Our Town is little more than a pack of useful idiots for the upper class to point at and scream "Look! Socialism means no individuality!' but the sooner we have them under control the sooner the easier it will be to spread the true message to the workers of the world.
Although many of our number balked at assisting the former Equalists, Vasily was adamant that they would receive support. Any who sought to build true Socialism would be assisted.
The collectivization efforts are, naturally, being met with protests from those directly affected. Vasily has elected to ignore them, considering their hoarding to be the very behavior that started the famine in the first place. There's more than enough food to go around if you'd just share, dangit!
In order to ensure future cooperation, programs have begun to transfer the many still-private farms in Stalliongrad to forms of collective ownership. No more would farmers be exploited for their labor.
War in the North! In response to Queen Chrysalis' 'request' that Olenia becomes a protectorate of hers, King Johan 'Djavulen' responded in typical bluntness, informing the Changeling attache that 'Olenia Does Not Bend' before launching the diplomat through the window of Godar Blitzen Temple. In response to this insult, Chrysalis has launched a massive invasion, and looks to win handily barring a miracle. Olenia may not bend, but it may be broken.
Although we cannot directly interfere, there is talk of taking a diplomatic stance on the issue. The vast majority are pushing for a clear and public denouncement of Changeling aggression, though Vasily himself has not taken a public stance. Certain parties, however, have suggested we announce diplomatic support for the Changelings and their actions. After all, a Hive is a form of commune, is it not?
[ ] Denounce Them!
[ ] Offer support to our 'Unorthodox Socialist Brethren'
[ ] Stay silent on the issue
Chrysalis's hive system is simply another form of aristocratic exploitation. A true Hive embodies the Socialist Ideal of Cooperative Ownership and Cooperative Responsibility.
@Yard1 Speaking out of character I find it very disturbing we are using collectivization to get a out of a famine considering how badly those policies went in the USSR.
@Yard1 Speaking out of character I find it very disturbing we are using collectivization to get a out of a famine considering how badly those policies went in the USSR.
This is another case where I'm chalking up our relative success compared to the obvious historical comparison to divergent psychology. Plus, the initial National Spirit granted by Sinister's market socialist efforts is outright better than Vasily's, and he seems to finish the job quicker.
Mind, I'm not an expert in Stalin-era Soviet policy, and I haven't played Stalliongrad in a while, so I could be misremembering things.
@Yard1 Speaking out of character I find it very disturbing we are using collectivization to get a out of a famine considering how badly those policies went in the USSR.
A large part of the disaster that was the stalinist collectivization drive was seeing peasants as ultimately hostile to socialism, and thus to be broken. It gave a pretense of giving them collective ownership, but in reality, what it did was put it all under direct purview of the state, and redistribute food supplies away from them. It basically made them into what socialism is supposed to free workers from. The collectivization was an attempt to break the perceived petit-bourgeois fifth column of the peasantry as much as it was an attempt at socialist reorganization.
People are capable of working hard for a collective, but not when the state imposes very low fixed prices and seize production if they don't sell, while giving them only the bare minimum of help and not giving them the opportunity to feed themselves first. In fact, the last one is the biggest historical complaint of agrarian transformation. Peasants are used to feeding themselves and selling surplus, not selling everything, then buying back food.
Hopefully Vasily is a bit less pigheaded than Stalin and less motivated by ideological idiocy.
Vasily apparently drafted the denouncement in a furious haze after someone mentioned the idea of supporting Chrysalis to him, and had it sent to the Foreign Office after a cursory proofreading to iron out the foul language.
Meanwhile, Celestia appears to be engaging in her own imperialistic endeavours, looking to secure 'Harmonious relations' with the remnants of the Buffalo tribes to the south. General consensus is that this is a prelude to annexation.
Olenia has been broken. After a Changeling push managed to reach the city of Sakara on the coast, effectively splitting the Deer army in two, King Johan decided to peacefully surrender. Truely, a dark day.
In other news, enough of the Palace of the Soviets has been completed that we can finally begin preparation of the statue. Modeling the 'Pony Proletarian', the initial planned size of 200 meters in height, double that of the similar statue in Manehatten, had to be reduced after somepony pointed out that, even if it didn't collapse the palace from sheer weight, the upper half of the statue would end up perpetually covered by the cloud layer.
Now that Vasily was in control, ideological squabbles would not interfere. Collectivisation would proceed in a proper, materialist fashion, governed by logic and reasoned policy as opposed to ideological idealism.
It was obvious that Chrysalis would not be satisfied with Olenia. In preparation for the coming storm, the military pressured Vasily into expanding conscription, requiring able-bodied ponies to receive at least basic military training.
Although protests have continued from the petit bourgeois and their ilk, it very quickly became apparent that the majority of ponies were eager to join in the collectivization efforts. In fact, reports indicate that many officials, upon arriving at farms scheduled for collectivization, ended up meeting with preemptively-organized collectives and angry landlords demanding restitution and punishment for the 'thieves' that had stolen their land!
As expected, Vasily took the day off. In fact, the Grand Galloping Gala has become an unofficial holiday for Stalliongrad, as ponies flock to eat and drink with friends and family while commiserating about the awful waste represented by the Equestrian Gala.
The Aquileans have thrown off the shackles of their oppressors! With general elections scheduled for the near-future, the Harmonists and Communists, previously united against the reactionaries, have split. Perhaps the second Republic will become the first Commune?
STZ has begun a new tank building project, with constant arguments breaking out over potential design focuses. They have appealed to the military directly to make a decision.
To save on space, Light Tanks gives a 30% bonus to researching the BT-7 and T-60, costing 27 pp, Medium Tanks gives a 30% bonus to researching the T-34-76 and T-34-12, costing 50 pp, and Heavy Tanks gives a 35% bonus to researching the T-35 and KV-1, also costing 50 pp. Saying 'We don't need any of these' gives no bonus, but also doesn't cost anything.
[ ] Light Tanks
[ ] Medium Tanks
[ ] Heavy Tanks
[ ] No Tanks