Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

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Omake Writer Instructions:

There are four fields you need to fill out.

Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

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Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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Actually, I wonder what Old Cannibal would do if Manuel did say something like that to him out of the blue. He'd start wondering if he missed something, what did Manuel do recently to play him? Or if the comment itself is meant to induce a reaction and if the thoughts he's thinking now are already what Old Gold wants? His brain would just start frying trying to read into the comment to look for a plan within a plan.

I am half convinced that Old Cannibal already thinks it is all a Constantinos plan.
At the latest after he hears that Golden Devils now have a second Nascent and a seat at the Righteous Council and are conquering Jiao lands...
He will have to ask himself if he is still being moved by the unseen hand of Old Gold and helping him in accomplishing his plans.
After all it was Manuel who explicitely let him go at the very beginning of the negotiations after the war. Could he have planned that?
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I mean, old Gold just found a spear in the almost the same turn he become a later NS, stolen NS treasures and did other stuff.

Plus is easier to convince someone that is already wish to believe and that has so much brainpower to think plots within plots and etc.

Plus the kings ascension.

There no way, the thing that make a great era worse (for blood path) is not being booster by Old Gold! that is part of this plan too! :p
The situation is desperate enough for the rightous path that we might be able to pressure Old Jingshen into a one on one duel with Manuel. It let's the rightous path save face and Manuel isn't known for being great at duels. They don't know about the spear yet.

It also just lends itself to the rightous path's way of thinking.
The situation is desperate enough for the rightous path that we might be able to pressure Old Jingshen into a one on one duel with Manuel. It let's the rightous path save face and Manuel isn't known for being great at duels. They don't know about the spear yet.

It also just lends itself to the rightous path's way of thinking.
I don't see Junjie as he's been characterized agreeing to that. He's more likely to hole up in his Palace and try to wait us out.
Rina Callista 45 - Legacies
AN: I had all this written up last night and waited until after I slept to post it, then Occi posted that interlude and took away my chance to gain oracle points. My regret is immeasurable and my day, ruined. Still, content is content, so enjoy.

Rina Callista

The Demonic Altar Sect was in a state of full retreat--their disciples lost in a flurry of mutual devouring and simple fear in the face of a resurgence of the Coalition Forces. With the failure at Thousand Song City and the subsequent rout, it was unlikely that they would be able to rise again in the immediate future.

Which would have been the start of the Demon Annihilating War's clean-up, if it wasn't for two little problems.

The Noble Knowledge Sect expanding the reach of their Insidious Poison Maze to new and terrifying size, the terrible relic growing greedily and wide, consuming much of what had been the Thousand Arrows and Flowers Sect in its charge--and only halted by the full strength of much of the Righteous Path. Unless a method was developed to push it back to its old borders…

"It'll be a loss." Leafsplitter kept his voice even despite the end of his report. "Noble Knowledge will be able to retreat to the expanded Maze, and we will need to spread our strength out further still to re-establish the Poison-Crushing Siege. The Broken Arrow Bandits are still fighting--but I would be lying if I said this twist has been easily accepted."

The Divine Archer he was being called, Unbroken in a Hundred Battles. Lofty titles one and all--but one he had earned.

The first of Rina's company of friends to enter Core Formation, the promise of a bright day delivered a century too late.

"Regardless, while some of our number have laid down their arms and been integrated into other powers, the core of the Broken Arrow Bandits will fight to the end." He shook his head. "If we're fortunate, perhaps one of the other powers will have a reserve strength capable of severing the Maze from its core, but if not… Perhaps when Qiguai opens for the Nascent Realm. There is still time yet to reach the peak."

"So, where does that take us?" Bright Iron asked, scarred and battered himself--the signs of heavy battle for one who didn't turn it into his trade. "Song Empire's back in Coalition hands, and we've connected all of our territories, but between the Maze's expansion and the Demon Grandfather down south…"

"Where'd that guy even come from anyway?" Xu Zhen complained, flopping back onto a set of cushions and covering his face with one of his arms. "We were this close--this close--to getting this shitshow under control, and then this old lunatic pops out of nowhere and all but single handedly turns the Verdant South into a death zone!"

Rina coughs awkwardly, narrowly avoiding choking on the wine she was tasting as the complaint reached her ears, her cheeks flushed as she pounded her own chest to force it back in place.

