Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

Honestly, the respawning, third person view, and the infinite jumping only take up about half of @Trondason's points, with most of that going to the respawning. This means that Level Editor will be really high level, able to severely warp landscapes out to about half a mile, fast enough to build a skyscraper in about thirty seconds.
Ooo, awesome. And how good is that Respawn? Few seconds, only a few "rooms" back?

And how powerful is The Gun?
Ooo, awesome. And how good is that Respawn? Few seconds, only a few "rooms" back?

And how powerful is The Gun?
Respawn lasts a few seconds, spawns you somewhere nearby that you've visited recently, which doesn't have line of sight to anyone who saw you die.

The Gun could take down an M1 Abrams in about 50 shots, with something like Godzilla taking 350 shots to put down. The damage needed scales logarithmically.

EDIT: This means that for human-scale targets, The Gun is actually less dangerous than a normal firearm.
Respawn lasts a few seconds, spawns you somewhere nearby that you've visited recently, which doesn't have line of sight to anyone who saw you die.

The Gun could take down an M1 Abrams in about 50 shots, with something like Godzilla taking 350 shots to put down. The damage needed scales logarithmically.

EDIT: This means that for human-scale targets, The Gun is actually less dangerous than a normal firearm.
So usually one room back, or some such. Awesome.

Since the gun generally seems to fire as fast as you press the button, I assume the same is for pulling the trigger. Assuming 3 pulls a second (and that all of the shots connect), that means that a M1 goes down in 17 seconds, Godzilla in 2 minutes. I'm fine with that.

How does The Gun damage work? Does it "Damage their Health Bar", such that they don't take any physical damage until the final, killing, shot? Or do they suffer actual physical damage as they get shot?
So usually one room back, or some such. Awesome.

Since the gun generally seems to fire as fast as you press the button, I assume the same is for pulling the trigger. Assuming 3 pulls a second (and that all of the shots connect), that means that a M1 goes down in 17 seconds, Godzilla in 2 minutes. I'm fine with that.

How does The Gun damage work? Does it "Damage their Health Bar", such that they don't take any physical damage until the final, killing, shot? Or do they suffer actual physical damage as they get shot?
It's Health Bar damage.

Hey, you're the one who wants to play this game like I Wanna Be The Guy, you get the full package.

EDIT: Health Bar damage renders the victim more vulnerable to physical damage. In addition, it's ineffective against Grandma Cacassi since she can regen faster than you can hurt her.
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It's Health Bar damage.

Hey, you're the one who wants to play this game like I Wanna Be The Guy, you get the full package.

EDIT: Health Bar damage renders the victim more vulnerable to physical damage. In addition, it's ineffective against Grandma Cacassi since she can regen faster than you can hurt her.
I'm fine with that, just curious at how it works.

Really? That is VERY impressive regen, since a human size target would have, what, 20 HP? Burn through that in 7 seconds. Go Grandma. Guess I'd have to resort to my far-more-awesome-than-I-thought Level Editor powers if I ever want to try killing her. Or could just not, and be two effectively unkillable buddies.

Speaking of my Level Editor Powers, what limits are there to what I can summon? Spikes and Apples are obviously OK, but what about Giant Mike Tyson? Or a Nuke?
I'm fine with that, just curious at how it works.

Really? That is VERY impressive regen, since a human size target would have, what, 20 HP? Burn through that in 7 seconds. Go Grandma. Guess I'd have to resort to my far-more-awesome-than-I-thought Level Editor powers if I ever want to try killing her. Or could just not, and be two effectively unkillable buddies.

Speaking of my Level Editor Powers, what limits are there to what I can summon? Spikes and Apples are obviously OK, but what about Giant Mike Tyson? Or a Nuke?
There usually aren't limits in the sort of things you can make, but things you want to do stuff take some extra time to 'program', and physically impossible features need you to stay nearby to maintain them.

