Let the spirits be merciful.... if I can figure out how the dice roller works. Did they change it again?

Edit: alright, that took a minute.
Parzival95 threw 2 100-faced dice. Total: 31
28 28 3 3
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By the way @huhYeahGoodPoint, what is the range needed to get critical successes or critical failures?
An explanation for the CKII actions here: Every action has a DC, against which you will make a check. These checks will be rolled as: Base Stat + (1d100)/10 vs DC. In the event of a tie the action is considered a failure, though this should happen in literally 1% of cases, so. If the number is higher than the DC, you succeed. If the roll is 95+, it becomes a critical success, and confers extra advantages. Actions can also synergize with each other, leading to extra bonuses, both in roll and in narrative.
By my reading, that's a crit. Choose your reward, BelligerentGnu.

The Merchant Guilds invest heavily into setting up new cooperatives, reemploying vast numbers of recently laid off workers under new management - who all know exactly who to thank for their change in fortunes.

You need to pay less bribes than you had thought - in fact, the cooperatives are willing to pay you for negotiating so brilliantly on their behalf. (Cost changes from 6 Budget into 4 Budget Gain)

You feel the weight of a third observer on your back, and you know that somehow the Spirit of Oskaria is watching your manuevers - and taking notes.
My asshole continues to pucker whenever I scroll down to the random event roll. This can't be healthy for me.
Option 1 is very tempting, but given our general success this turn I will go with the one that seems custom written for me.

Option 3, Spirit of Oskaria please.
You all thought we were going to become communist comrades but nay, we will install a Spider Theocracy with Justice over our left shoulder and Oskaria over our Right! With our right hand we strike down the tyrant and the... Unoskarian? and with our left we... balance taxation.

I didn't say it would be a revolutionary theocracy.
Im back! So what did I miss?
*Great Depression intensifies*
Just what this nation needs:V
The nobility is hesitant, and tries to feed you some of their accounts, which were, generously speaking, rosy, and not generously, complete bullshit. You know this because they don't make a distinction between specie and paper money - all of it is recorded as either revenue or hard cash, which probably helps explain how everything went downhill so fast. You know this because many of the key servants of these noble houses corroborate what you had suspected: they had invested their actual specie into these wild speculations to try and get unbelievably rich - on paper, at least. You also know this because you have the merchants accounts in hand as well, and you note that while many merchants made the same mistake, not all of them did.

Localized great depression due to the very same reasons for the american great depression........
Why did I have to be right?
New Dance Partners

DC: 22. Roll: 18 + 2 + 1.1 = 21.1

Unfortunately, the rumors about a new dragon in the region scare up many of your potential contracts - in fact, many of them outright fled mid-haggle over the pay rates.

At least this meant that you didn't have to spend any money paying for them.

Business 101

DC: 25. Roll: 23 + 1 + 2 + 9.2 = 35.2

Business has many complicated rules, a subtle art to it that requires years of experience in identifying the vagaries of the markets and a honed trader's instinct for legalities and prices - prices and appropriateness of sales and marketing had subtle differences that made up all the difference!

At least, that's what you would've said if you were here to pump up the audience's ego.

Unfortunately, you are not here to pump up the audience's ego, which means that they're going to learn some very short and hard lessons:

In theory, you need to master theory in order to understand everything that's happening so that you can make the right decisions - this whole thing was a nuanced art, and you had to know -

In practice you just need to follow the rules of thumb, you said, both to your rapturous audience of new business stakeholders. Mickael looms over the proceedings like he looms over everything else, but you know he's paying close attention.

Rule Zero: Don't lie to your partners. You need to be honest about what you have and don't have to yourself and your business, or else everything's going to explode when the truth inevitably comes out.

Rule One: Don't step on toes, because an awful number of those are connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.

Rule Two: Record everything that happens somewhere. Some of you, you say, looking directly at Mickael, have minds like steel traps - but that's not good evidence when you need to prove the other guy's stiffing you or when you want to figure out where you can make your business better.

