Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

Zeal (munchkinomatic)
Biographical Data
Host Name: Zeal
Host Age: 24

Physical Description: Zeal is a tall girl with tanned skin and lithe, well toned body, like that off a swimmer. She has long, rainbow-dyed hair that fell past her thigh. Her eyes are hot pink. Her clothing are scandalous even for more modern time, consisting of only a black bra and white jacket for her top and a jean mini shorts for pants.

Mental Description: Might makes right, and when one has made covenant with some incomprehensible outer entities, one might as well start breaking moral and social conventions, else the rules of nature will start feeling singled out. Zeal operates on her own moral compass. What she deems right are right, what she deems wrong are wrong. What she wants to do, she will, and damn the consequences. Still, she possesses a certain sense of justice, and can be depended on to help rather than harm.

Above all, Zeal has a great disdain for dishonesty, deception, compromises, other convoluted nonsense. For her, things are best left straightforward and simple. If a king is abusing his power, than a replacement is in order. If a social system has been deemed unfair, she will tears it down. Chaos, anarchy, and uncertainty for her are only the quavering excuses of cowards.

History: Once, there was a girl who was the fourth child in an money family. Both of her parents held political power, though the exact details remained hazy to her. Her entire youth was spent inside a gilded cage, sheltered from the world outside her manor. Being much more intellectually voracious than her peers (had she allowed any) and given access to much more resources, she delved deep into mystical arcane and eldritch lore, seeking to satisfy her own childish curiosity. These expedition of her lead to her being marked by those that lies beyond, and thus a prime candidate for these outer beings.

The procedure shattered her fragile, vulnerable mind, and what emerged was Zeal. Zeal is the remnant of the fourth daughter, haphazardly glued back together by the Es'vee machinations.

Balance Meter: -3

Mundane Skills: Expert Knowledge on Mortal Sorcery in general, Knowledge on the working of Feisten's bureaucracy.

Combat Skills: None.

Solid Art - Thermo-Electro Kinesis: On theory, Zeal manipulates energy with her Solid Art. However, she can only do this to the two form of energy that she can most easily wrap her heap around: Heat and electric current. While she can convert these two form of powers back and forth, she cannot make them from nothing and relies on preexisting sources. What she lacks in diversity, she makes up in mastery and raw destructive force.
Blatant Meta - Paradigm Switcheero: Zeal can pull in the working of other universes and enforce them. This power can either work Inwardly or Outwardly, and using it causes her to semi-desync from Mortal Sorcery, disabling her Solid Art.
-Inwardly, she can substitute her disabled sorcery with the magic or other equivalent system of another world, gaining a grasp of how to wield said power in the process.
-Outwardly, she forces the internal logic and physics of another universe upon the immediate vicinity around her.​

Special Equipment:
-Improvised Firebombs: Simple explosives made from alcohols and other flammables to provide heat when needed.
-High Density Power Cell: An artifact from beyond, this glowing rod is roughly the size of one's forearm and can hold a large amount of electrical energy within itself.
-Tome of Outer Lore: Originally just the book in which she records her notes on the physical worlds, thus aiding her in her Art when needed. Outer influences has added the feature so that the books' content will change whenever she uses Paradigm Switcheero upon herself and fill itself with advanced knowledge on the power that she is using (assuming that such knowledge is recorded within its native universe).
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Biographical Data
Host Name: Zeal
Host Age: 24

Physical Description: Zeal is a tall girl with tanned skin and lithe, well toned body, like that off a swimmer. She has long, rainbow-dyed hair that fell past her thigh. Her eyes are hot pink. Her clothing are scandalous even for more modern time, consisting of only a black bra and white jacket for her top and a jean mini shorts for pants.

Mental Description: Might makes right, and when one has made covenant with some incomprehensible outer entities, one might as well start breaking breaking moral and social conventions, else the rules of nature will start feeling singled out. Zeal operates on her own moral compass. What she deems right are right, what she deems wrong are wrong. What she wants to do, she will, and damn the consequences. Still, she possesses a certain sense of justice, and can be depended on to help rather than harm.

Above all, Zeal has a great disdain for dishonesty, deception, compromises, other convoluted nonsense. For her, things are best left straightforward and simple. If a king is abusing his power, than a replacement is in order. If a social system has been deemed unfair, she will tears it down. Chaos, anarchy, and uncertainty for her are only the quavering excuses of cowards.

History: Once, there was a girl who was the fourth child in an money family. Both of her parents held political power, though the exact details remained hazy to her. Her entire youth was spent inside a gilded cage, sheltered from the world outside her manor. Being much more intellectually voracious than her peers (had she allowed any) and given access to much more resources, she delved deep into mystical arcane and eldritch lore, seeking to satisfy her own childish curiosity. These expedition of her lead to her being marked by those that lies beyond, and thus a prime candidate for these outer beings.

The procedure shattered her fragile, vulnerable mind, and what emerged was Zeal. Zeal is the remnant of the fourth daughter, haphazardly glued back together by the Es'vee machinations.

