Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)

Thinking With Teleporters
As everyone climbs onto the teleporter, Doctor Hematite passes the bag containing the relay to Angelo, before he says "I hope you do well, and may the Worldsmith bless your efforts."

With that, the doctor activates the machine and-

Welcome to the Outer City.
Suddenly, you are in the middle of a busy street, faint silhouettes of people moving past you as they go about their business. Bridges arc overhead as neon signs hang from stores advertising all manner of outlandish wares along the clean cobblestone streets. Through the relay, Doctor Hematite's voice crackles, saying "Alright, what's your environment like over there? By my estimates you're currently in the lowest energy state in the pseudo-reality you've been inserted into. In order for the relay to work properly, you'll need to bring it further towards the edge of that reality."
Darius blinks and looks around "We seem to be in a city...one of some importance...I think..."
Darius then strides forwards, his pets following him.
I knew it. I bloody knew it! The moment you showed us the other city and we're all spoopy that it waited on us I knew that this would happen. I knew we would be brought to this place.
Wel, there is only way to act in this situation, ONWARDS!
"There are shops and bridges and cobbled streets, though I'm not sure what they need so many bridges for exactly."
Nick is looking at all of the new sights in amazement. Without really thinking about it, he starts to wander off to explore, jumping up to one of the higher bridges.
Darius sees Nick wander off "Oi! Don't wander off Nick, we don't know If we are in enemy territory or not. Atleast take someone else With you? At the very least Chester and Vulkanis." Darius says, looking around the odd scene.
Remi is nonplussed by the strange change in atmosphere. After Brain Darius, nothing really tends to phase him anymore.

"Darius, if Nick needs a chaperone, I'll go with him."
Darius sees Nick wander off "Oi! Don't wander off Nick, we don't know If we are in enemy territory or not. Atleast take someone else With you? At the very least Chester and Vulkanis." Darius says, looking around the odd scene.
Nick pauses hearing Darius, and turns around to look down from the bridge at the group speculatively.
Remi is nonplussed by the strange change in atmosphere. After Brain Darius, nothing really tends to phase him anymore.

"Darius, if Nick needs a chaperone, I'll go with him."
Nick shrugs, and a ladder sprouts up from the ground up to the bridge he's on. "Come on!"
Darius barely screams "Maybe its wise to take an instance of Mina With you. Her hive mind is connected So She could serve as a communication officier. Especially handy as Nick is not aware of his passenger!" Darius turns to Mina "If that is No problem to you, Ofcourse."
Remi is nonplussed by the strange change in atmosphere. After Brain Darius, nothing really tends to phase him anymore.

"Darius, if Nick needs a chaperone, I'll go with him."
Between the stilhoute crowd, a figure in a trenchcoat watches on...
The trenchcoat is kinda floppy, like its empty.
The figure mutters to themselves "Soon Remi Lorenzo...soon."
Darius barely screams "Maybe its wise to take an instance of Mina With you. Her hive mind is connected So She could serve as a communication officier. Especially handy as Nick is not aware of his passenger!" Darius turns to Mina "If that is No problem to you, Ofcourse."
Nick is already out of earshot by this point, having only barely waited for Remi to climb the tall ladder before taking off.
"Maybe its wise to take an instance of Mina With you. Her hive mind is connected So She could serve as a communication officier. Especially handy as Nick is not aware of his passenger!" Darius turns to Mina "If that is No problem to you, Ofcourse."
"Fine, fine." A thing like a very irritable hummingbird flies out from under her hair and follows them.
Albert, for his part, was somewhat preoccupied with looking around the strange new city.

