[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

If we restrict Coil should we tell Negotiator so her host can take advantage?

And hey, Coil has a pretty good power. I was serious about turning him into Taylor's pet Platypus, that's not only hilarious, no one would expect it.
1 - Fair point. Of course, we did recycle it, so can always claim it was there but broken. Also, as it doesn't give Aberration to do this, I'm assuming it's not actually a problem to play around with settings in this edge case scenario. But that is a good worry to have.
2 - I'm not sure they would come in? Panacea is a Hero, in fairly good standing with the PRT, which they control. They have time to have the PRT do some testing on this and smokescreen their own involvement through it. Then again, it is Cauldron.
3 - It depends on how far we push it. Making him the second coming of Legend is a bit much.
4 - His family is rich. They bought him powers and some Tinker armor already. I think they could swing backing him as long as his Tinker rating is low enough he's not going too overboard with what he creates.
5 - Fair enough. That's actually a really good subjective point. Could you think of something interesting to do?
6 - If Tinker data is valuable, isn't it better to make our current host a long-term source of it rather than not?
7 - But if we wait, and decide it is good, people will wonder why Dean didn't change and we'll have missed the point to do anything without a Second Trigger. Which given he's a vial, . . . I'm not even sure how that would work.

Overall, yeah, okay, you've got some good points there. I'm willing to concede it might be premature to be acting that openly against powers.
Of course, that does also mean Veronica will be a less useful data source than she could be.
Then again, maybe we can push some dreams to get her to use her damn power. Especially to stabilize the Dallons. Amy, Mark, and Carol could probably use some pushes. Though only Amy and Mark might allow it. . .

I don't think we can count on Stansfield's parents for much. I suspect that this is putting a real strain on their relationship as is.

As far as interesting tinker suggestions:

1. Tinker through a power, i.e. use the power as a medium for tinkering, so for example making Taylor's bug control turn her bugs into mini-tinkers that can make tinker tech versions of things bugs make. Stansfield doesn't really have the right load out for this.

2. Communications tinker, tinker specializes in various forms of communications technology. Good for supporting a team, decent EW package, and be good for monitoring areas.

3. Mood tinker, has a bit of trump aspect. Makes devices that have different functions based on the predominant emotions people are feeling.
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Coil has a pretty good power when it's running unrestricted. Not sure how much a power hog it is.

If we limit it to sane levels we might end up with something less useful except in the short-term. Plus, he's a massive wanker and I doubt he'd ever be helpful on his own without either us ADCing him of his mind being changed.
Turning him into a platypus would have tons of Aberration if we did it ourselves.

Overall he's just tons of Aberration and thus something we should push to the back burner. If we limit his power now it should butterfly him to being less relevant.
Unless he does something stupid and gets himself made dead.
Overall he's just tons of Aberration and thus something we should push to the back burner. If we limit his power now it should butterfly him to being less relevant.
Unless he does something stupid and gets himself made dead.
While I'm super-leery of influencing the Quest, it's fair to point out to you that 'getting Hosts to take care of something for you' doesn't multiply Aberrance.

Assuming you took on the Aberrance of talking to them in the first place. At least working through agents is not a double-penalty that way?
We don't really have any Agents in play, yet.

Taylor's coming up, but talking to Veronica right now might make her think she's gone crazy. Much better to not directly talk to her until things have settled down.
So we keep our aberrance to a minimum until we've invested in Stranger Danger.

Two questions Vhal:
We're only paying the tinker/thinker data cost of research once correct?

And how is aberrance detected? Will shards be aware when we communicate with Taylor? Are they taking a peak at our day when we contract them?

If you can't tell us the second then I suspect we can learn how to detect and hide aberrance through stranger danger, making it high priority

Because we aren't getting panacea to turn him into a platypus no matter what we tell her.

Either we control him or we kill him. He's either a great asset or a constant annoyance.

P.S. If we restrict Coil we need to have a way to get Tattletale on Taylor's side as soon as possible. Ultimately, she's better than him and I don't want her to become an enemy.
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Okay-crunched the numbers (thank you excel) and going for Stabilize and Stronger trigger we will need around 30 days including the time to finish human biology. That is a miss for a thanksgiving trigger but in time for a winter break trigger.