Millet smirks. "Haha, didn't you say something along those lines back when the announcement was first made? 'That they were going to regret leaving that man alive?' "

The group turned their attention to Rina, as she cleared the rest of her throat. She had the good grace to look embarrassed at the whole business, and set the wine back down. "I'm… Okay, history lesson."

She crossed her legs and rocked forward on her own cushion. "Way, way back in the day--before my Golden Devil clan was driven from our mountain fortresses, there was a powerful Blood Path Sect set up in the Verdant South. Their backs to the sea, they expanded outwards and ate, hunted, and killed as they pleased. The Righteous Path may have been stronger in those days, but their attention was still primarily on suppressing the Demonic Altar Sect--up north. Now, this Sect had been pushing their boundaries for a while, and making encroachments on our territory as part of the bargain. No big deal so far, we were strong and kept to ourselves in that day. But one of our neighbours came to our gates and knelt before them. 'Please! Deliver us from these beasts!' they begged."

Rina grimaced at that. "In that age, we were a strong Sect. We had four Grand Elders, and the Regent Lord as our reserve power, even if he had to spend most of his time hibernating with how weak the Qi of the land had become. An exception was made to our isolation--though the reason behind it isn't something I was made privy to, and our Legions marched to war. Our Elders did battle--and we had found a terrible secret."

She gave that a moment to process, confirming the group was listening closely. "They had spent much of their spoils of war promoting a single expert, cultivating him beyond all reason. When our Grand Elders marched to war, they found themselves facing off against a Late Nascent Soul cultivator."

"Ouch" Millet winced. "That couldn't have gone over well."

"It certainly could have been worse." Rina observed. "But we weren't weak either, and I should repeat, we had four Nascent Souls at the time."

"The Formation Threshold" Xu Zhen nodded. "You mentioned this, right? Three Cultivators to assemble a Formation that roughly equals their own combined might, and everything beyond that is stronger than the sum of their parts?"

"Right!" Rina nodded and smiled softly. "We had four Nascent Souls--enough to assemble the God-Metal Soldier Formation. While not enough to reach into Spirit Severing, overcoming a single Small Realm difference wasn't too big a deal. Our Grand Elders put the enemy master to the sword--though not without expending some treasures and taking some injuries."

"And that's when the Devil Punishing Coalition struck." Bright Iron crossed his arms. "They saw weakness, and they had an excuse."

"Yeah, which brings us to today--because we couldn't do a thorough job stomping out their legacy, it was divided in two. Refugees fleeing to the furthest reaches of the Desert--and scavengers who hid in the mountains."

"The Abyssal Devil Bee Sect, and the Battle Blood Cannibal Sect." Leafsplitter nodded. "The former has been a long nuisance though, and the latter is weak--how is this relevant."

"Just going to stop you there" Rina holds up a hand. "The battle Blood Cannibal Sect was not weak"

"... No offense, but they were being contained by you at your weakest, and Jingshen for millennia." Xu Zhen boggled at that. "How does that not make them weak?"

"Because it's a misconception based on people staring at a map and looking at a list of Nascent Souls before dictating rankings." Rina explained. "Yes, in terms of Cultivators and Nascent Power, the Battle Blood Cannibal Sect was about on par with the other two Desert Powers. You're forgetting something very important though."

Everyone else looks to Millet, who's busy watching the proceedings with her hands steepled together, her chin resting on top. "Why are you looking at me?"

"You're usually the first to figure out the little bits though?" Bright Iron explains, and Millet sighs theatrically.

"Boys the lot of you." She rolls her eyes, and blows a lock of hair out of her eyes. "Fine though, I'll accommodate your desire not to use your brains." She straightens up, and adjusts her hat. "He's running a Blood Path power in the least hospitable area in the Region--he's utterly cut off from raiding except against hardened targets. Even with these limitations, he was able to raise and maintain an equal degree of cultivator strength as the other Desert Powers--am I right?"

"Yeah, you're right." Rina nodded solemnly. "Sun Diaxiang is a remarkably gifted administrator, who's developed methods and policies needed to not only achieve a sustainable population of mortals despite being a Blood Path power--but has done so and instilled just enough discipline to keep his followers from being too undisciplined. He's also done this without sacrificing his personal ability to be a fearsome warrior."

"... And someone like that just got the Devil Sisters to follow him, and has a near unlimited 'Budget' in the Verdant South to build strength with." Leafsplitter snarls, understanding the implications keenly. "In just one fell swoop, he's placed himself in a position to potentially supplant the Demonic Altar Sect as the Premier Blood Path Power."