Rule Three: If the money isn't in hand, the transaction isn't complete, so don't pretend that it is. If your inventory is out of your hands, your inventory is out of your hands - so make sure you get that down.

Rule Four: Don't bullshit yourself. When you need to make decisions to do whatever your business wants to do, you need to have good information. You wouldn't eat your own shit, so don't feed yourself shit information to make yourself feel better.

Rule Five: Feeding bullshit to your investors rarely ends well. Exhibit A: the province's economy.

Rule Six: Seriously, don't tell yourself comfortable lies. If you want to boost your own ego, go to the bar and lie about your sexual prowess. You are in this business to make money so that you can do things with that money. It does no one any good to tell themselves they're rich when they're about three days from debtor's prison.

Rule Seven: Everything has a price. Many times the price is free, but sometimes people will say something can't be done when what they really mean is that you haven't paid the price in either time or money. Check.

Rule Eight: Everything has a price, so don't sell yourself, your work, or your time cheaply. You are professionals. Charge like it.

Rule Nine: What you present to your customers, be they paying you in money or favors or loan opportunities, should never be sloppily done - make sure you put in the time to prepare your presentation for the audiences.

Rule Ten: We've had to repeat this rule several times. We're going to keep repeating it: don't lie to yourself.

Merchant Guild Negotiations

DC: 27. Roll: 20 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 9.5 = 36.5

So it's with hours of drilling and memorization and more drilling that you finally bring to the Merchant Guild, new businessowners in tow. It's a public spectacle, with many onlookers - and you're certain that the slightest of pressures in the air is the actual Spirit of Oskaria, listening in. The Merchant Guildmasters head into these meetings expecting to meet illiterate peasants who needed to have their business licenses revoked and handed over to the people who rightfully deserve it - they find trained and astute shareholders that can adroitly explain their own company's operating principles and growth prospects.

The Merchant Guildmasters are surprised, honestly. They hand over prewritten contracts to the undeclared businessowners, undoubtedly filled with traps - the shareholders simply respond that they'll take it under advisement but comprehending such a document would naturally take time and effort.

The Guildmasters are honestly impressed with these new shareholder's professionalism and work ethic - with the right set of clothing, it's almost like they were another noble family entirely.

You exhale a huge sigh of relief that none of them fell for the trap. Concealing the illiteracy of these poor - well, not likely to be poor for much longer - stakeholders was tricky, but you managed it, especially with Mickael's help practicing this interview for days on end. For bonus points, the charters you set up were practically accepted without revision, after you decided to conduct some of your own backroom negotiations, pointing out that these new stakeholders were reliable, and while they may not have the pedigree of former merchant families, they had the training to be transparent about their own activities - and that clarity was far better for business confidence than hoping that this new smooth talker wasn't lying about their own finances, right?

The whole negotation process was one of your more brilliant pieces of work, if you do say so yourself.

Securing Loyalty

DC: 25. Roll: 22 + 2 + 7.8 = 31.8

Ultimately, when you chose your agents you chose them for a variety of reasons: the difficulty of turning them, their positions within their houses, and whether you thought that you could trust them.

As always, your foresight a few months ago pays off now, with the servants that you had selected to be in your network proving to be mostly trustworthy and reliable - you only have to pay a few agents a little bit of money to watch over your interests and tell you if the other agents were selling your secrets - without your permission, of course.

It's a simple affair, ultimately, and you're glad that it appears you can mostly leave the network to its own devices now.


DC: 23. Roll: 21 + 2.8 = 23.8

You ask Tekla to go take a look at what upgrades he can make on your new equipment, especially considering it's...storied history, to be polite. He cracks his neck, looks at the components he has to work with, and promptly sweeps half of them off the table.

That unusable, you ask.

Yeah, they just wouldn't work at all, Tekla said.

In the end, he's able to upgrade the Divination Compass, but only slightly - not much he can do when the original compass is worn-down and his components even more so.

