Hakazin Plays: Mods for Hearts of Iron 4 (Old World Blues) (ON HIATUS)

Well, I have never played HoI4 in my life, and know jack and shit about the mechanical advantages and disadvantages of the differing battle strategies. What I do know is that "Grand Battleplan" was explicitly compared to the trench warfare of WWI; that didn't do so hot. Meanwhile, just throwing Our ponies at the enemy won't earn Us any favor with said ponies, and we are trying to be benevolent, here. Finally, the Changelings themselves prefer a blitzkrieg doctrine- useful for assaults, less so for defense.
In unmodded HOI - tbh I actually last played HOI2 and its spinoffs - the doctrines are traditionally tied to the following nations:

Mobile Warfare: Germany
Superior Firepower: USA
Grand Battleplan - Assault: Britain/France (these were also separated in HOI2)
Grand Battleplan - Infiltration: Japan
Mass Assault - Deep Battle: Soviets
Mass Assault - Mass Mobilization: ComChi

(I don't remember what the specific historical models are each split in the first two, though Mobile Warfare has always had a second choice at the end between the Nazis' endgame desperation and something meant for a military that isn't getting its ass kicked.)

We're (probably) the US in this situation.

[X] Superior Firepower
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In unmodded HOI - tbh I actually last played HOI2 and its spinoffs - the doctrines are traditionally tied to the following nations:

Mobile Warfare: Germany
Superior Firepower: USA
Grand Battleplan - Assault: Britain/France (these were also separated in HOI2)
Grand Battleplan - Infiltration: Japan
Mass Assault - Deep Battle: Soviets
Mass Assault - Mass Mobilization: ComChi

(I don't remember what the specific historical models are each split in the first two, though Mobile Warfare has always had a second choice at the end between the Nazis' endgame desperation and something meant for a military that isn't getting its ass kicked.)

We're (probably) the US in this situation.

A bit of Googling reveals that Superior Firepower relies on heavy industry to keep all that dakka flowing, while keeping casualties low; something that suits both the US and the Lunar Empire. On the other hand, Mass Assault was designed to counter attacks from nations with the Mobile Warfare doctrine, IE USSR vs Nazi Germany. On the third hand, Mass Assault is also designed so that a player can switch to another tree, because it's only really good at defending/attacking against Mobile Warfare.

We want to protect Our little ponies, and have ambitions beyond fending off Chrysalis' brood. Superior Firepower remains the only choice.
[X] Superior Firepower

When in doubt, use more gun.
[X] Superior Firepower

Having the biggest guns never hurt any army.

"People With tanks are never outnumbered!" 'Red vs Blue'.
How to Man the Guns
Came up with a little something while I was out on a run. Probably got all sorts of problems, but eh.

How to Man the Guns

General Selenite shuffled her hooves. She could barely contain her shaking as her Empress looked over her proposal, as well as those of Field Marshall Speck, and her fellow generals Midnight Oil and Tempest Wind. The ponies in question were gathered around a table in one of the many rooms of the Lunar Castle, only recently renovated to support the developing government.

The generals had already made their arguments; Selenite had nearly made a fool of herself in the beginning, stuttering her way through her doctrine proposal before the young pony had reasserted herself by channeling her passion for the art of war. Now, all was silent, except for the shuffling of papers and the steady hum of Nightmare Moon's magic as their Empress levitated the various supplementary materials. None dared break this silence- they knew the alicorn would never punish somepony for something as trivial as a cough, but She remained very intimidating.

Eventually, their Empress reorganized the papers, set them down, unlit Her horn, and spoke. "Leave Us." One would be mistaken in thinking that the military leaders of the Lunar Empire would scramble over themselves in vacating the room; they knew their Goddess well, and knew She expected discipline from Her soldiers. Iron willed Speck was the first to get his hooves, followed quickly by the ruthless Midnight Oil and the cunning Tempest Wind. Selenite had to take a moment to gather herself before leaving the table. As such, she was the last pony out the door, almost closing it behind her before Nightmare Moon uttered four more words. "Not you, General Selenite."

The pony in question froze briefly, before turning around and trotting back inside, bowing before the Goddess of the Night. "Yes, your Majesty?"

Nightmare Moon stood up, towering over Selenite (and incidentally, the table). Her strange eyes bored into Her youngest general. "Your proposed doctrine of 'Superior Firepower', as you call it, intrigues Us," the Empress said. "However, so does Midnight Oil's plan of 'Mass Assault'. Tell Us, General. Why should We choose your doctrine over his?"