"I wouldn't go that far…" Xu Zhen cautioned. "A Late Nascent counts for a great deal--but you're correct, in a conventional war, this is a remarkably dangerous foe." He nodded then, seeming to grasp the subject matter. "We'll need to volunteer for duties with the Southern Front then, when time allows."

"Mmm, actually, on that note…" Rina continued. "There's talks going on back home, and there's a chance I'll be recalled back to the Desert for a while. I've put in my interest in participating in the Southern Expedition, but it's up in the air how things'll go." She frowns. "Tensions with Jingshen just jumped up another notch when Lady Jiao tried to murder Yao."

"... In what universe was that a good idea?" Xu Zhen boggles.

"A universe where Yao intervened to stop her from assassinating Aretaphila in the middle of her own Five Element Tribulation '' Rina clarified. "And given how instrumental she turned out to be in the Thousand Song Siege…"

"Ugh." Xu Zhen shakes his head. "Yeah, you do what you've got to do, just try to keep it at saber rattling and concessions, losing the spirit stone trade in the middle of setting up a new Poison Crushing Siege will be awful."

"Not my decision to make, '' Rina sighed. "With any luck though, it'll just be a reminder to them why we're not to be bullied, I don't see Old Gold deciding to push hard without Nascent Superiority, and even if Yao wants her pound of flesh, that's just parity." She took a moment to further consider it. "I mean. There's no life or death grudge we have with Jingshen, you know? The point of contention is the Scorpion Road--we can't exactly surrender that without literally cutting our own throats, as it makes up roughly a third of our Clan's total income, but Jingshen wants it so they can have a complete monopoly on the Spirit Stone trade."

"It's life vs More Money, totally reasonable" Millet nods sagely. "Hardly like those fat slobs do anything with the money aside from making perfect pleasure palaces."

"I feel like I should be saying something in their defense…" Xu Zhen winced. "But…"

"It's hard to defend those who sent donations instead of putting their lives on the line at the front." Leafsplitter finished the thought.

"You said it, not me" Xu Zhen relaxed, now that he didn't need to be on the hook for saying it. Leafsplitter nodded in an understanding fashion, and let the topic lie.

"Mmm, so it is what it is. Hopefully we manage to get a suitably sincere apology, or reparations before things escalate further." Rina nodded. "But in the short term, I do still need to head home for a while… On that note though.." She turns her attention to Bright Iron. "Think I could ask you a favor?"

Bright Iron pointed at himself. "Who, me?"

"Yeah." Rina nodded. "There's something I need to pick up while I've got the chance…"


The Sorrowful Blacksmith Sect--one of the heirs to the Heavenly Blacksmith, masters of forging the finest of spirit tools and treasures. It is said that their very best can create equipment suitable for use by Nascent Souls!

In the mountains do they reside, adjacent to the Colossus Footsteps Pass, within the ancient fortresses once owned by the Golden Devil Clan in the times before their retreat to the Organ Meat Desert.

The climate is temperate, and the valleys wreathed in mist year-round. Mighty Demonic Beasts wander the peaks, hunting for heavenly treasures to feed on while being hunted in turn by the cultivators who resided here. Sometimes who the predator is and who the prey is gets reversed.

The choking Hallowmane Lion shows that this is not the case today, as a Flamelash seared the life from it.

"Anyone ever tell you how weird that is?" Bright Iron quips, slinging his hammer back to his back as he watches the proceeds. The Lion's neck steadily charred until one final gesture sees it severed from its neck. "Fire isn't exactly supposed to cling to things like that, right?"

"I think it's a little unfair, honestly." Rina commented, gesturing to suck the slain beast into her spatial ring. "Why is it that Fire is interpreted as only offensive and destructive when it can do other things too?" She snaps her fingers, and the Flamelash winks out of view. "It should be a thing in itself."

"It's just a little uncanny I think." Bright Iron shakes his head. "So, this is the place?"

"Should be…" Rina thought, looking the cave over with a critical eye. It strongly resembled the vision she received so long ago.

"Nice." Bright Iron grinned. "Thought we picked this place clean, even if there's just scraps left over, that can go a long way for me."

"Yes, yes." Rina waved it off. "I know the deal, your escort and discretion in exchange for anything in the cave that doesn't require the Blood to operate." She gestured, and a sharp knife was expressed from her spatial ring. "Just get you to step back a notch, okay?"

