Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

Don't expect anything tomorrow guys.
Its my birthday tomorrow So I am not sure If I have the time to post tomorrow, going to be rather occupied With that.
Apologies, really, rally tired.
I tried but I had nothing to add at moment.
Again mostly because I am fuck tired and am going to bed.
Let's hope I can get a post out soon(-ish)
Is it even possible to roll d10s on this site?

ETA: ah, there we go.
GuesssWho threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 19
4 4 8 8 7 7
GuesssWho threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 7
7 7
GuesssWho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 79
79 79
What are the circumstances for rolls, anyway?
I shall be honest, winging it. I am mostly using logic to see who wins what encounter but I when I am uncertain or where there might be bias, you wil be rolling,
Mina is rolling for searching because I have no clue how Wel she is going to search. Originally I thought 3D100, but it is better this way.
For each opponent you get loot rolls based on how much of the body is left and how hart the encounter is.
Nick incenerated the wraiths and Chickenstein, so no loot there. No bodies left.
Deadly dragon fly was a hard encounter but most of his body was ripped apart, in the outer city that is.
Dragon Mina was fighting against a deadly dragonfly who was rather healthy and probably would have won once his back up arrived.
But because his outer city counterpart got killed, so did he.
So his corpse was rather in shape, giving her three loot rolls.
Is it even possible to roll d10s on this site?

ETA: ah, there we go.
Roll for dragon!mina loot: 4,7,8
Roll for spider!mina loot: 7
Roll for search: 79
So what do 7, 19 and 79 get me?
The loot rolls follow the following table (ish)
1. Crit failure, trap
2. Useless item
3. Common, ordinary drop
4. A rare drop, but damaged
5. Above average
6. Good drop
7. Usefull but gimmicky item
8. Great drop
9. Amazing drop
10. Crit succes, epic drop
I made this up on the spot, as I am kinda winging it.
You'll get a fast update with what you find and loot drops.
79 means you find something usefull.
... Herculean indeed. That spike was probably heavier than the Empire State Building.

Rolling [6]
Deadly Dragonfly was a tough boi.
But he was alone against 3 bound, he was doomed.

Edit: Oh and I invistext half the post on accident, fixed.
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So, there's suddenly an Ex-Bound in the middle of the Outer City then. That doesn't sound like it'll go well at all.
Useful but gimmicky . . . a decanter of endless water, maybe? Useful if you're thirsty or you need a firehose, but otherwise not so much.
Useful but gimmicky . . . a decanter of endless water, maybe? Useful if you're thirsty or you need a firehose, but otherwise not so much.
It also needs to make sense with the guy your looting from.
You get two gimmicky things dragonfly and I am still thinking as too what, but I am going to write the update soon.
I just realized @Nucleep did not roll, so I'll roll for them.
Lizard Knight threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Angelo's loot Total: 8
8 8
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@Trondason @Nucleep @GuesssWho
Angelo, Nick and Mina search the robotic killers corpse and divide the loot, based on who found what first.
{Nick: 6}
Nick finds a simple protective energy generator. A piece of Mad Science that, when worn, can absorb some hits to protect someone. This one was clearly backup to make sure Deadly Dragonfly's brain could not get knocked in and could only take 2 or 3 solid hits.
But for someone as nick, 2 or 3 extra hits is very valuable. As an item on his person, it would resoawn with him and it was trivial for Nick to turn the generator into a snazzy belt.
It would not save him against an angry monster, but atleast it would protect him from Typhon and Zeals shannigens.
[New item: Dragonflys shield]
{Angelo: 8}
Angelo recovers...a pair of greaves. To be exact, Deadly's rocket booster greaves. Comp,tee with miniature fuel cells, this thing can Angelo short bursts of speed! He can even hook it up to his Smartglasses!
Now if only he had a way to power the things.
Atleast they are comfortable shoes.
[New item: Dragonfly boosters]
{Spider!Mina: 7}
Mina's spider form feels around and finds...
A device that calls and is able to communicate with Dragonlfies. It also makes it easier to convince them to do stuff...
That's really weird, but alright.
Guy liked dragonflies, you guess.
[New item: Dragonfly beacon]
{Dragon!Mina: 4, 7, 8}
The first thing Mina recovers is a communicator device.
There is a memory system attached and half activated destruction charge, clearly meant to destroy it.
...you can now track these assholes, sweet.
[New item: Broken Communication device]
The next item Mina finds is an item that she knows all to Wel.
It's the cocoon device, creating an indestructible shield but blocking all movement.
Usefull, you guess.
[New item: Emergency cocoon]
The last item is way simpeler, its Deadly dragonflies flight pack.
Completely intact, the wings and mini anti-gravity packs allows for perfectly controlled flight.
...not for Mina, she can fly on her own, but someone else might get a kick out of this.
Oh and she has the body! Maybe new guy or the doc can research it!
...The body just exploded into flames, reducing the body into nothing...
I wonder if we can take the Outerworld Dragonfly with us. We presumably can take his gear after all. He's rather banged up, but what is a little temporal reversal to Eldritch beings?
Interested in joining.

EDIT: Yeaaaahhhhh, definitely joining this. Looks REALLY fun! Now, what're the limits on powers?
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