Current suggested research plan:
Slot 1:
Continue Focused Research 1, apply 100 research bonus from quest here- need 600 research ~8.76 days
Next Improved Research 1, apply Focused, need 950 research ~7.98 days
Faster Research 2, apply Focused, need 750 research ~5.2 days (thanks to improved research 1 as well)
Total: 22.3 days
Slot 2:
Continue Human Biology need 74 research ~1.08 days
Stabilize Trigger (Human) need 850 research ~12.41 days
Stronger Trigger (Human) need 1450 research ~16.92 days
Total: 30.41 days
Slot 3 (day 22.3)
Basic Host Modification(Human) need 300 research ~3.51 days
Advanced Host Modification (Human) need need 600 research ~7.03 days
Total: 10.55 days (+22.3= 32.85 days)

Info Used:
350 Thinker
100 Brute
180 Changer

Slot 1 would likely go to the next set of focused/improved research

Info Priorities:
Thinker- Needed for the Research Tree and Memetic Filter Tree
Tinker- Needed for Memetic Filter Tree and Magic/Psionic/Dimension Trees
Stranger- Need for Stranger Danger Tree (allows Hiding from entities down the line)
Interesting Quest here, being the Shard is a fun thought, been watching it for a bit, thought I'd drop in to vote, I like most of the ideas so far.

[X] West? Hi there North America! (cover)

[X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
-[] Do not directly speak with hosts.

[X] Plan Cauldron
-[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
--[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.

[X] Plan Repair Protocols
-[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
-[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.

[X] Plan Gaea
-[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
-[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.

[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

Changed my mind, I like Void Stalker's plan for Research above, its better and more detailed
[X] Plan Void Stalker

I don't like the idea of making to many changes to Valiant/Gallant, but a general upgrade to present powers with QA bonus, that sounds good.
[X] Plan Behavioral Tinker
I like this one, it stays close to her original powers, but allows for a lot of new versatility, and some serious new abilities, although there will be a lot of questions about what happened and was it Amy who did this or was a 2nd trigger of V?
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Thank you for using my votes but there is a moratorium until 9pm est and 6pm pst. It's 642 est now so Vhal won't count your votes.
We don't really have any Agents in play, yet.

Taylor's coming up, but talking to Veronica right now might make her think she's gone crazy. Much better to not directly talk to her until things have settled down.
Yeah, important observation there. If Veronica starts hearing voices after Amy did the change it's going to be credited to serious psychological harm.
Dreams might be fine, if we keep it simple
Yeah, important observation there. If Veronica starts hearing voices after Amy did the change it's going to be credited to serious psychological harm.
Dreams might be fine, if we keep it simple

Also where did Void Stalker make a research plan and how is it different from mine?
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Two questions Vhal:
We're only paying the tinker/thinker data cost of research once correct?

And how is aberrance detected? Will shards be aware when we communicate with Taylor? Are they taking a peak at our day when we contract them?

If you can't tell us the second then I suspect we can learn how to detect and hide aberrance through stranger danger, making it high priority
Yes, you only pay research costs once. However, note that some skills require an ongoing or one-time Information costs to use (example: Memetic Apocalypse).

I can't tell you the second, but I will point out that there are ways to figure this out.
Thank you for using my votes but there is a moratorium until 9pm est and 6pm pst. It's 642 est now so Vhal won't count your votes.
Ah, opps, well I'll revote in 3 hours or so then.

Also where did Void Stalker make a research plan and how is it different from mine?

Right above my post there, though perhaps it should be considered just a more detailed version of yours?
I think I'd prefer to apply to Focussed Research bonus to the Stronger Trigger tree so that we can take advantage of trigger opportunities earlier. We might also want to study the Basic Host Modification (Human) sooner rather than later, depending on what's actually wrong with Taylor. For example, if Taylor now has brain cancer, we should cure that as soon as possible.
Right above my post there, though perhaps it should be considered just a more detailed version of yours?

