Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

pls, slo dwn. I'm trying to write some NPC reactions, but you guys post really fast, especially when I'm sidetracked.
pls, slo dwn. I'm trying to write some NPC reactions, but you guys post really fast, especially when I'm sidetracked.
Eldritch beings have no concept of time, have all the shit we are doing happen really quick and disorderly confusing the mere mortals who exist in a mere 3 (4 depending on how you count them) dimensions. That was one of the basises of this quest right, MCs being rather horifying thanks to their connection to beings from beyond.

But alright, I'll wait for NPC reaction before I do anything else.
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Can I change around gravity and bend space (namely, stuff like making doors lead to elsewhere) in roughly 2-3 seconds or less?

Can we summon our special items to us at anytime, if we get seperated from them for one reason or another?
Relatedly, can I teleport stuff around?
@I just write
The answers to these questions kinda effect what I'll do, since I don't want to assume I can do something that I actually can't.

Also, is there a basement to the building they are all in? I'm kinda hoping no, making Nicks claiming of it as his room funnier.
@I just write
The answers to these questions kinda effect what I'll do, since I don't want to assume I can do something that I actually can't.

Also, is there a basement to the building they are all in? I'm kinda hoping no, making Nicks claiming of it as his room funnier.
1: Gravity's easy, it only takes a second or two.

2: Twisting space around in interesting ways is a bit more time intensive, needing about 15 seconds at present.

3: well, first you have to kick your item back into hammerspace with an act of will, then you can resummon it.

4: You cannot directly teleport things, but you can connect space in a manner that is a portal for all practical intents and purposes.

5: There is no basement; this building was slapped together as quickly as possible, meaning the only foundation is a slab of concrete just below the ground floor.
1: Gravity's easy, it only takes a second or two.

2: Twisting space around in interesting ways is a bit more time intensive, needing about 15 seconds at present.

3: well, first you have to kick your item back into hammerspace with an act of will, then you can resummon it.

4: You cannot directly teleport things, but you can connect space in a manner that is a portal for all practical intents and purposes.

5: There is no basement; this building was slapped together as quickly as possible, meaning the only foundation is a slab of concrete just below the ground floor.
2) Longer than I was expecting, but still workable.
4) Ah, no teleporting, but portals to personally grab stuff. Alright.
5) Nice, there is a basement now. One which there is no natural way to enter. Nick wasn't really thinking of anyone else when he built it, and it's not like someplace being otherwise completely enclosed keeps him from getting in.

Actually, noticed an Assumption I was making. Can I delete matter, the same way I can make and manipulate it? Like, if there is a bunch of dirt where i want a hole, can I just get rid of the dirt? Or do I have to put the dirt somewhere?
2) Longer than I was expecting, but still workable.
4) Ah, no teleporting, but portals to personally grab stuff. Alright.
5) Nice, there is a basement now. One which there is no natural way to enter. Nick wasn't really thinking of anyone else when he built it, and it's not like someplace being otherwise completely enclosed keeps him from getting in.

Actually, noticed an Assumption I was making. Can I delete matter, the same way I can make and manipulate it? Like, if there is a bunch of dirt where i want a hole, can I just get rid of the dirt? Or do I have to put the dirt somewhere?
Yes, you can delete non-living matter. Basically, you should consider your power as literally being a video game level editor applied to the in-universe reality.
Sweet. Now I just need Lizard Knight to get back, so I can finish my current interaction.

Edit: It should be noted, I'm waiting for an excuse to pull an Elsa, and build a fancy castle in an awesome display of power.
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Anyway, a feature of Mina's shapeshifting that she probably wasn't aware of: She doesn't need to stay in one contiguous mass, but splitting up results in each component having its own autonomous perspective until she re-merges.
Anyway, a feature of Mina's shapeshifting that she probably wasn't aware of: She doesn't need to stay in one contiguous mass, but splitting up results in each component having its own autonomous perspective until she re-merges.
That will be interesting if she's cut in half . . .

I would assume that all of her would share a goal, at least. Perfect for alibis and getting work done in half the time.
. . . well, that's a good way to cause a flashback. Well fuckin done.
I know, right! It's so nice being effectively immortal. And this rocket launcher isn't even the biggest explosive I could have pulled!
If he's too much of an ass we might just lock him in a cellar somewhere. Or turn him into a newt. He's not as invulnerable as he thinks he is.
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If he's too much of an ass we might just lock him in a cellar somewhere. Or turn him into a newt. He's not as invulnerable as he thinks he is.
Issue is, he could kill himself and get out of trouble. Even if he couldn't kill himself, he's still a pretty huge reality warper, and I don't think any of us have the necessary power to counter him.
Issue is, he could kill himself and get out of trouble. Even if he couldn't kill himself, he's still a pretty huge reality warper, and I don't think any of us have the necessary power to counter him.
Wouldn't he then become a series of irritated newts?

I wonder if Mina could become a gorgon. I don't think 'suddenly a statue' counts as dead unless you break it . . .
If he's too much of an ass we might just lock him in a cellar somewhere. Or turn him into a newt. He's not as invulnerable as he thinks he is.
He's planning on living in the non-existent basement. So locking him in a cellar wouldn't really work. As for newtification, that wouldn't stop his reality manipulation powers.

Anyways, he's not an ass, he's an idiot kid who sees nothing wrong with playing with high-grade weaponry, because believe it or not, orphans aren't really given any lessons on weapon safety.
Anyways, he's not an ass, he's an idiot kid who sees nothing wrong with playing with high-grade weaponry, because believe it or not, orphans aren't really given any lessons on weapon safety.
You might want to tell him to stop, then.

I think Mina has probably decided that his main use is as a training dummy and emergency rations as it is, because only an imbecile would wave a rocket launcher around indoors.
You might want to tell him to stop, then.

I think Mina has probably decided that his main use is as a training dummy and emergency rations as it is, because only an imbecile would wave a rocket launcher around indoors.
I might have said something if he was going to spawn the equivalent of 600 pounds of TNT (which he CAN do), but a single rocket launcher ain't too much, especially since he's effectively immortal, the person he's aiming it at could probably shrug it off being so bad ass, and the other people would be protected by the aforementioned two (especially since one guy has plenty of experience with redirecting projectiles and the other can just delete it). Mina shouldn't really have much to fear, considering she's effectively immortal as well.

But if Mina wants to be a idiot (in Nick's opinion), she won't get to swim in his gold pool, nor get to use any of the massive army of tanks and helicopters and what not he's planning on making.