Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

Mmm, good point. I might do that next time, though, because kill-and-replace is more useful at the moment.

We can go adventuring, sure.
Hmm, this RP looks interesting.
You guys mind if I join? It does say you're open...
I helped ArgelBargel with a character concept he is more comfertable with. It is a solid arts user which we do have a few off but as much a liquid.
Also...I have a crazy Idea @I just write
Do...do you mind if I do the court bit?
I mean, you have IRL stuff and I have a bit more time, maybe it frees up time.
Seeing as Darius is not there their is less conflict of intrest
I understand if you deny, but it might help move things along a little.
Remi, Albert and a disguised Mina enter the court. It is a roomy building, built by some rich ogliarch to 'give back to the community' (read, so could pay less taxes). The trail has no jury, only a judge, the prosecutor and the defense. The judge, who's name Gerald Stormbrand, resides with an aura of autority and sour determination. The defense looks calmer then he has any right to be and the prosecutor looks down right devilisch.
A lot of people watch from the sides. The richer populace watch from balconies from high up, while the lower class watch from benches surounding the center. Reginald is near the judges bench looking very, very scared.
The Judge is a known face. A hard man who is known to be hard to buy. It is unkown how he is still alive, but their are two theories. One, he is an old friend of Sarah Cacassi. Two, the man is descent in the solid arts and liquid arts. Using the later to extand his age and the formor he can only use one trick. Controlling gravity. More precisly, the Judge is capable of increasing gravity in an area.
One would think that his friendship with Grandma Cacassi would be problemtic, but the man is known to be uncorruptable.
The only judge who is uncorruptable, really.
The defense artorney is Bob Mandy. Also known Winner of a thousand losses. He is specificly hired when the ogliarchy need someone to take the fall. Still, the man has a good reputation, which has a lot about his skill with controling the crowd.
The proscutor is Dennis Deld. A relative rookie who is fighting his way up the ranks.
He and Remi met before.
Dennis hates Remi, for reasons only known to Remi, Dennis and TheMaskedReader
The judge is known as the only man you can trust in the justice system. He has been accused for connection to the red star (correctly) but all these accusations fell short because the lack of evidence which the judge could skillfully push.
It is known that if the judge was stripped of his position it would cause a roid that the ogliarchy can't afford and subtle attempts to get rid of the man have failed.
Mina knows that defense artorney is a greedy rat but much of the populace still loves him. He is smart rat that can play the crowd.
She knows nothing about the prosecutor, but looks like the type with blood on his hands.
Grandma Cacassi is in the crowd between the lower class...looking very smug.
Albert knows that judge is sour but fair.
He knows the defense attorney as a respectable man who pushes for victory but often fails. He is an underdog, loved by the populace.
Dennis Deld and Albert met during a few parties. Dennis Deld is considerd a 'ladies man'.
We're EvvSee, we'll just communicate OOC knowledge as appropriate. :X
However, Every RP's their character and Ess'Vee seperately. If a character does not know something and the Ess'Vee has deigned to inform them, the character is RP'd like they don't know this knowledge.
Yeah the Ees'Vee see all the cards but it is up to them to tip their character off or let them fumble in the Dark.
Even Then Some things other Ees'Vee don't know. If I just Write likes this scene and TMR aggrees With a past between him and the prosector...
It is up to the masked reader to Tell the the Ees'Vee
Angelo Ependytis (Nucleep)
Host Name: Angelo Ependytis
Host Age: 44 (growing younger like Benjamin Button, however, due to the Ess'Vee)
Physical Description: Average height, white hair, slightly grayish skin, brown eyes, wears glasses. He wears a baseball cap to hide most of his hair. He also wears a leather jacket and baggy jeans.
Mental Description: Retrograde amnesiac. First thing he can remember without frying his brain is waking up in a hotel somewhere unknown.
However he is suffering from a sort of PTSD, and when he sleeps he remembers glimpses of massacres, done by his hands. He has surmised that these experiences were from before his memory corrupted.
To compensate for what he sees as his undoing, he has become more compassionate and nice for the sake of being nice, but he is also very independent, calling out tyranny and oppression when it is visible.
After a while, he had become jaded and convinced that fate will always use him like this, and his only wish now is to get his life back, as in his memories.
After the experiment, he has a penchant for breaking the fourth wall, and is prone to making pop culture references that non-Bound won't get.
History: All his life, he has been wandering around aimlessly, aiding those in need and saving those that need saving, delivering food for the hungry and alms for the poor, fighting off great evils when they terrorize the innocent. However he never stays in one place, moving on the night after the job is done, and where he goes even he doesn't know, even though he keeps a mental map. For this reason it is extremely difficult to plan for where he goes and thus catching him.
One day he heard about this experiment. He knew about the abilities of the Ess'Vee, and had hoped that they would give his life back.
Strangely, compared to many others, his binding to the Ess'Vee was much more simple, as it consisted of putting an amulet (and necklace) binded to the Ess'Vee in question on him, instead of his direct involvement. But that brought some disadvantages compared to others, as he became addicted to the amulet and could not bear taking it off, citing something along the lines of 'don't you take the voices in my head away', and will go uncharacteristically violent if it is taken from him. The amulet is also physically changing his appearance as it gradually binds to him (hence the shrinking biological age).
Balance Meter: -3