It was not a voting plan, instead laying out my view on how research should be done to meet the desires I have seen expressed in thread for what we want before Taylor's trigger. But for the current turn what Gino had is what I have as well (continue research and the bonus 100 to focused research)
Wouldn't faste research be better after focused? If we're paying data costs once, then with three research slots we can deadicaye one to constantly improving research and the other two advancements
I think I'd prefer to apply to Focussed Research bonus to the Stronger Trigger tree so that we can take advantage of trigger opportunities earlier. We might also want to study the Basic Host Modification (Human) sooner rather than later, depending on what's actually wrong with Taylor. For example, if Taylor now has brain cancer, we should cure that as soon as possible.
That only takes 4.8 days off and is not worth delaying improved research (which would start before the first stabilize is done). Improved research 1 finishes in 18.2 days from now and then grabbing faster research 2 allows us to get host modifications done at around the same time as the trigger stabilization. And given how research costs increase at each tier we need to keep pace with upgrading our research capability. Basically around December 5th to 7th we should have the research we want done before Taylor's trigger. Swapping focus to trigger research shaves 5 days off of the two trigger researches but delays improved research by 6 days and that would in turn push the host modifications out another 12 days.

More so when we have a lot of research that needs to be done slowing our research rate would be to our long term demerit (Mimetic Filter, Stranger Danger, Psionic/Magic/Dimension trees). We will need those to do well in the long run.

Wouldn't faste research be better after focused? If we're paying data costs once, then with three research slots we can deadicaye one to constantly improving research and the other two advancements
Improved research increases the speed to Faster Research 2 (shaves off 1 day) and improves the speed of research the stabilization techs by 4.2 and host modifications by about 1 day. That is why I do put faster research 2 after improved research 1 as improved and focused research 2 are likely to have a good jump on research costs. Timing wise though we get slot 2 and 3 finishing at nearly the same time this way and is the quickest we get to all the research we want for the trigger event to be done without sacrificing future research.
Vhal can we do approval voting for our favorite powers? Where I basically mark down 1 2 3 in the order i prefer them?

Below I selected my three favorite plans and numbered them 1 2 3 favorite to least favorite

[] Legend Lite, Rainbow Brite 1
-[] Mover 80 Rating 4 flight, rainbow trail
-[] Brute 40 + Changer 40 + Breaker 40 Defensive power, energy state/force fields if possible with shifting rainbow tye-dye hue. possibly combine with Mover?
-[] Blaster 100 + Master 80 + Trump 60 Rainbow multi colored emotional blasts. Different color for different emotional/power effects. BEAM SPAM in all directions.
-[] Thinker 100 jack up emotional aura reading range and precision. increased understanding.
-[] Multitasking to everything. so he can float up in the middle of a fight, be aware of everyone around him, and go rapid fire rainbow disco ball.
[] Behavioral Tinker
-[] Tinker 120. Pretty much Tinker data (and blueprints connected to it) connected to that specialty. It's hard to even classify Tinkers, but this should grant what is needed. Armsmaster is around that PRT rating, so yeah, more then good enough.
-[] Master 60. I think this should be more then enough to make it work. Technology with this amount of Master points as subcategory should grant abilities like emotion manipulation, etc.
-[] Thinker 120. Which should be around PRT Rating 6. Strong, but not completely broken. Thinker power would focus on abilities which obviously allow to understand behavioral patterns of others well. Body language, their emotions, etc.

added trump for you Versatile Blaster guy.
[] Valiant, Magitech Knight 2
Tinker power with master/trump sub ratings and separate but complimentary thinker power.
-[] Tinker 140: Magitech themed power infused items, similar to Chromatic Quest, AN essence of Spirit, and A Propensity For Wrath. Emotionally based color effects. Examples: A sword that cuts through anything but instead of harm inflicts overwhelming nausea/vomiting. Medieval bomb/grenades that emit Glory Girl style overwhelming terror/submission. Helmet of master immunity, inset with anti-stranger lens. Cloak that provides stranger power. Relatively low maintenance because low tech, but still tinkertech so Dragon can get something from it.
--[] Master 60
--[] Trump 80
—[] Multitasking
-[] Thinker 120: Retain original thinker power. Expanded range and precision. Increased understanding of behavior, emotions, body language and psychology.
—[] Multitasking
May need to add or decrease data.
Vhal how do tinker powers work for you? Like obviously my power would let Valiant do more than described, but would you roll for what he can build or do we give him ideas?
Like crossbow bolts of confusion, boots of joy for walking on air, etc.

[] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power 3
-[] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
-[] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
-[] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.

To be clear I don't really like my 3 more than Behavior Tinker, it's just an example. i'm not sure which I would prefer.

