Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)

Remi attempts to follow Nick, and does so...with limited success. He sweats and pulls as the somewhat unfit man moves through the maze of bridges in the area.
Nick begins doing laps around Remi, not wanting to wait for him to catch up and instead using the forced slower pace to take a closer look at stuff, with the general planned path forward clearly indicated by a golden brick road. And golden ladders or stairs, where neccessary.
Nick begins doing laps around Remi, not wanting to wait for him to catch up and instead using the forced slower pace to take a closer look at stuff, with the general planned path forward clearly indicated by a golden brick road. And golden ladders or stairs, where neccessary.
Remi huffs and puffs as he works his way along the yellow brick road. "I'm sorry-" huff, huff "that I'm so slow, Nick." He stops for a moment to catch his breath.
Remi huffs and puffs as he works his way along the yellow brick road. "I'm sorry-" huff, huff "that I'm so slow, Nick." He stops for a moment to catch his breath.
He shrugs as he is balancing on one foot on a random barrel. "That's fine. Old people aren't as fast as young people." He pauses as he gets an idea, then with a twist of gravity he sits cross-legged mid-air, and a box appears before him. "Might be able to do something about that though. Give me a bit." He says as he focuses on the box. To anyone with meta senses, they could see Nick playing around with some "programming". This will take a few minutes, so Remi has a chance to rest.
"Hardly your fault that the boy is hyperactive, in any case." Bird!Mina frowns, as much as a bird can. "Ah, some idiot appears to have found a way into the dragon's lair. Shall I eat them?"
"Hardly your fault that the boy is hyperactive, in any case." Bird!Mina frowns, as much as a bird can. "Ah, some idiot appears to have found a way into the dragon's lair. Shall I eat them?"
Nick pauses in his creation of a Magic Flying Box, to look at Mina. "... Adventurers have found it already? That was fast. Maybe interrogate them first? Find out why they are there and what not."
@munchkinomatic @Shard @GuesssWho
"Albert and Zeal, I see boats along those rivers, going up waterfalls. They might be a good way to reach the top. My dimensional companion tells me Zeal can pull in magic from other realms and so can you albert. This makes you a good combination, if Mina can send an instance along you can take the ships!" Darius says pointing at the rivers that travel beneath them. They could jump on them from here, the rivers flow southwards... "However, as I am just going to be sitting here, take little Typhon along with you. Please make sure he doesn't reduce to many things to slag, will you?" The old man jests atleast a little

Zeal nodded, "Yeah, I think I can do that. Hey big man, think we can do that?"

Probably. What are we doing again?

"Taking a bout to a higher energy state! Have you been paying attention?" Without waiting for my answer, she turned to Albert. "So, any particular plan? My extradimensional eldritch entity's useless."
Nick pauses in his creation of a Magic Flying Box, to look at Mina. "... Adventurers have found it already? That was fast. Maybe interrogate them first? Find out why they are there and what not."
Mina nods. It's a good idea, so her dragon-self will do that if she gets a chance.
Remember our boi Albert has been NPC'd
Zeal and Alberts fabulous oddessy
Albert shrugs "None really, maybe we could just jump on a boat and see where it takes us?"
As Albert says, boats travel beneath you, could jump on them.
Look I don't feel up to spoopy links and invis text at the moment
Everyone hates Mr.Morris
"You get off on this horror shtick huh? Hey I need those organs to drink..." Morris says as he fumbles for his keys enters his home.
Telepath Tarantula, should have known.
Look I have no clue if she can read me thoughts or not

[Not reported]
Look man she is eating my damn organs kinda lost focus
I might be 'weak' but I get results
Oh this wil be fun
Mister Morris gets his with a dart in his neck.
Mina, eating his organs as she is, gets a dose off it.
Being a mass of flesh she is unbothered.
What she DOES feel is a telepathic prescence pressing on her brain trying to knock her out.
She is not strong enough to resist
GuesssWho the cosmic entity however can feel the presence on thing Mina's mind, the connection.
GuesssWho could just break the connection...or have some fun with however is on the other end.

Beneath the mansion, where Dragina sleeps
The armoured man is backing up and saying "Good bio-weapon, I am not going to hurt you. Was just leaving." With that, he dissappears.
Like, he hides his entire presence, from smells and sight.
He is still there, but very hard to detect.
That is until chester barfs a paint can on him.
I wonder where he got the pink pain.
"Wel...fuck" the now pink man says.
...is the roof shaking?

@GuesssWho @TheMaskedReader @Trondason
Remi and Nicks EXCELLENT adventure
As Nick and Remi stand still they see the Shade see part.
Nick with his game vision can see the being and jump aside.
Remi feels the being and how WRONG it is and flop aside.
Standing there is what at first glance is a chicken man.
At second glance it is a towering construct of chickennugets stitched together into the general shape of a man, green plasma leaking from its 'mouth'.
It has large claws and a pink-grey glow eminates from its body.
It lets out a monstrous cluck and then lunges for Remi.
Remi feels the being and how WRONG it is and flop aside.
Standing there is what at first glance is a chicken man.
At second glance it is a towering construct of chickennugets stitched together into the general shape of a man, green plasma leaking from its 'mouth'.
It has large claws and a pink-grey glow eminates from its body.
It lets out a monstrous cluck and then lunges for Remi.
Remi fumbles for his gun, which comes whirling out of pocketspace into his hand. He attempts to shoot the spirit before it reaches him. The gun is seemingly eager to shoot, already cocked and ready.
As Nick and Remi stand still they see the Shade see part.
Nick with his game vision can see the being and jump aside.
Remi feels the being and how WRONG it is and flop aside.
Standing there is what at first glance is a chicken man.
At second glance it is a towering construct of chickennugets stitched together into the general shape of a man, green plasma leaking from its 'mouth'.
It has large claws and a pink-grey glow eminates from its body.
It lets out a monstrous cluck and then lunges for Remi.
Nick attempts to Ice the freak, but quickly finds that that Chicken-monster is apparently covered in Anti-level-editor field. Thinking fast, and needing to think faster, Nick quickly cloaks himself in an accelerated bubble of time as he jumps up a the nearby roof and whips out The Gun, and begins firing upon the chickenstein.
As he does this, he attempts to construct a titanium cage surrounding its anti-meta field, unfortunately having to enclose Remi in it to, Remi already being too close. To try to solve this issue, he adds a long hallway off of the cage, gravity bent to allow one to fall down said hallway at fast speeds. "Run, Remi, Run" Nicks accelerated voice squeaked as he continued shooting from above.
Everyone hates Mr.Morris
"You get off on this horror shtick huh? Hey I need those organs to drink..." Morris says as he fumbles for his keys enters his home.
Telepath Tarantula, should have known.
Look I have no clue if she can read me thoughts or not

