Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

I presume we can use our VP now.
What does one VP constitute to?
Or did we get more?
I know for me, the ability to make well constructed huge buildings that won't fall down was 1 VP, and the ability to permanently warp reality (I don't have to remain half a mile of it for it to continue to be a thing) is 5 VP. Don't know what else would be what VP cost.
Yeah, fake outdoors is a thing you can do. Whether or not it will be convincing is another matter.
Alright, and how about the other question, how far away can I see with my 3rd person view? How large is my "screen"?
And can I hear people that I can see, or does 3rd Person View only work for seeing, and none of hte other senses?
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I know for me, the ability to make well constructed huge buildings that won't fall down was 1 VP, and the ability to permanently warp reality (I don't have to remain half a mile of it for it to continue to be a thing) is 5 VP. Don't know what else would be what VP cost.

Alright, and how about the other question, how far away can I see with my 3rd person view? How large is my "screen"?
And can I hear people that I can see, or does 3rd Person View only work for seeing, and none of hte other senses?
Well, scaling to sprite size in I Wanna Be The Guy, I'd say you probably have 3rd person awareness of everything in 50 meters. (Don't worry, you also still have your first-person perspective).
Well, scaling to sprite size in I Wanna Be The Guy, I'd say you probably have 3rd person awareness of everything in 50 meters. (Don't worry, you also still have your first-person perspective).
Not quite as big as I hope, but alright.

And can I HEAR? That was the second part of the question. Earlier Mina insulted Nick when he was ~3 floors down, and I was curious if he could hear through his 3rd Person View, or if he'd have to learn to read lips.
NPC Profile: 'Duke' Mardew
Biographical Data
Name: Dunking 'Duke' Mardew
Age: 59
Physical Description: A bear of a man, he is both taller and broader then most he comes across. He has a rather broad build and has a very blocky face. He has is mothers piercing grey eyes, his fathers nose and a full black beard, only some salt showing within its black peppery mass. On his back he has a tattoo of two skulls back to back, one wearing a soldiers helmet and the other wearing a crown of gears. Written under them is Marlyn and Deuce respectivly.
Has a hat he always wears that somehow seems to fuse with his hair (trick of the eye).
His body is riddeld with scars, like his dear old dad.
Mental Description: Duke can best be described as a surly man, his hard past making him very impatient of others shit. He has a heart of gold though for those who earn it. He is very hard worker, pushing to reach his goal.
History: Born as the first half of a twin to Darius Marlow and Marlyn Dewfield, Duke was always in love with the sea. He always wanted to sail those salty sea, even working his way up to navy. He worked in the navy until, at age 31, he lost both his mother to war and his twin brother Deuce to ogliarchel scheming. Enraged, Duke cut ties with his father. Through sheer force of wil he has gotten himself ingrained in the order of the red star, assisting them when the need rises.
After his dad lost his senses to Altzheimers and attack his daughets, Darius gave the care of the two girls to Duke. Ashley disseaperd before Duke could take care of her, but Duke now cares for his half sister Madeline.

Mundane Skills:
Skilled fisher
Expert boatman
Docterate in Marine Biology

Combat Skills:
Basic swordskill
Dirty fighting
Fishing rods: Knows how to turn the tool of his trade into lethal weaponry.

Superhuman trait: Fathers legacy
Like his dad, he can survive things now man should. Unlike his dad, it is way more limited and the experience wil always leave deep scars.
Mad genius: Marine biology
His obsession with the sea has boosted his knowledge of its creature to superhuman levels. Duke is the leading researcher in marine biology, even though you could not tell it by his appearance.