Mundane Skills:

Extremely great artist and musician - Exactly what it says on the tin, however his art and music takes on an extremely sad and dark twist.
A college level education.
Geographic memory - He keeps a mental map in his brain that is very accurate, effectively making him a human GPS
Combat Skills:
Excels at close quarters combat and martial arts, although he theorizes that this is residual muscle memory from his previous life. A reflex, in other words.

Mad Genius (Electronics) - If he had the materials and time, he could theoretically assemble a fully functioning quantum computer and program an accompanying artificial superintelligence. Powering it, however, is another matter...
Solid Arts (Laser/Plasma Beams) - He can fire red beams from his eyes or blue ones from his hands.
Blatant Meta (From Thin Air) - Basically, I can summon whatever I wish, but it won't always be what he or I want (there's a random chance it will produce something random and pointless to the task).

Special Equipment:
Shapeshifting tool - It can theoretically turn into anything with the same mass and adopt it's properties, but it requires energy from the user. It's currently an indestructible acoustic guitar.
Smart glasses - Basically Google Glass ( :p ), but they function more like an actual smartphone, combined with those sci-fi HUDs (without the Internet, of course). He built it himself, and even made it power off his own residual energy.

Does this look good?
Last edited:
Host Name: Angelo Ependytis
Host Age: 44 (growing younger like Benjamin Button, however, due to the Ess'Vee)
Physical Description: Average height, white hair, slightly grayish skin, brown eyes, wears glasses. He wears a baseball cap to hide most of his hair. He also wears a leather jacket and baggy jeans.
Mental Description: Retrograde amnesiac. First thing he can remember without frying his brain is waking up in a hotel somewhere unknown.
However he is suffering from a sort of PTSD, and when he sleeps he remembers glimpses of massacres, done by his hands. He has surmised that these experiences were from before his memory corrupted.
To compensate for what he sees as his undoing, he has become more compassionate and nice for the sake of being nice, but he is also very independent, calling out tyranny and oppression when it is visible.
After a while, he had become jaded and convinced that fate will always use him like this, and his only wish now is to get his life back, as in his memories.
After the experiment, he has a penchant for breaking the fourth wall, and is prone to making pop culture references that non-Bound won't get.
History: All his life, he has been wandering around aimlessly, aiding those in need and saving those that need saving, delivering food for the hungry and alms for the poor, fighting off great evils when they terrorize the innocent. However he never stays in one place, moving on the night after the job is done, and where he goes even he doesn't know, even though he keeps a mental map. For this reason it is extremely difficult to plan for where he goes and thus catching him.
One day he heard about this experiment. He knew about the abilities of the Ess'Vee, and had hoped that they would give his life back.
Strangely, compared to many others, his binding to the Ess'Vee was much more simple, as it consisted of putting an amulet (and necklace) binded to the Ess'Vee in question on him, instead of his direct involvement. But that brought some disadvantages compared to others, as he became addicted to the amulet and could not bear taking it off, citing something along the lines of 'don't you take the voices in my head away', and will go uncharacteristically violent if it is taken from him. The amulet is also physically changing his appearance as it gradually binds to him (hence the shrinking biological age).
Balance Meter: -3

Mundane Skills:

Extremely great artist and musician - Exactly what it says on the tin, however his art and music takes on an extremely sad and dark twist.
A college level education.
Geographic memory - He keeps a mental map in his brain that is very accurate. A human GPS, in other words.
Combat Skills:
Excels at close quarters combat and martial arts, although he theorizes that this is residual muscle memory from his previous life. A reflex, in other words.

