Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

*Crawls into the scene*
Aight how you guys doin'?
GuesssWho is right it is kinda a sign seeing as everything as been silent for...
How almost a week.
It kinda pisses me off, honestly. 'I could do it but I'm not gonna because reasons.'
It is kind of annoying, but I have the feeling it is because I just write is spreading himself to thinly by doing to many things at once, so he is spending his energy elsewhere at the moment.
He has a lot of projects...hell first I thought this was a riot quest again and was reluctant to join it, because [Restless Dead] died without warning and his mad science quest...wel he gave the role of high QM to someone else, so that is understandable. He had a reason there and hell I helped as back up writter there and I saw interrest die out there.
I really like this RP, so I hope that I just write can spend more energy here or give the mantle of GM to someone else if he has to much to manage at the moment.
I really like the RPs and quests I just write makes, but he tends to do a bit much in my opinion.
So...we'll see won't we? I can only wish I just write luck and more inspiration.
Also the reason I have not jumped in as support GM yet...wel he is way more wishy washy then last time.
Taking care of a court case is easier then 'here is this meta-physical plane, they need to get to the top. Good luck.'
Personally I need mroe details for meta-land then a court-case that is rather clear to how its suppossed to be GM'd.
(Quite frankly I am scared to take to much liberties, as in the end I am a support-GM not the real deal)
To avoid this dying I am planning on GM the misadventures into the outer city.
Because I don't want GM myself...Darius is going to stake out the landing place while the rest can explore the outer city.
I have T H I N G Z in mind
F U N thingz.

So remind me, who is all in the outer city?
Honestly part of me wants ya'll to split up to see what weird shit I can throw at yall

Edit: Post fusion

Currently writing a new IC post.
Putting some effort into for R P M A G I C
Also...I am going to be a bit more stingy with hints me thinks.
Like some wil be obvious and others wil be more...
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Also, I am only going to continue a segment when all active members of that segment have done something.
Assuming your characters follow the orders given by Darius the segments are:
Nick and Remi's EXCELENT adventure (featuring birb Mina)
Zeal and Alberts oddessy (Mina casting is still pending)
Basqueen and Sammy's Gentlemanly quest (featuring the manliest of Mina, I can only assume)
Valiard and Angelo enjoying their day (featuring an unannounced Mina, contact her agent @GuesssWho for more details)

Also yes every segment needed its own silly name.
I hate to flood the OOC but I am afraid I have a warning
Until Monday expect little updates.
Because yesterday my brain went "Right, how about that heavy meta?"
So probally can expect slow down until monday because important school stuff.
Real life takes precident, as you all now.
(Slow down does not mean total stop...just less speed in posts)
Fun fact the chikcen monster is actually from restless dead, an I just write Riot Quest.
Some other indivuels of that RP might show up.
It is possible for mad scientist docter briefs to show up but he might not
Sorry for the silence.
For the most part real life things got in the way and other responcibilities.
I don't know when the next IC post wil drop.
Remi tries to shoot his gun to maneuver himself out of the well, using the momentum to propel himself out.
The well is down a long metal hall way. "Out" requires you to either rocket yourself "up" the hallway back into the original circle, or "down" to the end of the hallway that Nick made.

I/he was planning on using the free fall to create a gap between you and Mr Chicken, so that he can form a wall between you two trapping said chicken. You could do something else, of course, but you could also use your meta knowledge to work with the plan.
Alright, so Nick is about to make a big bang, so I've decided to inform my fellow Ess'Vee of his/my plan.

He's got 3 ghosts converging on his location, so he's gonna remove himself with a few quick jumps aided by a tube of reversed gravity. Then to fill his vacant position, a bomb. Those with burstable ear-drums probably will want to cover them. Like, potentially within the whole city.

Then, before it goes off (extra time afforded by his handy-dandy time manipulation), form a wall between Remi and Chicken (assuming they have, in fact, sperated enough for a wall to be made), allowing Chicken to slam into the wall and be stuck, while Remi keeps falling down, and eventually out, of the Hallway.

Then Nick gets blown up, because he underestimated the range of his bomb. But hey! That's why I got him ressurective Immortality!
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The space between chickenman and Remi is to small.
The anti-editor field stops the tungsten wall.
To bad there is not ghost knight to carry Remi away from the chicken-man *wink*
Even with Remi currently rocketing himself away from Chickenman?