Bright Iron nodded, and stepped back to the mouth of the cave. Rina glanced back to confirm he was out--and pricked her thumb.

A single bead of shining gold flowed out before her regeneration sealed the wound--but the bead was all she needed.

She advanced to the back wall of the cave, and smeared the droplet of blood across the wall, drawing a strange character upon it. She chanted a keyphrase in the Old Tongue.

Three factor verification was--after all--the minimum if you intended your secret holdfast to survive the inquiry of locusts.

Nothing happens for a few moments, Rina standing awkwardly back from the design--but Athenia's vision was solid--the glyph glowed--and a panel on the wall slid out.

Inside was…

Well, Rina still wasn't going to wear it as is. She may have grown up a little since the time she had that vision, but she still wasn't going to wear armor that went out of its way to draw that kind of attention to her assets.

The techniques still existed to re-tailor it though, she'd have to pass it on to her family and see what they could do poking at Athenia's spare armor.

It was nice though, to not have to get in a life and death battle for something. She supposed the defense in this case was obscurity--after all, you leave a strongly defended place and enough people will bash their heads against it that someone will eventually get lucky.

Just bury a box inside a beast den and conceal it? Well, what are the odds someone'll trip over that?

Certainly not within a mere ten thousand years!

A few mementos to bring home, and… Rina's hands wrapped around the trinket on the side of the panel, withdrawing a miniature puppet.

A few minutes later, Rina left the cave, tossing the puppet to Bright Iron. Naturally, he caught it. "Is this a…"

"Yep, a Silver-class Puppet Defender" Rina explained. "Fuel it with a Spirit Stone and it'll fight for you as long as it has power. Scales from Qi Condensation to Core Formation depending on the grade."

"This was absolutely going to burst out and murder whoever tried to check that cache without passing muster, wasn't it?" Bright Iron deduces, and Rina grins, pointing at the empty sockets on its back. "Had three High Grades in there, it wouldn't have been fun to delegate that I think."

"Where'd they go?" Bright Iron wonders, only to see Rina toss them up in the air for a moment, before returning them to her Spatial Ring. "Aw, come on?"

"Hey now, you've got all the Qi of the Plains and the Beasts of the Mountains to pick between" Rina explains with a slightly smug air. "This gets me out of the hole I dug myself into with my doctor, and gives me a nice budget to cultivate with to boot."

Bright Iron pouts, but Rina pats him on the shoulder and gives a slight push out. "Look on the bright side, you've got authentic Old Golden Devil mechanisms and arrays to study on that thing. It's very useful to you but not that fancy to me, it's a fair trade to get in here without needing to cause an international incident."

"You're not wrong" Bright Iron sighs, then chuckles quietly. "I suppose you're right, the chance to further my craft outweighs a few spirit stones here and there."

"Good boy" Rina compliments, taking the lead on the way out, the box under her arm.

She just hoped the Callista hadn't forgotten how to reweave Silverine Battle Armor...
SPS Negaverse reacts - The Divine Blood Saber
AN: 812 Words.

SPS Negaverse reacts - The Divine Blood Saber:

Temporalobe said:

Enkidu said:
.... .... ....

So is there anything we can do to Glorious Strike apart from assign her as Ning's permanent sparring partner?

Because it isn't enough punishment for her fuckups. If we didn't need every single nascent....
MaximumParanoia said:
Temporalobe said:
Reactions from the official obervers seat of the Righteous Path (held by the Golden Devils):
The Golden Devil ambassador appears to be caught in a state triumphant laughter, screams of I told you so, and just plain screaming.
Heffalumps_and_Woozles said:
This is the news at 11.

Divine Saber palace continue to ruin everything! More news at 12.
Thus_falls_the_Sword_of_Fate said:
Heffalumps_and_Woozles said:
Divine Saber palace continue to ruin everything! More news at 12.
Bastards cost us 2 Nascents and gave our enemies another Late Nascent. They couldn't even have the grace to die usefully.
Marinated in Brine said:
Sooooooo.... any chance we can crash build another Late Nascent?
Temporalobe said:
Marinated in Brine said:
Sooooooo.... any chance we can crash build another Late Nascent?
Depends. Do you think you can persuade Konstantinos to embrace the blood path? Because short of that? No.

