Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

Wel imagine These ogliarchs are part of a family...and would not be happy If one if theirs disappeard...
That or another Ogliarch would just snap up their business.
However...If we got some allies and played our cards right...we do two+ ogliarch characters...
We could easily overthrow the government if we wanted to. We got a leader/planner who can figure out our problems, we got people who can stealth-fully take out opposition, we got someone who can make spies and otherwise subvert our enemies, we got someone who can manipulate reality to make sure the beneficial tropes play out for us, we got someone who can build infrastructure and produce any material in a snap, we got a lot going for us.

Speaking of making any material, I'm curious what I can do with Negatite and Nuclear Diamonds. One cancels gravity when applied with a current, the other applies a constant current for effectively forever.
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We could easily overthrow the government if we wanted to. We got a leader/planner who can figure out our problems, we got people who can stealth-fully take out opposition, we got someone who can make spies and otherwise subvert our enemies, we got someone who can manipulate reality to make sure the beneficial tropes play out for us, we got someone who can build infrastructure and produce any material in a snap, we got a lot going for us.

Speaking of making any material, I'm curious what I can do with Negatite and Nuclear Diamonds. One cancels gravity when applied with a current, the other applies a constant current for effectively forever.
The current required to get useful lift out of Negatite exceeds that produced by an IRL nuclear diamond.
I'm sure there must be at least one that's so obnoxious no one will want to look into it too deeply, though. Someone on Donald Trump's level of awful . . .

Mina's perfect for making someone disappear without a trace and she knows it. Now she just needs a good target.
I mean, we could do take people out by subtly playing the system...
Like, through trope invoking, Mina taking people's identities, Rannoch getting their memories (by eating them which makes it a bit unwieldy) and Elizabeth's ability to find evidence we could probably fuck people over really.
Kill someone and pin the blame it on another ogliarch, steal their money etc.
Like I mention we could be pretty dangerous against the ogliarchy if we play our cards right.
Butt that is probably more a long con.
It is better if Mina and Valiard scout and gain information (Elizabeth could help but probably won't) from that point we can look into how to get rid of them while helping the country.
Just killing someone feels good but helps no one.
The current required to get useful lift out of Negatite exceeds that produced by an IRL nuclear diamond.
Which does raise the question of how much current you need. A C-14 Nuclear Diamond (according to this article) releases energy at about 1/43rd the rate of a equally massed AA battery. P=I2​*R, so if R is low enough I would thus be higher. I'm pretty sure there is some combination of stuff you could do to get it to work, but to figure it out would probably require far more numbers and stuff than you feel like putting in.

However, I can also say that odds are if you use a more nuclear substance than C-14 in your Nuclear Diamonds, one should be able to extract more power even if it's in exchange for a shorter life-span. But I don't really need a 5000 year life span.
I'm sure there must be at least one that's so obnoxious no one will want to look into it too deeply, though. Someone on Donald Trump's level of awful . . .