Special Equipment:
Heirloom fishing rod: A special fishing rod made by his mad scientist mother. The rod and line are extremely sturdy allowing Duke to pull off tricks with it he by all rights shouldn't be able too. The base of the rod resembles a stag head.
Knuckle dusters: Has [FISH] and [KING] written on the left and right set respectivly.
Order of the red star radio
Sorry, got a bit distracted. Also, did we ever get an answer about how many points we actually get and what they're worth?
Alright, then. How many points for a mind link between multiple versions of her, how much to be able to mimic things like a gorgon's gaze or a dragon's fire and how much to become an elemental?
wel if were asking question
how much for this power:
Subtle meta: Rotted tree's roots reach deep: Darius is related or friends with people of influence, but has forgotten their excistance. In some scenes characters wil recognise him.
It is possible for Darius to remember them back, but that is not set in stone.
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I was curious exactly how fast I can make things. Supposing that the rate I make things is primarily decided by mass, and some googling suggests that your average skyscraper is 250,000 tons, thus I can make 8300 tons per second, meaning I can make more gold than there is in the world in about 22 seconds.
It's weird how this game exploded for a bit.
I was curious exactly how fast I can make things. Supposing that the rate I make things is primarily decided by mass, and some googling suggests that your average skyscraper is 250,000 tons, thus I can make 8300 tons per second, meaning I can make more gold than there is in the world in about 22 seconds.
The primary limiter is not mass, it is detail.
Biographical Data
Name: Dunking 'Duke' Mardew
Age: 59
Physical Description: A bear of a man, he is both taller and broader then most he comes across. He has a rather broad build and has a very blocky face. He has is mothers piercing grey eyes, his fathers nose and a full black beard, only some salt showing within its black peppery mass. On his back he has a tattoo of two skulls back to back, one wearing a soldiers helmet and the other wearing a crown of gears. Written under them is Marlyn and Deuce respectivly.
Has a hat he always wears that somehow seems to fuse with his hair (trick of the eye).
His body is riddeld with scars, like his dear old dad.
Mental Description: Duke can best be described as a surly man, his hard past making him very impatient of others shit. He has a heart of gold though for those who earn it. He is very hard worker, pushing to reach his goal.
History: Born as the first half of a twin to Darius Marlow and Marlyn Dewfield, Duke was always in love with the sea. He always wanted to sail those salty sea, even working his way up to navy. He worked in the navy until, at age 31, he lost both his mother to war and his twin brother Deuce to ogliarchel scheming. Enraged, Duke cut ties with his father. Through sheer force of wil he has gotten himself ingrained in the order of the red star, assisting them when the need rises.
After his dad lost his senses to Altzheimers and attack his daughets, Darius gave the care of the two girls to Duke. Ashley disseaperd before Duke could take care of her, but Duke now cares for his half sister Madeline.

Mundane Skills:
Skilled fisher
Expert boatman
Docterate in Marine Biology

Combat Skills:
Basic swordskill
Dirty fighting
Fishing rods: Knows how to turn the tool of his trade into lethal weaponry.

Superhuman trait: Fathers legacy
Like his dad, he can survive things now man should. Unlike his dad, it is way more limited and the experience wil always leave deep scars.
Mad genius: Marine biology
His obsession with the sea has boosted his knowledge of its creature to superhuman levels. Duke is the leading researcher in marine biology, even though you could not tell it by his appearance.

Special Equipment:
Heirloom fishing rod: A special fishing rod made by his mad scientist mother. The rod and line are extremely sturdy allowing Duke to pull off tricks with it he by all rights shouldn't be able too. The base of the rod resembles a stag head.
Knuckle dusters: Has [FISH] and [KING] written on the left and right set respectivly.
Order of the red star radio
::begger voice::
Sir, may I have a threadmark please?
@I just write, have you figured out the prices of what I want yet? Or at least which would be cheapest?
Alright, then. How many points for a mind link between multiple versions of her, how much to be able to mimic things like a gorgon's gaze or a dragon's fire and how much to become an elemental?
A stoning gaze attack, for one point, is equivalent to a large dose of Marijuana. You need at least three VPs to achieve petrification.

Elemental transformations first require a three point investment in resistance to the element in question, and then each point thereafter lets you transmute one quarter of your mass into the desired element.

Mind link between all your parts is one point for simply having telepathic chats with your disconnected parts, two points for remaining asingle unified consciousness.
Mind link between all your parts is one point for simply having telepathic chats with your disconnected parts, two points for remaining asingle unified consciousness.
First point now, second point later? Or will it cost three points total?

ETA: Either way, that's what I've spent my point on.
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