One slight problem presents itself when you're using it - you're simply so good at crunching numbers and memorizing factoids that the improvements don't actually make your quality of life any better.

Still, that's not so much a reflection of his inability so much as your brilliance, so you shrug and accept it.

Divination Compass would grant +2 Stewardship below 20 and +1 Stewardship below 25... except that you have Stewardship 23 and so don't get to see that bonus. Maybe it'd resell for higher, though.

Gentle Unraveling

DC: 27. Roll: 23 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 7.0 = 35.0

You begin the process by picking up your roughly constructed maps of debt. You look for easy opportunities, where two noble families owed each other debt obligations, and simply suggested they just forgive each other equal amounts of debt in order to reduce the total amount of debts in the system - and are met with mostly understanding nods, especially with Tekla's help in simultaneously convincing the other noble house. The tangle is tricky, however - many were counting on that debt instrument to remain a long-term investment, but you pointed out that since there was an equal outflow and inflow it really didn't make much of a difference.

The problem, of course, is that there were relatively few cases where only two noble families were required to close the circle of debts in their entirety - in many cases, many noble houses owed debts of varying sizes to many other families in a web so dense you were fairly certain it could pass for a solid wall, should you try to visually represent it.

You sigh. Best case scenario, you'd probably be at this for another few months just trying to pick apart individual loops where you could convince the nobles to forgive the debts.

Local Answers II

DC: 10. Roll: 23 + 2 + 0.8 = 25.8

It's a fairly perfunctory affair - and unfortunately, you may have let that slip in a compromising way. Fortunately, you're simply so good at performing the ritual and listening to the spirits that it really doesn't matter, but you know that it wasn't a great performance - even as you request for some aid in making sure your courage remains steadfast next month.

+1 Diplomacy, + 1 Martial.

Random Event Roll: 68

Surprisingly, the church has stayed relatively quiet throughout this whole affair - while the almsgiving continues and Thevenet continues to smile unsettling smiles, you hear rumors about the church buying out some of the loan obligations from stakeholders who simply lacked the ability to pay in specie. While you're certain that this is almost certainly an abuse of power somewhere, it's helping to settle the local economy and you don't really have any solid proof of it - best not to scrape through the sheen, in your considered opinion.

Cost of Services Sold: 4 Budget.
Public Relations Expense: 6 Budget.
Spiritual Expense: 2 Budget.
Other Expense: 2 Budget.
Net Loss: 14 Budget.

Advance Collection of Accounts Receivable: 4 Budget.

Remaining Budget: 50 Budget.
Accounts Receivable: 16 Budget.

The economy still wasn't stable, but it also wasn't completely spiralling out of control. Some days it felt like the tangle of debts still wasn't the least bit resolved, and you were getting concerned - much longer, and you'd suspect that the nobles would simply resume loan collections and make your job all that much more complicated when some noble inevitably immediately went bankrupt. As another priority, you slotted in "considering legal action against the Albert family," or at least some method to recoup the costs here. Maybe.

You were also hoping that nothing else went wrong, which was...well, a pretty major ask.

In your ever-dwindling free time, however, you keep an eye out for news and prices from the rest of the world, even though the markets in the province were swinging pretty wildly in prices - and you noticed that for some reason, the prices of manufactured goods were starting to rise alarmingly fast. All you can do is squint and hope it's not a harbinger of anything else more serious.

You have 50 Budget and a situation that is slowly improving. You're not comfortable spending lots of money with income so strapped right now, but you certainly can spend up to 20 Budget this month without breaking the bank.

You have 3 [Free] Actions that may be spent in any category.

You have 5 Minor Boons that you may attach to any Action.

You can cooperate with your teammates to add +3 base stat to an action that you are cooperating on. It is represented by using your [Free] Action on one of your already-selected Actions.