Balance Meter: -3

Mundane Skills: Expert Knowledge on Mortal Sorcery in general, Knowledge on the working of Feisten's bureaucracy.

Combat Skills: None.

Solid Art - Thermo-Electro Kinesis: On theory, Zeal manipulates energy with her Solid Art. However, she can only do this to the two form of energy that she can most easily wrap her heap around: Heat and electric current. While she can convert these two form of powers back and forth, she cannot make them from nothing and relies on preexisting sources. What she lacks in diversity, she makes up in mastery and raw destructive force.
Blatant Meta - Paradigm Switcheero: Zeal can pull in the working of other universes and enforce them. This power can either work Inwardly or Outwardly, and using it causes her to semi-desync from Mortal Sorcery, disabling her Solid Art.
-Inwardly, she can substitute her disabled sorcery with the magic or other equivalent system of another world, gaining a grasp of how to wield said power in the process.
-Outwardly, she forces the internal logic and physics of another universe upon the immediate vicinity around her.​

Special Equipment:
-Improvised Firebombs: Simple explosives made from alcohols and other flammables to provide heat when needed.
-High Density Power Cell: An artifact from beyond, this glowing rod is roughly the size of one's forearm and can hold a large amount of electrical energy within itself.
-Tome of Outer Lore: Originally just the book in which she records her notes on the physical worlds, thus aiding her in her Art when needed. Outer influences has added the feature so that the books' content will change whenever she uses Paradigm Switcheero upon herself and fill itself with advanced knowledge on the power that she is using (assuming that such knowledge is recorded within its native universe).
Then Zeal Meets Darius who has two pets as of now.
and the amount wil probally grow.
...hell we get a point for each day so expect a third simple pet.
I can't hold all these pets
But I love all of them.
Also, no combat skill huh?
Darius gotta TOUGHEN her up.
Show her how to do the ol' one two.
Punching this
He wil show her how to punch things.
Probally Remi
Because he also needs to toughen up Remi
Excuses for the relative silence
Have been spending my time and energy elsewhere I am afraid.
I can't promise anything for the near future, but might post something.
Kind of want the conversation between Nick/Disguised!Mina/SarahCascassi to continue
And ofcourse the trail.
And the mysterious shift in Mister Moris personality.
I can tell that Zeal and Remi are going to get along great. Just great.
Oh I'm sure there can be compromises.

Then Zeal Meets Darius who has two pets as of now.
and the amount wil probally grow.
...hell we get a point for each day so expect a third simple pet.
I can't hold all these pets
But I love all of them.
Also, no combat skill huh?
Darius gotta TOUGHEN her up.
Show her how to do the ol' one two.
Punching this
He wil show her how to punch things.
Probally Remi
Because he also needs to toughen up Remi
Since Zeal thinks Remi is such a nice, upstanding fella, she refuses to do anything more than gently poke him.
*cue Zeal swapping Jyuuken*

. . . Delirium? Aside from the eyes that is perfect Delirium fanart.
Unless you're talking about the BoI boss, I have no clue.
You know I had a idea that is BTG stupid and great.
Darius randomly becomes/turns out to be a farmer.
So one day He just dissapeard and rest go looking from him.
And He suddenly has a farm, his pets helping around.
He still helps fighting monsters. Just maintains a farm in his down time.
As you can see I have been starting stardew valley and the fact you can be a farmer adventure fills me With glee.

Also for my one point
... @I just write
...how hard wil it be to get an Alpaca but Instead of fur its fire.
So this:
But Instead of fluffy fur, living flame.
You know I had a idea that is BTG stupid and great.
Darius randomly becomes/turns out to be a farmer.
So one day He just dissapeard and rest go looking from him.
And He suddenly has a farm, his pets helping around.
He still helps fighting monsters. Just maintains a farm in his down time.
As you can see I have been starting stardew valley and the fact you can be a farmer adventure fills me With glee.

Also for my one point
... @I just write
...how hard wil it be to get an Alpaca but Instead of fur its fire.
So this:
But Instead of fluffy fur, living flame.
Would it have anything else, or would it just be constantly on fire?
You know I had a idea that is BTG stupid and great.
Darius randomly becomes/turns out to be a farmer.
So one day He just dissapeard and rest go looking from him.
And He suddenly has a farm, his pets helping around.
He still helps fighting monsters. Just maintains a farm in his down time.
As you can see I have been starting stardew valley and the fact you can be a farmer adventure fills me With glee.

