[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
-[X] Search for different parts of the basilisk such as scales and egg fragments. And take some
with you.
-[X] Ask Ornias to let Neville know we are doing a full exploration. Warn him about the bandaged man.

Assuming we warned him about Ornias. Or he could potentially invisibly leave a letter I guess otherwise.

The main danger of exploring the chamber is that wouldn't the prisoner of Azkaban come back and catch us?

Can't we just talk with the basilisk for ancient lore? Or ask her Founders era questions.
The Cloak seems to be a good answer to the bandaged lunatic, at least. I guess he might try to lay a trap if he thinks we haven't left yet? If I had to catch someone using the Cloak I might try something physical like an area of effect trap rigged up to a tripwire or a pressure sensitive thing of some sort.
[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
-[X] Search for different parts of the basilisk such as scales and egg fragments. And take some
with you.
-[X] Inscribe runic defenses on the entrances to the Chamber, to nonlethally deter delvers before they reach the Basilisk, unless Harry and Geist devise a way to nonlethally repel them without revealing her existence.
-[X] Ask Ornias to let Neville know we are doing a full exploration. Warn him about the bandaged man.
-[x] Talk to the Basilisk about the Founders era time, and ask her if she knows about the purpose of the Slytherin Ring. Ask her about the Chosen and the Ancients and the Guardians.
Hm. I wonder how that can be circumvented without murder. We don't know Obliviate, and runic defense arrays can be circumvented, as we did not take Eternal Rune Mastery. One way to at least reduce the casualty rate is to lay a runic defense array anyway, so that only those very competent at runes would get killed by the Basilisk, while curious dungeon delvers would just explore elsewhere.

I feel like we can do even better than that though.

For now, at least, and with a suggestion from the Discord:

[X] Full Exploration
-[X] Ask Ornias to let Neville know we are doing a full exploration. Inscribe a runic defense array at the Chamber's entrance, letting only ourselves and the Basilisk through for now. Ask the basilisk for scale and/or eggshell samples, for use in potions.
I don't think we have to worry too much about the Chamber and the Basilisk. The Basilisk at least has successfully remained hidden for a long time. The chamber maybe requires more worry given the bandaged lunatic, but it's far from an easy place to get into.
[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
-[X] Search for different parts of the basilisk such as scales and egg fragments. And take some with you.
-[X] Inscribe runic defenses on the entrances to the Chamber, to nonlethally deter delvers before they reach the Basilisk, unless Harry and Geist devise a way to nonlethally repel them without revealing her existence.
-[X] Ask Ornias to let Neville know we are doing a full exploration. Warn him about the bandaged man.
-[x] Talk to the Basilisk about the Founders era time, and ask her if she knows about the purpose of the Slytherin Ring. Ask her about the Chosen and the Ancients and the Guardians.
Since the Basilisk wanders the dungeons, she may have a clue about what the strange shrieking was.

[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
-[X] Search for different parts of the basilisk such as scales and egg fragments. And take some
with you.
-[X] Inscribe runic defenses on the entrances to the Chamber, to nonlethally deter delvers before they reach the Basilisk, unless Harry and Geist devise a way to nonlethally repel them without revealing her existence.
-[X] Ask Ornias to let Neville know we are doing a full exploration. Warn him about the bandaged man.
-[x] Talk to the Basilisk about the Founders era time, and ask her if she knows about the purpose of the Slytherin Ring. Ask her about the Chosen and the Ancients and the Guardians. Also ask her about the shrieking.
Everyone who is in Neville's killer club is now our chance to get rid of him forever.
It is only necessary to say that there are interesting runes below and then order the basilisk to attack anyone who enters the door.
We could order the basilisk to protect us while searching the chamber in case the prisoner comes back

We should also search the chamber with the invisibility clock on at all times

[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
[X] Wear the Invisibility Cloak when exploring the Chamber of Secrets
-[X] Search for different parts of the basilisk such as scales and egg fragments. And take some
with you.
-[X] Inscribe runic defenses on the entrances to the Chamber, to nonlethally deter delvers before they reach the Basilisk, unless Harry and Geist devise a way to nonlethally repel them without revealing her existence.
-[X] Ask Ornias to let Neville know we are doing a full exploration. Warn him about the bandaged man.
-[x] Talk to the Basilisk about the Founders era time, and ask her if she knows about the purpose of the Slytherin Ring. Ask her about the Chosen and the Ancients and the Guardians. Also ask her about the shrieking.
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[X] Moderate Exploration - Alongside the above, locate the Basilisk and speak with her, as an intermediary between her and Geist. Mainly, check up on her health and give her new orders to eat any potential intruders; yourself, obviously, excluded. Maybe also look around at some of the more interesting features.
An excerpt from the discord about dungeons, rats and the perfect world.
I suppose it depends on how good we are at runes, how hard the dungeon is, and how easy it is to recognize concealed runes for what they are.

Well, we are clearly not at the master level, which means that we are below the advanced seventh year. It is doubtful that someone weaker will get through the other entrances.
Also, to understand that there are runes here, it's enough just to make them activate and understand where the impact comes from.

And of course collapsing the entrances won't solve much, as a wizard can just move the rocks aside, unless we apply beryllium bronze.

You can trace where the secret room connects to the dungeon and hide the entrance with the help of runes after filling up the passage.
Or when the heir of Gryffindor is found, ask the castle to fill the passages with beryllium bronze

Yeah, that could work.

But I don't think it's worth doing any of that. Judging by the fact that the secret room has not turned into a "top secret room for students", the protection is quite reliable. And the passages serve to give the basilisk the opportunity to walk in the wild.

