Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

I think I mentioned it before, but I have a tendency to forget things...like missing words during writting and in the long run.
So Yes, point buy. Virtual points. Extremely fast and lose. For each day of day time your here you get one VP.
It buys you a basic pet, a new (basic) ability or upgrades excisting ones.
What basic is, is on a case by case basis.
You start With 40-ish points, I think.
Can I sink all of them into my power?
How patient is Mina? Cause this is a fully sapient copy of her, spending all of her time doing nothing besides babysitting this fella.
Quite patient indeed when she has someone awful to experiment with. Plus, she/they plan to become a hive mind by tomorrow or so. Even now she has herself to chat when she gets too bored.
So now there's three of her. Poor Mr. Morris is going to have a very hard time LOL
I mean
He had it coming
And Mina did not kill him, just seemed himself in is brain
...Wait that is more horrorfying
Uh, you guys ping me if you need Albert.
...you are in the court room too Huh?
Sorry man you didn't really make your présence known So I kind of forgot about you...
You What, I am curious, is Albert ik the rich-people Balcony's or down by the people? If you Tell me this I will have his own little conversation.
Can I sink all of them into my power?
If your asking you can use all 40? Yes.
But everything 'meta' like that odd book of yours costs a point (all though that would be 1 by my guess.)
Your points are spread over the odd things you.
Which is Why my badassery field and toughness are So strong, as passed that I have a basic ability and a basic per that combined cost What, 3 points ish?
So yeah, that is Why Darius is hard to kill. I mean @silentspirals Elizabetg wanted to kill him and got 'time travel'
Quite patient indeed when she has someone awful to experiment with. Plus, she/they plan to become a hive mind by tomorrow or so. Even now she has herself to chat when she gets too bored.
Hey me, how is going?
Oké me, destroying mister Morris balls
...you are in the court room too Huh?
Sorry man you didn't really make your présence known So I kind of forgot about you...
You What, I am curious, is Albert ik the rich-people Balcony's or down by the people? If you Tell me this I will have his own little conversation.
Albert is probably somewhat ignorant of the realities of working class life. He probably knows somewhat, kinda, but not really.
Albert is probably somewhat ignorant of the realities of working class life. He probably knows somewhat, kinda, but not really.
Interresting as this is, this is not What I am asking.
The court house has a podium fir the judge and such, tribunes and sitting placing surounding it and a level higher there are balconies over looking the podium.
The sitting places around the podium is for the common folk and the balconies are paid.
As Albert is from the oligarchy, would He sit in the balconies or sit in the common space?
Interresting as this is, this is not What I am asking.
The court house has a podium fir the judge and such, tribunes and sitting placing surounding it and a level higher there are balconies over looking the podium.
The sitting places around the podium is for the common folk and the balconies are paid.
As Albert is from the oligarchy, would He sit in the balconies or sit in the common space?
Balconies, I figure.
I mean
He had it coming
And Mina did not kill him, just seemed himself in is brain
...Wait that is more horrorfying

...you are in the court room too Huh?
Sorry man you didn't really make your présence known So I kind of forgot about you...
You What, I am curious, is Albert ik the rich-people Balcony's or down by the people? If you Tell me this I will have his own little conversation.

If your asking you can use all 40? Yes.
But everything 'meta' like that odd book of yours costs a point (all though that would be 1 by my guess.)
Your points are spread over the odd things you.
Which is Why my badassery field and toughness are So strong, as passed that I have a basic ability and a basic per that combined cost What, 3 points ish?
So yeah, that is Why Darius is hard to kill. I mean @silentspirals Elizabetg wanted to kill him and got 'time travel'

Hey me, how is going?
Oké me, destroying mister Morris balls
I have only 2 meta items, and one of which is superfluous. I can drop the power cell and sink everything in my power.

Incidentally, does that count as one power or two powers? Cause using one disable the other.
Like, a Mad Genius power and one or two starting gizmos made using said power all count as one thing. Also, that power cell is dirt cheap, only 1 VP at most.
Like, a Mad Genius power and one or two starting gizmos made using said power all count as one thing. Also, that power cell is dirt cheap, only 1 VP at most.
I see.

In my case, I have two powers that are effectively one. The bootleg firebending is mutually exclusive to my Blatant Meta.

Originally, the Blatant Meta is the only power, and Mortal Sorcery is only one of the many possible ways for it to be used. However, given the later's massive range of applications and manifestations, I thought it was a little too wide.

So, 2 on my items, and the rest into my power, unless the skills also took points?
I see.

In my case, I have two powers that are effectively one. The bootleg firebending is mutually exclusive to my Blatant Meta.

Originally, the Blatant Meta is the only power, and Mortal Sorcery is only one of the many possible ways for it to be used. However, given the later's massive range of applications and manifestations, I thought it was a little too wide.

So, 2 on my items, and the rest into my power, unless the skills also took points?
Correct. Mundane skills are free as far as VP are concerned.
"It does seem to work, of course." Albert commented, casting a Stilled Silent False Belief on our Prim and Proper lady, giving her vivid (if somewhat censored for Sanity's Sake) memories of witnessing their fight with Mr.Boatman, as though she had dreamed all of it. In fact, he adds memories of her dreaming of a conversation with Albert himself, making it all seem like.. De Ja Vu.
I am curious what that spell is and why you casted it on lady-right-n-propper.
Also, I am curious as to why.
Because I have no idea what that spell is.
Huh, I missed the touch bit. Lemme fix.
I assume memory modification is ranged?
Any limitations I must be aware of?
Edit: Never mind looked it up myself.
You must take a round to cast it (ignorable), it can only be up to 5 minutes AND they get a will save.
Because the systems rule still apply.
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Ranged, 5 minutes (Which is good enough), though if the memories are somewhat illogical the target can dismiss it as a bad dream or whatnot.
Editted my post, looked it up myself.
...Will save incoming my man
Although I have no idea what the DC is suppossed to be...
Do you need to roll the DC?
Edit: So I rolled...
A 18...
Best of luck mate, this is going to get F U N.
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Editted my post, looked it up myself.
...Will save incoming my man
Although I have no idea what the DC is suppossed to be...
Do you need to roll the DC?
Edit: So I rolled...
A 18...
Best of luck mate, this is going to get F U N.
Fortunately she won't know anything. You need to actually know this stuff, and it's all invisible. :p
Whatever, this court case is taking too long.

Time to expedite matters (Screw the Rules, I have Supernatural Powers!)
Whatever, this court case is taking too long.

Time to expedite matters (Screw the Rules, I have Supernatural Powers!)
I'll try and speed it up...although I have had no prods in my bum from the true QM, I have been a bit busy with live for the most part and I see this is a nice chance for character development.
Also Negative reaction also has a WILL SAVE! lets see if Cacassi and Dennis make it.
If I have time to react.
I'll try and speed it up...although I have had no prods in my bum from the true QM, I have been a bit busy with live for the most part and I see this is a nice chance for character development.
Also Negative reaction also has a WILL SAVE! lets see if Cacassi and Dennis make it.
If I have time to react.
Albert can repeatedly cast until he succeeds.

And may likely do so anyway, as a precautionary measure.
So, I'm pretty much winging things at this point, but I'm confident that I can pull this off. I really hope I can pull this off.