Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

I have returned from the dead.


Anyhow if there's any problems just blame my reading comprehension.
@CyanDies Hello, when @argelbargel posts I wil update.
@Nucleep yes Mina found a jetpack...a Mina in the realworld under the mansion.
Angelo accidentally got a meta-read from another location!
I was originally planning on giving you Dragonfly's power source, but that would have needed a 9 or maybe even a 10, sorry.
Maybe next enemy can give you something you can use.
@CyanDies Hello, when @argelbargel posts I wil update.
@Nucleep yes Mina found a jetpack...a Mina in the realworld under the mansion.
Angelo accidentally got a meta-read from another location!
I was originally planning on giving you Dragonfly's power source, but that would have needed a 9 or maybe even a 10, sorry.
Maybe next enemy can give you something you can use.
Whoops xD
Should I fix that or no?
Jeremiah Smith (Bound to Ash19256)
Biographical Data
Host Name: Jeremiah Smith

Host Age: 36

Physical Description:
-Height: 6' 8"
-Weight: 232 lbs.
-Hair Color: Originally dark brown, turned grey due to Binding process
-Eye Color: Originally green, turned blue due to Binding process

Has a physique like a professional boxer/MMA fighter. Faded scar from 1" above left eye to approximate middle of left cheek. Scarring on right side of body, consistent with damage from a nearby detonation of a Mk 2 hand grenade.

Mental Description:
Cold, professional, somewhat apathetic when not given an objective. Has difficulty interacting socially with others. Tends to prefer quiet activities amongst a few good friends over massive social gatherings. Tends to err on the side of caution.

Soldier in the Feisten Military. Was medically discharged due to injuries from a training accident, when a recruit badly flubbed throwing a hand grenade. Afterwards, Jeremiah found himself drifting from job to job, place to place trying to find something to do with his life following the medical discharge. This was when he signed up for the Binding process.

Balance Meter: 0

Mundane Skills:
Repair and Maintenance: Jeremiah tended towards jobs where he didn't have to interact much with others. This included jobs like furniture repair, mechanical repair (cars, trucks, etc.). He also retains his memories of helping maintain equipment during his time in the military.
Survival: Jeremiah received wilderness survival training during his time in the armed forces, and when he had the opportunity after his discharge, he maintained those skills.

Combat Skills:
Grunt: Jeremiah is skilled with military grade firearms, such as battle rifles, handguns, and shotguns.
Demolitions Expert: Jeremiah is highly skilled with explosive devices of various types, such as hand grenades, Bangalore torpedoes, and satchel charges.
Knife Fighter: He is also competent at knife fighting, and in the use of a bayonet on a rifle or shotgun. However, he is no expert.
Unarmed: Jeremiah is good enough at boxing to use it in a pinch. However, a trained opponent would hand him his rear end, and he prefers to use his unarmed skills to knock an opponent away so he can switch back to his other weapons.

Ain't That A Kick In The Head (Superhuman Trait): Jeremiah has an immense capacity to survive and withstand damage, as demonstrating by the fact that a Mk 2 grenade detonating only a few meters away merely left him stuck in a hospital for the better part of a year. He also has an immense pain tolerance, something useful when you still feel the pain from all injuries taken.
Swift Learner (Subtle Meta): Jeremiah picks up skills and information much faster than would otherwise be normal.
Welcome to New Vegas (Blatant Meta): Jeremiah is able to gain "experience points" as he defeats opponents, visits new locations, surpasses skill checks, and completes quests picked up during his travels. Upon gaining enough experience points, Jeremiah is able to level up, gaining up to 20 points to improve his skills, and being able to choose a new "perk" that grants unique abilities or improvement to his skills and/or stats. Each level up increases the number of experience points required for the next level.

Special Equipment:
Pip-Boy 3000(Blatant Meta Artifact): This unusual gauntlet houses a basic screen, and can be used by Jeremiah to monitor his body's condition, adjust his armor and equipment, and store unused equipment in a pocket dimension accessible only by the wearer of the gauntlet. All control of the device is done by thought. It also grants a form of "bullet time" where in, from Jeremiah's perspective, time slows down, allowing for improved accuracy and reaction times. In all other regards, it shares it's functionality with the Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV, including the full functionality of the Data menu.
Courier's Duster (Blatant Meta Artifact): A unique leather long-coat, bearing a spade with the number 21 on the back. It serves as lightweight body armor, and seems to improve upon both the luck of Jeremiah, and his resistance to poisons.

I get the impression this might wind up getting shot down, but hey, might as well give it a go.
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Roy Wayne (Gruber Dude)
Host Name: Roy Wayne
Host Age: 21
Physical Description: Blue, wavy hair almost fully covers a long, radiant face. Dead silver eyes, set wickedly within their sockets, look gratefully over the inventions they've come to appreciate for so long.