Speaking of which, I'm not a fan of her murdering our ratty friends, and I'm unsure how to square that with her needing food.

Our rat friends are the ones who bring us information.
The rest are useless parasites that occupy the living space of our rat friends. So let's just warn our rats where they don't need to be, that's all.
And when all the rats are ours, we will send the oldest to die in the dungeon to ease their torment and feed the basilisk.

...as expected of a member of Neville's killer club, I suppose.

Speaking of rats. We need to get the rats to bring us their cubs in order to establish contact with everyone from birth. And not to run after each rat separately. At the same time, we will check whether the animals become smarter from prolonged contact with the speaker with them.

I don't think that many people will support establishing a despotic regime over the rats; I sure don't. Especially not Harry himself.

What's so special about it? We are sending old rats that have outlived their time to a well-deserved rest. Instead of dying long and painfully from organ failure, the basilisk will kill them instantly. The Basilisk will stop hunting rats uncontrollably, and with our help they will receive protection.
I understand that taking control of the death of rats will not be very glamorous. But if you look at it from a practical point of view, none of the problems will be solved if we leave everything as it is.
Many rats will die in agony (and Harry probably won't bother healing the actually dead animals), many young rats will be eaten in their prime. And besides, we must not forget that the basilisk needs to eat something.
I think this is a very good lesson to teach Harry to be responsible and that if the problem is not solved, it will not disappear from it

Geist, being a human supremacist, would sadly not object.

By the way, Harry is supposed to be too. After all, we chose a rational character instead of revenge, but as a result, I have a feeling that we have a third option with forgiveness.
But I confess honestly that through a similar operation. I hope to convince Harry that tax collection is a normal practice as long as it doesn't bother anyone.

Right, adding Basilisk Euthanasia Rat Despot onto the list next to that and killing Neville. At this rate, we can make an AU out of this.

We will become the god who brought order to the meaningless world of rats. We will erase the differences between them with the help of our will. We will rationalize their life and death and become their meaning-forming link in this world of endless survival without a goal.
We will start time where there used to be beginningless and endless chaos.

I wonder if rats have enough intelligence to need religion?
Or is it enough for us to ask them to go to the dungeon where the snake is hiding.
[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
So any theory on the identity of the old crazy person

Geist's reaction to him hints him having a horcrux of The Dark Lord like us

We should have harry check the news after this to see if anyone has escaped Azkaban lately

If they didn't escape lately which is posable due to us not already hearing about it then I wounder why he was still waring the uniform after having escape so long ago
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Wonder if this is Reams since we have not herd what happened to him yet

Thought if he ended up in Azkaban you would think Sirius would talk about him badly which he doesn't so it probably is not him
If someone had escaped from Azkaban, there would have been a terrible fuss, unless the ministry decided not to silence the incident.
And so most likely it is the Dark Lord who captured the body of a random person and came for the Basilisk. And then the apocryphal curse decided that it was time to act.
By the way, is it just me or should we warn Dumbledore that some crazy dark magician is sneaking into the school?
Wait, isn't Neville standing in his way? This.... perfect!
Neville will be killed, Harry will be morally traumatized and will become a Tax Collector in search of strength!
[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
-[X] Search for different parts of the basilisk such as scales and egg fragments. And take some
with you.
-[X] Inscribe runic defenses on the entrances to the Chamber, to nonlethally deter delvers before they reach the Basilisk, unless Harry and Geist devise a way to nonlethally repel them without revealing her existence.
-[X] Ask Ornias to let Neville know we are doing a full exploration. Warn him about the bandaged man.
-[x] Talk to the Basilisk about the Founders era time, and ask her if she knows about the purpose of the Slytherin Ring. Ask her about the Chosen and the Ancients and the Guardians. Also ask her about the shrieking.
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If this guy starts monologuing I am totally comparing him to Schwarzwald


Schwarzwald, born Michael Seebach, is the rival of Roger Smith and the dominus of Big Duo. A former reporter for the Paradigm Press, Schwarzwald now works to expose "the truth" behind Paradigm City and the events of 40 years ago. Schwarzwald first appears in "Underground Terror". His real name...
[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.

Seem's relatively safe, Cloak is OP, he doesnt seem that intent on killing us so getting away should be possible in the worse case. Also we could maybe sic the Basilisk on him if it comes to it.
[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
-[X] Search for different parts of the basilisk such as scales and egg fragments. And take some
with you.
-[X] Inscribe runic defenses on the entrances to the Chamber, to nonlethally deter delvers before they reach the Basilisk, unless Harry and Geist devise a way to nonlethally repel them without revealing her existence.
-[X] Ask Ornias to let Neville know we are doing a full exploration. Warn him about the bandaged man.
-[x] Talk to the Basilisk about the Founders era time, and ask her if she knows about the purpose of the Slytherin Ring. Ask her about the Chosen and the Ancients and the Guardians. Also ask her about the shrieking.
[X] Full Exploration - It's the weekend right now, so you might as well help yourself and stay here for a couple of hours, see what the legendary Chamber of Secrets has to offer. Neville might get worried about your disappearance, though.
-[X] Search for different parts of the basilisk such as scales and egg fragments. And take some
with you.
-[X] Inscribe runic defenses on the entrances to the Chamber, to nonlethally deter delvers before they reach the Basilisk, unless Harry and Geist devise a way to nonlethally repel them without revealing her existence.
-[X] Ask Ornias to let Neville know we are doing a full exploration. Warn him about the bandaged man.
-[x] Talk to the Basilisk about the Founders era time, and ask her if she knows about the purpose of the Slytherin Ring. Ask her about the Chosen and the Ancients and the Guardians. Also ask her about the shrieking.