Also for my one point
... @I just write
...how hard wil it be to get an Alpaca but Instead of fur its fire.
So this:
But Instead of fluffy fur, living flame.
Nick as several Farms that Darius can work on if he wants to.
Would it have anything else, or would it just be constantly on fire?
It can blow sendig fire at its oppenent.
You can Shear it and Then make a Nice fire sweater.
It grows back Ofcourse.
It can spit oil.
Useful fire Alpaca things.
Nick as several Farms that Darius can work on if he wants to.
I think Nick would just be happy to have someone to do the farming things.
He would probally ask Darius to make a cloack or something from fire Alpaca wool.
Shouldn't we finish the trial before coming up with the next bit of psychosis? LOL
Blegh, did not have the energy or time to type out, sorry
That and @GuesssWho I thought you knew me beter then that.
We are on the psychosis express, the best nightmare train
and I cut the breaks.
Next stop, the end of time and space!
Basquean Tadius Toadly (argelbargel)
Biographical Data

Host Name: Basquean Tadius Toadly

Host Age: 43

Physical Description: In his past he was a massive, overweight man that towered over his desk. He is a bit taller then a human person and he his far broader then he is tall. Also he is a very bloated toad man now, not a lot of difference. He just reptilian... NO DIFFERENCE
Basically he looks like a slann mage priest:

Mental Description: The embodiment of Sloth and Gluttony, Basquean still wants to aid the community. He just...doesn't want to move to do it.

History: Born to a rich family of bankers Basquean...never did a lot. Oh sure he studied and worked, but he never moved if he could avoid it. Even then, Basquean had a huge urge to help the community. So, he opened the 'bank of hope'. Here he supported the people through fair and controlled business. He kept himself alive by afailiting himself with the mob, white washing money while protecting the working class from the ogliarchy. Able to keep his head relatively low, when Basquean heard of the bonding experiment, he jumped at the chance to spread hope, while putting in minimal effort.

Balance Meter: 0

Mundane Skills:
White washing funds
Putting minimal effort into getting the most results
Pretty decent cook who only makes fat food.
PHD in gravational physics.

Combat Skills:

Powers: Solid arts - C-moon: Basquean is able to wield the forces of gravity. Using his will he can make gravity itself bend to his will, increasing or decreasing to his watches. Has a snazzy green lighting effect too.

Blatant meta - Gate-keeper: Basquean is able to open meta-portals. These are portals in this plane of excistance, pocket dimensions and even locations out of this ring-of-meta excistance. Are summond with lighting from Basquean staff. He does not need to do this but it looks cool.

Subtle meta - What do your toad eyes see?: Basquean possesses minor clairvoince, able to create spheres of visions outside of his vision per his wil. This includes audio and visual input, but not smell...or touch...or taste. Look this frogman wants to taste things without standing up okay?

Special Equipment:
Very extravigent chair
Very fancy looking staff
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Yeah, he's realized that there isn't much point in owning an empty kingdom. It's why he's started his NPC project. He's learning that intelligence is hard. He'd be happy to have more subjects.
I mean
If argels new character is accepted I think you have a very good candidate for treasurer
Because he is...wel a banker
He is good with money.
...ofcourse, if you combine gravity and portals with a massive tungsten rod...
A very large rod made of tungsten is not detailed so based on Argels restrictions...
You can make a very powerful weapon.

Also, depending on how many times Mina can split herself mina can be your NPC's
I mean its all Mina but she gained a power where she is beter at pretending to be others...
I mean
If argels new character is accepted I think you have a very good candidate for treasurer
Because he is...wel a banker
He is good with money.
...ofcourse, if you combine gravity and portals with a massive tungsten rod...
A very large rod made of tungsten is not detailed so based on Argels restrictions...
You can make a very powerful weapon.

Also, depending on how many times Mina can split herself mina can be your NPC's
I mean its all Mina but she gained a power where she is beter at pretending to be others...
Just being good with money isn't exactly what's needed. It's the ability to spend it efficiently, not the ability to save it.

I doubt Mina would be that interested to create a kingdom of herself where she does nothing but mill around interacting with herself and giving the semblance of an active kingdom.
Another doubt that people could have, in regards to the veracity of TheMaskedReaders statements, is that it's very possible that there IS no TheMaskedReader. After all, all of Hematites experiments have resulted in the death of all particpants, and now, right in time to defend Dr Hematite, he suddenly got a bunch of beings who are willing to back him up and say whatever is needed. It's very possible that instead of actually connecting to other beings, he instead enacted some surgery that simply gives them powers, and a means to give the appearance of outside forces.
Another doubt that people could have, in regards to the veracity of TheMaskedReaders statements, is that it's very possible that there IS no TheMaskedReader. After all, all of Hematites experiments have resulted in the death of all particpants, and now, right in time to defend Dr Hematite, he suddenly got a bunch of beings who are willing to back him up and say whatever is needed. It's very possible that instead of actually connecting to other beings, he instead enacted some surgery that simply gives them powers, and a means to give the appearance of outside forces.
I am waiting for them to ask that. I am so willing to pull in some volunteers from the audience, namely, y'all.
Like, if you really want to freak someone out, let them play with your Meta Artifacts. Guaranteed to cause hilarity.
@I just write How does Copy Pasting work in regards to Organics? Can I only copy stuff I made? Can I copy anything non-sapient-or-Meta? Can I copy People, but the copy is Brain-dead? Or can I fully copy people, the copy not having any meta powers the original had?