[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

But then QA personality might take control over the shard and become our new rival. She could rattle on us immediately. And I don't want to kill Shift. It would have to be Charge
Personally, here's my plan:

Taylor Ultima IV: Quest For an Avatar
1 - Finish Stabilize Trigger. We want this.
2 - Grab Assume Direct Control. We need this.
3 - Grab two PHO/Rune-Chan-style Omake Bonuses.For Mad Kazoo Skillz 3 and an autocrit.
4 - Eat Twin. Om Nom Nom
5 - Bud Twin back off as subservient Shard back onto it's own Earth, use autocrit for this.
6 - When AltTriggering Coil, Body Mod him into a Veronica-style perfect Taylor body with Taylor's weird brainmeats brain.10/10, best body
7 - Use Second Bonus to grab skill to hide our new meatpuppet from other Shards.Mad Kazoo Skillz 3
8 - Grab briefcase of gold, some ratty torn clothes. Your clothes... give them to me, now.
9 - Show up at Taylor's house. Claim to be Alt!Taylor from Earth Tsadeh. Your parents are dead, your life on your own world ruined. You've spent the majority of what money you had to buy exile on "The Worst Earth," and have a Briefcase of gold, nowhere to go, and could use some family. Take up the name "Anne," repair Taylor's San by being family on her side, remove monetary issues, get you both into a better school.
10 - Profit. Hell, we might be able to convince Danny to take over Coil's Organization. We get 10k Research, Coil's Org, Coil's money, and Taylor SAN.
Can't we take all the data in Taylor's brain and dump it on charge or shift so we can decode it later if it isn't a virus (that tries to activate the moment we touch it) and if it is nothing of value was lost?

Okay, I will humor this if you can honestly suggest one thing that data could be that is not a trap to destroy us that makes the danger of this worth it.
Don't forget we already have QA's memories in us a a memetic hazard, so QA data is not an option.
Yes and No. Power-copying, as you already know, takes Corona space. Thinking of Taylor's weird brain, she might have some advantages there...

So in other words recreating Taylor from "Manager" story (which is pretty much power stealing Trump and she can also modify and grant others powers) may actually work with this advantage. Hmmm... I mentioned that I wanted to aim for Trump and this will do. And taking into account how broken this power is, I suspect Trump 300 is needed for this.

Also this ridiculous brain size I suspect may also work for a Master power which require ridiculous amount of minions to control. Or Projections (like my idea with Humanity based projections) in ridiculous numbers as she should have more then enough processing power to do so.

Personally, here's my plan:

So in a way we go with an idea an idea of 'alien introduction' but not personal, but taking over Coil's body and with Taylor as a 'template'. Yeah, this may work, especially as people know about alternate Earths here like Aleph.

I'm a bit worried about Cauldron, but it may be played as Coil was assasinated and his body removed, somewhere. And they do have 'no direct intervention' when it goes to their Brockton Bay experiment, so this may be possible to pull off.

We could Trigger and uplift an animal

This kind of makes me want to 'recreate' Worm version of Faunus species and play it off as 'dimensional travel' with roleplaying it as ex-members of Remnant planet.

Also this kind of plan (creating new species) have this advantage that if everything goes badly there is always additional amount of new parahumans to use here. Just to make sure every single time that they aren't too aggresive (or at all) and that they prefer to aim for hero positions, because villains don't need additional new members.

But yeah, this sounds like a fun project. If this was QQ, I suspect people would aim for Monster Girls here instead :p. But on more serious note you get the idea here.
Let's remembwr that new Taylor is smarter than us and will be even smarter after we get rid of all the junk, how about we don't lie to her immediately. And not even a good lie.

We have dream master, tell her in a dream the details of saving the world, explain how it can never be spoken of in the real word, and tell her what we're going to look like when we make an avatar.

Just needs a stranger power to hide the knowledge from thinkers.

No way the lie will hold up to anyone. Not Taylor, not the PRT not Lisa or Cauldron.

P.S. but if we had Taylor's cooperation and a stranger power than we could pretend.
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Step 1 Find bear
Step 2 Trigger bear
Step 3 Modify bear body to be absolutly superhuman and really compressed (i.e use all the biomass to make an extra powerful growth template), make the form a smol bear girl/boy
Step 4-infinity Be adorable

Step 3: give bear stranger power that allows it to convince anybody who sees it that it is, in fact, not a bear. Along with that it gets a projection that can speak English.

Step 4: establish cape persona of Sir Bearington.
Permanent power copying is probably very expensive.

And I prefer breaker to brute. Losing the original body means nothing, her minds is among the swarm. And let her combine biomass to make a new body. Let her have multiple bodies even.

Brute powers can be bypassed, see sting. Better to never be there in the first place.

