very low chance - Morgan's plan is to make things 'better' without making them 'perfect'. A win condition as opposed to a win button.

Out of the four plots in play, hers does the least damage to Humanity as a whole. Goetia has his canon 'burn it all and start over', Manaka has the same desire as ever, and Raziel's character, powers, and profile should be raising some serious (if sympathetic) red flags.

Of all the non-Chaldea factions, hers is the nice one.
The whole idea of timelines being pruned because of some nebulas idea of progress and the ridicules notion that there's a specific outcome that humans must work towards.
Uh, this has been present since NOTES.

iirc Gilgamesh also mentions it on FSN, where he saw a future where humanity navigated the Cosmos.

and Raziel's character, powers, and profile should be raising some serious (if sympathetic) red flags.
He's an angel, typically represented as Lawful Good (Stupid). They are beholden to YHVH's will and depending on the franchise, they range from upholders of justice, to actual nazi's by any other name, wishing to exterminate free will and make it so everything falls onto the will of YHVH.