Enkidu said:
Temporalobe said:
Do you think you can persuade Konstantinos to embrace the blood path? Because short of that? No.
Ok, guys I know this sounds bad but hear me out. How attached is the thread to Elder Glorious Strike?

Anarchist Lorekeeper said:
Not at all. Sadly, even if we could persuade the rest of the Righteous Path to accept it (or do it on the quiet) it wouldn't work. To quote myself:
Anarchist Lorekeeper said:
Despite, or perhaps because of their constant persecution, they cling to their ideals*** like a drowning man to a float.

Marinated in Brine said:
"The problem with being invincible and unchallenged most of the time is that it is so difficult to change your frame of mind. Especially for Nascent Souls of the Righteous Path - they've won their battles for so long that they didn't really consider if loss was an option. Consequentially they squabbled with one another, forcing losses on their rivals to jockey for position in their long-anticipated victory. They couldn't possibly lose, so why not force your rivals into weakness in a way you could not in peacetime?"
I hate this even more because of how right he is.

So, how screwed are we?

HATS_OFF said:
We're the guy occupying the body who's cultivation get's crippled and soul evaporates so the MC can insert into him and grab a cheat code. Not the MC, the evaporating soul.

The Eyes Have It said:
Elder Glorious Strike is greatly favoured by heaven, in that this has been an unparalleled opportunity for her to meditate on her Dao of Bitterness.
So I know this was a joke post originally, but is there any chance the massive bitterness people are feeling toward Glorious Strike has led to a breakthrough in her understanding of her Dao?

Temporalobe said:
Glorious Strike has made great strides in her understanding of bitterness but remains an Early Nascent.

Also before you start making new plans, you'll probably want to read this:

March of the Scorpion Cavalry


You may expect the Spirit Stone Trade to be somewhat disrupted if this isn't resolved quickly.

Enkidu said:

It never rains but it pours.
Why now?!

I know its because they know we'd step in and prevent this otherwise but FFS is this nothing but an endless pile of shit.

Temporalobe said:
While they may like you the best out of the RP your allies may not be entirely convinced you won't screw them over since you totally did the last two times they took a stand against the blood path. So they decided to take their chance to make it so you couldn't pop them by tossing one or two nascents over there. Who could have predicted this?

On the plus side, if it goes well for them, you could realllllly use the substantial bribe money they're probably going to pay you to ignore this.

Anarchist Lorekeeper said:
See A) Before Quest start the GD stomped the Predecessor of the Devil Bees only to get most of the Entire RP complement of Nascents coming to genocide them while they were exhausted; and B) Glorious Strike's Genius Move TM to leave Old Cannibal alive to fuck over the Devils in another couple of centuries. Course the binding agreement he's in means that he's got roughly another century and a half to Great Power it up in the South before he can even think of setting foot back in the desert.

Enkidu said:
Quest is false advertising. Can't be Xianxia. We're the protagonists, and being massive dicks in Xianxia only ever comes back to bite NPCs, not protags./s
To be fair to the SPS, intervening in the war and giving Old Cannibal an out actually worked in the Golden Devils favor, as a Nascent Soul fighting to the last breath is a fearsome thing to behold. The real fuckup was trying to maintain the balance of power with the Jingshen, which soured any gratitude on our behalf, and - obviously - sending this terrifying monster at the hideously unprepared Verdant South.
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To be fair to the SPS, intervening in the war and giving Old Cannibal an out actually worked in the Golden Devils favor, as a Nascent Soul fighting to the last breath is a fearsome thing to behold. The real fuckup was trying to maintain the balance of power with the Jingshen, which soured any gratitude on our behalf, and - obviously - sending this terrifying monster at the hideously unprepared Verdant South.
They should have ponied up and helped us put him down. Between Manuel, the Jingshen Nascents and Glorious Strike they had the necessary force
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So, any chance we could use the Righteous Path's desperation (and our's) to negotiate the use of that ancient Golden Devil dao repository in the Sorrowful Blacksmiths' lands?

Going to war with the Jingshen this turn makes me feels pretty bad ... I wonder how many mortals will die because of our decision, I guess we really need to end the war fast. I really hope that Techron's plan succeeds in killing Old Jingshen so we can end the war and start to push back against the Blood Path.
So, any chance we could use the Righteous Path's desperation (and our's) to negotiate the use of that ancient Golden Devil dao repository in the Sorrowful Blacksmiths' lands?