What a strange place!
Angelo simply let the good doctor hand him the bag, and he teleported away. After the teleportation, for what it's worth, he was simply standing there, a bit puzzled on where exactly he was. Always something new, he told himself. We just have to keep on moving.
"Yeah, yeah, don't need to fret about where we are. Although it seems to be a bit anachronistic - neon signs with cobble streets? That doesn't fit!" I chime, audible to everyone else (other than the other EssVee or Angelo) for the first time. The voice may have come from Angelo's mouth, but it was most definitely not his voice.
"Could you please not do that?" He asks back.
"Sorry, but it's a bit funny!"
"Ugh... Wait, if we're in the lowest energy areas, which way is the edge? The highest energy?"
@Enerald_Mann @Zedalb @silentspirals
Honestly going to assume Geoff and Dave got eaten my the meta storms...which are probally a thing.
Dunno about Elizabeth though Shall see...I wil just throw her back in if you feel like playing silent.

Fair warning to the reality warpers here, mainly Nick, Zeal, Basqueen and Albert (and Valiard to a lesser extent...and Darius but he wil be sitting on his ass anyhow)
Darius stretches and goes to sit down.
"My leg is acting up something fierce...this has been a lot of excitement. I wil guard our landing point for now, you kids run off and try to find your way to the highest point for the doc. We don't want to dissapoint do we?" Yes This is an excuse for Darius staying behind...
*Sound of dust flying away* Man the wor(l)dsmith kept this place dusty. He should have gotten a maid...
Darius looks up from his sitting position "I advice teams for now...Lorenzo, Nick and a Mina (stars above not expcted to speak about someone like an instance...) it is best the rest of you buddy up aswel..." He scratches his chin. "It seems that this place is a center point. Remi and Nick went a place with were most of the bridges cross up north from here so..." Darius stretches and looks around a bit. Darius hopes he is not strechting Mina TOO thing with this plot...
Are they ready I wonder? For what lies ahead that is? Without you here, $$$$-smith...things get in you know? Things get...loose.
@munchkinomatic @Shard @GuesssWho
"Albert and Zeal, I see boats along those rivers, going up waterfalls. They might be a good way to reach the top. My dimensional companion tells me Zeal can pull in magic from other realms and so can you albert. This makes you a good combination, if Mina can send an instance along you can take the ships!" Darius says pointing at the rivers that travel beneath them. They could jump on them from here, the rivers flow southwards... "However, as I am just going to be sitting here, take little Typhon along with you. Please make sure he doesn't reduce to many things to slag, will you?" The old man jests atleast a little
"-riding fury from the grave~-"
@argelbargel @CyanDies @GuesssWho
"Father Fordsworth and Mr.Toadly, you and another Mina instance. take the broad path to the east. There you're talents can shine the most I think. Take Chest-" He looks at his side "NEVER MIND Chester is gone. Vulkanis stays here as the little booger is unstable, so good luck gentleman."
Oh dear...some one left the door open to a similiar realm. Wel, that is what you get with meta-gates I suppose!
@THatWhichWillBe @Nucleep @GuesssWho ...fitting name in this case because they are in every call to action...GUESSS WHO IT IS!?
"Valiard you and Mr.Epeni- Mr.Epun- Mr.Ependie- Mr.Angelo...can take the more smaller side alley. The crowd is thinner there but the space is smaller, its wiser for you to go togehter in that direction. I assume you know what I'll request next Mina?" Darius says with a chuckle he feels kinda bad
"I believe that's everyone...now of yer go!"
In the city of Steanant, a man signs a paper with a flourish "Now go, make sure you're not seen. If you are...who are you? Not someone I know."
@GuesssWho @Trondason @TheMaskedReader
Nick and Remi's EXCELENT adventure
Nick and remi walked a path of bridges, going up and down with appearently no rime or reason. From time to time Nick as to put up laders, but from time to time...they fail.

Currently they are on a center bridge which many other bridges connect with. This bridge is filled with a rather large population of shades, making their way across the bridge.
However, Nick and Remi put their sCtLeUpCsK forward and Mina fTlOeKw, the trio of them (wel pair and eldritch hivemind) got an odd...feeling.
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large population of shades
sCtLeUpCsK forward and Mina fTlOeKw, the trio of them (wel pair and eldritch hivemind) got an odd...feeling.
In The Land Of The Restless Dead
Nick Shivers a bit, and keeps on walking, jumping, and sliding, taking in all the sights. Boy, it is too bad he is lacking in meta-awareness.

