Hey blink, what's mainland morgan (MM for short) up too? In fgo canon during tristans Interlude she shows up and tortures tristan into insanity. With her lostbelt self actually helping others including her sister I dont see her just sitting on the sidelines while this goes down.
Can I suggest Saber Gaheris as an addition to the Camelot Singularity?

He's got a bit of a complex about Pan Human History making all his abilities derivative of his siblings, with the only plus being that his Sword can function as a poor mans combination of Gringamore, Galatine and Agravains Sword in a pinch.

Also one of his arms has downranked versions of his Siblings Strength Enhancing NP's shoved into it.
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Hey blink, what's mainland morgan (MM for short) up too? In fgo canon during tristans Interlude she shows up and tortures tristan into insanity. With her lostbelt self actually helping others including her sister I dont see her just sitting on the sidelines while this goes down.

She exists and I have plans for her. The one concrete thing I'll say is that she isn't a Beast, but she will be important.
Hey blink, what's mainland morgan (MM for short) up too? In fgo canon during tristans Interlude she shows up and tortures tristan into insanity. With her lostbelt self actually helping others including her sister I dont see her just sitting on the sidelines while this goes down.

That was one thing I never got about her. She certainly wasn't like that during the time of Charlie and his gang. Why would she revert to how she used to be?
That was one thing I never got about her. She certainly wasn't like that during the time of Charlie and his gang. Why would she revert to how she used to be?
It's less like she became a better person and more like she was in a much better mood. If she found out that her dearest little sister was running around on Earth again, she might get a bit upset...
Optional scene during Babylonia, while King Gil is dead before Chaldea comes to rescue him. Can probably be adapted to Archer Gil, since he has Strength B.


A Man's pride

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Yeah, yeah, double post. It's been well over 12 hours so whatever.

Merlin really needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut. Good thing he can't die... he can be punished over and over.

That was one thing I never got about her. She certainly wasn't like that during the time of Charlie and his gang. Why would she revert to how she used to be?
Maybe being a cunt is a full time job and she decided to retire.

Percival: "Welcome back, Arthur! Red Dragon! Wow you look like shit…...what the hell is with all that blood on ya!?"
Saber: "I'm hurt too, y'know."
Percival: "Aren't ya just a little bit hurt? Guess it can't be helped. I'll give you an ointment, here."
Saber: "Thanks."
Percival: "But, well, you surprised me this time. It was originally supposed to be an unbeatable creature. After all, it was a…. Well, never mind, not like I know. Even Palamedes would have a hassle hunting that beast down."
Saber: "We couldn't leave it alone. It hurt innocent civilians."
Percival: "That might be true, but……."
Saber: "Nothing more, nothing less."
Percival: "I see. ―――So, how's things going between you and Morgan lately? Have you seen her recently?"
Saber: "……Why are you talking about my older sister?"
Saber: "?"
Percival: "Wait, you're seriously asking me that?"
Morgan's obsession with Arthur is kind of an open secret I guess.
I appreciate your honesty. Fight scenes continue to be a work in progress, but for that particular critique I did try to incorporate some of what you had said before.

I guess it boils down to a difference in writing styles? Nasu is great at writing action setpieces where each character stands out and shines, while I struggle with fight scenes from the start, and find things easier as a natural progression with multiple moving parts that blend together. Also he's just plain better at writing than I am, and Fate and Type-Moon properties are his baby to start with. It's called the Nasuverse for a reason, after all.

And as for other fics, I'll admit that I haven't followed as many Fate fics as I have, say, Worm and the like. Beyond that I don't really hold my work up in comparison to other authors' because either I feel bad about myself or I feel slimy for looking down on others. So drawing comparisons is a bit rough for me.
I think the way you write fight scenes works fine. Less one epic moment and more of a joint effort from multiple allies.

Personally speaking, I was on the edge of my seat for the entirety of the fight scenes last chapter. All those noble phantasms firing off, that teamwork, the counter attacks from the enemies... It all worked well.
Tidbit: Gilgamesh (𒀭𒄑𒉋𒂵𒈨𒌋𒌋𒌋 in Sumerian cuneiform) was originally known as 𒀭𒉋𒂵𒈩... which translates as Bilgamesh. Call him that and see how he reacts.
Hey folks, minor status update!

My progress has been slightly limited because I bought Supergiant's game "Hades" last week and am very much enjoying myself there.

Words have been written, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew that the update won't be in the next few days. I want to get it posted by Halloween (since I said I'd finish Septem this month) but that is the only firm promise I'll make.

Thanks for your continued support!
Take whatever time you need. In other news, Learning With Manga's anime FINALLY got officially subbed and posted to YouTube. Here you go!