Going to war with the Jingshen this turn makes me feels pretty bad ... I wonder how many mortals will die because of our decision, I guess we really need to end the war fast. I really hope that Techron's plan succeeds in killing Old Jingshen so we can end the war and start to push back against the Blood Path.
I find that very unlikely because the Righteous Path considers us as useful tools not peers. They're not going to encourage further strength
For some reason, I see Old Gold like old man Batman, can fight as well as the young ones, but has so many backup plans that the young boys get out maneuvered everytime. Now to see which villain is Old Cannibal

"I never used to make plans like this. They failed in humiliating fashion every time. You cannot imagine how gratifying this is for me."
You know, he has my sympathy on this... and having a Late Nascent Blood Path who can out-think them is going to be brutal. And he's raising three more. I mean, in a century and a half, we're going to be in trouble, but right now, Old Cannibal is just full of win all over for us. We can dump about as much support into their wars as we like, and they still won't have enough to come after us.

In retrospect, the plan we picked was excellent.

Also, Noble Knowledge just keeps winning, don't they? like, seriously.

For that matter, does Old Cannibal still even care much about the original Devil Bee lands? It seems like he's mostly just moved down to the Verdant South.
So, any chance we could use the Righteous Path's desperation (and our's) to negotiate the use of that ancient Golden Devil dao repository in the Sorrowful Blacksmiths' lands?
Pretty good. The question is, would it be worth it? Our arrays will be excellent at holding back the Maze, as stationary defensive magics are what we're best at. We'd be able to free up three of their Nascents. On the flip side, we'd be freeing up three of their Nascents when we want them to not have enough to end our war against Jingshen.
Pretty good. The question is, would it be worth it? Our arrays will be excellent at holding back the Maze, as stationary defensive magics are what we're best at. We'd be able to free up three of their Nascents. On the flip side, we'd be freeing up three of their Nascents when we want them to not have enough to end our war against Jingshen.
Depends on timing, doesn't it? Consider...
- We go to war with the Jingshen. Okay. Well, they need us right now, and they know it. They also need the spirit stones, but they don't care nearly as much who they get the spirit stones from. If we're actively at war with the Jingshen, then letting the Jingshen merchants through is a huge ask all by itself, and it's not really something that they can afford to not ask for. So... it's quite possible that the rise of Old Cannibal (and the further growth of the maze) puts them in a position where they can't afford to offend us right now... and thus can't afford to yank back our observer status. Yanking it back later, for a war that's been ongoing, is going to be noticeably harder to justify.

- How far are we going to get with the Jingshen, anyway? The way I see it, low bar is "hit the Heavenly Beauty Palace, fight Old Jingshen, hopefully kill him, take as many of the forts as we can, claim the south, peace out." High bar is "Claim the South, Take the Heavenly Beauty Palace, take the True Son Peak, Kill Old Jinshen and his daughter, largely wipe out the Jingshen Nan, take all three forts, get Cloudy Jade City to surrender, get the Xi and the Dong to surrender under reasonably favorable terms". I don't think that taking the Underworld Spirit Palace is really practical in one war even if we have wiped out their Nascents, and trying to siege down the Bei seems like a bad time of it without sufficient associated payoff.

So... basically, that's three lightning raids up the Scorpion road (which we know can happen in a single turn), and two significant sieges and one weak siege down south. I'd expect that the Heavenly Beauty Palace is the sort of thing that might happen over the course of one turn. Taking out the Nan and the True Son Peak is going to take longer. Regardless... one way or another, I figure we're likely to have gotten about as much as we can get within three turns. After that? It's nto like Old Cannibal or Noble Knowledge are going away any time soon.

Also... it would be a really terrible idea for them to depend on our people for the Poison-breaking siege, have that free up three Nascents, and then immediately turn around and use those Nascents against us, yes? I mean, SPS may be a bit clueless sometimes, but they're not outright stupid.
*If* we get both Old Jingshen and his Daughter, and the Clan doesn't get immediate support from the rest of the RP consolidating control over the rest of the Jingshen Core seems mostly like a matter of time and investment.

Without a Nascent, surrender, flight or death are the only real options left for the Jingshen juniors. Its a huge territory, and our handful of NS can't be everywhere, so we are still talking about the work of decades, but together there doesn't seem to be a fort that Manuel and co can't crack open.

Which is good, because we are going to need that wealth and the power that comes with if we want a hope of standing up to OC when he decides to take up his grudge with his oldest friend.
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The more they win, the more hilarious it will be when Manuel pulls out the admin passwords for that tower that fuels the Maze . . .
Occi specifically said that the SCA did not build the maze, actually.

