The Streets

DC: 25. Roll: 18 + 2 + 1.
Not that it matters, but why are we suddenly using Cormag's Diplo rather than Tekla's?
The Local Spirits

DC: 27. Roll: 22 + 2.
Since we are using the Gnarled Rod here, shouldn't we get +3 Piety from the Wintercore Wand as we are using a magical item? Unless it doesn't count as spellwork or runework in which case, I'm going to argue that is unfairly arbitrary as we have only had an item being magical as the relevant detail and not any information about how it is magical.
Combination of magical compass, detector, and great conduit for what must have been a witch's personal effects,
Well... I guess I get to say "I told you so" though that does not make me feel any better.
Especially since you don't have grounds to do so. We got three of the four Diplo actions succeeding and even if we don't have the streets on our side, we still got the guilds and church on our side on top of our successfully getting our story out there.
Otherwise we get to see if soft power can beat hard power.

No, we don't. The traitor nobles aren't going to just start pulling out the swords as doing that just doesn't work. You keep insisting on this false dilemma of us having to choose between soft power and hard power, but that choice doesn't actually exist, especially since it assumes that only the nobility has any hard power. Even if it did, it doesn't matter because either the nobles don't have enough to win and we benefit from them shooting themselves in the foot or they do and we have already lost and just don't know it yet.
Not that it matters, but why are we suddenly using Cormag's Diplo rather than Tekla's?
You are using Cormag's Diplo because Tekla is still unofficially proscribed by the church and the street priests and Streets proper still recognizes that.
Since we are using the Gnarled Rod here, shouldn't we get +3 Piety from the Wintercore Wand as we are using a magical item? Unless it doesn't count as spellwork or runework in which case, I'm going to argue that is unfairly arbitrary as we have only had an item being magical as the relevant detail and not any information about how it is magical.
Spellwork and runework is actually meant to be completely seperate from spiritual affairs - there is some element of ritual and sacrifice, but Agueda would tell you that your work can honestly be as sloppy as you want so long as you get the spirit's attention. Using a Wintercore Wand and an intricate ritual array honestly doesn't give you a meaningful benefit compared to just throwing shit vaguely in a ritual formation when it comes to spiritual negotiations, but it matters a lot for delicate spell and runework.
This is an action leveraging spiritual negotiations rather than magical might, and thus does not qualify for a boost from Wintercore Wand.
Interlude: The Beasts of Autumn
The red leaves of fall heralded the harvest and its red moon - only this year, the harvest moon emerged, bloodier than ever. The sounds of the capital were subdued, as an unnatural cold blew through the walled city - and then the howl of the beasts rang through the night.

They struck as a pack, mottled red and black fur raging like a river towards the walls of the Capital. They slammed through the gates, once, twice, and then with a great crash a towering earthen golem broke through the main gates. Fires alighted all over the city as bells tolled a long-forgotten haunting rhythm - the Dragon's toll.

You felt a sensation within your soul, a demand for Oskaria to use you as a vessel. Absent the restrictions, the chains which you had carefully enticed it to accept before - Oskaria needed you in your totality, not a restricted form.

You breathed in, and nodded your head.

[Blessings: Conceptual Perk Activation: Vessel]

The gemstone upon your neck flares with a red light as you feel the power of Oskaria flow through you from the depths of your soul through the tips of your fingers. Your body, mind, and soul expands its dominion over all before its gaze, for all of it is Oskaria, and you find yourself as displeased with the state of Oskaria as you always have been.

Your eyes see the thousand cracks, the thousand deficits where Oskaria has been allowed or made to slip, the thousand ways that you have been held back - and you are perennially dissatisfied.

But no matter. You immediately look over at Kerrie, whose loyalty was unquestionable. She hesitates before the look in your eyes - but then again, these agents of the will of Oskaria were always more hesitant when you assumed your full power. You gesture for the sword in Kerrie's hand, and she hands it to you. The moment it touches the domain of your existence, you extend your power through it as it suffuses with a golden-red light.

You order them to follow, as you rally the defenses.

They nod, and you take off at a run.

[Tactics: Logistics: 0 + 150 (Oskaria's Blessing) : Required: 20]

You see the great beasts streaming in a group too tight to be merely the cunning of beasts - this must be directed by some spirit or vessel, and Oskaria was telling you that it had to be the great towering golem lumbering forward, looking to eviscerate the Royal Arsenal before the guns could be turned upon the beasts. Everywhere they trampled, however, they huffed gouts of blackish fire and instilled the primordial fear into the terrified townspeople and guardsmen - the garrisons of the city stripped of their best and sent to fight in a foreign land, leaving behind only these dregs, fleeing, crying, and gasping in fear and despair both.