People have been saying they don't like my proposals by they haven't offered changes they would accept. Does anyone want me to decrease the data? remove a data type? different combos of data?
Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jan 14, 2019 at 8:27 PM, finished with 205 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Manton Decree
    -[X] Trump 50: The host's body is immune to direct shard based effects that are not allowed by the host (Ballistic can shoot him with degree, but he can't shoot the host into degree with his power). The host can designate which parahumans that are able to affect the hosts (Mostly here to negate being knocked out and then being incapable of being healed).
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan Void Stalker
    [X] Plan Behavioral Tinker
    [X] From Zero to Hero: Peak Humanity
    -[X] Trump 60 (I take 3 as absolute best humanity may possibly reach, but I think 40 would work as well): With this template hosts body slowly improves with each action commited by a host and maximize potential income of energy, proteins, etc. to make it as efficient as possible. Host simply doesn't waste anything with this template and reaches absolute peak of potential improvement standard human is capable of, both physically and mentally. Host with this template improves faster then it should be possible, but nothing on superhuman level and potential maximum which is possible by normal human standards would be considered 'genius level'.
    [X] West? Hi there North America! (cover)
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It should probably be a vote option under a heading for Veronica for the upcoming chapter.

You could also vote to wait and leave her power alone for now, but you'd lose the excuse of the transformation.

EDIT: Gino, Grandmage, you can vote for whatever you can think of to do. All I'm trying to say is that if you want this power modification to happen "as a result of what Amy did", you need to do it this turn.
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You could also vote to wait and leave her power alone for now, but you'd lose the excuse of the transformation.

Could we vote to change her power but restrict it so she can't use it until later?
Then we could up her powers, but not have her display them until we've decided it's worth it.

Granted, that plan only works if it adds on to her originals, not an entirely new powerset.
Could we vote to change her power but restrict it so she can't use it until later?
Then we could up her powers, but not have her display them until we've decided it's worth it.

Granted, that plan only works if it adds on to her originals, not an entirely new powerset.

When is it going to be worth it? This is as good an excuse as we're going to get.
[X] Krule

I think this is more then fine, but different vote may change my mind?

Also throwing this just in case even if concept isn't exactly original, but this is me more thinking on how I would make this certain looks like based on mechanics of this quest. It may be... ridiculous if it's more based on fanon then canon, which is pretty much limited to only sealing/resealing (which to be fair is still absurdly powerful). But this specialty is more about 'Symbolism Tinker' as this specialty may also provide 'templates' for things like Nordic Runes as well for example.

[] Symbol Tinker.
-[] Tinker 240. Even if we follow canon type of sealing (not fanon = like computer programming) it's a very, very strong ability. In this case Tinker data provide 'blueprints' like in case of more standard Tinkers, which instinctively allow potential host to understand how to apply special effects to applied symbols based on supposedly mythical or supernatural symbols of current hosts culture.
-[] Trump 100. This is pretty much subcategory. Main reason for this dat is that in the end mechanics of this power here are based on bringing and connecting special abilities/combinations by manipulating application of outside materials (paint, scrolls, etc.) to force specific dimensional reactions to get certain final results.

To be fair I could see this possibly working as pure Trump or Trump / Shaker, but it would require user to learn things from the scratch as he or she wouldn't have information to understand how this works in the first place.
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[X] Rune should go after Panacea for catgirl mods. Rune should totally turn out to be in the closet. Hijinks ensue.

[X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!

[X] Don't steal data from shards.

[X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
-[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.

[X] Plan Cauldron
-[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
--[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.

[X] Plan Repair Protocols
-[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
-[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.

[X] Plan Gaea
-[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
-[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.

If you're willing to vote for the biosuit or sense sharing but not both, please tell me and I'll make a separate plan.

[X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
-[X] Continue Current Research
-[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research

[X] Change Veronica's Power

[X] Multitasking
-[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.

[X] Legend Lite, Rainbow Brite
-[X] Mover 80 Rating 4 flight, rainbow trail
-[X] Brute 40 + Changer 40 + Breaker 40 Defensive power, energy state/force fields if possible with shifting rainbow tye-dye hue. possibly combine with Mover?
-[X] Blaster 100 + Master 80 + Trump 60 Rainbow multi colored emotional blasts. Different color for different emotional/power effects. BEAM SPAM in all directions.
-[X] Thinker 100 jack up emotional aura reading range and precision. increased understanding.
-[X] Multitasking to everything. so he can float up in the middle of a fight, be aware of everyone around him, and go rapid fire rainbow disco ball.

added trump for you Versatile Blaster guy.