Mad Genius (Electronics) - If he had the materials and time, he could theoretically assemble a fully functioning quantum computer and program an accompanying artificial superintelligence. Powering it, however, is another matter...
Solid Arts (Laser/Plasma Beams) - He can fire red beams from his eyes or blue ones from his hands.
Blatant Meta (From Thin Air) - Basically, I can summon whatever I wish, but it won't always be what he or I want (there's a random chance it will produce something random and pointless to the task).

Special Equipment:
Shapeshifting tool - It can theoretically turn into anything with the same mass and adopt it's properties, but it requires energy from the user. It's currently an indestructible acoustic guitar.
Smart glasses - Basically Google Glass ( :p ), but they function more like an actual smartphone, combined with those sci-fi HUDs (without the Internet, of course). He built it himself, and even made it power off his own residual energy.

Does this look good?
...Doctor Hematite has not noticeably improved the Binding Machine. The necklace thing is therefore suspect.
I helped ArgelBargel with a character concept he is more comfertable with. It is a solid arts user which we do have a few off but as much a liquid.
Also...I have a crazy Idea @I just write
Do...do you mind if I do the court bit?
I mean, you have IRL stuff and I have a bit more time, maybe it frees up time.
Seeing as Darius is not there their is less conflict of intrest
I understand if you deny, but it might help move things along a little.
@I just write I had to be rude, but can I get a definitive yes or no answer.
I am fine with both, but I would prefer a clear answer, if it is not too rude to ask.
Yeah, go right ahead. Just remember that the judge has been explicitly told to find the guy guilty, or else.
Again, it is up to you to recorrect me, but I view the judge as the only one who can't be bought by any means. A bit anying for the olgiarchy but damn useful for people like Cacassi, there is now way to damn buy him.
The ones who were bought off are the attorney (who builds his carrer around getting giving people the ogliarchy wants convicted a lawyer, getting payed through bribes more then his actual job) and the Prosecutor who is just trying to move up in the world.
Also I am a fan of ace attorney.
Only played the original trilogy (and vs. prof layton and a bit of dual destinies) but it wil still influence this mess.

What I am trying to say is, this judge doesn't have to be told or else, because Cacassi is clearly guilty and the guilty get punished by him.
They just stacked the deck using the Lawyer and prosecutor.
@I just write How many points would it take for a kill-and-replace skill?
I'd say up to four, depending on how potent you want it to be.
1 Point: A mental 'nudge' for staying in character better, though you can still slip up
2 Points: Access to some of the victim's more prominent memories
3 Points: Able to run a mental 'surface layer' matching the victim in most regards
4 Points: Spoof Liquid Arts Detection, can whip up a 'persona' based on someone fictitious
I'd say up to four, depending on how potent you want it to be.
1 Point: A mental 'nudge' for staying in character better, though you can still slip up
2 Points: Access to some of the victim's more prominent memories
3 Points: Able to run a mental 'surface layer' matching the victim in most regards
4 Points: Spoof Liquid Arts Detection, can whip up a 'persona' based on someone fictitious
Maybe get level one and upgrade over time?
Honestly the question becomes how much she must consume to get said mental nudge.
How easy to fool people with said disguise (my passing mad DNA tech and liquid arts detection) is also an important detail.
I'll spend a point for the intuition, I think.
@GuesssWho The gentleman who fancied Mina and slapped her bum is one and the same.
Willson Moris is a terrible human being who sees woman as 'tools' for pleasure.
...he deserves what is coming to him.
How did he get away with it? He runs a very powerful business and has quite a powerful grasp on the mining of negatite and the building of airships. 34% of the aircraft industry and 45.69 procent of Negatite market is in his company's hands. He is a man with quite some pull, so he can get away with this shit.
Again he deserves his demise.