There's a reason it'll need to be prepped ahead of time and probably only be useable once, basically the idea is to keep that bit inactive until jack's in range.

Brute is mostly for the biomass trick so we can do host adjustments, there's a reason those two are a low priority thing.

Can't we take all the data in Taylor's brain and dump it on charge or shift so we can decode it later if it isn't a virus (that tries to activate the moment we touch it) and if it is nothing of value was lost?

Why do people think this is somehow a good plan? This is the second time this has come up and it makes no sense, why would the data be safer in shards less able/likely to defend against any tricks in it?

Step 3: give bear stranger power that allows it to convince anybody who sees it that it is, in fact, not a bear. Along with that it gets a projection that can speak English.

Step 4: establish cape persona of Sir Bearington.

This is beautiful. I remember that. Let's do it.

Stranger power should be under our control, so we can pick a few people who recognize us but no one believes. Like Assualt. Tattletale. Bakuda. Skidmark. Coil. Victor. Legend. Obviously Mouse Protector. Bonesaw and Jack.
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I'm a bit worried about Cauldron, but it may be played as Coil was assasinated and his body removed, somewhere. And they do have 'no direct intervention' when it goes to their Brockton Bay experiment, so this may be possible to pull off.

Danny's around the same body type. We could give Twin to him, try and convince him to take over the organization. Use Fortress Construction to help support the DWU, have Calvert step back from his PRT stuff to work from home for his business stuff and basically hide him. Anyone wants to contact Coil, they technically can. I doubt Cauldron would look into it as long as Coil continued to operate on spec.
Assuming that the "Red Flags Over Brain Meats" plan goes as we're hoping, that should be "Fix Taylor" checked off the to-do list. Maybe we should list out what else we're aiming for and what we need to do to achieve it.

Short-Term Goals
1. Check out the Dallon parents' Shards to see if we can help Veronica and Amy indirectly and to check if they're influencing their hosts.
-Contact Incendiary and Light Forge. Possibly more to do afterwards.

2. Get more info.
-Contact a few Shards each voting round we're not too busy with other stuff and set up sense-sharing with non-sentient and friendly Shards.
-Possibly eat Mask.
-Ask non-sentient Shards for info as needed, but try to avoid taking ALL of the data a Shard has in case there's a negative side-effect.

3. Help out with Shift, Gaea, Negotiator, and Lilac as necessary.
-Just keep in contact with the Shards and watch over Lilac to see if they need our help.

4. Find the side-quests.
-Generally, as we're contacting Shards to find more possible sense-sharing partners, we'll probably run across the side-quests we've been skipping. It's hard to say right now what we'll need to deal with them.

Medium-Term Goals
1. Get a human avatar
-Finish Stabilize Trigger.
-Find a body, either by taking over Coil's or by finding someone just as they die. If we take Coil's, we need Assuming Direct Control and to be careful that the aberrance doesn't backfire on us.
-Apply Basic Host Modification (Human) and choose a power.
-Find a way to take care of our new body. Even if we take over Coil's body, we'll need to then take over his network in such a way that it doesn't fall apart. Negotiator/Lisa will probably help for a share of the network.

2. Prepare for Taylor's trigger.
-Finish Stabilize Trigger.
-If possible, get Advanced Host Modification (Human) and Stronger Trigger.
-Choose a power or find a way for Taylor to choose a power without preventing her from triggering.

3. Deal with Charge, Mask, Clone, and Transform.
-Finish Stabilize Trigger in case dealing with Charge messes up Battery's power.
-I don't think there's any issue with dealing with Mask right now, but I was wondering if we could somehow eat Mask to get its info and then feed the mass and Energy to Clone. We could also give Clone access to Mask's dimension. It's supposed to be the "most-together, most-sapient Cauldron Shard you've run into" so there may be a way to fix it. This might also backfire horribly so we should wait until we feel confident that we have a way to take out Clone if we need to. Maybe Drain or DDoS 1?
-Oliver doesn't need a power since he doesn't really participate in cape fights, but do we want Noelle to have a power? If so, what?
-I have no idea how to help Transform if it's really being attacking by mind-breaking beings. I guess we could wait until we get high up in the Magic, Psionic, and Dimensional trees.

4. Figure out what Information is and how to get it outside of conflicts.
-We've talked about doing a research project on this, but we needed a host first. We now have 2 hosts but no room in the research slots. Maybe we can do this after we get Faster Research 2.

Long-Term Goals
1. Keep Queenie from coming back and taking over Administrator's body. So what if it belonged to her first?!
-Find a way to fight off any attacks that Queenie might use against us.
-Watch for any possible storage spaces for her data and for any Shards she might have warned against us.
-Get a human avatar in case she succeeds.