Though to be fair, even if he did, neither he nor his Ess'Vee knows what to do with that information.
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The ships will get a sea serpent. The East gets a cat. The side alley gets a large spider. The bird is getting annoyed.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, an annoying bastard is getting a horrible sensation like centipedes crawling in his belly. It's not smart to irritate a creature that is currently sitting wrapped around your spine.
"Father Fordsworth and Mr.Toadly, you and another Mina instance. take the broad path to the east. There you're talents can shine the most I think. Take Chest-" He looks at his side "NEVER MIND Chester is gone. Vulkanis stays here as the little booger is unstable, so good luck gentleman."
The priest smiled, "Of course, Now come Mister Toadly, We have much to do." He looked over to the man of a frog. Oh wait no. Frog of a man.

I am perfectly reliable!

Sammy strode forward, or rather, east in this case nodding at the cat.

A cat is fine too...
@THatWhichWillBe @Nucleep @GuesssWho ...fitting name in this case because they are in every call to action...GUESSS WHO IT IS!?
"Valiard you and Mr.Epeni- Mr.Epun- Mr.Ependie- Mr.Angelo...can take the more smaller side alley. The crowd is thinner there but the space is smaller, its wiser for you to go togehter in that direction. I assume you know what I'll request next Mina?" Darius says with a chuckle he feels kinda bad
"I believe that's everyone...now of yer go!"
I burst into laughter at the guy's inability to pronounce Angelo's last name.
"Quiet down, we don't need to gather more attention!" he snaps back. "And your laughter is irritating."
I'm sorry, I reply, but it's just too funny!
As the laughter dies down Angelo takes the lead and saunters down the side alley, hoping the others would follow.
@argelbargel @CyanDies @GuesssWho
"Father Fordsworth and Mr.Toadly, you and another Mina instance. take the broad path to the east. There you're talents can shine the most I think. Take Chest-" He looks at his side "NEVER MIND Chester is gone. Vulkanis stays here as the little booger is unstable, so good luck gentleman."
Oh dear...some one left the door open to a similiar realm. Wel, that is what you get with meta-gates I suppose!
The priest smiled, "Of course, Now come Mister Toadly, We have much to do." He looked over to the man of a frog. Oh wait no. Frog of a man.

I am perfectly reliable!

Sammy strode forward, or rather, east in this case nodding at the cat.

A cat is fine too...

"Yes, let us procede, i'm quite interested in what this place may hold."
The toadman smiled to himself.
"Why don't you hop on my floating seat? I imagine it would be a more pleasant experience, and it might be quicker too."
"Also, would you like some tea?" Basquean asked while using his new metaportal ability to grab a filled kettle from the break room.

Ah, Basquean also uses his minor clairvoyance ability to see what that new chaos portal is all about.
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"Yes, let us procede, i'm quite interested in what this place may hold."
The toadman smiled to himself.
"Why don't you hop on my floating seat? I imagine it would be a more pleasant experience, and it might be quicker too."
"Also, would you like some tea?" Basquean asked while using his new metaportal ability to grab a filled kettle from the break room.

Ah, Basquean also uses his minor clairvoyance ability to see what that new chaos portal is all about.
He politely refused the ride, "I wish to walk upon the earth that was given birth to by the Lord himself so I have to refuse the seat. I shall indulge in the tea, however." He poured himself a cup and sipped at it as he walked forward.

Chamomile? This guy has good taste!
He politely refused the ride, "I wish to walk upon the earth that was given birth to by the Lord himself so I have to refuse the seat. I shall indulge in the tea, however." He poured himself a cup and sipped at it as he walked forward.

Chamomile? This guy has good taste!