Tidbit: Gilgamesh (𒀭𒄑𒉋𒂵𒈨𒌋𒌋𒌋 in Sumerian cuneiform) was originally known as 𒀭𒉋𒂵𒈩... which translates as Bilgamesh. Call him that and see how he reacts.
Enuma Elish may be his reaction.

My progress has been slightly limited because I bought Supergiant's game "Hades" last week and am very much enjoying myself there
Shit, now i want Zagreus to appear at Chaldea
No... naked drinking with the Sun King.

Ok, that is a whole new level of Cast Off.
Welp, so anyone making bets if Matthew decides to stroke Gilgamesh's tummy a bit? No sex or anything but a sexy back massage for being so good and helpful?

Also i cannot wait to see the reactions in the command room to Olga being back.
Someone pointed out that, since she lost the crest, the other magi could say that she is not an Animusphere anymore. The El-Melloi family was still the El-Melloi family after Kayneth's death and destruction of the Family Crest, due to Origin Bullet Rounds. They just lost a lot of political clout and capital due to members running off with the money and codes, and Waver accepted the blame to act as head of the family and make sure it claws its way back to their old position.
I think Olga can very much defend her own case with a few sentences.
"The Animusphere Magic Crest was connected to one of the 72 demons created by king solomon, and that demon could have taken over my body, or my father's body, or anyone i had transferred the crest to before my almost death, through that connection.
If not being at risk of turning into one of the things that destroyed humanity makes me unsuited to be the head of the family i was born in, then it's true that Magi walk with death.....because Magi are too stupid to not to."
Also, since she doesn't have the crest, nor the curse anymore, Kirschtaria just became unable to inherit the title of Lord Animusphere, because there is nothing to inherit and Olga Marie can make use of her Magecraft without drawbacks....heck if she wasn't a Demi/Pseudo-Servant Gatekeeper, she could now be a Master, with some luck, seeing as the curse was what impeded her from being registered in the fate system and Rayshifting.
She is also going to cause a stir, i mean this Olga Marie gives confidence vibes of, "I am Olga Marie Fucking Animusphere, daughter of Marisbilly Animusphere (may that bastard rot in hell), Director of the Chaldea Security Organization, Heir to Vivian and next "Lady of the Lake", my agents and I eat threats like you for breakfast and spit the bones powdered".
Like she is more sure of herself, has accepted her past and said fuck it, im going to enjoy life this time now that i dont have anything holding me back and i am going to do right for those my father wronged. Beginning with Matt, who she feels that she has a debt to for saving her life from Chaldeas and being the only being that understood her, even if she was at the supposed end of her life. So yeah, i see a lot of magi not happy with this Olga not curtailing Matt, but befriending him in her own tsundere way.

modifier in checks made against invaders and checks to establish boundaries between the protectorate and enemy.
Oh hell, the Alien God is fucked if he tries anything, he and his Alter Egos would do fuck all against Olga.....hell Foreigner Servants count as invaders for the Gatekeeper Skill as well right? And Lostbelt servants would count as well...

Btw, Goethia implied that something happened to Tiamat in Babylonia. That she was, for a lack of a better term, stolen from his board. Sooooo Morgan managed to contact Tiamat and turn her into the Tiamom we all want her to be? The one that learns what familial love means and acts like the Grandmother of Humanity, seeing as she was already a mother, though the duties of a mother never truly end, and now she gets to relax and bask in the love of all the grandbabies she has to spoil rotten.
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Heir to Vivian and next "Lady of the Lake"
Speaking of this, I have to wonder what if any 'after-effects' Olga will get after this is all over and Vivian departs (if she does). Because we know that Matthew and Mash are being altered by their 'partnered' spirits so they're a different case but the only case where you had the possessing/melding entity leaving that I know of was Laeticia and Jeanne d'Arc. And in that case, all Laeticia seemed to retain were memories.
Ok, that is a whole new level of Cast Off.
Welp, so anyone making bets if Matthew decides to stroke Gilgamesh's tummy a bit? No sex or anything but a sexy back massage for being so good and helpful?