2. Prevent Golden Morning.
-See threadmark for possible ways to do this.

3. Survive
-Avoid getting Scion's attention and being outed as aberrant by other Shards.
-Get the Stranger Danger tree or some other way to hide aberrance.
-Avoid being deleted by Queenie.

I know that we've talked about forming an Independent hero team, but I didn't want to add that to the list until we've had a chance to talk to Taylor about it. I also don't want to push Lilac away from all other groups until Taylor is ready because that feels really unfair to Lilac. Is there anything else that I left out?

Edit: I forgot about Tranform. It's now added in the Medium-Term Goals section.
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Please god let's not involve Danny in any way, at all. He just drags down the tone, he's so miserable. Even when he's a hero with Taylor in quests like Magical Eacalation Taylor he's a stick in the mud.

There's the stereotypes of the annoying wife who exists to be mad and pull back, like Skylar in the early days of Breaking Bad, Chi-Chi in DBZ. He's the Wet Blanket Wife as a dad.
Please god let's not involve Danny in any way, at all. He just drags down the tone, he's so miserable. Even when he's a hero with Taylor in quests like Magical Eacalation Taylor he's a stick in the mud.

There's the stereotypes of the annoying wife who exists to be mad and pull back, like Skylar in the early days of Breaking Bad, Chi-Chi in DBZ. He's the Wet Blanket Wife as a dad.

I mean, if he is we could always just tweak him with our control.
He also might not be. Remember, he's been acting a bit off what we expect from canon. He might not play into this stereotype.
Plus, we'll have a bit. We can wait and see. We could always just give AvaTaylor a projection power to project a fake Coil to run his organization.
We could always just research brainwashing instead of straight ADC and then give control to Negotiator. So he's not a creep and subservient to Lisa
Please god let's not involve Danny in any way, at all. He just drags down the tone, he's so miserable. Even when he's a hero with Taylor in quests like Magical Eacalation Taylor he's a stick in the mud.

There's the stereotypes of the annoying wife who exists to be mad and pull back, like Skylar in the early days of Breaking Bad, Chi-Chi in DBZ. He's the Wet Blanket Wife as a dad.
While we are on the topic of adults, can we all please agree to not surround ourselves with only teenagers like all the creepy SIs do all the time. It would be cool to actually have some adults in on what we are doing.

Also the Danny being useless depends alot on Vhal's interpetation, which thanks to Danny's backstory opens him up to being a pretty cool character if done right, or maybe like in Metastable, he is really well done as a moderating force on Taylor and not in the 'fun police' kind of way, but in the 'this is stupid you are risking yourself for dumb reasons'.
We could always just research brainwashing instead of straight ADC and then give control to Negotiator. So he's not a creep and subservient to Lisa
I suspect that once Coil is crippled by the power restrictions, Lisa/Negotiator will find a way to take him out and take over his network. That's assuming the ROB restrictions don't somehow prevent this. Administrator doesn't have them yet (that we know of), but the prologue ends when Taylor triggers so maybe that's when ROB shows up.
well adultwise I've already said we should flip Purity as a mentor figure. Mouse Protector I want to save and bring in. Canary too if we can get her to the bay. Though she is the least adults, she has more common sense. She's the closest a parahuman gets to being a normal person, always in over her head.

Or Kurt and Lacey, they're better than Danny for capes. Mrs. Knott maybe.

Maybe trigger some rando PRT troopers so the Protectorate has backup, not as hosts though. Maybe if we ever can do it really easily.

Yamada would be cool if we can get her, but maybe not, she's a badass normal psychologist as it is, I wouldn't want to ruin that.

Man there really aren't that many adults in Worm. Normal ones at least.

Didn't skitter have a minion named Forrest, usually with Charlotte and Sierra?

We could find Tagg and give him just the crappiest master power so that he should too useless to do anything but can't be director.
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I'd really, really prefer to get at minimum Stranger Danger done before doing anything particularly abberant, which includes making a human body - sure, our human body might survive Zion showing up and blasting our shard-side existence into interdimensional dust, but it'd still be a massive setback.

Stopping Golden Morning is a lot easier if we can keep operating on the shard level, and on a more OOC note, there have been hundreds and hundreds of Worm parahuman stories with just about every conceivable powerset. Shardside stories are a lot thinner on the ground, and I'd like for this quest to stick with the more unique premise it started with.

Frankly? I don't really care about Taylor that much in the abstract. I'd be perfectly happy giving her her canon bug control power or something on a similar power level and just letting her do her own thing while we focus on our own concerns.
I want to take note for anyone thinking "canon Taylor with small variation"...that its not really going to happen without deviations because we can't get the perfect fit.

