Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

I might have said something if he was going to spawn the equivalent of 600 pounds of TNT (which he CAN do), but a single rocket launcher ain't too much, especially since he's effectively immortal, the person he's aiming it at could probably shrug it off being so bad ass, and the other people would be protected by the aforementioned two (especially since one guy has plenty of experience with redirecting projectiles and the other can just delete it). Mina shouldn't really have much to fear, considering she's effectively immortal as well.

But if Mina wants to be a idiot (in Nick's opinion), she won't get to swim in his gold pool, nor get to use any of the massive army of tanks and helicopters and what not he's planning on making.
Mina still doesn't like the idea of being exploded, and having bits of her destroyed still hurts. Worse, though, he's aiming the damn thing near (actually at, but she wouldn't believe that if I told her) a guy with severe PTSD and Mina has both the empathy and the foresight to know that it won't end well.
Mina still doesn't like the idea of being exploded, and having bits of her destroyed still hurts. Worse, though, he's aiming the damn thing near (actually at, but she wouldn't believe that if I told her) a guy with severe PTSD and Mina has both the empathy and the foresight to know that it won't end well.
Nick knows absolutely nothing about Darius, nor what PTSD is. I'm not saying she's being unreasonable, Nick might though, and when no-one is in any real danger I don't see any reason to stop him. It's fun.
You know, I only just remembered that a lot of people call the TV an idiot box.
Albert could probably trap Nick, but not permanently, and he'd probably have to keep constant attention on doing so.
So I did notice the OOC had moved forward.
Idiot box is accurate. Darius is not the smartest in social situations and Typhon is an adorkable Idiot ababynation (baby abomination).
Also, Personaly I don't think the acid bubble is the Same as a VP spendage, but that is up to @I just write
I think it is more Typhon finding out ways to combine his Abilities and be a clever boi.
I am not saying He is smart, there is differance between smart and clever.

At this points Darius "Oh this is a kid" and "I just killed this kid, Lets go easy on him" are over taking his "Fuck. F U C K this idiot kids has access to explosive weaponry".
Oh it is there but not enough to trigger a reaction.
I mean, the fact Nick dies So fast is Also an advantage, He can't be tortured.
The worst Darius can do is cut op his cut and make the kid see his own guts for a moment.
Darous wil probally put him through weapon training and weapon safety Tho, No matter how boring it is.
Also, I can't be the only one that noticed that three players tgat talk to their bound (@TheMaskedReader @silentspirals and @GuesssWho ) use differant collours to do So. Red, Dark green and light Blue respectivly.
At first I was going to do a 'inkt speak my native langue, Dutch' gimmick but I can't be botherd.
I prefer green, but I am not going to pick light green and get to close to silent spirals. Nope I am going to go Orange, the colour of my country.
I'm not sure if anyone got the pun that 'iseedeadpeople' is a cheat code in WC3, providing complete vision of the map.
Also, I can't be the only one that noticed that three players tgat talk to their bound (@TheMaskedReader @silentspirals and @GuesssWho ) use differant collours to do So. Red, Dark green and light Blue respectivly.
At first I was going to do a 'inkt speak my native langue, Dutch' gimmick but I can't be botherd.
I prefer green, but I am not going to pick light green and get to close to silent spirals. Nope I am going to go Orange, the colour of my country.
I'm not sure if I've written Albert speaking to me yet, he has, but I'm not sure if I've written that convo yet.
Albert could probably trap Nick, but not permanently, and he'd probably have to keep constant attention on doing so.
You shouldn't need to. He's not to bright, but unless you guys turn against him he probably won't turn against you.
At this points Darius "Oh this is a kid" and "I just killed this kid, Lets go easy on him" are over taking his "Fuck. F U C K this idiot kids has access to explosive weaponry".
Oh it is there
To be fair, explosives is one of the least destructive things I can do with my power.

On a completely unrelated note, Nick is keeping his interior decorating to a minimum till he gets the hang of architecture. So no need to worry about sudden sink holes or anything.
I didn't know how winking out works for Nick's body(ies).

Like, if he dies enough can he stack them up as an impromptu wall or disguise?

By eating Captain Cavern's core you have gained:
-A cave-themed pocket dimension you can manifest at will
-Clockwork Minions
I should get a Familiar/Animal Companion/Pet for Albert.
You would be the third pet owner, behind Darius With Typhon and Valiard With murder bunny.
Probally won't be as impressive as those two.
I made character sheets for both pets, but I assume they were either missed (in Which case I'll dig them up and qoute them) or unimportant (in Which case, fair)