[Not reported]
Look man she is eating my damn organs kinda lost focus
I might be 'weak' but I get results
Oh this will be fun
Mister Morris gets his with a dart in his neck.
Mina, eating his organs as she is, gets a dose off it.
Being a mass of flesh she is unbothered.
What she DOES feel is a telepathic presence pressing on her brain trying to knock her out.
She is not strong enough to resist
GuesssWho the cosmic entity however can feel the presence on thing Mina's mind, the connection.
GuesssWho could just break the connection...or have some fun with however is on the other end.
Psychic defenses are built. Very nasty defenses, involving traps and mazes and things that are mostly teeth and claws.

Mina is enjoying herself. It's slightly annoying that the bastard is mercifully unconscious now, but on the other hand she no longer has any reason to feel even slightly bad for him! Maybe if he ever wakes up she can train him to be a better person--and if he doesn't she can just become him and be better than he was.
Beneath the mansion, where Dragina sleeps
The armoured man is backing up and saying "Good bio-weapon, I am not going to hurt you. Was just leaving." With that, he dissappears.
Like, he hides his entire presence, from smells and sight.
He is still there, but very hard to detect.
That is until chester barfs a paint can on him.
I wonder where he got the pink pain.
"Well...fuck" the now pink man says.
...is the roof shaking?
The dragon growls. "Tell me how you got in here and how you learned of it at all, and perhaps I will merely bite your head off. Lie to me and I will keep you in my mouth while dragon's hate and fiery breath kills you slowly. Have we an accord, human?"
@GuesssWho @TheMaskedReader @Trondason
Remi and Nicks EXCELLENT adventure
As Nick and Remi stand still they see the Shade see part.
Nick with his game vision can see the being and jump aside.
Remi feels the being and how WRONG it is and flop aside.
Standing there is what at first glance is a chicken man.
At second glance it is a towering construct of chicken nuggets stitched together into the general shape of a man, green plasma leaking from its 'mouth'.
It has large claws and a pink-grey glow emanates from its body.
It lets out a monstrous cluck and then lunges for Remi.
". . . wut."
Last edited:
Psychic defenses are built. Very nasty defenses, involving traps and mazes and things that are mostly teeth and claws.
There is a moment of shock before the infiltrant gets the fucko out.
Mina is enjoying herself. It's slightly annoying that the bastard is mercifully unconscious now, but on the other hand she no longer has any reason to feel even slightly bad for him! Maybe if he ever wakes up she can train him to be a better person--and if he doesn't she can just become him and be better than he was.
Mina sees two people in suit, the one is inspired by a spider and the other by a mantaray.
MedicalMantaray stands over Mr.Morris and stabs a finger claw into Mr.Morris.
...Mina feels it prik into her, extracting her body!
It quickly removes he from Wilson Morris spine, afterwards tubes come out to get any left over part.
Parasite Mina is now in a pressurised tube on the back of Manta man.
"Target has been extracting, checking Cougar"
The dragon growls. "Tell me how you got in here and how you learned of it at all, and perhaps I will merely bite your head off. Lie to me and I will keep you in my mouth while dragon's hate and fiery breath kills you slowly. Have we an accord, human?"
Mina can hear a smile in his voice "Oh you can talk, good for you. Sorry darling but if I blabbed at the first sight of some unseightly teeth I would not be in this business. Also, I don't think that is happening."
The man jumps back as the floor rips open and another black suited figure appears. The figure is a massive 3, now wearing an odd multi-colour dragon-fly inspired suit. The figure has two large gauntletted hands...wel one and the other is a drill, switching back to the gauntlet.
The man who was painted pink flashes. He has the same suit as before, but instead of black its silver with pink with stylised fins at the side. "Took you long enough, deadly"
'Deadly' says nothing and turns to Mina. "Target aquired. Eliminate."
He makes a fingur gun and then shoots a projectile with an odd Pfschew, which is barely heard.
CLUCK! Nul energy, son.
There is a moment of shock before the infiltrant gets the fucko out.

Mina sees two people in suit, the one is inspired by a spider and the other by a mantaray.
MedicalMantaray stands over Mr.Morris and stabs a finger claw into Mr.Morris.
...Mina feels it prik into her, extracting her body!
It quickly removes he from Wilson Morris spine, afterwards tubes come out to get any left over part.
Parasite Mina is now in a pressurised tube on the back of Manta man.
"Target has been extracting, checking Cougar"
Her response is to grow as large as she can, breaking the tube, then attack with long scythe blades for limbs. One goes straight for what remains of Morris, the others for the idiots in suits.
Mina can hear a smile in his voice "Oh you can talk, good for you. Sorry darling but if I blabbed at the first sight of some unsightly teeth I would not be in this business. Also, I don't think that is happening."
The man jumps back as the floor rips open and another black suited figure appears. The figure is a massive 3, now wearing an odd multi-colour dragon-fly inspired suit. The figure has two large gauntletted hands...wel one and the other is a drill, switching back to the gauntlet.
The man who was painted pink flashes. He has the same suit as before, but instead of black its silver with pink with stylised fins at the side. "Took you long enough, deadly"
'Deadly' says nothing and turns to Mina. "Target aquired. Eliminate."
He makes a finger gun and then shoots a projectile with an odd Pfschew, which is barely heard.
She replies with a torrent of acid and napalm. These people shouldn't even know about this place, best to kill the lot.
Everybody hates Mr.Morris Cougar

Mina mutates and bursts from the glass and lashes out.
The other man Telepath Tarantula seems to have shaken of his stupor and has shot the harnas of Mina's tube, making her scythe miss him.
She DOES hit Mr.Morris (cougar?) but only cuts open his leg.
Mina can now get a better look, one wears a suit with a clear spider theme, a dark brown (clearly armoured) suit.
The other wears large (almost power) armor with a rough Manta theme.
Mantaman points his finger at Mr.Morris who wakes up screaming.
[Make yourself usefull]
He looks at his leg and then looks at Mina and says "What is that thing?"
Mantaman realeses gas from his mask and says "You could have warned us, Cougar. Your parasite was more then you mentioned."
Mantaman then fires some darts at Mina.
The one that hits cause her...to hurt.
Oh crap, its a flesh eating virus quickly making the cells it effects comsume themselves.
It seems highly infective, like touch someone and you infect them.
[Really?] That thing creeps me out, tarantula [Riksy] A gamble and I like my odds
Mr.Morris draws a pistol.