Like I said back when it was introduced: we do not and never did have a monopoly on big dumb megastructures.
If anyone wants to try doing the math, the Jingshen have 3/4 or 2/3s of the wealth of the desert, spread across one rich mine, one 'poorest' mine, one 'richest of the Outer Clan' mine, two normal mines, and the Underworld Spirit Palace, which supplies 1/2-2/3 of all Jingshen Spirit Stones. For comparison, our Earth's Bounty mine gives us 5 Wealth per turn.
There's a pretty pattern on our Clan Stats Spreadsheet, where each capacity of cultivator tier goes down at a 100:1 ratio. 1 Nascent per 100 Core, 100 Foundation per 1 Core, etc. I'm going to choose Cores as a measuring tool, they're a good magnitude to use.

(But we have two Nascents, you ask? I'm honestly not sure how it goes. Might be that 0-99 is one Nascent, 100-199 is two. Might be that Manuel is 'free'.)

We've got 106 Core capacity, but a full third of our wealth comes from Jingshen tariffs, so let's call it 70.

Our vassals have 52 Core, call it 60 capacity.

There are 9 Core in HBK. Their capacity is probably higher. Say it's roughly the same for the New Jingshen Territories and the Grand Scorpion Sect. Call it 30.

Jingshen would have 320-480 Core capacity. Call it 400 for ease of use.

So, using these made-up numbers, if we conquered Jingshen and filled up to capacity, we'd have added enough Core Cultivators to dominate four Nascent Souls by themselves. And four Nascent Souls.

The Underworld Spirit Palace is worth 200-266 Core Cultivators by itself. Two Nascents.

Split across the Bei, Nan, Xin, Dong and True Son mines, in wealth ascending order, are the leftovers. 134-200. Call it 175. Assuming an even spread, each one would be worth a third our current core capacity. In order, they're poorest, normal, normal, rich, rich. Call it a 20, 30, 30, 40, 50 spread.

We should definitely focus on taking the later mines on the list, they are the richest, but even the Bei mine should be worth about a quarter of our current core capacity.

Edit: Mangling made-up numbers again, we get 10 Wealth from our own holdings. Assuming no other territory is worth anything in Wealth, Jingshen gets 20-30 Wealth per turn.
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Occi specifically said that the SCA did not build the maze, actually.
Yes, but also this.
"Only fragments of the Secret Histories were carried with us when we were driven from the Tower, you know. (Manuel, talking to Altar Lord)
At the west sits the Eye of Poison. An old tower reputedly dating back to the days of the Sea-Conquering Army,
Sixty Li Deep is literally as it sounds. A tower that stands ten li tall, and sixty deep into the ground. It is there that the foundations of the Noble Knowledge Sect lie, but not even their Nascent Elders are able to enter it. It has defied even Spirit Severing existences, and from it, we speculate, grows the Maze.
Maybe the other tower is not part of SCA legacy.

Maybe Manuel meant the other tower or a different tower.

Maybe it doesn't fuel the Maze.

Probably does tho :tongue:
Maybe Manuel meant the other tower or a different tower.

The tower in question in that quote is this

The Obsidian Tower is still the same. Towering absurdly high into the sky, yet completely invisible from more than fifty or so li away. We have managed to figure out the function of one of the runic arrays. Unfortunately, we cannot unlock it, and the Golden Devils seem not to have ascended it since the rise of Demonic Soup Chef. But the functionality the Devils used to use to open a pathway to the peak of Turtlebone Mountain for the Nascent Divinity Contest is almost within our grasp. I can confidently say we should unlock the basic usage of this array within the next six or seven hundred years. I believe we have isolated the beast-repelling functions necessary to do this - they are currently turned on the Colossus Footsteps Pass itself, and appear to only repel beasts of Nascent or lesser strength. In theory the tower should be capable of repelling beasts at the peak of Spirit Severing, or perhaps more, though that is only conjecture.
We retreated from the Plains to the Mountains, and then the Mountains to the Desert.

So, it's possible that Tower was owned by the GDs back when we had control over the Plains, yeah.
But more important than any of that, Occi literally said on discord that the SCA did not build the Maze's control tower and neither did we. It might have been built in response to the SCA tho.

Sometimes other people stack bricks on top of other bricks, shocking as it sounds :p
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