Martial (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Martial] Getting Some Real Answers

You need some real explanations from what happened in this city. You can knock down some doors and start asking some questions. DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Martial] New Dance Partners

Unfortunately, the rumors about the Dragon appear to have shaken the confidence of the local mercenary companies more than you thought - but ultimately they need to get paid, so you think you can just do this again.. DC: 22. Cost: 6 Budget.
[] [Martial] Site Investigation II

Hm. Personally, you have your doubts about there really being a dragon in those hills - for starters, if they were actually a dragon, why would the famously vain dragons be this deep in Oskaria and otherwise be quiet? DC: 35?. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Martial] Heavy Firepower

On the other hand, if there actually is a dragon there, you're going to want some real firepower to match. Real firepower like a battery of cannon that you might be able to requisition from the city. DC: 25. Cost: 4 Budget.

Diplomacy (Choose 1) {Agueda Action}
[] [Diplomacy] Assurances

Right now, you've mostly got a handle on how bad the root problem is. Your new problem is that the nobles and merchants are terrified of the problem - which you need to address to get capital flowing again. DC: 25. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] Petitioning City Government

Actually, with the consultation you're doing with the local noble families, you might be able to parlay this into a means to talk with the city government directly, and by talk you mostly mean browbeat until they start answering your questions. DC: 23. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] Cutting the Knot

Screw this - you've heard it said that the best deal is the one that leaves both sides unhappy, and a perfect plan three months late is worse than a good plan three months early. Better to just cut through the tangle of debts with blanket debt forgiveness and a blank slate from here on out. DC: 27. Cost: 4 Budget.

Intrigue (Choose 1) {Agueda Action}
[] [Intrigue] Keeping Tabs

You now need to turn your burgeoning network into a regular source of information - especially so that you can keep track of the movements of extremely important people. DC: 25. Cost: 4 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Unannounced Visitation

Perhaps these government employees can be convinced to talk to you about the information they have - provided sufficient incentive, of course. DC: 15. Cost: 6 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Covert Site Investigation

Maybe armed forces isn't the way to go about poking a dragon. Where violence had been outmatched, maybe stealth could get you some answers. DC: 30. Cost: 0 Budget.

Learning (Choose 1) {Tekla Action}
[] [Learning] Detailed Mapping

Tekla comments that the mapping of the area you did earlier in the year was necessarily short and abbreviated, spread out over an entire city - if he could take the Gnarled Rod and sample far more area he could make a much more detailed map around the site outside the city in particular. DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Learning] Unconventional Tools

Tekla has the components to try and assemble a tool to find out whether there's a hunk of metal somewhere at a distance - very useful for checking out that hill from said distance. DC: 26. Cost: 0 Budget.

Stewardship (Choose 1) {Agueda Action}
[] [Stewardship] Exit Strategy

Alright, the economic crash has halted, the prices are back in line, and you've started the process of untangling this mess. Time to get out before the situation gets sticky. DC: 17. Cost: Ends Case right here.
[] [Stewardship] Gentle Unraveling II

The net is dense, and unfortunately you've already dealt with all the easy swaps in this overgrown thicket of debts. DC: 28. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Stewardship] Continued Support

While you managed to get these new businesses through a crash training program, you're definitely going to want to generally be on-call just in case something comes up and they need to pester you for help. DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.

Piety (Choose 1) {Agueda Action}
[] [Piety] Local Answers III

The local spirits are satisfied with the progress you're making, but there's a tradition to this sort of thing if you want to keep up the blessings. DC: 10. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Piety] Calling All Dragonslayers

You know that several of these spirits occasionally talk to the really powerful adventurers like Antonin or Jensen, apparently. Maybe they could put out a request to come look at this province's dragon? DC: 27. Cost: 4 Budget.
[] [Piety] Bringing In Oskaria

If Oskaria can find such a big thing like a dragon sitting inside of Oskaria's borders, surely it might be able to find something that would be more helpful to your goal? Like, oh, the government employee's sense of duty? DC: 27. Cost: 0 Budget.