He stands at a whopping 5'11 among others, despite his tough frame.

There's something seductive about him, perhaps it's a feeling of indifference or perhaps it's simply his sense of honor. But nonetheless, people tend to keep their distance, while helping him out in any way they can.

Mental Description: A loner by nature that is willing to help...for a price.
History: Roy Wayne. 21. Down on his luck inventor. Never once though did anyone think he was going to amount to anything. That is, until he was chosen to be host of an inter-dimensional force. Thankfully with his unnatural mind, he was able to keep himself from being completely overpowered by the strange entity. Though he does argue with it from time to time, it grants him the ability to create and shoot spells. Not in the literal sense, but as to craft shells to fire them.

Balance Meter: +3

Mundane Skills: As an inventive mind, Roy is amazing at art, for his sketches are the basis for his weaponry. And being a travelling Merc, his negotiating skills are Paramount.

Combat Skills: Solid/Liquid arts-Bullet Infusion, Dead Eye accuracy, basic CQC.

Solid/liquid arts - Bullet infusion: Roy has access to spell affects from both the solid and liquid arts, but is unable to just cast them. He needs to infuse them to specially crafted Spell-Shells. He can infuse low to master level spells. However, the more powerful the spell, the more powerful the shell has to be.

Mad Genius - Spell Ammo: Roy is able create special ammo that is able to hold spell and realise the spell upon activation. The more powerful the spell, the more complex the shell has to be. Complex shells have to be prepared in down. All his ammo is made from Iron, as that can hold arcane power the best.

Mad Genius - Gunsmithing: Roy specializes in creating guns, more powerful, accurate, and rapid firing than any others.

Superhuman Trait - Gunslinger: Roy is supernaturally good at using firearms, allowing him immense accuracy and swifter reloads than other marksmen are able to achieve.

Superhuman Trait - Die Hard: Roy has survived things that would have left other men dead, with little to show for it in terms of scars. He'll take a supernatural kicking, and keep on ticking longer than most other folks would.

Special Equipment:
Witch-shot: A revolver of Roys own design, packs quite the punch.
Thunder Weaver: A magic Rifle, for when
a revolver just doesn't cut it.

>Scorch rounds (30) - When they hit their target, flame will erupt in and around the wound.
>Frost rounds (30) - When they hit their target, Ice will erupt in and around the wound.
>Recovery rounds (10) - Shoot someone to heal them, interresting novelty.
>Shock Rounds (6) - When they hit their target, Lightning will erupt in and around the wound.

Thunder-Reaver(Rifle Shotgun):
>Force rounds (15) - Create a wave of tremendous force, can punch through most thing.
>Shard Rounds (10): Creates Shards of Magic that cuts up armor, weakening it.
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Solid/liquid arts - Bullet infusion: Roy has access to spell affects from both the solid and liquid arts, but is unable to just cast them. He needs to infuse them to specially crafted Spell-Shells. He can infuse low to master level spells. However, the more powerful the spell, the more powerful the shell has to be.
Mad Genius - Spell Ammo: Roy is able create special ammo that is able to hold spell and realise the spell upon activation. The more powerful the spell, the more complex the shell has to be. Complex shells have to be prepared in down. All his ammo is made from Iron, as that can hold arcane power the best.
Mad Genius - Gunsmith: The ability to craft firearms that are more powerful then normal guns.
Superhuman trait - Dead eye: Roy posses amazing accuracy, able to pinpoint and acculate his shot sperfectly to always hits his targets. Only sometimes its in a more roundabout way.
Superhuman trait - Die hard: Roy has been blown up, shot and thrown of a bridge. It wil take more to put him down, however. Super natural durability, can survive longer then most.
Superhuman trait - swift fingers: Canreload and switch ammo with amazing grace and speed.
Not only is that a crap ton of powers, I'd argue you don't need this many powers. Here's my version of that:

Powers said:
Mad Genius - Ammunition Specialty: Roy can create specialized ammunition, with a large range of exotic effects, similar to the effects of the Solid and Liquid arts.
Mad Genius - Gunsmithing: Roy specializes in creating guns, more powerful, accurate, and rapid firing than any others.
Superhuman Trait - Gunslinger: Roy is supernaturally good at using firearms, allowing him immense accuracy and swifter reloads than other marksmen are able to achieve.
Superhuman Trait - Die Hard: Roy has survived things that would have left other men dead, with little to show for it in terms of scars. He'll take a supernatural kicking, and keep on ticking longer than most other folks would.
Just like having all my powers laid out in plain view, y'know?
Except that each power is considered separate, and, this is important, the more separate powers you have (ie. the more entries under the powers header), the less powerful they start out. That's why I only listed two actual powers, and offloaded the rest onto artifacts.
I mean
It is mostly my fault, I made a template for him.
I blame being tired...
And just how I describe things in general.
But yeah, I´ll poke @I just write to take a look at the sheets for you two gentleman.
Biographical Data
Host Name: Jeremiah Smith

Host Age: 36

Physical Description:
-Height: 6' 8"
-Weight: 232 lbs.
-Hair Color: Originally dark brown, turned grey due to Binding process
-Eye Color: Originally green, turned blue due to Binding process

Has a physique like a professional boxer/MMA fighter. Faded scar from 1" above left eye to approximate middle of left cheek. Scarring on right side of body, consistent with damage from a nearby detonation of a Mk 2 hand grenade.

