I don't think that we need to worry about balancing the budget. The way things are going in a turn or 2 we will be able to just pick discarded coins off the street.
Since Oshha's Cashing Out, that means that the budget still all balances
We also get more budget from Book Sales. Correct my maths, but my plan should be getting us 34 Budget at the end of the day?
I am of course changing my plan to include this. Vote Comrade Random for more peasant mobs!


No wait, that'll make them less likely to vote for my plan....

To be fair, my plan is also preparing to have peasant mobs. Mainly because I am taking them as a given at this point unless we get very lucky and when they do happen, I want to have some influence with them.

I don't think that we need to worry about balancing the budget. The way things are going in a turn or 2 we will be able to just pick discarded coins off the street.

I disagree. Getting our budget shored up now while we get other aspects of our local power base built up opens more options to us in the future when we will need to take them. We may be able to balance later, but the price will be opportunity costs. Best to do it now whilst things are relatively quiet so it isn't a concern or at least a major one later.

Anyway, my plan is to get our power base now when it is quiet so we already have it to use when things are on fire later.
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Is no one else really curious about that site from Oskaria?

Also: Let's think longterm. Helping a national spirit grow to prominence could have massive beneficial effects for the kingdom, especially if it equals or outstrips the compact. We need to do what we can to help it grow.
Is no one else really curious about that site from Oskaria?

Also: Let's think longterm. Helping a national spirit grow to prominence could have massive beneficial effects for the kingdom, especially if it equals or outstrips the compact. We need to do what we can to help it grow.
I am. I am just on my phone and don't want to put together a plan.
Is no one else really curious about that site from Oskaria?

Also: Let's think longterm. Helping a national spirit grow to prominence could have massive beneficial effects for the kingdom, especially if it equals or outstrips the compact. We need to do what we can to help it grow.

I am. I just want to go at it when we got some extra assets to make Martial actions easier since we got an unknown DC on that action. That and I think that getting some martial assets now before the good ones are brought up and the remaining ones get more expensive is best. Barring any unforeseen complications, I want to do that action next turn.

In general, my plan is to get mercenaries this month whilst we build up all of our power base, hit the hill next turn whilst using our other actions to start digging up targets and then hopefully hit any targets dig up after in the turns after that. This basic plan for future months is subject to change from third party action and random event rolls of course.
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Is no one else really curious about that site from Oskaria?

Also: Let's think longterm. Helping a national spirit grow to prominence could have massive beneficial effects for the kingdom, especially if it equals or outstrips the compact. We need to do what we can to help it grow.
Sure, but I think the Local Spirits are a bit more urgent with regards to our current case. Don't want to fuck that up and deal with sudden spirit bullshit because we didn't make any offers to them.

EDIT: Oh wait, that's a Martial Action. Meh, same thing. Getting mercenaries before they're all hired is more urgent.
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The local spirits may be useful allies for when we investigate the site.

I am basically certain that there is a counterfeit scam happenings now. Money is quickly becoming worthless.
The coins paid to the royal treasury have all tested out, though. I'm pretty sure Vivian has already checked and discarded the 'counterfeit' hypothesis. Remember that gold coins are fairly hard to fake in a way that can't be trivially spotted by someone who actually thinks to look for it.

I think it's more likely that we have the opposite problem- someone has discovered a vast supply of formerly inaccessible wealth. Something like a gold mine, the hoard of a long-dead dragon, or a magical loom that can spin straw into gold. It's not counterfeiting- the money is real gold, or possibly real silver. But it has the effect of creating sudden inflation.
Too bad we don't have an extensive network of merchant contacts we could rely on to dump resources here for relatively cheeper prices than the massively inflated local ones and pull the coin out of here. One of the ways we can solve the inflation issue is a big project to get as much coin as possible out of this region.
Can someone explain what the Investments action did?

It got us the ability to do this.
[] [Stewardship] Cashing Out
Actually, on that note you do not want to be near that cloth stock any more - you've got a lot of value out of it right now, and you do not particularly want your money to be in worthless paper when the inevitable impact of the war hits. DC: 15. Realized Gain: 26 Budget.
If you look at our Budget, the 26 Budget from this action isn't actually part of our 64 Budget yet.

