Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

Question I just write, did you always plan this for grandma cacassi?
Because I have the feeling she started as a random mention that grew into the most badass unbound.
Which is funny to me.
@Trondason I think that Ashley visited her dad on multiple occasion but every time she called him 'daddy' he waved her off saying "Girl, I am to old and to broken to be your father."
Darius right now, thinks she is a cute orphan that visits him sometimes.
However, Darius memory is slowly getting repaired, which means that sometimes the stories he tells change, as his lost memories return.
He wil also have a moment of "OH! SHEIT! This little girl is my daughter!"
Ahsley's character sheet explicitely says "She has seen him multiple times since, but not as far as he knows, because he still doesn't remember her."
He doesn't know he's been visited several times.
Nick leaves corpses when he dies and respawns, correct?
And Ashley's needs corpses to d her thing.
...that is an interesting power interaction, especially as Nick can die from 'a girls slap'
Yep, I leave behind corpses. However, I doubt dying is exactly pleasent, and I should be able to just make bodies.
Solid Arts is the one study really benefits; Liquid Arts is more instinct.
Liquid benefits MORE from Instinct, because Solid requires absolute understanding, but I am under the impression that studying stuff for Liquid Arts is still beneficial. Magical, arcane stuff, rather than the concrete science of Solid.
I think people in this country have beter things to do then guard their cemeteries...
Hell it would not suprise me if people leave corpses in the streets, atleast in the poorer parts of the country.
Again, there is only poor or rich with little middleground, as the rich have fucked up the economy on multiple occasions (I just write mentioned this)
Considering that Necromancers are a fairly common thing, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't even cemeteries. After all, why let those bodies rot, when you can put them to work? That would still mean that there is a shortage of corpses just laying around for little orphan Ashley, since they would tend to be snatched up by the more influential necromancers around.
Honestly, if Ashley just had Biogenesis unlocked, this wouldn't be a problem. Anyway, a map of the Administrative District will be forthcoming sometime today.
If it matters, Albert is allocating all his Virtual Points to his Blatant Meta (Magic Systems) and attuning to the city so he can start casting MtG spells at some point (Unless Albert himself produces some Blue or Red Mana?)
Ahsley's character sheet explicitely says "She has seen him multiple times since, but not as far as he knows, because he still doesn't remember her."
He doesn't know he's been visited several times.
This could be read in multiple ways.
You interpret it as him not remembering the visit at all.
I interpret it as him not remembering Ashely as his daughter, not remembering the time he spent with her before.
Considering that Necromancers are a fairly common thing, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't even cemeteries. After all, why let those bodies rot, when you can put them to work? That would still mean that there is a shortage of corpses just laying around for little orphan Ashley, since they would tend to be snatched up by the more influential necromancers around.
Hmmm I see your point. I agree this probally leaves Ashely with not a lot to work with.
But it was not stated she had a lot to work with, I believe.
She probally had some material (again, there are probally corpses laying around in the streets waiting for an oppertunist necromancer to grab them)

...but eh
Maybe me and ArgelBargel made fuck ups in our backstories
So I am glad that you help us fill the holes
That is, ofcourse the downside of having a large backstory, you can make mistakes and do things that don't make sense.
We are not discussing Nicks or Mina's backstories as they are rather simple but broad, not needing any expanding to make sense.
So...thanks for the feedback :-D
I will confirm that your base is right across the street from the residence of Reginald Cacassi. Who is not present at this time, because he is in jail, awaiting trial.
Just get rid of everyone. No need to get picky.
Butt Trondasoooooon What If they are Nice pricks?
These pricks are rare, So we can't risk slaying them.
Normal bargain bin Pricks tho? There are enough I those. Dickisch pricks? Fuck What are you still doing here kill them.
Pricks in the denial and growing pricks can still be redeemed but they are a case by case basis sort of deal.
@I just write If someone made Grandma Cacassi as a character, rather than a NPC, how many points would she have been? Could you get that awesome with just 40? Or would it take more, or less?

Butt Trondasoooooon What If they are Nice pricks?
These pricks are rare, So we can't risk slaying them.
Normal bargain bin Pricks tho? There are enough I those. Dickisch pricks? Fuck What are you still doing here kill them.
Pricks in the denial and growing pricks can still be redeemed but they are a case by case basis sort of deal.
Eh, if they are Nice, granny would bring them back, and she'd probably survive the metaphorical nuke we'd be using to take out all the others. I already got two plans in place for how to rather easily take out most everyone (only extremely sturdy people like Grandma Cacassi would survive) using just my powers. It's surprisingly easy to wipe out a city when you are being powered by an Elder God.

Note, I'm not saying I PLAN on doing it, just saying I have a plan if I ever wanted to. For one reason or another.
@I just write If someone made Grandma Cacassi as a character, rather than a NPC, how many points would she have been? Could you get that awesome with just 40? Or would it take more, or less?

Eh, if they are Nice, granny would bring them back, and she'd probably survive the metaphorical nuke we'd be using to take out all the others. I already got two plans in place for how to rather easily take out most everyone (only extremely sturdy people like Grandma Cacassi would survive) using just my powers. It's surprisingly easy to wipe out a city when you are being powered by an Elder God.

Note, I'm not saying I PLAN on doing it, just saying I have a plan if I ever wanted to. For one reason or another.
Grandma Cacassi is around 100 points. Seriously, she's about as overpowered as Non-Bound can get with the Liquid Arts.
Grandma Cacassi is around 100 points. Seriously, she's about as overpowered as Non-Bound can get with the Liquid Arts.
Neat. So a Liquid Arts focused Bound can get as good as she can in about two months.