Mental Description:
Cold, professional, somewhat apathetic when not given an objective. Has difficulty interacting socially with others. Tends to prefer quiet activities amongst a few good friends over massive social gatherings. Tends to err on the side of caution.

Soldier in the Feisten Military. Was medically discharged due to injuries from a training accident, when a recruit badly flubbed throwing a hand grenade. Afterwards, Jeremiah found himself drifting from job to job, place to place trying to find something to do with his life following the medical discharge. This was when he signed up for the Binding process.

Balance Meter: 0

Mundane Skills:
Repair and Maintenance: Jeremiah tended towards jobs where he didn't have to interact much with others. This included jobs like furniture repair, mechanical repair (cars, trucks, etc.). He also retains his memories of helping maintain equipment during his time in the military.
Survival: Jeremiah received wilderness survival training during his time in the armed forces, and when he had the opportunity after his discharge, he maintained those skills.

Combat Skills:
Grunt: Jeremiah is skilled with military grade firearms, such as battle rifles, handguns, and shotguns.
Demolitions Expert: Jeremiah is highly skilled with explosive devices of various types, such as hand grenades, Bangalore torpedoes, and satchel charges.
Knife Fighter: He is also competent at knife fighting, and in the use of a bayonet on a rifle or shotgun. However, he is no expert.
Unarmed: Jeremiah is good enough at boxing to use it in a pinch. However, a trained opponent would hand him his rear end, and he prefers to use his unarmed skills to knock an opponent away so he can switch back to his other weapons.

Ain't That A Kick In The Head (Superhuman Trait): Jeremiah has an immense capacity to survive and withstand damage, as demonstrating by the fact that a Mk 2 grenade detonating only a few meters away merely left him stuck in a hospital for the better part of a year. He also has an immense pain tolerance, something useful when you still feel the pain from all injuries taken.
Swift Learner (Subtle Meta): Jeremiah picks up skills and information much faster than would otherwise be normal.

Special Equipment:
Pip-Boy 3000(Blatant Meta Artifact): This unusual gauntlet houses a basic screen, and can be used by Jeremiah to monitor his body's condition, adjust his armor and equipment, and store unused equipment in a pocket dimension accessible only by the wearer of the gauntlet. All control of the device is done by thought. It also grants a form of "bullet time" where in, from Jeremiah's perspective, time slows down, allowing for improved accuracy and reaction times. In all other regards, it shares it's functionality with the Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV, including the full functionality of the Data menu.
Courier's Duster (Blatant Meta Artifact): A unique leather long-coat, bearing a spade with the number 21 on the back. It serves as lightweight body armor, and seems to improve upon both the luck of Jeremiah, and his resistance to poisons.

I get the impression this might wind up getting shot down, but hey, might as well give it a go.
NOTE: Due to the fact that you only have two powers that 'learns quickly' ability is more like 'is an expert within 30 seconds'.
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NOTE: Due to the fact that you only have two powers that 'learns quickly' ability is more like 'is an expert within 30 seconds'.
Huh. Okay. I have to ask, would a power that makes it so that the user's life abides by First-Person RPG tropes (level ups, skill advancement through point-buy, perks, etc.) be something that causes Balance Loss when used?
Huh. Okay. I have to ask, would a power that makes it so that the user's life abides by First-Person RPG tropes (level ups, skill advancement through point-buy, perks, etc.) be something that causes Balance Loss when used?
Honestly, the balance meter is basically "Are you successfully doing both in-character stuff and meta-ness? If so, you're fine."
Probably not, depending on how you RP it.
I figured that the quest popups and data menu on his PIP-Boy 3000 would be most of how I communicated with Jeremiah, with the rest of his actions being his own except in extreme circumstances. So that should mitigate the problems for the most part.

EDIT: Just so the current GM is aware, I'm going to wait to post anything in the IC thread until told I can. So if you guys were waiting on me to post something, I would appreciate you telling me. Thank you.
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My study is starting Again, leaving me very Tired.
If You're wondering Why I am So slow, here you go.
Lets hope I can get off my ass and update today.