Mina's perfect for making someone disappear without a trace and she knows it. Now she just needs a good target.
Not really. Even Donald Trump has Family, and even if he didn't, even if no-one really cared that he specifically died, that does still mean that there a super-sneaky assassin out there, and who knows who their next target is. No one might care if the Not-Donald Trump died, but they would care that they themselves might die.
I mean, we could do take people out by subtly playing the system...
Like, through trope invoking, Mina taking people's identities, Rannoch getting their memories (by eating them which makes it a bit unwieldy) and Elizabeth's ability to find evidence we could probably fuck people over really.
Kill someone and pin the blame it on another ogliarch, steal their money etc.
Like I mention we could be pretty dangerous against the ogliarchy if we play our cards right.
Butt that is probably more a long con.
It is better if Mina and Valiard scout and gain information (Elizabeth could help but probably won't) from that point we can look into how to get rid of them while helping the country.
Just killing someone feels good but helps no one.
I could drop a giant rock on the Senate Chambers.
Again, dropping a rock of the senate chamber has the same problem of super sneaky assasin (I get it's a joke).
Dropping rock is probably worse I think everyone would panic about random dropping rocks.
Don't get me wrong, level editor can and wil be useful for fucking with the ogliarchy...but we first need information. Know who knows who, who cares about who, who takes over snornald frump dies, who hates frump and how to play that our advantage.
If we know enough, we can stack the deck in a way that nobody cares that an oligarch dies while bringing someone who we trust into power.
If we can bring enough nice(-ish) people in power, stop them from being killed and take out the assholes while empowering our allies and fucking over more assholes? This is how we make the country better, not eating Donalld Frump.
I find it rather hilarious how the plan the oligarchs concocted to save their own asses has turned into basically a cell of the Order in less than 24 hours, in-universe.
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I find it rather hilarious how the plan the oligarchs concocted to save their own asses has turned into basically a cell of the Order in less than 24 hours, in-universe.
To be fair, only Mina is expressing affiliation with the Order. Nick is more anti-current-government than anything. After all, he wants to be The Guy. And in order to be The Guy, he has to take the power from the current The Guys. One way or another. He ain't too picky exactly how it works out, as long as he is in charge in the end. He'd be happy as The Monarch, or the Biggest Oligarch, or whatever. Someone who can do whatever they want, someone everyone else has to listen to and respect.
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I find it rather hilarious how the plan the oligarchs concocted to save their own asses has turned into basically a cell of the Order in less than 24 hours, in-universe.
They should've thought more about who would be desperate enough to join.
I mean, there was no, I repeat, no background check on their super soldier project.
Darius wants his country to prosper and he knows that the current system is not healhty for the country. He is prepared to help bring them down, but he himself has no push to real push to murder the ogliarchy, but he is prepared to help his friend.
Prepared to help his friends murder the standing government
He is a bro like that.
I mean, there was no, I repeat, no background check on their super soldier project.
I'm somewhat entertaining the notion that Nick might just sneak in and do the process on himself. Require a lot of luck since he has no idea how science works and will probably assume it just involves throwing a switch while he's in the pod, but hey, he's got a Elder God looking out for him, and is anxious to go ahead and get started.
@I just write What do you think?
Darius wants his country to prosper and he knows that the current system is not healhty for the country. He is prepared to help bring them down, but he himself has no push to real push to murder the ogliarchy, but he is prepared to help his friend.
Prepared to help his friends murder the standing government
He is a bro like that.
Would he be willing to help Nick become The Guy? Because The Guy always needs a good Right Hand Man, a metaphorical Dragon.
I'm somewhat entertaining the notion that Nick might just sneak in and do the process on himself. Require a lot of luck since he has no idea how science works and will probably assume it just involves throwing a switch while he's in the pod, but hey, he's got a Elder God looking out for him, and is anxious to go ahead and get started.
@I just write What do you think?
I think that Doctor Hematite will show up to lunch with two new Bound.
Look man, we just punched a fucking boat, we are tired as hell.
And that is cutting it short, we got bound, one of ours pulled a runner, then a boat showed up and then we punched said.
The world could be ending and we would punch the apocalypse in the face as one might a snooze button.
I think that Doctor Hematite will show up to lunch with two new Bound.
Which wil be kind of awkward.
"Look I now two of our bound randomly lost their powers, but it is oke, I have got their replacements. Two twelve year old orphans in who I have implanted eldritch gods."
I mean, I assume Nick and Ashley wil be friends.
Nick wants to become the Guy and Ashley is no guy, so she is no rival. She can help him and becomes his right hand woman. She can become the Gal, if you wil.

Also I enjoy Nick and Darius as opposites. Nick can die in one hit, but he is u affected. Darius can probably rank a nuke, but wil walk away from it scared.
Nick can actively bend reality on his surroundings and Darius passively bends reality around himself (making him more badass then he should be).
Nick has infinite jumps, Darius has a bad leg. Nick has a gun that kill anything, Darius has a cane blade and pistol. Nick is alone, Darius has his pet monstrocity.

(Also, Darius probably wil be the shipper on deck. I mean two fucked up twelve year olds, perfect ship. This probably before he finds out that Ashley is his estranged daughter.)
Remi is still mercenary in inclinations. He'll support his own personal interests before anyone else's.
Wel to be fair, the ogliarchy tried to kill him.
And if are i helps put a more benevolent government into power they still owe him.
And the devil makes sure those who owe him pay their due's...
One way or another.
Not even in death can they hide.
I think people in this country have beter things to do then guard their cemeteries...
Hell it would not suprise me if people leave corpses in the streets, atleast in the poorer parts of the country.
Again, there is only poor or rich with little middleground, as the rich have fucked up the economy on multiple occasions (I just write mentioned this)
Corpses very often come with family who really care that they're treated right and they're also really unhygienic. Disposal's going to be pretty good until areas are actual slums with high conflict and low community.

(Which isn't the case in most of Feisten, as then the rebels wouldn't bother overthrowing a government that had so little control when they could just take over the gangs, stop the in-area conflict, foster community; effectively be local government.)

And even if bodies are normally buried in a way that keeps them semi-preserved, it would probably be substantially harder to raise them than fresh corpses, in terms of magic and physical access.

(Modern Europe and America commonly bury dead people in a way that keeps them semi-preserved, as a remnant of ancient christian belief that heaven includes bodily resurrection. This seems like it's probably a quirk of our world's history, so Feisten wouldn't have graveyards as such.