Too bad we don't have an extensive network of merchant contacts we could rely on to dump resources here for relatively cheeper prices than the massively inflated local ones and pull the coin out of here.

Being about to get something like this is one of the reasons I wanted our extra couple of actions so much. While had the opportunity to start setting up networks like this in the past, we always ended up focusing on dealing with immediate issues over preparing for future problems. Hopefully this can change with a pair of free actions to throw at other stuff.

But seriously, you have no idea how tempting it was for me to try and start building up a network amongst the merchants in the final months of Grainy Resolution.
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[X] Plan Getting Settled In

Can someone explain what the Investments action did?
What should be illegal?
You bought shares in cloth company manufacturers before releasing information that drove up the demand for cloth.

Basically, you did insider trading, except since Oskaria being what it is there's no law against it because the top financial regulators(read: you) are busy getting rich off of it :V
[] Plan Getting Settled In

Can someone explain what the Investments action did?
What should be illegal?
Insider trading. We just did insider trading based on our superior knowledge of probable army cloth demand.

NO society in this period (Early Modern) had insider trading regulations; the ability to use insider trading to game markets was generally just seen as a perk of holding prominent offices or being in business at all. Certainly Oskaria wouldn't have such rules.
...Oh I think I get it.
Basically, it's a market bubble.
It's going to burst any second now and it's going to screw up people's ability to trade. Assets, but not enough for everyone to survive off those, and more and more and more money money money until by sheer availability it's impossible to trade because you must trade SO MUCH of it.
And while there may or may not be a counterfeiting scheme going on in the background I think the real trick might be finding out about it so that they don't get to chain-bubble from province to province and beggar the entire kingdom.
A small part of me hopes that we get a 1 on insider trading and discover that there is actually a law against it. Though most of me hopes we don't because I realize how inconvenient it would be.
...Oh I think I get it.
Basically, it's a market bubble.
It's going to burst any second now and it's going to screw up people's ability to trade. Assets, but not enough for everyone to survive off those, and more and more and more money money money until by sheer availability it's impossible to trade because you must trade SO MUCH of it.
Uh, the problem is, you can't have a bubble without a commodity for there to be a bubble in. Housing, shares in the South Sea Company, tulip bulbs, something. And we don't have an obvious case where prices of one specific item are skyrocketing and causing all the available money to get sucked up into that one industry.

Nah, I think we've got a straightforward case of inflation brought about by sudden increase in the money supply. Specie-based currency is very susceptible to that.

A small part of me hopes that we get a 1 on insider trading and discover that there is actually a law against it. Though most of me hopes we don't because I realize how inconvenient it would be.
Given how many disadvantages the state's bureaucracy operates under in a society like this, I consider it a case where we are justified because otherwise we don't even have the budget to maintain our own operations.
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[X] Plan Getting Settled In

You know, a thought occurred to me, if there is a massive stache of gold coins that people have access to, you would want to hide it far away enough that people can't stumble upon it, but close enough to access in a day or two, somewhere like a small hill outside the city limits?
Nah, I think we've got a straightforward case of inflation brought about by sudden increase in the money supply. Specie-based currency is very susceptible to that.
If it was just that we'd not be seeing something as weird yet obviously suspicious as this:
One of the young noble's sons asks you to help their family out. You get the sense that he's had too much to drink and was definitely the idiot disfavored son by how horrified his mother was to find him talking to you, but before his mother can drag him off, he asks you to help bring one of the nobles to justice. You see, they were overdue on the debts owed to their house - or at least, were refusing to pay according to the schedule that their family wanted them to pay up.

Unfortunately, his mother was hot on his heels, so you couldn't squeeze anything more out of him - in fact, the mother handed you a hefty bribe to simply pretend the whole thing had never happened.
People who deliberately avoid a chance to collect debts. That just screams something weird is up. In fact, it screams that the source of money these people discovered is not in fact a source of money, but using debt as money with a complete disregard as to whether it can be paid.

Thus why nobody with a brain wants to try to collect, if they do the whole rotten edifice will come down.
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