[Tactics: Logistics Artificial Perk Activation: Second Wind]
[Tactics: Logistics Artificial Perk Activation: Look Left, Look Right]
[Tactics: Logistics: 0 + 150 (Oskaria's Blessing : Required: 100]

With a voice that pierces through the din of the crowds and the roar of the fires, you demand the heroes of Oskaria to rise. Surely they have seen how terrifying these beasts of the wild are! Their savagery is the savagery of nature, it's true! That is why the heroes must stand and fight, for their courage and their bravery and their valor is all that will stand between the beasts and their families! To be afraid is natural, but rest assured in the certainty of victory, for you shall lead them to it!

The ones who had teetered on the edge of the brink of despair seize their guns and their pikes and roar their bravery, as the ones whose mind and soul had given way before the all-consuming fear shakily stand and let loose their fear in a cleansing cheer. The force you lead into the flanks of the charging horde scythes through their ranks, your golden blade carving through beastflesh and beastfire alike. Wintry chill blasts through the air, the frost snuffing out the beastfire wherever you cannot be and freezing the beasts where they slow too much. Shots crack through the air, the impacts of the musketballs gouging great holes in the beasts. Over even the cracks of the muskets roar the cannons, wheeled through the narrow alleys of the city and parked atop the ramparts of the Arsenal.

This proves to be too much for even the unnatural cunning of these beasts, and they wildly stampede in all directions. For every twenty paving stones they cross the muskets and the cannons and the pikes cleave through another ten of them, but there are hundreds charging in all directions. Some of them manage to break through, the terrified peasant meeting the terrified beasts and breaking first. You move to pursue, but a giant slab of stone abruptly cuts you off from the fleeing stone beasts.

Evidently, the giant stone golem was possessed of a greater will, even as all it could do was communicate in roars. Its eerie emerald-green eyes stared down at you as you realized it blamed you for all of its ills. The great mass of stone and treeflesh interposed itself in front of you, demanding your full attention with a bellowed roar.

You rolled your neck and readied your blade, the ruby gem pulsing with the power coursing through your hot blood.

[Mobility: Surety: 20 + 100 (Oskaria's Blessing) : Required: 120]

The giant stone golem's stone blade first came down in a wild one-handed swing, and you hop backwards slightly.

[Combat: Melee: 0 + 150 (Oskaria's Blessing) + 100 (Ready Stance) + 400 (Tax Cut) = 650: Required: 250]
[Combat: Melee: 0 + 150 (Oskaria's Blessing) + 100 (Lunge) + 400 (Tax Cut) = 650: Required: 100]

The mass of stone meets your braced golden blade well past its own point of balance, and finds itself thrown back as your stance remains unbroken. Your body flows with the momentum it imparted to spin on one foot as you coil your legs. When the rotation completes you plant your foot back on the ground and explode forward. The tip of your sword shines with a golden light that turns night into day as you soar through the air. The blade plunges through the emerald hollows where the golem's eyes should be, and as it sinks in the light vanishes into the golem's skull. With another planted foot and a kick, your blade smoothly withdraws from dimly glowing eye.

Just as your feet touch the ground, golden light explodes from the eye socket that you had stabbed into. The light shines for several heartbeats, casting everything in stark golden light. The stone giant is blasted backwards, head rocking at an angle that would have snapped had the golem been in any way natural. Clutching its face with its free hand, the giant roars at you, and it cannot even elicit anything more than a scoff from you. You see and feel the energy crackling within the mockery of a throat, but that is not a concern.

[Mobility: Agility Artificial Perk Activation: Blur]

Your bound through the burning street, surpassing a speed that reason can keep up with. The great gouts of magical energy pours forth from the giant's throat, but your every step carries you three strides away from where the giant's eyes saw you last, let alone the slow spells it tried to throw at you. You speed past the last desperate swing of the giant's sword to stab it through the throat, golden light building up just as before.

You suddenly realize your mistake when your sword runs into a gelatinous ooze, one that you cannot smoothly remove your sword from. You pull once, twice, and then the giant grabs hold of you with its free hand and pulls you free from its throat. The sword is torn from your grip as you're thrown bodily through the air - but Oskaria guides your body, allowing you to slide along the terraced rooftops. The giant itself sank to one knee and heaved mightily, only a handful of its giant steps away from the Arsenal which it had fought to reach. It hacked loud and long, and out came Tax Cut. In came a great breath of air, and you saw the giant glow green all over as its eye and throat seemed to knit itself before your eyes - and with a glance up at the abandoned cannons atop the arsenal walls, you know that you will not be able to kill this beast.

But that did not mean you were out of options.

You hop down next to Cormag, whipping the spirits into a frenzy with the Gnarled Rod in his left hand as the Wintercore Wand helped slowly but surely seal off the ways the beasts could continue their rampage. You ask for the Wintercore Wand, and Cormag gratefully nods as he hands it to you.

You run back to the street, where the giant was still kneeling, attempting to catch its breath.