Disassemble her canon trigger:
-Master(primary) - Insect Control - Taylor's trigger was less to do with the Locker and more to do with the sheer betrayal and isolation. This is why she gets a powerup in canon when she feels betrayed and alone. If it was claustrophobia, it'd have triggered with a Mover effect. If it was the septic mass caused infection(which fandom overemphasizes because it is the easiest to comprehend), it'd have triggered with a Brute effect.

-Thinker(primary) - Insect based Panopticon - Trigger event was the cumulation of an extended conflict, one which she had spent significant time agonizing over the reason of.

-Shaker(primary) - Insect based swarm attack - Trigger event features a double layered toxic environment, the social one and the literal one.

-Trump(secondary) - Hidden Parahuman Conflict Advantage - The cause of her Trigger is a parahuman, whether she knows it or not, her shard does.

-Tinker(tertiary) - Insect based mundane+ crafts - Trigger event was the cumulation of an extended conflict, one which she had taken some action to avoid.

The current Taylor, from what we know, would PROBABLY be easiest to trigger as either a Human Control Master, a Build My Own Friends Tinker-Master or a Projection of Emma Master
To act on Earth without massive aberrance scores. And to stop Cauldron from doing stupid things. Even more if Cauldron find out about us.

You seem to be on the pure shard side route for killing Zion.

I'm for creating an alliance of shards and parahumans to invade Zions Earth. It's uniques, something I haven't seen before.

So I'm probably going to valet against you whenever you try to ignore parahuman side events.

P.S. Taylor's not getting the lockers, it's defintely butterflied by this point.

She's probably more tinker with master, trump, and thinker elements. A long term problem cause a mental breakdown in her home, she can't think her way out of it, a cape is involved, and she's socially isolated.
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I'd really, really prefer to get at minimum Stranger Danger done before doing anything particularly abberant, which includes making a human body - sure, our human body might survive Zion showing up and blasting our shard-side existence into interdimensional dust, but it'd still be a massive setback.
Getting a human body might not create abberance as long as we're taking over a dying person's body instead of ADCing someone. I'm interested in getting the Stranger Danger project, but it might take a while before there's a research slot open. We also need a little more Stranger info.

I want to take note for anyone thinking "canon Taylor with small variation"...that its not really going to happen without deviations because we can't get the perfect fit.

Disassemble her canon trigger:
-Master(primary) - Insect Control - Taylor's trigger was less to do with the Locker and more to do with the sheer betrayal and isolation. This is why she gets a powerup in canon when she feels betrayed and alone. If it was claustrophobia, it'd have triggered with a Mover effect. If it was the septic mass caused infection(which fandom overemphasizes because it is the easiest to comprehend), it'd have triggered with a Brute effect.

-Thinker(primary) - Insect based Panopticon - Trigger event was the cumulation of an extended conflict, one which she had spent significant time agonizing over the reason of.

-Shaker(primary) - Insect based swarm attack - Trigger event features a double layered toxic environment, the social one and the literal one.

-Trump(secondary) - Hidden Parahuman Conflict Advantage - The cause of her Trigger is a parahuman, whether she knows it or not, her shard does.

-Tinker(tertiary) - Insect based mundane+ crafts - Trigger event was the cumulation of an extended conflict, one which she had taken some action to avoid.

The current Taylor, from what we know, would PROBABLY be easiest to trigger as either a Human Control Master, a Build My Own Friends Tinker-Master or a Projection of Emma Master
Vhalidictes has said that we, unlike canon Administrator, have control over what type of power Taylor triggers with. If we want her to trigger with a Trump power, then she will.
Everyone, at great risk of stating the obvious... Taylor gets whatever power you pick. You're in charge of that.

Now, yes, on a particularly bad roll, she might modify the hell out of it, but it's not going to magically change into a completely different class of power. Maybe not even on a Critfail.

Now, there's also no chance for Pings or multi-trigger shenanigans because (as far as you know) there are no other Parahumans within miles of Taylor.

There are some good arguments to not allow Taylor to Trigger, but 'bad/wrong power because of weird Trigger effects' is not one of them.
The current Taylor, from what we know, would PROBABLY be easiest to trigger as either a Human Control Master, a Build My Own Friends Tinker-Master or a Projection of Emma Master
As QM I don't get a vote, but I must admit, writing Emma-Projection would be fun as hell (probably for Taylor too, once she recovered).

(This is not an endorsement of the above power)
What would Emma projection even be. Like the Siberian, completely under her control.

Or like an independent projection with Emma's appearance, memories and personality, but can't leave Taylor's range. Like Emma's identical clone. And can't be dismissed.
That be awful but hilarious.

Vhal, how much trouble do you have writing? Because you've been pretty good at showing instead of telling and it's been pretty creative so far, and snarky too.
(I'm on a boat!) I'd put a thumbs up but it doesn't show up when I do it.

P.S. I just put a thumbs up after I wrote thumbs up. Didn't work.
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