Under the mansion, where Dragina sleeps
Salmon man squals and turns into blue static that seperates into three outlines that then blink away.
Dragonfly man holds up his arm and creates a blue shield, taking the napalm and acid.
The pellet he shoots under the stream of acid and napalm and hits Mina in the chest.
Spaces implodes, getting pulled into a small space then the matter gets turned into energy and explodes outwarts.
Mina gets splaterd across the walls.
Ofcourse, past the loss of a little mass, she is fine.
Just slightly scorched is all.
Nobody was looking at Chester, so that little creature is off somewhere.
Dragon-fly man turns his right arm into a nozzle and starts spraying acid over the walls.
He doesn't leave a job half-done, you give him that.

@Nucleep @GuesssWho
Angelo's walk
Spidermina sees...
Dragon-fly man, a shadowy version of him but it is the same dragon-fly man fighting dragon!mina.
You see a box (the sniper rifle) be reabsorbed into his chest-cavity.
He looks at spider Mina and his right arm turns into a nozzle and starts to spray acid.
Great, two of these chucklefucks.
Angelo notices that the sniper fire has stopped and Mina is two building over being a spider the size of a car.

@munchkinomatic @GuesssWho @Shard
Zeal and Alberts oddessy
Seasnek!Mina jumps into the water while Albert and Zeal fatherfall onto a boat.
The boat is ferried by a dancing skeleton
He pushes your board towards one of the water falls.
The boat *tilts* and now rides the water fall.
You are now on a zigzag-river.
Then it become straight.
And larger.
Way, way larger.
You are in a cave now, the only things the same are the two water falls (the one going downwards behind you and the one going upwards infront of you) beyond them the rest of the outer-city is visible.
As the rest of the world is now turned into a cove.

A large metal ship bobbs ahead of you and you hear a voice echo:
F́i̗̖͎̪̗n̗̖͓͢a̜̬̲͡l̳͟ḷ̵͎̘̻̼y̪͘!̜̫̤͈͙ ͕͓͖͍ͅF͓̱͟i͏̮n̗̞̞̳͉̪a̞l̘l͏͎͔̰ͅy҉̤͎̜̱͔̹̞ ͕̝I̤̟͖̝̳͉̪ ̝͈̱̻ǵe̲̥̝̬t̴͎̟͖̗ͅ ̖̙̻̙͈my͏̩̹̣͚̟͈ ̶͎r̺͚̻͡ͅe̶̳͓͚̘v̩͍e̵̱̞̺͔̘n͔͍͡ͅg̹̣̝̻̼͔͢ͅe̹̩̩̝͙̹̹͟ ̡̣̲f̭̞̹̰̣o̡r͞ ̴̙͙y̜̳̼͍̼̲ou̦̪̱̳͉̹͖̕ ̷͉͙͕̟͔ͅb̷͓̬̬u̞͖̠͙̱̣̠͢r͔͉̼͇͘ń͔i͇͙̩͙ń̙̪g̠̺ ̤̙̤̮͖̲̳m̵̱̙é͔̠!̪̹
P̳̞̗r̡͚̙̜̣̗̗̼e̪̤͉p͖̪̩̗͠a̭̣r̺͍̠̟̣e ̰͕͚̜̘t҉̪o̖̼̥͍͡ͅ ͍̟͎̪̤s̯̞̤̜͔̤ͅu̟̰f̛f̵͎̣̹̤ͅe̞̼̮̲̫͢r̷̹ͅ ̜͠A̧̳͈̣̣̻̰͖l̯̫̯̻͡b͖̣̗̪er̭̜͓̕t̙̫!͈̳̥
͈P̗͓r̫͕͚̲͈͘e̮͓̳̞pa̹r̭̜̳̠̖̀è̗̫̱̦̩̫͈ ͍̳͕̖̩͚t͏̜ơ̼̩̹͚ ̣̜b̸̗̱̳̩̞̬̹e͖̳̥̬ ͈̟̲͎͇͞r̞͎̬e̷d̟̼u̪̠̞̱̞̩̹c͙͎͞ḛ̢̼̭d̺ ̘̼͞t͈̬̭̫̼̮͠ọ̮͈ ҉n̨͚̙̦̙̖̹͓o̬̣͉̪̼̣͚͜t̸h͖̰͔̲̹i͉͈̘̱̰̩n͚g̺̺̥̮,͔̣̪̙̖̼͟ ̛M͉̻̲̘̺̘͜i̱͓̬͜ǹ̬̞͕̩̲a̭̙̲̭̟̟͉!̵̲͓̦̪͚̤̥
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F͉͍̲̦̯̠ǫr C͇̹̭a̞͎͚p̵̱ta̺͍̘̞͜í̳̘̟̼̙̲̼ṉ͍̣͈̟̼̥͡ ͔͠C͎̫̦a͞v͓͓̞̱e͉͔̝̰̭̕r̜̲̖̰̘ṋ̗͖ ̧̟w̭͓̜̫̠̯i̜̳ļ̼̟̠̘̱ ̬̞̣̝h̠͕͜a͙͔̠̯͍̼̝v̹e̞͕̼͕͇̩̥ ͚̻̳̫͖̼̭ḫ̴̫̹̝͉i̝̙̘͎̖̙ͅs̖͔̼͕̼ͅ ̮̤v̖e̩̳ņ̱͇͍̖̪̗g̞̜̱̮͝e̬̼̤a͚̗̬̞n̷̗c̱̩e͈͇͍̙!͈̖̠͉͔͚̩

@TheMaskedReader @Trondason @GuesssWho
Nick and Remi's exellent adventure
Remi fires his gun at the chicken horror but...
His bullets get reduced to nothing when they come close.
Oh... fuck.
Remi falls but the beast leaps behind him, the claws closing in-
A ghostly figure bearing a claymore comes rushing in, stricking the beasts claw before it his Remi
The claw flies of the arm, as if cut of.
Chickenstein clucks in hate CLUCKYOUCLUCK
The ghost screams "Stand back mortals, I, SER PERCIVAL DARKRIDE THE THIRD, shall take care of this monstrocity!"