If I were to ever make a second character, I would probably make someone who could do Solid Arts, because as soon as I saw that I instantly began thinking of FMA, which I have of course spent a lot of time thinking about and various ways to abuse those powers. The only reason I didn't go with that, is because I felt I Just Want To Be The Guy would be a bit more fun especially since I can not worry about truly dying (to most things, at any-rate).
Your going full batman trondason
oh who am I kidding
your are our batman.
Planning beyond the needed.
You probally have plans to take out any known force and character.
Before we know it a country threatens us and you suddenly pull out your plan for killing that entire country, you totally were not planning on killing before.
You are, our batamn.
The question then becomes...who is the rest.
I think I am our aquaman, silly and sometimes rather dark.
Your going full batman trondason
oh who am I kidding
your are our batman.
Planning beyond the needed.
You probally have plans to take out any known force and character.
Before we know it a country threatens us and you suddenly pull out your plan for killing that entire country, you totally were not planning on killing before.
You are, our batamn.
The question then becomes...who is the rest.
I think I am our aquaman, silly and sometimes rather dark.
To be fair, my plans are very vague. There are like, two steps involved in one of them. Because more detail than that isn't exactly needed.
I will confirm that your base is right across the street from the residence of Reginald Cacassi. Who is not present at this time, because he is in jail, awaiting trial.
There will probably be police around it, but Mina could always become something small and cute to avoid getting in trouble. A kitten, possibly?

In the sadly-likely evert that he buys his way out of trouble, she could turn into something rather less fluffy once inside . . .
@I just write How aggressively can I bend space? Can I shrink/grow things by a fair bit? Can I make doorways and what not lead to places completely different from what they should? Could I make a impossible shape?

And you never answered the "swimming through money" question. Because I'll probably create a Money Bin somewhere at some point, and I wonder if I can do the iconic dive into it.
And you never answered the "swimming through money" question. Because I'll probably create a Money Bin somewhere at some point, and I wonder if I can do the iconic dive into it.
Unless you use most of that money for actually important things, you might find a sea serpent in it. Mina has issues.
Unless you use most of that money for actually important things, you might find a sea serpent in it. Mina has issues.
With the size of the Money Bin I'm imagining, I'd crash the valuable metals market if I tried. As for a Sea Serpent, Mina is welcome to come for a swim too, there's plenty of room, just I kinda question her ability to actually do so. I have the ability to casually warp reality around myself, last I checked Mina did not. I might be able to render it permanently as a sorta-not-quite liquid if I get the Permanent-Reality-Warp upgrade, but I'm not so sure about otherwise.
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Is having a regular serpent there much better?
Map of the Administrative District, and popular entertainment media

Media: Red Robby
Type: Cartoon Shorts, Government Funded
Description: A propaganda cartoon intended to make the Order of the Red Star less desirable to join, these cartoon shorts can largely be considered to have backfired in their intended purpose. They focus on the eponymous 'Red Robby', and each episode follows a distinct formula: Robby returns home from a day at the factory, sees a rich person doing some liesure activity, gets jealous, and enacts some zany scheme in an attempt to better their lot in life while disposing of the rich person, always ending up worse off than he started. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the show's mostly lower-class audience tends to sympathize more with Robby than the rich.

Media: The Hanging of Samuel Edison
Type: Novel, Drama
Description: Set in a rural part of Feisten, this book weighs in at a solid million words, and covers the lead-up to the eponymous Samuel Edison being hanged for a crime someone else committed, and the aftermath over the next two years. Things are generally considered to get interesting when a Mad Genius dabbling in the Liquid Arts brings Samuel back in a heavily armed robot body, trying to figure out who threw the case on top of him and bring them to justice.


@I just write How aggressively can I bend space? Can I shrink/grow things by a fair bit? Can I make doorways and what not lead to places completely different from what they should? Could I make a impossible shape?
You can go full Antichamber on someone if you want.

And you never answered the "swimming through money" question. Because I'll probably create a Money Bin somewhere at some point, and I wonder if I can do the iconic dive into it.
...Yeah, that'll work.
Is having a regular serpent there much better?
Not really. Size isn't much of a factor, without reality warping. Though I apparently can make it liquid like for myself, so you can swim with me, but if I leave it's gonna get rather less fun.
You can go full Antichamber on someone if you want.
Sweet. However, one thing thing Im not sure was ever done in Antichamber was size manipulation. Can I keep buildings in my pocket and the like?
You can put a space inside itself, but size warping in that sense isn't really doable (though you could certainly fake it).
... To an outside observer, would the space just disappear, since it's now inside itself, rather than in the space it used to be in? Or would it be more like voodoo, in that the inside space represents the outside space in arbitrary ways at times?

Is that how I would fake it? Or is there some other quirk of reality manipulation to effectively achieve "shrinking" something?
There's always just tricks of the light . . .

So what would happen if one of those generic oligarchs just wandered off one day and never came home? Since there are no security cameras, Mina could make that happen.
There's always just tricks of the light . . .

So what would happen if one of those generic oligarchs just wandered off one day and never came home? Since there are no security cameras, Mina could make that happen.
Wel imagine These ogliarchs are part of a family...and would not be happy If one if theirs disappeard...
That or another Ogliarch would just snap up their business.
However...If we got some allies and played our cards right...we do two+ ogliarch characters...
There's always just tricks of the light . . .

So what would happen if one of those generic oligarchs just wandered off one day and never came home? Since there are no security cameras, Mina could make that happen.
In a word: hysteria.

To be more specific, it would cause a mass freak-out among the other classes about some undetectable assassin working for either the Order, or one of their enemies depending on which Oligarch you asked about the disappearance. The resulting paranoia would result in the level of guards being hired and outrageous security measures being extended even further than it already is.