Also i cannot wait to see the reactions in the command room to Olga being back.
Someone pointed out that, since she lost the crest, the other magi could say that she is not an Animusphere anymore. The El-Melloi family was still the El-Melloi family after Kayneth's death and destruction of the Family Crest, due to Origin Bullet Rounds. They just lost a lot of political clout and capital due to members running off with the money and codes, and Waver accepted the blame to act as head of the family and make sure it claws its way back to their old position.
I think Olga can very much defend her own case with a few sentences.
"The Animusphere Magic Crest was connected to one of the 72 demons created by king solomon, and that demon could have taken over my body, or my father's body, or anyone i had transferred the crest to before my almost death, through that connection.
If not being at risk of turning into one of the things that destroyed humanity makes me unsuited to be the head of the family i was born in, then it's true that Magi walk with death.....because Magi are too stupid to not to."
Also, since she doesn't have the crest, nor the curse anymore, Kirschtaria just became unable to inherit the title of Lord Animusphere, because there is nothing to inherit and Olga Marie can make use of her Magecraft without drawbacks....heck if she wasn't a Demi/Pseudo-Servant Gatekeeper, she could now be a Master, with some luck, seeing as the curse was what impeded her from being registered in the fate system and Rayshifting.
She is also going to cause a stir, i mean this Olga Marie gives confidence vibes of, "I am Olga Marie Fucking Animusphere, daughter of Marisbilly Animusphere (may that bastard rot in hell), Director of the Chaldea Security Organization, Heir to Vivian and next "Lady of the Lake", my agents and I eat threats like you for breakfast and spit the bones powdered".
Like she is more sure of herself, has accepted her past and said fuck it, im going to enjoy life this time now that i dont have anything holding me back and i am going to do right for those my father wronged. Beginning with Matt, who she feels that she has a debt to for saving her life from Chaldeas and being the only being that understood her, even if she was at the supposed end of her life. So yeah, i see a lot of magi not happy with this Olga not curtailing Matt, but befriending him in her own tsundere way.

Oh hell, the Alien God is fucked if he tries anything, he and his Alter Egos would do fuck all against Olga.....hell Foreigner Servants count as invaders for the Gatekeeper Skill as well right? And Lostbelt servants would count as well...

Btw, Goethia implied that something happened to Tiamat in Babylonia. That she was, for a lack of a better term, stolen from his board. Sooooo Morgan managed to contact Tiamat and turn her into the Tiamom we all want her to be? The one that learns what familial love means and acts like the Grandmother of Humanity, seeing as she was already a mother, though the duties of a mother never truly end, and now she gets to relax and bask in the love of all the grandbabies she has to spoil rotten.

Gilgamesh and Matthew's relationship will start its upturn after Septem, yes, but it won't be an instant thing. I have a trajectory planned through post-London/pre-America.

Olga will have an impact on the state of Chaldea by merely existing. I don't think I'll have her reveal Goetia like that, namely because she's been spending most of her time unconscious and merging with Vivian. She has some knowledge (more than Chaldea), but she's not fully filled in.

Morgan's huge coup was getting Olga out of the way so the Prime Minister of Earth couldn't use her to manifest. If Manaka wants it to drop in she'll need to do some quick thinking, assuming she isn't gunning for the role herself.

Tiamat is no longer Beast II, or a Beast at all. What exactly happened will be revealed sooner than later because I'm an impatient knucklehead who can't hold onto reveals for longer than strictly necessary.

Speaking of this, I have to wonder what if any 'after-effects' Olga will get after this is all over and Vivian departs (if she does). Because we know that Matthew and Mash are being altered by their 'partnered' spirits so they're a different case but the only case where you had the possessing/melding entity leaving that I know of was Laeticia and Jeanne d'Arc. And in that case, all Laeticia seemed to retain were memories.

It is highly unlikely that Vivian will be able to disconnect from Olga. The others had the qualifier of they were all alive. Olga spent a long while in Avalon as a disembodied soul, which has consequences. Puppet body or no, being killed without proper measures in place does usually result in death. -Shirou meme here-
"I am Olga Marie Fucking Animusphere, daughter of Marisbilly Animusphere (may that bastard rot in hell),

No Hell in Type-Moon, remember? All souls go to Akasha upon death now that the Age of Gods is over. Poor Ereshkigal hasn't had any new arrivals in 3 millennia; she must be really lonely and bored down there.

Tiamat is no longer Beast II, or a Beast at all. What exactly happened will be revealed sooner than later because I'm an impatient knucklehead who can't hold onto reveals for longer than strictly necessary.

That might not be quite as good as it sounds. Beasthood requires two main things; Love of Humanity, and Lack of Understanding of Humanity, which twists said Love into something monstrous. If Tiamat's not a Beast anymore, either she understands humanity now (the good end) or she no longer loves humanity (the bad end).
No Hell in Type-Moon, remember? All souls go to Akasha upon death now that the Age of Gods is over. Poor Ereshkigal hasn't had any new arrivals in 3 millennia; she must be really lonely and bored down there.

poor ere-chan
have Fujimaru as your new big bro to lighten up your day.
or if we get an adult Rin, let her be the Mom to Ishtarin and Erinsh