"If that's your thing, go ahead i suppose.
Although i must warn you, i've sensed some deamons nearby, i'm currently trying to investigate them, but be on your guard anyway."

Thank you! You seem to possess some good taste as well.
Darius blinks Suddenly Valiard poofs out of excistance, REDCON BABE
"Wait angelo, your alone? Tch this won't do. I can't follow you but you need some muscle" *whistle* "Sorry Zeal and Albert, but I am going to send Typhon with Angelo. Same for you Vulcani." The odd lizard dog and fire Alpaca tag along with Angelo.
Everyone hates Mr.Morris
Wilson Morris was not having a good day.
Oh it started out GREAT waking up with two BEAUTIFUL girls who were just exotic
He had a way with, ofcourse
They needed to do this other wise their families would lose their houses. Mr.Morris arranged for this, ofcourse.
He was going to go to Cacassi's trail and laugh at the fat fuck. Thats what he gets for overpricing his Employee's inventions!
But now, now! He was stuck with this terrible woman inside of him! (Atleast, he thinks it is based on her voice)
He is supposed to be inside woman not the otherway around, darn it!
However, he has a plan to get rid of her. Based on that odd feeling she noticed him using his phone...but if she knew what he was typing he would have gotten worse.
He now knows for certain, this bitch is highjacking his senses, so not looking at the screen was worth it.
Even though he probally fucked up his typing a bit.
Hopefully his associates wil be able to get rid of this damn bitch!
Under the Mansion, where Dragina sleeps
Mina is having a pleasent nap in the coins, Chester sleeping on her back.
Because ofcourse he is there now, appereantly not even the walls of Meta can contain him now.
It won't be long before he breaks the boun-
Before Mina or me can finish these silly thoughts, she sees three darkblue outlines of a man who then come together to reveal a figure.
Its a man in a dark coloured suit, who looks around criticly before his eyes land on Mina.
Even though the mask Mina can see his eyes widen.
"Oh fuck me, I don't get payed enough for this shit..."
@Nucleep @GuesssWho
Angelo's pleasent walk
Angelo walks the crowded streets with the lizard-dog, fire alpaca and Mina spider. Its crowded and they can barely move past the shades in this area.
This goes on for a bit...until a plant pot infront of him explode Sniper obviously
They are a few blocks away, they only pissed because Vulkani made a car explode...no idea how angelo missed that but he did.