Burning or some other pretty total destruction of the body seems more likely to take off in another world. Except resurrection seems somewhat accessible in Feisten; maybe corpses are traditionally prepared for their loved ones to afford resurrection? That would be useful for Ashley.)

Anyway, Ashley probably needed to access fresh bodies for at least the first couple of years. Unless she was serial killing, she'd need to work with or follow people who tended the dying, people who dealt with corpses or people who killed a lot of people. Also, get food and shelter from either those people or her corpse-servants.

Considering that Necromancers are a fairly common thing, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't even cemeteries. After all, why let those bodies rot, when you can put them to work? That would still mean that there is a shortage of corpses just laying around for little orphan Ashley, since they would tend to be snatched up by the more influential necromancers around.

My impression was that most people skilled in the Liquid Arts don't particularly need corpses.

They should've thought more about who would be desperate enough to join.

They should have thought more about the sort of people who'd be reckless and narcissistic enough to join.

None of our characters joined because it was this or death (for them or their loved ones). We have frustrated idealists who think they should be able to change the world and frustrated egotists who think they should be able to change the world.
Anyway, Ashley probably needed to access fresh bodies for at least the first couple of years. Unless she was serial killing
Look, I am just saying, I wouldn't be suprised if Darius gave his 9 year old daughter a knife and learned her how to use it. Especialy after he started to go more loopy.
They should have thought more about the sort of people who'd be reckless and narcissistic enough to join.

None of our characters joined because it was this or death (for them or their loved ones). We have frustrated idealists who think they should be able to change the world and frustrated egotists who think they should be able to change the world.
Again, there was zero screening for this super soldier project. The people in charge did not think this through. They just went "Put someone in charge of dealing with this problem and forget about it", hell they only choose the good docter because he was slightly cheaper choice. (I wonder what Reginald Cacassi's plan was...)
I mean, maybe in my first version of Darius he joined out of ideals, but Darius slowly devolved/evolved into an old soldier man who just became more broken over time (outside and inside) and is kind of insane.
I am not complaining
I like insane chill grandpa Darius.
Actually, it was more criminal elements who tried to have him killed. He isn't opposed to forming a new government who's in debt to him, though.
A group of criminals put a guy into a super soldier project to kill him.
I mean, it failed twice and killed, like, two dozen people so you can't blame the criminals for their plan backfiring.
You CAN blame the government for having no fucking screening so CRIMINALS COULD SNEAK SOMEONE IN!
I mean, fuck, half the people in our group should not fucking be here.
But here we are.
Like, from the ogliarchy's perspective people like Valiard make sense, it is no hair of their baks if he dies but if he lives he is not liable to kill them with his crotch lazer or whatever he would gain.
But now we have, among others:
>An order of the red star member in all but name
>An Althzeimer soldier who has no fucks to give
>A daughter of ogliarchy who got in on accident
>Two less then sane orphan 12 year olds
>A self serving lawyer who got in due to the mob using the super soldier project to get rid of him.

Like, some of the characters make sense and probally got in with screening, like geoff (of @Enerald_Mann ) or Albert.
Because they had their livelyhood threatend by the monsters or people who were close to them killed. Getting them in was smart.
Except it was not smart, it was pure damn luck of them getting in.

If the ogliarchy falls because of us, then they wil learn an important life lesson.
Do basic screening and background checks for your damn super soldier projects.
I mean, come on, it is not that hard.

Also, I totally see Darius shovel into the common room to see Doctor Hemmatite on the coach while Nick and Ashley watch Red Robby.
It is probally the episode where Red Robby tries to snipe a rich kid to get the kids fancy toy car, using a sniper rifle Robby made from spare factory parts.
Look, the ogliarchs pretty much gave the writters free reign on these scripts and they got pretty of the wall after the first season.
Which isn't the case in most of Feisten, as then the rebels wouldn't bother overthrowing a government that had so little control when they could just take over the gangs, stop the in-area conflict, foster community; effectively be local government.
Except that that's the kind of thing a corrupt government would be up in arms about. "How dare these bastards usurp our power in the name of actually helping people!"
>An order of the red star member in all but name
Nah, she actually is one. She has the little radio device somewhere.
You now, I already mentioned that Darius living adult son is in the order of the red star.
I wouldn't suprise me if he knew Mina.
It wouldn't surise me if Mina met up with him then he goes "...why is my dad here."
Then Darius wil go "Wait I have a son?"
Dunkin 'Duke' Mardew, Darius rebel son, wil probally go "Great...my dad is going bonkers, just what I need."