Chickenstein swipes at the air, while he and remi are still falling because the gravity wel.
Chickenstein cuts the sword in half "CURSES" The ghost Knight exclaims.
Mean while with Nick, has his own problems as three hazy grey-pink figures rush at him.
Nick and Remi's exellent adventure
Remi fires his gun at the chicken horror but...
His bullets get reduced to nothing when they come close.
Oh... fuck.
Remi falls but the beast leaps behind him, the claws closing in-
A ghostly figure bearing a claymore comes rushing in, stricking the beasts claw before it his Remi
The claw flies of the arm, as if cut of.
Chickenstein clucks in hate CLUCKYOUCLUCK
The ghost screams "Stand back mortals, I, SER PERCIVAL DARKRIDE THE THIRD, shall take care of this monstrocity!"

Chickenstein swipes at the air, while he and remi are still falling because the gravity wel.
Chickenstein cuts the sword in half "CURSES" The ghost Knight exclaims.
Mean while with Nick, has his own problems as three hazy grey-pink figures rush at him.
Remi tries to shoot his gun to maneuver himself out of the well, using the momentum to propel himself out.
Everybody hates Mr.Morris Cougar

Mina mutates and bursts from the glass and lashes out.
The other man Telepath Tarantula seems to have shaken of his stupor and has shot the harnas of Mina's tube, making her scythe miss him.
She DOES hit Mr.Morris (cougar?) but only cuts open his leg.
Mina can now get a better look, one wears a suit with a clear spider theme, a dark brown (clearly armoured) suit.
The other wears large (almost power) armor with a rough Manta theme.
Mantaman points his finger at Mr.Morris who wakes up screaming.
[Make yourself usefull]
He looks at his leg and then looks at Mina and says "What is that thing?"
Mantaman releases gas from his mask and says "You could have warned us, Cougar. Your parasite was more then you mentioned."
Mantaman then fires some darts at Mina.
The one that hits cause her...to hurt.
Oh crap, it's a flesh eating virus quickly making the cells it affects consume themselves.
It seems highly infective, like touch someone and you infect them.
[Really?] That thing creeps me out, tarantula [Riksy] A gamble and I like my odds
Mr.Morris draws a pistol.
Mina disapproves of this. She turns the injured area into a separate entity, which jumps for the man with the weaker armor like a facehugger in hopes to infect him.
Under the mansion, where Dragina sleeps
Salmon man squeals and turns into blue static that separates into three outlines that then blink away.
Dragonfly man holds up his arm and creates a blue shield, taking the napalm and acid.
The pellet he shoots under the stream of acid and napalm and hits Mina in the chest.
Spaces implodes, getting pulled into a small space then the matter gets turned into energy and explodes outwards.
Mina gets splattered across the walls.
Of course, past the loss of a little mass, she is fine.
Just slightly scorched is all.
Nobody was looking at Chester, so that little creature is off somewhere.
Dragon-fly man turns his right arm into a nozzle and starts spraying acid over the walls.
He doesn't leave a job half-done, you give him that.
The dragon reforms as a hydra, nine heads attacking from as many different directions.
@Nucleep @GuesssWho
Angelo's walk
Spidermina sees...
Dragon-fly man, a shadowy version of him but it is the same dragon-fly man fighting dragon!mina.
You see a box (the sniper rifle) be reabsorbed into his chest-cavity.
He looks at spider Mina and his right arm turns into a nozzle and starts to spray acid.
Great, two of these chucklefucks.
Angelo notices that the sniper fire has stopped and Mina is two building over being a spider the size of a car.
Mina is very annoyed indeed. She leaps for the enemy, long legs grasping at him.
@munchkinomatic @GuesssWho @Shard
Zeal and Alberts oddessy
Seasnek!Mina jumps into the water while Albert and Zeal fatherfall onto a boat.
The boat is ferried by a dancing skeleton
He pushes your board towards one of the water falls.
The boat *tilts* and now rides the water fall.
You are now on a zigzag-river.
Then it become straight.
And larger.
Way, way larger.
You are in a cave now, the only things the same are the two waterfalls (the one going downwards behind you and the one going upwards in front of you) beyond them the rest of the outer-city is visible.
As the rest of the world is now turned into a cove.

