Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)(RECRUITING RE-OPENED)

...honestly I am actually oke with you throwing the "I am a lawyer" card and make the rest of the trail go on automatic from now on, we have drenched out the needed character interaction.
The only reason to prolong it is more Mentor Sarah Cacassi, More Lawyer Remi (which I am a bit too strict about) and giving Albert interaction with the proper-people.
Mina is more after trail shannigens, I think there is some interaction to gain with Nick, Remi is afteral trail more aswel with both the prosecutor and defense lawyer and Albert...
...that is up to you @Shard if you want some character interaction between these two characters I pulled from the eather.
Is my boi Carne worthy of a Apocrypha threadmark?
Also, I have officialy lost control of myself.

Biographical Data
Host Name: Waluigi
Host Age: 21
Physical Description:
Mental Description: Odd and silly. Projects this cocky and braggy personality, but in truth he is a man who wants to be someone, to be important. He wants to be number one. In a way, he is a person of self loathing. He believes everyone except for him is a cheater.
History: Born to a rich family, Waluigi was always revolted for his appearance. Wanting to earn the love of those around him, he became an athelete, gaining many medals and awards...but never remebert by his parents, never appraciated.
Now with the power of the Ees'Vee its -finally- WALUIGI TIME!
Balance Meter: -3

Mundane Skills:
Masterful Sportsman (includes golf, tennis, etc.)
Expert driver
Expert dancer

Combat Skills:
Dirty fighting
Weaponizing sports equipment
Swords fighting
Hammer fighting

Blatant meta - video-gamey body: Waluigi body does behave like it should. He does not take damage from allies, damage he does take does not damage his clothing. He can get hurt, but it wil not be visible. Instead, when an inner 'Health point' counter runs out, Waluigi wil explode into sparks and either be knocked out...or die, depending on the hit. He is also able to jump higher then he should and able to weaponize 'stomping' on people.
Superhuman trait - Odd body: Waluigi's body is stretchy and malable, allowing him to pull of odd manouvres.
Solid arts - Lonely Youth: Waluigi is able to summon, control and weaponize bubbles. He can summon large quantities of them and waves of water/bubbles towards his oppents
Blatant meta - Bro attack: Waluigi can bundle his power with someone he trusts (a so called 'bro') to achieve amazing things.

Special Equipment:
Hammerspace trunk - a trunk that is able to hold more then it by any right should and it fits in his pocket!
Hammer - a comic looking hammer that is tougher then it looks.
Stomping boots - They have those fancy curling toes!
Sports equipment - Never know when you need this..
Costum cart - WALUIGI TIME, BITCH!

(This is not a character sheet, this is a cry for help)
@I just write
I hope Vulcan is worth one VP.
If not, I propose a downside.
If one VP is not enough Then Vulcan is wild like fire, as likely to attack his 'allies' as the monster.
If one VP is enough, I have an Alpaca the size of a plushie With fire fur
If Darius presses Nick to introduce himself anyways, Nick will do a "proper" introduction. Regal Attire, warped Space to make him look Big and Important, light shining from behind him, a list of all his (self given) titles and accomplishments, the like
If Darius presses Nick to introduce himself anyways, Nick will do a "proper" introduction. Regal Attire, warped Space to make him look Big and Important, light shining from behind him, a list of all his (self given) titles and accomplishments, the like
Welp, to late, it is happening.
However, Darius is probally going to flex off with Sammy soon.
So yeah, Darius is not one to comlain about being a bit hammy.
BTW, it should be noted that Nick only knows Minas and Darius's names. No-one else has been introduced to him, nor has he been introduced to anyone else.
At this exact moment, a completely normal rat falls out of the ceiling next to Nick and scurries away. The reason for this quickly becomes clear as a feline with murder in mind follows after, using Nick's head as a springboard in the process, requiring him to respawn.
I figured his ego could do with a bit of deflating
Hey, everything he said was true. And that cat must not give a single fuck, considering how wibbly wobbly space was, how noisy he was being, and the fact that light was shining from him.
BTW, it should be noted that Nick only knows Minas and Darius's names. No-one else has been introduced to him, nor has he been introduced to anyone else.
Oh boy LOL

Dragon!Mina is trying to be traditional, if only to see how well it works :D
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...It just occurs to me that this might be the only forum RP that explicitly allows metagaming. At least that I know of. Can anyone else think of any examples?
In case anyone is wondering about that portal. Nick threw the corpse into an underground pool of lava he made. He can't delete organic material, so he figured incineration is the next best option.
Typhon pokes him with his claw, piercing his skin.
As Nick deflates like a balloon, Typhon eats his corpse.
Typhon is not one that lets good meat go to waste.
As might be obvious Typhon does not like Nick.

Chester is hopping about randomly...until he decides to eat the cage and but it in his hammerspace.
...aswel as the cat that is in the cage...
He then hops up to door and runs along Nicks legs.
Chester likes Nick.
Chester is running along the corpses legs? Cause you are having Typhon kill Nick again, so Nick ain't there yet.

Also, as always, Nick is gonna retaliate to his murder. Especially since Typhon is a repeat offender.
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Chester is running along the corpses legs? Cause you are having Typhon kill Nick again, so Nick ain't there yet.
He is running towards Nicks respawn point.
He has no eyes, but instead he has odd meta-senses.
While Typhon can smell meta a little, Chesters eyes are...not there.
Chester has no eyes or ears or smell.
He has some odd meta sense however, so he knows exactly where Nick respawned.
So he runs towards that point.
He is running towards Nicks respawn point.
He has no eyes, but instead he has odd meta-senses.
While Typhon can smell meta a little, Chesters eyes are...not there.
Chester has no eyes or ears or smell.
He has some odd meta sense however, so he knows exactly where Nick respawned.
So he runs towards that point.
Nicks Spawn Point would move as Chester tries to get it. It is, after all, in a recent location in which no-one can see, so Chester being there means he can't spawn there. And Nicks retaliation means that odds are he wont be hanging around long before portaling somewhere.
This is not as much allowing meta gaming as making meta gaming a mechanic.
Which I would assume is rare.
There's a D&D monster called the false hydra that an amazingly creative blogger invented where half the point is the conflict between metaknowledge and character knowledge. Only other thing I can think of at the moment.
Nicks Spawn Point would move as Chester tries to get it. It is, after all, in a recent location in which no-one can see, so Chester being there means he can't spawn there. And Nicks retaliation means that odds are he wont be hanging around long before portaling somewhere.
I am not sure if Chester counts...
because he does not really see (or smell or hear)
Really, he does not precieve input like most creatures.
And...wel even if Nicks portals we established that if no-one is precieving Chester, the little ball of fluff can teleport too.
He is going to follow Nick and cheer him up no matter what!

There's a D&D monster called the false hydra that an amazingly creative blogger invented where half the point is the conflict between metaknowledge and character knowledge. Only other thing I can think of at the moment.
You have me intrequed, what is the meta-conflict here?
I am not sure if Chester counts...
because he does not really see (or smell or hear)
Really, he does not precieve input like most creatures.
And...wel even if Nicks portals we established that if no-one is precieving Chester, the little ball of fluff can teleport too.
He is going to follow Nick and cheer him up no matter what!

You have me intrequed, what is the meta-conflict here?
Typhon has been put in Time Out. Deliberate Murder is bad. What's more, Nick's Ego can only take so much, as indicated by the very first time I personally spoke in the IC thread.
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