Nick doens't exactly know about the Ghost Knight
Even with rocketing away yes, the gun speed is not enough.
However, from nicks perspective Remi MIRACULOUSLY gains speed give Nick the chance to trap and blow up chickenstein.
This is clearly a sign of hidden heroism and potential.
and NOT a ghost night taking Remi into a bridal carry away from chickenman.
Sir Matthias Flashheart (King Tharassian)
My submission, if they're still open!

Host Name: Sir Matthias Flashhart
Host Age: 43
Physical Description: A giant of a man, almost six and a half feet tall, and built like a series of barrels made out of bricks. His moustache is perfectly waxed, and his hair seems to be perpetually impeccable. For example...
Mental Description: Sir Flashhart is, at- er, heart- a thrill-seeker. He crosses the globe to find new and exciting adventures, and will try almost anything once. Whether he likes it is the question afterward. His manner is eternally boisterous and proud, always yelling encouragements at others to drive them to do even better. His intelligence is also quite impressive, and he could easily be a scientist full time if not for the simple facts that: 1) He would be labeled as a menace even to mad scientists when he got bored, and 2) he doesn't want to. He's content to use his mad imagination and surprising engineering skill to craft weapons and equipment for those around him, always bringing some mad new idea to the table and testing out new designs.
History: Sir Flashhart grew up amidst stories of war heroes and explorers, and often lamented when he was younger that he was born almost forty years too late. When he learned that there was still a place in the world for the adventurous and the pioneer, he leapt at the chance, bringing madness and cleverness everywhere he went. Seeking out artifacts of old and beasts to hunt, he developed a reputation as "that unflappable madman." He, however, always preferred "Sir Flashhart, genius, inventor, hunter, archaeologist, engineer, journaleer, ladies' man, man's man, man about the world." Many have disputed his claim to some of these epithets. When he heard about the Binding program, he simply shrugged his shoulders, laughed, and volunteered.
Balance Meter: -2

Mundane Skills:
Strength: Matthias' sheer strength is near the peak of human ability, and it shows.
Balance: He somehow always finds his feet again, and can keep himself and things he holds level with ease.
Mathematics, engineering, and metallurgy.
Tracking: Any hunter, as far as Matthias is concerned, should be able to track. What the prey is doesn't matter. Tracking will save your sorry hide.

Combat Skills: Broadly, what types of weapons is your host good at using? Any other tricks they know that might be useful in a fight?
Firearms: As a hunter and "explorer" Matthias has familiarized himself with firearms of many kinds, preferring large rifles and hand cannons.
"Knife.": What Matthias calls a knife others might call a short sword, but he is quite skilled with it none the less.
Fisticuffs: He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, and he knows how to do it.

Mad Genius - The Gunbringer (Gunsmithing and Engineering[Armor/Small Machinery]): Matthias is a famed gunsmith, and has made several dozen weapons and pieces of armor across the world, as well as more esoteric equipment.
Blatant Meta - The Blueprint Thief: If you want equipment, he'll make you equipment. What world should it be from? Do you want that diving suit with a drill on the arm? He's happy to do it!
Subtle Meta - The Boisterous Bruiser: Matthias' unflappable manner and constant cheerfulness have somehow made him more capable of supporting his allies, as well as increasing his own natural ability.

Special Equipment:
Old Steady-Now: His prized rifle, built to handle a caliber that most people would consider hazardous to the wielder. The weapon is breech-loading, and Matthias knows it inside and out. He built it after all.
Little Mark: His pistol, which he somehow uses one-handed despite it being classified as a hand cannon by any reasonable metric. He built this too.
"Knife": A Short sword that Matthias calls a knife. And which is serrated.
The Lodge: A small zeppelin that Matthias uses as his home and trophy-hall. This is also his means of transport and his workshop.
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I am going to have a real busy time coming, very important for my study.
So I have to silent for a bit...
Kinda akward as a substitute QM but real live comes first.
>Flops out of grave
So my busy time is over but I am DAMN tired at the moment.
I wil try to get something out tomorrow, to get this ball rolling again.
The siren-serpent from Sunless Sea has such a lovely smile . . .