A large metal ship bobbs ahead of you and you hear a voice echo:
F́i̗̖͎̪̗n̗̖͓͢a̜̬̲͡l̳͟ḷ̵͎̘̻̼y̪͘!̜̫̤͈͙ ͕͓͖͍ͅF͓̱͟i͏̮n̗̞̞̳͉̪a̞l̘l͏͎͔̰ͅy҉̤͎̜̱͔̹̞ ͕̝I̤̟͖̝̳͉̪ ̝͈̱̻ǵe̲̥̝̬t̴͎̟͖̗ͅ ̖̙̻̙͈my͏̩̹̣͚̟͈ ̶͎r̺͚̻͡ͅe̶̳͓͚̘v̩͍e̵̱̞̺͔̘n͔͍͡ͅg̹̣̝̻̼͔͢ͅe̹̩̩̝͙̹̹͟ ̡̣̲f̭̞̹̰̣o̡r͞ ̴̙͙y̜̳̼͍̼̲ou̦̪̱̳͉̹͖̕ ̷͉͙͕̟͔ͅb̷͓̬̬u̞͖̠͙̱̣̠͢r͔͉̼͇͘ń͔i͇͙̩͙ń̙̪g̠̺ ̤̙̤̮͖̲̳m̵̱̙é͔̠!̪̹
P̳̞̗r̡͚̙̜̣̗̗̼e̪̤͉p͖̪̩̗͠a̭̣r̺͍̠̟̣e ̰͕͚̜̘t҉̪o̖̼̥͍͡ͅ ͍̟͎̪̤s̯̞̤̜͔̤ͅu̟̰f̛f̵͎̣̹̤ͅe̞̼̮̲̫͢r̷̹ͅ ̜͠A̧̳͈̣̣̻̰͖l̯̫̯̻͡b͖̣̗̪er̭̜͓̕t̙̫!͈̳̥
͈P̗͓r̫͕͚̲͈͘e̮͓̳̞pa̹r̭̜̳̠̖̀è̗̫̱̦̩̫͈ ͍̳͕̖̩͚t͏̜ơ̼̩̹͚ ̣̜b̸̗̱̳̩̞̬̹e͖̳̥̬ ͈̟̲͎͇͞r̞͎̬e̷d̟̼u̪̠̞̱̞̩̹c͙͎͞ḛ̢̼̭d̺ ̘̼͞t͈̬̭̫̼̮͠ọ̮͈ ҉n̨͚̙̦̙̖̹͓o̬̣͉̪̼̣͚͜t̸h͖̰͔̲̹i͉͈̘̱̰̩n͚g̺̺̥̮,͔̣̪̙̖̼͟ ̛M͉̻̲̘̺̘͜i̱͓̬͜ǹ̬̞͕̩̲a̭̙̲̭̟̟͉!̵̲͓̦̪͚̤̥
̝̘͉͉̯̰P̼̭̺̜͚̼͟r̗̟̹̗̙͝e̷̥̙̜̮͎p̱̬̼͉͎a̟͓̭̳͟r̳̜͓̲̺̟̲e̱̬ ̴͔̞͕̭͚t͖̟̘̫̯͝ó̜̼͕͍̟̝̫ ̢͚̮̱w̪̳̖̮̞͚a͉̰ͅl̙̳̠̖k̳̥̫̻̪̖̀ ͘t̗̣̱̫̠͠h̵̞e ̣̕p̬͚͎̠̤̬̦͘l͍̯͓̬̮a͜n͎͘k̭̬.̘̼͔̦̼͜ͅ.̝͓.̻̘͍̲̺ho̻̯̞w͈̪̱͠e̴v̻̺̻̲͈͟e̠͙̞ͅr̢͖̟͔̺̪ ͙̕y̺̞̦̹o̲̜̣̞̻̖ͅu͕͍͔̯̠͙͔ ͉̯a͉̖̹͓̳̖͇r̼͇̻͔̞͚͍͡e̖̗͢!̼ͅ
F͉͍̲̦̯̠ǫr C͇̹̭a̞͎͚p̵̱ta̺͍̘̞͜í̳̘̟̼̙̲̼ṉ͍̣͈̟̼̥͡ ͔͠C͎̫̦a͞v͓͓̞̱e͉͔̝̰̭̕r̜̲̖̰̘ṋ̗͖ ̧̟w̭͓̜̫̠̯i̜̳ļ̼̟̠̘̱ ̬̞̣̝h̠͕͜a͙͔̠̯͍̼̝v̹e̞͕̼͕͇̩̥ ͚̻̳̫͖̼̭ḫ̴̫̹̝͉i̝̙̘͎̖̙ͅs̖͔̼͕̼ͅ ̮̤v̖e̩̳ņ̱͇͍̖̪̗g̞̜̱̮͝e̬̼̤a͚̗̬̞n̷̗c̱̩e͈͇͍̙!͈̖̠͉͔͚̩

With a curse, she becomes a proper sea serpent and starts trying to crush the ship. She's not big enough to constrict it, but she can do some damage.
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Mean while with Nick, has his own problems as three hazy grey-pink figures rush at him.
Nick hurriedly begins jumping, creating a column of reversed gravity around and above him to aid in his ascent, and in his old spot he creates a bomb, about to go off, intent on wiping those pink things off the face off the earth.

Before the bomb can go off (time afforded to him thanks to his time dilation), he creates a Tungsten Wall between Remi and Chicken Man, allowing Chicken Man to slam into the wall while Remi keeps falling down teh corridor to safety.
@Nucleep @GuesssWho
Angelo's walk
Spidermina sees...
Dragon-fly man, a shadowy version of him but it is the same dragon-fly man fighting dragon!mina.
You see a box (the sniper rifle) be reabsorbed into his chest-cavity.
He looks at spider Mina and his right arm turns into a nozzle and starts to spray acid.
Great, two of these chucklefucks.
Angelo notices that the sniper fire has stopped and Mina is two building over being a spider the size of a car.
"Well, that's one less thing to worry about, I guess," Angelo sighs, turning the shield back into a guitar.
Look, we have to get to the Minaspider! I yell.
"But why? We'd be safer here..."
To advance the Plot! I point out. After all you have the MacGuffin doohickey!
"You and your so-called plot... ok, whatever you say." Angelo, weary, runs after Mina.
I said I would update today, did not say I would update early
I am to tired for clever part names.
I am very tired so be sure to point out any stupidity in OOC or other mistakes.

Remi tries to shoot his gun to maneuver himself out of the well, using the momentum to propel himself out.
Nick hurriedly begins jumping, creating a column of reversed gravity around and above him to aid in his ascent, and in his old spot he creates a bomb, about to go off, intent on wiping those pink things off the face off the earth.

Before the bomb can go off (time afforded to him thanks to his time dilation), he creates a Tungsten Wall between Remi and Chicken Man, allowing Chicken Man to slam into the wall while Remi keeps falling down teh corridor to safety.
Remi's fall accalerated some, but not enough to leave the distrotion field of the falling chicken man.
Not fast enough to escape the bomb, that is. "Need some help, old chap?"
That is...until Remi suddenly speeds up, allowing Nick to place the wall between them.
Remi is floated back down He is outside the gravityfield, shouldn't he fall?
Remi is hold by an invisible figure, all though Remi can see its see-through body. Its the ghost of a knight.