[Mystical: Projections: 50 + 150 (Oskaria) = 200 : Required: 20]

You let loose a howling gale of frost from the tip of the Wintercore Wand. The gale slams into the giant, blowing it backwards as the stone giant began to slowly freeze over. Snow and hail begin to pour from the wand as it demanded to let more of its essence and shape more of your power, and you gladly let the wand drink deeply as it spews out a howling blizzard. The giant attempts to stand up, to spit an angry reply back - but the frosty beam freezes the spell in the beast's throat. The giant beast at last staggers backward, finally afraid for its life - but it's too little, too late, and the stone golem collapses against the walls of the Arsenal as the Wintercore Wand coats its body with a great coat of ice.

[Mystical: Runes: 0 + 100 (Oskaria) = 100 : Required: 80]

Just to be certain, Oskaria instructs you to carve one last set of runes, draining the power out of the giant and using it to continuously freeze the coat of ice upon it.

You sigh, the giant taken care of, and turn back to the blazing city.

Tonight was going to be a long night.

+5 Respect. Title: The Maiden of Light.
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Well yes.

And I suspect it's even more powerful in the hands of an entity that, metaphysically speaking, wields that exact power.

It's like handing a pissed off harvest god a sickle. A sickle isn't really all that great a weapon until HOLY SHIT-

Or like handing the god of fishermen a net. A net is a moderately useful weapon if you know what you're doing I guess until wait did you see what the fuck just happened did he just catch the stars out of the sky with that thing!?


It's entirely possible to me, in hindsight, that if "Tax Cut" really is a sword that is symbolically about taxes and it isn't just a cutesy name we gave it after finding it... and maybe even if it is just that cutesy name that made it, like, kabbalistically associated with taxation... that that sword is specifically the thing that the Spirit of Oskaria pointed out that mound to us about. That the reason to send us there was precisely so we could find that exact thing, so that the spiritual embodiment of a nation-state could have the perfect symbolically appropriate weapon.
Random Event Roll: 10

The Beasts of Autumn

While Ophelia - Oskaria is able to cut apart the fell beasts that emerged just outside the capital, all across the country fiefs are retreating to their castles as these mighty beasts emerge all over the lands. They possess the savagery of boars, the cunning of wolves, and the speed of horses. Worse, some of them appear to be able to conjure fire from their maws, and rumor has it than some are even lead by giants of wood and stone.

Merchant trade grinds to a halt, as the beasts prey on any caravan unwise enough to brave the empty roads without escort. Mercenary and militia levies are hastily paid and armed in order to protect the all-important grain merchants, and those self-same merchants join in vast convoys to better protect themselves - albeit at the risk of slowing down the grain shipments massively.

Most important of them all, however, is the empowerment of adventurers. All across the land, the local compacts circle the wagons with as many adventurers as possible. Anybody who seems like they can swing a sword or fire a musket is empowered by the spirits, the levies and mercenaries blessed with power aplenty. If the beasts are nature making its own displeasure known, then the people and the spirits of Oskaria make their own intention to live clear. It is a new age of monsters, but it is also a new age of heroes.

And in the capital, none are more famous than the Maiden of Light.


The Presses

DC: 22. Roll: 20 + 2 + 0.4 = 22.4 - 5 (The Beasts of Autumn) + 10 (The Maiden of Light) = 27.4

The Guildmasters

DC: 25. Roll: 20 + 2 + 1 + 4.1 = 27.1 - 5 (The Beasts of Autumn) + 10 (The Maiden of Light) = 32.1

The High Clergy

DC: 24. Roll: 20 + 2 + 1 + 9.7 = 32.7 - 10 (The Beasts of Autumn) + 5 (The Maiden of Light) = 27.7

The Streets

DC: 25. Roll: 18 + 2 + 1 + 3.8 = 24.8 - 8 (The Beasts of Autumn) + 15 (The Maiden of Light) = 31.8

Metal Stockpiles

The Local Spirits

DC: 27. Roll: 25 + 2 + 4.5 = 31.5 + 5 (The Beasts of Autumn) + 5 (The Maiden of Light) = 41.5

The Maiden of Light

Ophelia's radiance seemingly outshines the sun as her will reshapes the whole city. Every day when she emerges, mobs of people crowd around her, begging to touch her, to bless her, to see her. Before her the Regent of the King bows in reverent supplication just as the lowliest of the beggars, and the spirits are no different. The spirits of the houses, of the markets, and of the walls bless her with boundless fortitude and wisdom and swiftness, and she puts it to use - everywhere in the capital seems to have been visited by her, and no one can recall whether she ever sleeps. It should go without saying that none dare demand she pay for food or lodgings, and upon hearing that your group is with them, none dare slight her by slighting you in any way.