In addition, outright destructive devices are softcapped at around the level of destruction from when the Mythbusters blew up a cement truck.
Why would you want to fight her? She's the only sane person around LOL

Change of topic! @I just write Do building I make have to be structurally sound, or can I defy physics with my impressive structures, or do I get some natural understanding of architecture so I know how to make buildings that don't fall down?
You can make things that completely disregard both gravity and normal four dimensional spacetime. That said, you need to keep said impossibilities within your control radius, or they vanish in a puff of logic.
You can make things that completely disregard both gravity and normal four dimensional spacetime. That said, you need to keep said impossibilities within your control radius, or they vanish in a puff of logic.
What about places that can exist when I leave the range? Does Nick and/or I need to learn how to make structurally sound buildings, or do we get a natural understanding?

Or, another possibility. Can we pull a Queen Administrator and extend our range by creating portals so the structure in question is ALWAYS within range (via portal)?

Edit: Wait, I can disregard four dimensional space time? Can I do Time shenanigans?
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What about places that can exist when I leave the range? Does Nick and/or I need to learn how to make structurally sound buildings, or do we get a natural understanding?

Or, another possibility. Can we pull a Queen Administrator and extend our range by creating portals so the structure in question is ALWAYS within range (via portal)?

Edit: Wait, I can disregard four dimensional space time? Can I do Time shenanigans?
1: You will need to learn to engineer well.

2: No, you cannot cheat your maximum range that way.

3: You can adjust the rate at which time passes by a factor of four in either direction relative to unaltered time, but that is the only time trick you can pull.
You will need to learn to engineer well.
Well then, there goes that plan. At least, for now. I'm curious whether or not I should let Nick know this. I mean, normally I wouldn't meta-game and just enjoy the shenanigans, but meta-gaming is literally the name of the game here.

Anyways, we get one "point" every day of downtime. How many points would I need to learn to Engineer? Since wide-spread reality alteration is roughly twenty points, don't think it would take too many.
3: You can adjust the rate at which time passes by a factor of four in either direction relative to unaltered time, but that is the only time trick you can pull.
Not the most interesting of tricks, but has it's uses. Does this effect Downtime, giving me extra "points"? Or are "points" gathered in reference to unaltered time?
Well then, there goes that plan. At least, for now. I'm curious whether or not I should let Nick know this. I mean, normally I wouldn't meta-game and just enjoy the shenanigans, but meta-gaming is literally the name of the game here.

Anyways, we get one "point" every day of downtime. How many points would I need to learn to Engineer? Since wide-spread reality alteration is roughly twenty points, don't think it would take too many.

Not the most interesting of tricks, but has it's uses. Does this effect Downtime, giving me extra "points"? Or are "points" gathered in reference to unaltered time?
No, it does not. Because virtual points are from this side of the fourth wall.
Wouldn't you get bored after a while?
Maybe, though given various ideas in my head, we could find stuff to amuse ourselves. And it's far easier to do stuff when you got a lot more time to do it in.
No, it does not. Because virtual points are from this side of the fourth wall.
That's what I thought. Oh well.

Still the question of how many points would I need to learn to make Unnecessarily Large Interiors that don't collapse on themselves when I leave the immediate area.
Maybe, though given various ideas in my head, we could find stuff to amuse ourselves. And it's far easier to do stuff when you got a lot more time to do it in.

That's what I thought. Oh well.

Still the question of how many points would I need to learn to make Unnecessarily Large Interiors that don't collapse on themselves when I leave the immediate area.
*barely manages to rip myself out of the cognitive vortex known as TVtropes*

If it's just mundane architecture? That's just flat out engineering knowledge and skills, which needs all of one day downtime (provided a significant time is spent studying engineering).

If you're outright warping space in a persistent manner, that will need at least five points.
If it's just mundane architecture? That's just flat out engineering knowledge and skills, which needs all of one day downtime (provided a significant time is spent studying engineering).

If you're outright warping space in a persistent manner, that will need at least five points.
I intended on engineering knowledge, but such cheap persistent space warping is an attractive target. I will make the decision as the down-time comes. I think I'll have fun.
Are we allocating downtime point about now?

Speaking of which, how would my virtual points be divided up about now?
Asley Marlow (EX-BOUND)
Well i am pretty intersted in joining this thing, even though i won't really have time to post a lot for the next two weeks i guess i'll post my current character sheet before there is a sudden boom in ess'vee intersted in joining and i can't get in on the fun anymore.