As Nick places his bomb, one of the three5pink things looks surpised, turns even more hazy and then is...gone. Just gone.
The other two are not as smart as their compatriot and get blown up. This is why you warp away from danger fellows.
Birb!Mina (@GuesssWho ) however, is also still there as the bomb goes off, there is a gravity wel near but if she doesn't react quickly, she wil be naught but ass.
The collective wil live, but this mass wil die
As the bomb blows the flames reach Chickenstein and rip his body assunder, Remi protected and floating to safety getting carried bridal style by a ghost knight. Remi is the prettiest princess.
Chickenstein leds out a last, baleful cluck. iCLUCKwilCLUCKgetCLUCKyouCLUCKnextCLUCKtimeCLUCKPercival
Mina disapproves of this. She turns the injured area into a separate entity, which jumps for the man with the weaker armor like a facehugger in hopes to infect him.
The weaker armored man just stares.
Mr.Morris jumps before the weaker armoured man with a blank look on his face, before screaming, horrified.
Morris face goes blank again as he charges Mina.
He doesn't get far as a crossbow bolt pins his leg to the floor.
The masked man, the screaming Morris and Mina turn to the person who fired to bolt, seeing a fuzzy creature with spring like legs.
Chester, sitting on a crossbow with his tonque out.
HI, nice woman-thing! You looked like you needed help!
The dragon reforms as a hydra, nine heads attacking from as many different directions.
Mina's acids splash at the dragonfly man's armour, who quickly throws up a shield. Its hazy, the projectors got damaged by the acid and are quickly breaking.
Boosters appear on dragon fly man's leg as he charges at Mina, grabs her and suplexes the hyrda into the gold.
Mina has just enough time to recover to see the dragon-fly man grab a golden claymore from the gold pile and charge at Mina with his boosters.
Mina wrecked all the weapon systems in his arms and he is not sure if his connectors wil make the weapons stored in his chest work. He IS able to heat up the sword, as that system is undamaged, for now.
Most of Dragonfly's arm-installed weapon systems are destroyed.

Mina is very annoyed indeed. She leaps for the enemy, long legs grasping at him.
The shadowy man activates the boosters in his legs and jumps backwards before a pair of wings sprout from his back, along with a jetpack.
He flies upwards while spraying acid downwards, trying to catch Mina with the acid while flying high above her.
He is having trouble.
Huh, he has wings like a dragonfly, who would have thought?
"Well, that's one less thing to worry about, I guess," Angelo sighs, turning the shield back into a guitar.
Look, we have to get to the Minaspider! I yell.
"But why? We'd be safer here..."
To advance the Plot! I point out. After all you have the MacGuffin doohickey!
"You and your so-called plot... ok, whatever you say." Angelo, weary, runs after Mina.
With Angelo are Typhon and Vulkani.
Vulkani GIGGELS and grabs angelos back, Angelo is not harmed by the flames however.
As they have retracted leaving Vulkani's clay body visible accepts for its back, where they have formed into a pair of flaming bat wings.
Vulkani beats his wings, letting Angelo fly towards Deadly Dragonfly and Mina.
Typhon holds onto Angelos right leg, ruining the leg in its panic.
With a curse, she becomes a proper sea serpent and starts trying to crush the ship. She's not big enough to constrict it, but she can do some damage.
Mines explode around Mina, but she skillfully dodges.
As she touches to boat however, her skin melts.
Out-gambitted trigger.
Captain Cavern laughs
"I̵̮̩̣̖̙ ͙̬k͍n̮̘̠̪ow̸̙̫͍͙̙ ̩̟̝ýo̞̤̩͉ͅu'̸r̷͍e̩̘͞ ͍̫̲͈͙t͚̜̖̖̻̜r͚̣̮͜i̪͍͢c̩͉k̹͘s̵͙̼͎̦̮̭,͏̼̩̻̬ ̘͚͚̞͓͉̞M̸̜̰̲i̤̙̞̣͡n̟̖̼̠͍̥̘ạ̘̙͉̫̗͘ ̵̖̱̦̜̗̟̦L̡͇̱̹a̧n͎͝k̜͡i͉̻͉̱̰͇n̬̯̠͙̕!
̠̬͉Y͕̭̖̬o̲̳u̟̝̹̘ͅ ͓̥̮̣̠̲̖w̭͉̹o̪̬͇͜ṋ̶̙͍͉̮̘'t̺͍̝̬͇ ͖̠̰̭̰̙͞t̢r͏͍͕̞͍i̶c̨k͎̱͎͚̻͙̝̀ ̵t̥̠̘ḩ̬͚̼͕̜͓e̦͔̳͕͖̰͖ ̛c̬̪̟̱a̵̫͎̫p̩̪͠ͅt͍̱͍̺̥̙͞ai̗͍̬͞n̢͖̜̼ ͕̜͢ó͕̹̭̹̩̭f͕̮̝̙̟̳͡ͅ ̼̲̫͙̪̣ț̥r̨͇i̭̦͖̘c҉͔͚̝̻ks͈̙͖̜͝t̸̟̥̻e͇͝r̬s̘̩͉̜̩͙ ̫̹͕̱̼͟c̡o̥̜̗̲͖͓͘v҉͈̗̠̖e̳ŗ ̩t͚̲̬w̠̬̩̻i̩͈͔̮͎̪c̭̗̀e̖̙̭̱̱͎̙͡!̹̪̖"

Captain cavern fires his cannons into Mina's body and/or towards the boat with Zeal and Albert.
"I just wanted to have tea with you!" Albert complained.
Captain Cavern's windows shake.
You get the impression he tried to he tried to roll his eyes.
"a̦͔̠͈̩n̩d͚̩̝̼͎̬̜ ̥̼͔͙̳I̥̳̯̭̞͇̲ ̶͚̝w̤͇̰͡a̖͓͈̞̫n̡t͖͉̘̖͉̺̪͝ed͇͍̣͞ ͢t̼͍̜͖̲̰o̻̖̪̘͖̜ ̯̬͡k͓̣̦͉i͠l̲̠̯̫̲̟ͅl̲̺̦̟ ͇y̙̼͍̭o͓̘̦̰̙̲͡u̗̭͓̩̻̯͍ ̛̠̮̳a̳͕̱͉n͉̥̦̪ḑ̹͈ ̻͇̫t̸̠̫̭͈̯ȩ̺͓̹r̗̬̱̩̙̙r̠̖̪͠o̫̭̳̖̯͘ri͚̯̙̦̻̟z̨̞̫͇ḙ̗̪̞ͅ ̶̜̹̫͚̱̞͓t̵̮̟̙h̹̥͞e̝̫̺ s͇̲̥e̹͎͜v̵̱͓͙̥̭e̝̝͎n̢͇̳̙̫ ͔̰̀s̴͖e̡̺͙a̞͍̣̭s̨̪̳̝͈.̵̜͕͖̭͇̦
͏͔͉̫̺̖̞̞W̪͔̼̞̲͕ȩ̠̲̳ ͍̤c̙̜̗̦̳̻̖a̸͖͖̹̣̖̭̩n̜'͍̗͝t̪ ͍̮̜̳̪a̯͎͎̞̩̦͜l̰͖̣̠̠l̛̼̝̣ ̷͖̠̩̭̤̮g̫͚͚̤̟e҉t̯͇̺ ͘wa̞̜̠n͢t͝ ̠̼͚̠w͕̼͎̪e̲̪̝̤͕͇ͅ ̥w̜̩̜an̺̟t҉̟̳̰̭̣̙̜,͏̬͔̭̬̻ͅ ̵͍̝͕͍͇̗͎A͉͍͎l̷͖̬̙̝b̘̰̜͢ȩr̦͎̥ṱ̭̪͖̺̻.̘"