[] Valiant, Magitech Knight
Tinker power with master/trump sub ratings and separate but complimentary thinker power.
-[] Tinker 120: Magitech themed power infused items, similar to Chromatic Quest, AN essence of Spirit, and A Propensity For Wrath. Emotionally based color effects. Examples: A sword that cuts through anything but instead of harm inflicts overwhelming nausea/vomiting. Medieval bomb/grenades that emit Glory Girl style overwhelming terror/submission. Helmet of master immunity, inset with anti-stranger lens. Cloak that provides stranger power. Relatively low maintenance because low tech, but still tinkertech so Dragon can get something from it.
--[] Master 60
--[] Trump 60
—[] Multitasking
-[] Thinker 100: Retain original thinker power. Expanded range and precision. Increased understanding of behavior, emotions, body language and psychology.
—[] Multitasking

May need to add or decrease data.
Vhal how do tinker powers work for you? Like obviously my power would let Valiant do more than described, but would you roll for what he can build or do we give him ideas?
Like crossbow bolts of confusion, boots of joy for walking on air, etc.

[] Valiant Scarlet
-[] Trump 200. This should grant Rating 10. Yeah, pretty high, but frankly this is really good ability. Also absurdly versatile. Pretty much this power grants an access to summon from dedicated pocket dimension armor designed to counter specific threats.
-[] Shaker 80. Pretty much additional pocket dimension for tools which aren't hosts armor.

My least favorite plan. It has nothing to do with his original power.

[] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
-[] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
-[] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
-[] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.

[] Behavioral Tinker
-[] Tinker 120. Pretty much Tinker data (and blueprints connected to it) connected to that specialty. It's hard to even classify Tinkers, but this should grant what is needed. Armsmaster is around that PRT rating, so yeah, more then good enough.
-[] Master 60. I think this should be more then enough to make it work. Technology with this amount of Master points as subcategory should grant abilities like emotion manipulation, etc.
-[] Thinker 120. Which should be around PRT Rating 6. Strong, but not completely broken. Thinker power would focus on abilities which obviously allow to understand behavioral patterns of others well. Body language, their emotions, etc.
Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jan 14, 2019 at 10:07 PM, finished with 182 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan Behavioral Tinker
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    -[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    -[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    -[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] West? Hi there North America! (cover)
    [X] Manton Decree
    -[X] Trump 50: The host's body is immune to direct shard based effects that are not allowed by the host (Ballistic can shoot him with degree, but he can't shoot the host into degree with his power). The host can designate which parahumans that are able to affect the hosts (Mostly here to negate being knocked out and then being incapable of being healed).
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] Legend Lite, Rainbow Brite
    -[X] Mover 80 Rating 4 flight, rainbow trail
    -[X] Brute 40 + Changer 40 + Breaker 40 Defensive power, energy state/force fields if possible with shifting rainbow tye-dye hue. possibly combine with Mover?
    -[X] Blaster 100 + Master 80 + Trump 60 Rainbow multi colored emotional blasts. Different color for different emotional/power effects. BEAM SPAM in all directions.
    -[X] Thinker 100 jack up emotional aura reading range and precision. increased understanding.
    -[X] Multitasking to everything. so he can float up in the middle of a fight, be aware of everyone around him, and go rapid fire rainbow disco ball.
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    -[X] Multitasking
    --[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    -[x] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    --[x] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    --[x] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    --[x] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.

Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jan 15, 2019 at 3:29 PM, finished with 243 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] When Taylor comes to, she will find herself in a car in motion. From her side, she will hear a familiar voice and familiar words. When she looks, she will find Emma talking on the phone with Taylor.
    -[X] After a bit, the car will stop. When Taylor looks for the reason, she will find that the road is blocked. Out of the alleyways come armed gangsters in green and red.
    -[X] When they get to the car, Alan tries to negotiate with them, but they are not interested. One of the gangsters open the car door at Emma's side, grabs her, and drags her outside the car. They take her phone and toss it away. Alan begs them to not hurt his daughter, but his pleas meet deaf ears once again.
    -[X] While this is happening, the gangster that took Emma says they will take one thing from her and she gets to choose if it is her mouth, nose, or an eye. As Emma hears this, she begins to struggle and lash out with all of her meagre strength. It is of limited use, but it is enough to anger the gangster.
    -[X] As the gangster is about to take their anger out on Emma, he is hit by a dark shadow and knocked clean out. The shadow is there for a moment before it moves on and takes care of the other gangsters. After the gangsters have been taken care of, Alan thanks them and calls the police.
    -[X] While he is doing that, the shadow returns to find Emma shivering while hugging herself. The shadow leans down to Emma and tells her that she is strong, that her fighting back proves that she is a survivor. The dream fades as the shadow tells Emma that they will find her later.
    [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Transform, Fusion, Mask, Clone, and Frictionless.
    --[X] Ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Ask for shard addresses.
    [X] Plan Repair Protocols
    -[X] Send to each Cauldron shard we've spoken to, where applicable, the proper protocols for communication, shard defenses, and data collection.
    -[X] Include command codes, so they always listen to us first.
    [X] Plan Gaea
    -[X] "You can inspire your host with ideas right? I had an idea that would let her expand what she can do without a second trigger. Biological armor, a symbiotic suit really. An organism she can wear over her skin, or possibly hook into her body. She can add biomass and alter it at will to fake shapeshifting. She could extend it to touch others at range, grow wings, or even escalate like Escalations host, with enough biomass. What do you think?"
    -[X] Ask to share sense data, we'll reciprocate with Valiant.
    [X] Plan Behavioral Tinker
    [X] Plan "Continue Current Research"
    -[X] Continue Current Research
    -[X] Add 100 bonus research to Focused Research
    [X] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    -[X] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    -[X] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    -[X] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] Plan "Save the Data"
    -[X] Grab all data currency from Prosthetic, Twin, and Swap.
    -[X] Have Prosthetic, Twin, and Swap stream sense to you for more data collection.
    -[X] Have Prosthetic, Twin, and Swap send you the data they collect daily.
    [X] Plan "Second Dream by Ducats- Edited for Grammar"
    -[X] Do not directly speak with hosts.
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] West? Hi there North America! (cover)
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    -[X] Multitasking
    --[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    -[x] Plan Administrated Gallantry Power
    --[x] Thinker 40+60 information. Improved precision of emotion sensing. Gains impressions of memories associated with most prominent emotions. Able to sense emotions out to 100m radius, including unseen targets. Targets affected by blasts can be tracked for up to one day after impact.
    --[x] Blaster 60+40 information. Increased finesse and speed of blasts, better ability to hit multiple targets at once. At maximum finesse, blasts are hair-thick and invisible to the naked eye beyond a barely visible flicker. Impact force imparted by a beam ranges from 1 pound to 500 pounds, distributed evenly across the impact area(note that 500 pounds applied to a hair thick blast is going to be more of a piercing rather than concussive effect) and brightness relative to amount of force imparted. Once a target has been struck once, they can be retargeted spending any conscious attention as long as they remain within the Thinker ability's primary range. Beams default to a two inch thick ray, with color based on the Host's mental association of the emotional payload with a given color.
    --[x] Master 60+40 information. Increased duration and finesse of emotional effect. Sustained hits allow for the emphasis or deemphasis of emotion-associated memories.
    [X] East? Hello and goodbye, Australia!
    [X] Don't steal data from shards.
    [X] Change Veronica's Power
    [X] Multitasking
    -[X] Apply multitasking to Valiant's power where applicable.
    [X] Legend Lite, Rainbow Brite
    -[X] Mover 80 Rating 4 flight, rainbow trail
    -[X] Brute 40 + Changer 40 + Breaker 40 Defensive power, energy state/force fields if possible with shifting rainbow tye-dye hue. possibly combine with Mover?
    -[X] Blaster 100 + Master 80 + Trump 60 Rainbow multi colored emotional blasts. Different color for different emotional/power effects. BEAM SPAM in all directions.
    -[X] Thinker 100 jack up emotional aura reading range and precision. increased understanding.
    -[X] Multitasking to everything. so he can float up in the middle of a fight, be aware of everyone around him, and go rapid fire rainbow disco ball.
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