Host Name: Ashley Marlow(officially Ashley Seadew)
Host Age: 12
Physical Description: an ordinary girl, somewhat skinny due to not eating enough and pale due to lack of sunlight, but that's all. She wears some random clothes she scavenged somewhere, not particularly caring about what she's wearing.

Mental Description: pretty fucked, althought usually a very nice girl she has a few problems as you might imagine. Such as lowered empathy, she doesn't really care about anyone who opposes her plans at this point. Of course there's plenty more, but I'm not going to invest that much time into thinking that up.

History: Ashley Marlow hasn't had the best life, although the bad stuff had been pretty recent, objectively speaking of course.
She was born to two very old but loving parents, Darius Marlow and Caraline Seadew.
While everything was fine for most of her life, when she was around 6 the first (and most tragic thing) event happened.
There was a massive explosion in the factory next to the orphanage, which got quite damaged by it.
Everyone in the orphanage got injured in the explosion, to the level of everyone was basically not going to move before getting serious help, so lots of broken bones, internal injuries, the like of that.
Ashley and her sister Madeline were laying next to their mother now, who decided to heal the sisters with the last of her strength so they could escape the now burning building, sealing her fate.
As the sisters remorsefully left the building, being urged on by their mother Ashley looked back, seeing an image she can still see today, the flames had reached her mother, foot trapped under some rubble, screaming in agony.
The emergency services came way too late, as you might expect from this country and the entire building had burned down already.
Darius arrived with them only to find there were just two survivors, his two daughters.
They grieved for a bit and then somehow found a new place to live. Not long after this Darius started showing the first signs of altzheimers.
One year later was when he forgot about her and thought she was a weird orphan which he took in somewhere along the road.
When she was around 9 her father really plummeted quickly and tried to strangle her sister, once again right in front of her.
She ran away after this and hasn't returned since.
She was however deadset on seeing her father normally one last time.
She has seen him multiple times since, but not as far as he knows, because he still doesn't remember her.
During the three years that followed Ashley started plotting how to have some happy time with Darius again, which slowly became everything she cared about.
She started practicing the liquid arts to make fully loyal servants, which she planned to use to cleanly overthrow the government without the involvement of innocent bystanders, because she knew how much Darius cared about his country and how deeply it pained him how thing are going.
She made these creatures from corpses which originally she dug up from graveyards, but somewhere along the lines she let her cuties(horrible monstrosities) take care of it.
Somewhere along the lines she found out she had a spark for creating mad weapons and other additions to her cuties, which from this point on were part organic, part metallic and mechanical.
However once Darius enlisted to fighting the monsters she saw a better way, to join the program and fight next to him, hopefully bonding enough for her to come back into his life.

Balance Meter: 0

Mundane Skills:
Capable of melting metal and creating machine parts from said metal

Combat Skills: nothing really, she relies on her creations to do the fighting for her.

Liquid arts – reformation: Ashley is capable of liquefying organic matter into some sort of paste, she can then use this paste to create new stable tissue, which she uses to create her servants.

Mad genius: Ashley is deeply invested in making interesting weapons for her sweet monsters, but also any other interesting addition she could make to them.

Superhuman trait – hivemind: While her creations are fully capable of acting independently, Ashley can control her creations like an alien hivemind could.

Special Equipment:
Flasks of corpse juice: it's always useful to carry some of this, you never know when you're going to use it.

5 knight things: creatures Ashley created that resemble knights, the knight armour is actually its exoskeleton. It's specifically designed to be able to withstand gunfire and reasonable kinetic force, making the most effective way to dispose of it fighting it in melee combat. Outside of its sword and shield it has a few tricks up its sleeve. Such as a fun chemical dispenser in its mouth, which "spits" a thick spray of a chemical which is capable of melting even armoured military vehicles.
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Well i am pretty intersted in joining this thing, even though i won't really have time to post a lot for the next two weeks i guess i'll post my current character sheet before there is a sudden boom in ess'vee intersted in joining and i can't get in on the fun anymore.