@argelbargel @CyanDies @GuesssWho
Sammy and Basqueens Gentlemanly Quest
Basqueen uses his clairvoyence to focus on where he sensed a portal and he sees...
A closing portal and figures dissapearing into the crowd of shades .
The fat toad man and priest calmly walk the path of shades, the shades moving aside for both large figures.
They do this for all large figures it seems, like for that bloodthirster fellow...not for his four bloodletter 'friends'
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Darius blinks Suddenly Valiard poofs out of excistance, REDCON BABE
"Wait angelo, your alone? Tch this won't do. I can't follow you but you need some muscle" *whistle* "Sorry Zeal and Albert, but I am going to send Typhon with Angelo. Same for you Vulcani." The odd lizard dog and fire Alpaca tag along with Angelo.
@Nucleep @GuesssWho
Angelo's pleasent walk
Angelo walks the crowded streets with the lizard-dog, fire alpaca and Mina spider. Its crowded and they can barely move past the shades in this area.
This goes on for a bit...until a plant pot infront of him explode Sniper obviously
They are a few blocks away, they only pissed because Vulkani made a car explode...no idea how angelo missed that but he did.
"What the heck was that!!!" he yelps, jumping back.
Snipers! I shout. Get down!
But from where? he shrieks back at me.
It doesn't matter! We just need to get into some cover!
He complies and throws his back onto the nearest wall before crouching, hoping the crowd would disguise him. He reaches for his guitar and temporarily turns it into a shield, to protect himself.
Hey, don't you have laser beams? Why not use that?
Well, I need to know where the shots are coming from first! he thinks back, quickly scanning the rooftops for anyone suspicious.
Everyone hates Mr.Morris
Wilson Morris was not having a good day.
Oh it started out GREAT waking up with two BEAUTIFUL girls who were just exotic
He had a way with, of course
They needed to do this otherwise their families would lose their houses. Mr. Morris arranged for this, of course.
He was going to go to Cacassi's trail and laugh at the fat fuck. That's what he gets for overpricing his Employee's inventions!
But now, now! He was stuck with this terrible woman inside of him! (At least, he thinks it is based on her voice)
He is supposed to be inside woman not the other way around, darn it!
However, he has a plan to get rid of her. Based on that odd feeling she noticed him using his phone...but if she knew what he was typing he would have gotten worse.
He now knows for certain, this bitch is highjacking his senses, so not looking at the screen was worth it.
Even though he probally fucked up his typing a bit.
Hopefully his associates will be able to get rid of this damn bitch!SHEISGOINGTOKILLMESHEISGOINGTOKILLMESHEISGOINGTOKILLME
A tendril strokes his liver as the Mina-thing considers what he's been doing. She doesn't particularly approve, and he only needs half a liver and one kidney to survive . . . yes, it's time to feed. A dozen rasped tongues begin to tear into dear Mr. Morris, the horrible rapist scum that he obviously is. A mouth that isn't busy feeding whispers into his ear about how good he tastes, how long she can keep him alive like this, what it'll be like when she finally burrows into his brain and takes control . . .
Under the Mansion, where Dragina sleeps
Mina is having a pleasant nap in the coins, Chester sleeping on her back.
Because of course he is there now, apparently not even the walls of Meta can contain him now.
It won't be long before he breaks the boun-
Before Mina or me can finish these silly thoughts, she sees three dark blue outlines of a man who then come together to reveal a figure.
It's a man in a dark coloured suit, who looks around critically before his eyes land on Mina.
Even though the mask Mina can see his eyes widen.
"Oh fuck me, I don't get paid enough for this shit..."
Mina yawns elaborately, showing off her teeth. "Has dinner arrived? I haven't eaten all day . . ." She lets a bit of something acidic drip off the tip of her tongue and stands to her full height more slowly and theatrically than is really required. Black scales shine in the torchlight, because of course there's torchlight. Glowing, mismatched eyes narrow at the intruder.
@Nucleep @GuesssWho
Angelo's pleasant walk
Angelo walks the crowded streets with the lizard-dog, fire alpaca and Mina spider. It's crowded and they can barely move past the shades in this area.
This goes on for a bit...until a plant pot in front of him explodes Sniper obviously
They are a few blocks away, they only pissed because Vulkani made a car explode...no idea how angelo missed that but he did.
The spider Mina crawls up towards the sniper's perch, growing in size as she goes. Also in number of eyes, fangs, limbs . . .
Nick and Remi's EXCELENT adventure
Nick and remi walked a path of bridges, going up and down with appearently no rime or reason. From time to time Nick as to put up laders, but from time to time...they fail.
Currently they are on a center bridge which many other bridges connect with. This bridge is filled with a rather large population of shades, making their way across the bridge.
However, Nick and Remi put their sCtLeUpCsK forward and Mina fTlOeKw, the trio of them (wel pair and eldritch hivemind) got an odd...feeling.
Inside Remi's hammerspace, his gun lays dormant. Then, it feels something that it does not like, not at all. So, it, lacking communication methods such as telepathy, begins to shake itself and vibrate, hoping to attract attention. Unfortunately, as this is hammerspace, and not Remi's pocket, Remi feels nothing.
Nick Shivers a bit, and keeps on walking, jumping, and sliding, taking in all the sights. Boy, it is too bad he is lacking in meta-awareness.

Though to be fair, even if he did, neither he nor his Ess'Vee knows what to do with that information.
Remi attempts to follow Nick, and does so...with limited success. He sweats and pulls as the somewhat unfit man moves through the maze of bridges in the area.