I'm going to sleep pretty much immediately, so I probably won't be around to answer questions until I get up in the morning. Depending on whether there's a consensus that doesn't need an outstanding question answered, we might hold the roll session then or later, not totally sure.
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[X] A Small Price to Pay
-[X] [Martial] New Dance Partners
-[X] [Diplomacy] Assurances
-[X] [Diplomacy] Petitioning City Government
-[X] [Intrigue] Covert Site Investigation
-[X] [Intrigue] Unannounced Visitation
-[X] [Learning] Unconventional Tools
-[X] [Stewardship] Gentle Unraveling II
-[X] [Stewardship] Continued Support
-[X] [Piety] Local Answers III

With the economy stabilizing, we can focus on other priorities. First, the prosecution of the family that started this (for case resolution) and the "dragon" that has everyone up in arms. If this is a dragon, chances are it has a hoard which would make funding the ministry a breeze plus what other goodies it might have.

End cost: 16 Budget.
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[X] A Small Price to Pay
[X] [Martial] New Dance Partners
[X] [Diplomacy] Assurances
[X] [Diplomacy] Petitioning City Government
[X] [Intrigue] Covert Site Investigation
[X] [Intrigue] Unannounced Visitation
[X] [Learning] Unconventional Tools
[X] [Stewardship] Gentle Unraveling II
[X] [Stewardship] Continued Support
[X] [Piety] Local Answers III

Could you maybe change the:
[] Plan
[] action

[] Plan
-[] action

The ' - ' makes the tally easier to read by tying everything together.
He cracks his necks,
Tekla has multiple necks? I thought he was a human, based off of Kerrie's interlude and the picture of our team?

[X] Plan: Stupid Problems Require Simple Solutions
-[X] [Martial] New Dance Partners
-[X] [Diplomacy] Cutting the Knot
-[X] Free action to aid Cutting The Knot
-[X] 3 minor boons to aid Cutting The Knot
-[X] [Intrigue] Covert Site Investigation
-[X] Free action to aid Covert Site Investigation
-[X] [Learning] Unconventional Tools
-[X] [Stewardship] Continued Support
-[X] [Piety] Local Answers III
-[X] [Piety] Calling All Dragonslayers (Free)

I think we should just take a sledgehammer to this whole thing, and go with Cut The Knot. Then we can focus on the dragon, which we prepare for with mercenaries, adventurers, and spying.

Also added 3 minor boons to Cutting The Knot, so it will be an autopass. We really need to get the situation finished with so we can focus on the dragon.

Edit 2:
Cost: 16 budget
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[X] Plan Placeholder Name
-[Martial] Site Investigation II
-[X] [Diplomacy] Cutting the Knot
--[X] Add Free Action to Cutting the Knot
-[X] [Intrigue] Covert Site Investigation
--[X] Add Free Action to Covert Site Investigation
-[X] [Learning] Unconventional Tools
--[X] Add Free Action to Unconventional Tools
-[X] [Stewardship] Continued Support
-[X] [Piety] Bringing In Oskaria

Okay, this plan is a bit riskier than I am used to. Skipping Martial action because I don't want to commit to any of them with either risking the fallout of free options or paying the cost of expensive ones. The next three actions are risky, but I am going to take the chances to get this situation dealt with a timely and cheap manner through I am putting a free action on each. I am going to try and cut the knot to get this debt situation both under control and defaulting to the previous mess before the market crash. Intrigue, I want to covertly investigate the dragon while Learning is doing the same, but with the hill. Stewardship is making sure things go steady while Piety is taking a chance to bring in Oskaria since I have not been impressed with the blessings of the local spirits for the prices that we have been paying.

Edit: Switched in investigating that dragon because I want to see what that question mark means and I feel comfortable if we waste our Martial action on failing to deal with the dragon if there is even a dragon and not a 'dragon'.

I am not spending any Minor Boons because we have a limited supply of those and I don't consider this case to be important enough to warrant them now we got the situation under control.
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