The boat shakes, as cannons from the shore start to fire on the ship.
Most miss, but you get the feeling the ship won't last for long.
Not long at all.
The cannon fire ceases, leaving the ship batterd, allowing a group of smaller gunship to approach you're batterd little boat.
Its filled with survy clockwork pirates, these men mean business.
They are right on the clock too!

@CyanDies @argelbargel
You two swagger down the broad road in a way only a fat toad and priest can.
Mid way however, the shadows part as a figure charges out you.
It is read, with a large horned skull brandishing a demonic looking blade.

It screams at the top of its lungs "BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULLTHRONE!"
After that charming recital the demon looking motherfucker charges at you two.
There are other four bloodletters hidding amoungst the shadow choas, ready for a suprise attack
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Birb!Mina (@GuesssWho ) however, is also still there as the bomb goes off
It does its best to dive out of the way.
The weaker armored man just stares.
Mr.Morris jumps before the weaker armoured man with a blank look on his face, before screaming, horrified.
Morris face goes blank again as he charges Mina.
He doesn't get far as a crossbow bolt pins his leg to the floor.
The masked man, the screaming Morris and Mina turn to the person who fired to bolt, seeing a fuzzy creature with spring like legs.
Chester, sitting on a crossbow with his tonque out.
The parasite thing lunges right past the idiot Morris, shaping itself into a spear aimed at an elbow joint in the weaker man's armor. Joints tend to be weak points, after all, since they need to be able to bend.
Mina's acids splash at the dragonfly man's armour, who quickly throws up a shield. Its hazy, the projectors got damaged by the acid and are quickly breaking.
Boosters appear on dragonfly man's leg as he charges at Mina, grabs her and suplexes the hydra into the gold.
Mina has just enough time to recover to see the dragonfly man grab a golden claymore from the gold pile and charge at Mina with his boosters.
Mina wrecked all the weapon systems in his arms and he is not sure if his connectors will make the weapons stored in his chest work. He IS able to heat up the sword, as that system is undamaged, for now.
Most of Dragonfly's arm-installed weapon systems are destroyed.
She spits acid directly at the sword and the hand holding it.
The shadowy man activates the boosters in his legs and jumps backwards before a pair of wings sprout from his back, along with a jetpack.
He flies upwards while spraying acid downwards, trying to catch Mina with the acid while flying high above her.
He is having trouble.
Huh, he has wings like a dragonfly, who would have thought?
The spider will just be tossing webbing at those wings. If she can catch them they'll be useless, and he'll have a nice long way to fall.
Mines explode around Mina, but she skillfully dodges.
As she touches to boat however, her skin melts.
Out-gambitted trigger.
Captain Cavern laughs
"I̵̮̩̣̖̙ ͙̬k͍n̮̘̠̪ow̸̙̫͍͙̙ ̩̟̝ýo̞̤̩͉ͅu'̸r̷͍e̩̘͞ ͍̫̲͈͙t͚̜̖̖̻̜r͚̣̮͜i̪͍͢c̩͉k̹͘s̵͙̼͎̦̮̭,͏̼̩̻̬ ̘͚͚̞͓͉̞M̸̜̰̲i̤̙̞̣͡n̟̖̼̠͍̥̘ạ̘̙͉̫̗͘ ̵̖̱̦̜̗̟̦L̡͇̱̹a̧n͎͝k̜͡i͉̻͉̱̰͇n̬̯̠͙̕!
̠̬͉Y͕̭̖̬o̲̳u̟̝̹̘ͅ ͓̥̮̣̠̲̖w̭͉̹o̪̬͇͜ṋ̶̙͍͉̮̘'t̺͍̝̬͇ ͖̠̰̭̰̙͞t̢r͏͍͕̞͍i̶c̨k͎̱͎͚̻͙̝̀ ̵t̥̠̘ḩ̬͚̼͕̜͓e̦͔̳͕͖̰͖ ̛c̬̪̟̱a̵̫͎̫p̩̪͠ͅt͍̱͍̺̥̙͞ai̗͍̬͞n̢͖̜̼ ͕̜͢ó͕̹̭̹̩̭f͕̮̝̙̟̳͡ͅ ̼̲̫͙̪̣ț̥r̨͇i̭̦͖̘c҉͔͚̝̻ks͈̙͖̜͝t̸̟̥̻e͇͝r̬s̘̩͉̜̩͙ ̫̹͕̱̼͟c̡o̥̜̗̲͖͓͘v҉͈̗̠̖e̳ŗ ̩t͚̲̬w̠̬̩̻i̩͈͔̮͎̪c̭̗̀e̖̙̭̱̱͎̙͡!̹̪̖"