I need to get up rather early tomorrow, so I think I'll finish the character sheets of the judge and the lawyer and go to bed.
I hope to continue this tomorrow, I hope its going oke : D
Men of the Law
Biographical Data
Name: Gerald 'The unbreakable arm of the Law' Stormbrand
Age: 99
Gender: Male
Physical Description: A man showing his age more then some users of the liquid arts, he has a full fluffy white beard, is bald and wears horn rimmed glasses. His eyes are a piercing Purple while Gerald himself is quite short, only reaching to the nose of most other gentleman. He is often seen in his Judge garb.
Mental Description: Gerald is a dour and sour man who believes onces goal can only be reached through sheer determination. Geralds goal, after seeing his father executed for a crime he did not commit, was cleaning up the legal system.

History: Born into money, Gerald Stormbrand always was attracted to Gravity, one of the fundimental laws that control the universe. Gerald did studies in a predigous acedemy of the solid arts and doing a minor in the liquid arts, where he met Sarah Cacassi. They were two oppisites in everything but height and got along spledindly. Gerald looked like he would get an amazing job as an officier or some such, until tragedy struck.
His brother was excuted for a crime he did not commit. This injustice caused Gerald to drop almost all of the solid and liquid arts (accept for his beloved gravity...and some of the liquid arts under Sarah's...advice) and put all his effort into becoming a man of the law. Gerald is known as the only uncorruptable men in the court (by the olgiarchy and order of the red star, most of the populace still trust the legal system). There were ofcourse many attemps on his life. However, Gerald skill and friendship with Sarah Fucking Cacassi meant that he was still kicking after all these years.

Mundane Skills:
Mastery of the law
Knows of to work a crowd

Combat Skills:
Gavel combatend

Solid arts - Gravity kills: Gerald is capable of creating a circle area where he can increase gravity to ridiclous extreme. The bigger the area the more it strains Gerald.
Liquid arts - Vigor of the old: Gerald is able to use the liquid arts to keep himself healthy and quite fit for his age, but not the degree of a master like Sarah Cacassi.

Special Equipment:

Graviton Gavel - A specialized gavel created by a mad scientist specializing in gravity, it can enhance Gerald use of the solid arts allowing him to send waves of crushing gravity.

Biographical Data
Name: Bob Mandy
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Physical Description: A tall, gaunt, handsome man. He always wears a bluesuit with the countries national flower as a brooche over his heart, his attorney badge over the other breast.
Mental Description: A shark of a man who knows how to play a crowd. A chestmaster in life he knows when to scarefice reputation for a greater boon down the line.

History: Born into a low ranking ogliarchal family Bob Mandy learned one thing very early. When to take a fall. He learned the advantage of losing and how to play it to his advantage. Lose a chess match here, earn a friendship there, use that friendship to get into a highranking law college for almost half the money.
Still known to the populace as a loveable goofball of an underdog instead of the Shark that he is.

Mundane Skills:
Chess Master
Using people as puppets
Master of speach

Combat Skills:
Novice Knife fighter

Superhuman trait - Unnatural Charisma: Bob Mandy exedus an aura of charisma that outclasses the mans already impressive charisma. Through this aura he is able to wind almost everyone around his finger, only the strongest of willed can resist him. That or a bound.
Superhuman trait - Mood sensor: Bob can feel the general mood someone is in...but it is rather inaccurate. On a single person? Nigh useless. In a crowd of people in a courtroom? Invaluable.

Special Equipment:

Hammer-briefcase: A brief case which inner space has been expendad by a mad scientist buddy of Bob.
Switch blade - Bobby has a switch blade, with the edge coated in a deadly neurotoxin able to kill any non-liquid arts user. He holds it tucked away in his pocket, closed. You don't have to be great at knife fighting with this knife, just be able to not cut yourself.
Anti-toxin - a special vile in his hammer-briefcase that can purge most toxins from onces boddy. He carries it with him in the case he cuts himself with his poisend switch blade. Hasn't happend before but with poison a man can't be to sure.
Quick note for @GuesssWho

How exactly did you get away with nomming that guy in the courtroom? I'm not denying that you could probably figure out a sufficiently stealthy way to do it, but I'd at least like a quick explanation of how.