Host Name: Ashley Marlow(officially Ashley Seadew)
Host Age: 12
Physical Description: an ordinary girl, somewhat skinny due to not eating enough and pale due to lack of sunlight, but that's all. She wears some random clothes she scavenged somewhere, not particularly caring about what she's wearing.
Mental Description: pretty fucked, althought usually a very nice girl she has a few problems as you might imagine. Such as lowered empathy, she doesn't really care about anyone who opposes her plans at this point. Of course there's plenty more, but I'm not going to invest that much time into thinking that up.
History: Ashley Marlow hasn't had the best life, although the bad stuff had been pretty recent, objectively speaking of course. She was born to two very old but loving parents, Darius Marlow and Caraline Seadew. While everything was fine for most of her life, when she was around 6 the first (and most tragic thing) event happened. There was a massive explosion in the factory next to the orphanage, which got quite damaged by it. Everyone in the orphanage got injured in the explosion, to the level of everyone was basically not going to move before getting serious help, so lots of broken bones, internal injuries, the like of that. Ashley and her sister Madeline were laying next to their mother now, who decided to heal the sisters with the last of her strength so they could escape the now burning building, sealing her fate. As the sisters remorsefully left the building, being urged on by their mother Ashley looked back, seeing an image she can still see today, the flames had reached her mother, foot trapped under some rubble, screaming in agony. The emergency services came way too late, as you might expect from this country and the entire building had burned down already. Darius arrived with them only to find there were just two survivors, his two daughters. They grieved for a bit and then somehow found a new place to live. Not long after this Darius started showing the first signs of altzheimers. One year later was when he forgot about her and thought she was a weird orphan which he took in somewhere along the road. When she was around 9 her father really plummeted quickly and tried to strangle her sister, once again right in front of her. She ran away after this and hasn't returned since. She was however deadset on seeing her father normally one last time. She has seen him multiple times since, but not as far as he knows, because he still doesn't remember her. During the three years that followed Ashley started plotting how to have some happy time with Darius again, which slowly became everything she cared about. She started practicing the liquid arts to make fully loyal servants, which she planned to use to cleanly overthrow the government without the involvement of innocent bystanders, because she knew how much Darius cared about his country and how deeply it pained him how thing are going. She made these creatures from corpses which originally she dug up from graveyards, but somewhere along the lines she let her cuties(horrible monstrosities) take care of it. Somewhere along the lines she found out she had a spark for creating mad weapons and other additions to her cuties, which from this point on were part organic, part metallic and mechanical. However once Darius enlisted to fighting the monsters she saw a better way, to join the program and fight next to him, hopefully bonding enough for her to come back into his life.

Balance Meter: 0

Mundane Skills:
Capable of melting metal and creating machine parts from said metal

Combat Skills: nothing really, she relies on her creations to do the fighting for her.

Liquid arts – reformation: Ashley is capable of liquefying organic matter into some sort of paste, she can then use this paste to create new stable tissue, which she uses to create her servants.

Mad genius: Ashley is deeply invested in making interesting weapons for her sweet monsters, but also any other interesting addition she could make to them.

Superhuman trait – hivemind: While her creations are fully capable of acting independently, Ashley can control her creations like an alien hivemind could.

Special Equipment:
Flasks of corpse juice: it's always useful to carry some of this, you never know when you're going to use it.

5 knight things: creatures Ashley created that resemble knights, the knight armour is actually its exoskeleton. It's specifically designed to be able to withstand gunfire and reasonable kinetic force, making the most effective way to dispose of it fighting it in melee combat. Outside of its sword and shield it has a few tricks up its sleeve. Such as a fun chemical dispenser in its mouth, which "spits" a thick spray of a chemical which is capable of melting even armoured military vehicles.
:o Line breaks! Please add some line breaks!
She was born to two very old but loving parents, Darius Marlow and Caraline Seadew.
... Did Lizard Knight agree to his character suddenly having a kid?
She started practicing the liquid arts to make fully loyal servants, which she planned to use to cleanly overthrow the government without the involvement of innocent bystanders, because she knew how much Darius cared about his country and how deeply it pained him how thing are going.
That is quite the enterprising tween.