Captain cavern fires his cannons into Mina's body and/or towards the boat with Zeal and Albert.
She hisses at the burn, but still tries to capsize the ship. The scales touching it harden and thicken further.
Captain Cavern's windows shake.
You get the impression he tried to he tried to roll his eyes.
"a̦͔̠͈̩n̩d͚̩̝̼͎̬̜ ̥̼͔͙̳I̥̳̯̭̞͇̲ ̶͚̝w̤͇̰͡a̖͓͈̞̫n̡t͖͉̘̖͉̺̪͝ed͇͍̣͞ ͢t̼͍̜͖̲̰o̻̖̪̘͖̜ ̯̬͡k͓̣̦͉i͠l̲̠̯̫̲̟ͅl̲̺̦̟ ͇y̙̼͍̭o͓̘̦̰̙̲͡u̗̭͓̩̻̯͍ ̛̠̮̳a̳͕̱͉n͉̥̦̪ḑ̹͈ ̻͇̫t̸̠̫̭͈̯ȩ̺͓̹r̗̬̱̩̙̙r̠̖̪͠o̫̭̳̖̯͘ri͚̯̙̦̻̟z̨̞̫͇ḙ̗̪̞ͅ ̶̜̹̫͚̱̞͓t̵̮̟̙h̹̥͞e̝̫̺ s͇̲̥e̹͎͜v̵̱͓͙̥̭e̝̝͎n̢͇̳̙̫ ͔̰̀s̴͖e̡̺͙a̞͍̣̭s̨̪̳̝͈.̵̜͕͖̭͇̦
͏͔͉̫̺̖̞̞W̪͔̼̞̲͕ȩ̠̲̳ ͍̤c̙̜̗̦̳̻̖a̸͖͖̹̣̖̭̩n̜'͍̗͝t̪ ͍̮̜̳̪a̯͎͎̞̩̦͜l̰͖̣̠̠l̛̼̝̣ ̷͖̠̩̭̤̮g̫͚͚̤̟e҉t̯͇̺ ͘wa̞̜̠n͢t͝ ̠̼͚̠w͕̼͎̪e̲̪̝̤͕͇ͅ ̥w̜̩̜an̺̟t҉̟̳̰̭̣̙̜,͏̬͔̭̬̻ͅ ̵͍̝͕͍͇̗͎A͉͍͎l̷͖̬̙̝b̘̰̜͢ȩr̦͎̥ṱ̭̪͖̺̻.̘"

The boat shakes, as cannons from the shore start to fire on the ship.
Most miss, but you get the feeling the ship won't last for long.
Not long at all.
The cannon fire ceases, leaving the ship batterd, allowing a group of smaller gunship to approach you're batterd little boat.
Its filled with survy clockwork pirates, these men mean business.
They are right on the clock too!
Albery casts Fly on himself, and, um, ditches the boat.

Then he casts Wall of Fire on top of Captain Cavern.

"What's with that, anyway! What happen to things like 'Parley'?"
It is a honor to introduce our newest player, @King Tharassian
Dr.Erwin E. Hematite is enjoying his afternoon tea.
Working with the bound was good and all, it DID solve the monster problem, but worldsmith...
These people were going to drive him mad one day.
...maybe putting an outer god in a childs head wasn't the best idea...eh.
As Hematite takes another carful sip a man bursts into his lab.
"Who are you and how did you get past the security"
The flaps his half-cape (who wears that these days?) and shouts
"Flash my name, flash - my nature!" He says the last thing while looking at a wall.
Well, this is a character.
This can only mean one thing.
"I assume you're here for the binding process?"
"Quite right good sir, I heard of this great advanture and I have been dying to give those monster what for! BAM!" He accents the last part with a pelvic thrust.
Mr...flash places his arm against the wall and says "Love the beard doc! Gives me something to -HANG ON TO!-" Again he adds a pelvic thrust to the last sentence.
Erwin ignores him and checks his scanner system and -wouldn't you know it, an Ees'Vee is waiting for this madman.
Ofcourse there is.
"Wel mister flash...step into the pod" Erwin says while the other man poses "The name is Sir Mathias Flashhart, docy, pleaser to be working with YA!" Flash...hart says as he strides over to the pod and jumps in.
Its one of those days, isn't it?
Erwin takes a soothing drink from his tea and activates the machinery to create the bond.
Darius hears the communicator beep and opens up the device "Greetings doc, is there something wrong?"
The Doctor sounds rather calm as he says "No, but you will get a visitor. There is a new bound."
No sooner has Hematite says this as a man bursts through teleporters entrance and yells "Flash my name! Flash my nature!"
Darius smiles and says "Greetings good sir, can I be of help?"
It does its best to dive out of the way.
The Mina bird beats her wings to try and escape the twisting inferno...
Its not enough, as Mina feels the Tiny body being burned to crisp and ripped apart.
...for the first time, Mina truely feels like a part of her has died.
...so this is why Nick does not approve of getting killed, dying fucking sucks.
And you still got some bodies running about.
The parasite thing lunges right past the idiot Morris, shaping itself into a spear aimed at an elbow joint in the weaker man's armor. Joints tend to be weak points, after all, since they need to be able to bend.
Parasite Mina gets first intercepted by Morris before leaping at the spider themed man, while the main body snatcher mass is left behind.
Unfortunatly, the parasite is still being eaten by the virus and and at the more armoured man tackles spider man, parasite Mina is fully consumed and dies
Twice in a day, this is not Mina's day.
Mister Morris is writhing on the ground, his entire leg gone.
Manta man climbs up and [Hurry] "IAMIAM!" inject Morris and cures the virus.
Medical Manta or however I named him has a cure for everything monstrous thing he has cooked up
Mister Morris is still screaming as Manta man stands up and Tarantula man is laying on the ground, cleary having trouble breathing.
Manta man is heavy oke, that tackle HURT.
She spits acid directly at the sword and the hand holding it.
Mina watches as the sword melts away but she can't get through the whole hand.
The inner armour is acid proof Really they had the tech to make the outer armour acid proof but Deadly Dragonfly had been skipping update jobs, as he dislikes getting cut open. Oh he is a robot btw.
Deadly Dragons fly stares and releases gas from his mask as a sigh and then charges Mina and starts to just...punch into one of Mina's skulls. Trying to rip her apart by hand.
Punching liquid flesh is not easy, however.
Darius smiles and says "Greetings good sir, can I be of help?"

Matthias breaks out into roaring laughter.

"Course there is! Always is! I hear that there're things to do, compatriots to meet, and a whole slew a' beasties ta hunt!" He palms the hand cannon at his belt. "I have an itch I need to scratch, and a plan as hot as these pants! Ha!" He begins laughing at his own joke. "Oh, and there's another one in here, and he's sitting in a corner crying something about insanity." The grin returns. "So point me in the right direction, and I'll show those beasties why my name's Flash! RAWR!"

He stops laughing, and sheepishly looks back at him. "Oh, and what was your name again? Terribly rude of me, sorry."