So when she asks where the armaments of the city are, the arsenals and the hidden arsenals and the last resorts of the houses, people overturn every floorboard to find them. Houses compete for her favor by revealing stockpiles of weaponry to resist these Beasts of Autumn, as the artisans of the streets turn from crafting chairs to crafting spears in endless endless toil. Even candle wax runs short in the city as everyone works longer and harder than anyone thought possible, guild masters going to their artisans to sheepishly follow through on their promises only to find that the artisans have put their wildly exaggerated claims to shame with their actual production. When she calls for heroes to join the militia, hordes of eager young men and women pour into the service, emboldened by her praise and driven forward by their comrades-in-arms.

Reply and Riposte

Screw the Conspiracy

Then she makes another announcement.

Publicly, she states that she knows of traitors to the state, of those who would have weakened the city and country for their own personal gain - but because she is bound by law and by custom, she will investigate them fully. The newly raised militia gets up in arms, followed by shortly by an angry mob grabbing torches and whatever else they can get their hands on to bring justice at Ophelia's behest.

She looks once at the growing mob and pays them no heed as she marches straight to Duke Lebeau's house and asks point-blank whether he has spoken with foreign nobles about betraying the country. Duke Lebeau, only half-dressed for the day, takes one look at the mob clamoring outside for his head and loudly proclaims that despite others tempting him to do so, he has always stayed loyal to the kingdom, swear on his honor. Ophelia merely raises an eyebrow and asks for names, and a proof of their loyalty. They hasten to name everyone and anyone they can plausibly finger as conspirators, and order their servants to give great sums to the treasury, in the name of the Maiden in White.

By the month's end, she has repeated this process nearly nightly, and ends up with the interrogated nobility all claiming to her face and the mob outside that they have always been loyal to the kingdom, and that the real traitors are outside towards the western provinces, or perhaps ringing the city of Vlona, or maybe even those perfidious City Guardsmen from Merridge.

By the end of the month, all of the Merridge City Guard held as prisoners has spontaneously committed "suicide", as their corpses are found more bruised mangled pieces of flesh rather than bodies.

The look on the mob's faces frightens you.

Almost as much as the cold red eyes of Ophelia.

+5 Cash Flow.

New Contracts

DC: 20. Roll: 19 + 3.2 + 2 + 0.5 = 24.7 - 10 (The Beasts of Autumn) = 14.7

The Beasts of Autumn understandably dry up the other sources of mercenaries - all of them hired out, some at Ophelia's insistence, to defend the grain shipments or guarding the walls. However, this is no great loss when, well, the Maiden of Light is right there.

Event Chain 2A [20/20] [2/30]
Event Chain 2B [4/10]
Event Chain 2C [5/5] [0/5] [3/5]

Remaining Budget: 350

As the end of the month nears, Ophelia sighs. The frown never seems to have left her face all throughout the month, as she readies her things and tells the people to take heart, for she will be investigating the traitors in more depth with your group - and although she appreciates their patriotic fervor, it would be best for them to move as swiftly as possible, and the heroes of the city are needed to defend the city from the Beasts of Autumn. Somehow this turns into the Merchant Guild promising you their best horses, with the Regent of the King eagerly agreeing to loan the royal messengers' horses for these exceptional circumstances.

Which leaves only the question of where your destination is.

[] West, to the port city of Cille.
If there is a city on the western provinces whose loyalty must be assured, the city of Cille is a good fit. At the mouth of the Bythnia, this is one of the great stops between Etrellan and Oskarian trade, and is as wealthy to boot.
[] West, to the principalities along the Bythnia.
On the other hand, the loyalties of the Bythnian river principalities are the ones most frequently fingered, and the ones most in doubt. Perhaps it would be wisest to go here.
[] Northeast, to Lake Vlona
On the other hand, you have heard rumors of the foreign nobles gathering in Lake Vlona - perhaps it would be best to go there and seek to investigate them there.
Geez. This really was a perfect storm. Ophelia with Oskaria and Tax Cut, defending the Capital from terrifying horrors whilst the King is away. It'd be hard to have more ideal circumstances for making a name.
Zealous mobs isn't good sign, but they are helpfull... Let's hope cure won't be worse than illness.
Luckily we have hordes of monsters for them to exhaust their anger upon.

I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a big uptick in Oskaria worship from all this. Further increasing Ophelia's power. We might want to make sure her agreement is renegotiated so as to not injure her if this continues.
[X] West, to the port city of Cille.

Edit: Actually, yeah retaining control of this place should probably be top priority.
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By the end of the month, all of the Merridge City Guard held as prisoners has spontaneously committed "suicide", as their corpses are found more bruised mangled pieces of flesh rather than bodies.

The look on the mob's faces frightens you.

Almost as much as the cold red eyes of Ophelia.
Can you hear the people sing?

[X] West, to the port city of Cille.

Retaining this city is vital.