General Selenite was screaming on the inside. She was only able to make through the official meeting because her aide d camp had helped her write a speech beforehoof. Now, her Empress was putting her on the spot. What was a pony to do? Selenite wanted to cry, run away, beg for forgiveness, go back in time and sabotage Midnight Oil's stragetizing before he could ever present a competitor. On some level, Selenite was still the young civilian mare who had woken up two years ago to discover a city in chaos outside her apartment.

But she was more that now. She was a General of the Lunar Empire, decorated in battle. She had led her troops all across Equestria, doing everything her power to protect them- and had killed a dozen Sun worshipers for every one of her ponies that had fallen. General Selenite had discovered something within herself over the course of the Civil War; a drive to lead, a taste for battle, and a dedication to the soldiers under and the Goddess above her. She had survived the crucible. She could do this.

"Y-your Majesty-" Damn it all, more stuttering? No matter, she had to power on. "Leading the Lunar Armies down the path General Midnight Oil has charted would be waste. He- he would see us throwing good soldiers at the Changelings or the Southerners in droves, with no care for tactics. Many lives would be unnecessarily lost." Off to a good a start...

Selenite took a deep breath, lifting her gaze up to those hellish pupils. "We can do better that. We have one of the greatest- no, the greatest- scientific and industrial base on all of Equis. We could build guns that make the best of Changeling longarms look like muskets, and churn them out by the thousands!" The young officer was standing on back hooves now, her forelimbs resting on the table. A fire had been ignited her eyes, but Nightmare Moon continued to simply watch and listen, inscrutably.

"The soldiers of the Lunar Empire would be armed so well, a single pony would worth three troops from any other nation! And more than that! We could build cannons with ranges measured in leagues, with enough power to fell even the mightiest of bunkers. Imagine, when the Changelings come, that they would see a line of artillery stretching across the horizon! When the guns fired, their shells would blot out the moon, and the muzzle flash would create a dawn to rival Celestias! And should the bugs choose to fight in the shade, Your armies will strike at their weak points with all the fury of a meteor storm!"

General Selenite punctuated that last exclamation by slamming her hoof on the table. The noise seemed to bring her back into reality, and the mare's jaw quickly snapped shut as she sat down. Her Empress continued to look down upon her, until a glimmer entered those slit pupils and Nightmare Moon burst into her iconic laughter. This continued for some time, and as the booming laughs faded into chuckles, the Empress of the Night once again spoke.

"Oh, Selenite", the Goddess mused, a smile on her lips. "You could have been a poet, a painter of words. We are fortunate that you serve Us in the way you do now." The pony in question was shocked. There was a large part of her that expected to be a stain of ash on the floor by now, even as she recalled Nightmare Moon's recent avocation of mercy. Selenite barely got out a "Th-thank you, your Majesty" before said Majesty continued. "We must admit, the image is exciting. Surprised changelings, a veritable storm of bullets, a dawn to surpass Our sisters..."

The Empress of Equestria trailed off, rage and sorrow warring within Her. General Selenite was quivering. Had she missteped by mentioning Equestria's former Princess? The Empress of the Night visibly shook Herself, and turned her attention to the young mare across from her. "You needn't worry", She soothed. "We are not going to gobble you up. We reserve that for Our enemies, and small foals from Trottingham." A wry smile flashed over Nightmare Moon's muzzle, before She continued. "We shall consider your proposal intensely. You are dismissed."

Selenite composed herself, and bowed deeply, before leaving the room. The second the door was shut and the general was alone in the hall, sans the ubiquitous Night Guard, she danced a little jig. She had done it, without embarrassing herself too badly! General Selenite cantered off, a spring in her step.

When She went to bed, Nightmare Moon dreamed of wars to come, and Luna dreamed of wars past.
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Came up with a little something while I was out on a run. Probably got all sorts of problems, but eh.

How to Man the Guns

General Selenite shuffled her hooves. She could barely contain her shaking as her Empress looked over her proposal, as well as those of Field Marshall Speck, and her fellow generals Midnight Oil and Tempest Wind. The ponies in question were gathered around a table in one of the many rooms of the Lunar Castle, only recently renovated to support the developing government.

The generals had already made their arguments; Selenite had nearly made a fool of herself in the beginning, stuttering her way through her doctrine proposal before the young pony had reasserted herself by channeling her passion for the art of war. Now, all was silent, except for the shuffling of papers and the steady hum of Nightmare Moon's magic as their Empress levitated the various supplementary materials. None dared break this silence- they knew the alicorn would never punish somepony for something as trivial as a cough, but She remained very intimidating.

Eventually, their Empress reorganized the papers, set them down, unlit Her horn, and spoke. "Leave Us." One would be mistaken in thinking that the military leaders of the Lunar Empire would scramble over themselves in vacating the room; they knew their Goddess well, and knew She expected discipline from Her soldiers. Iron willed Speck was the first to get his hooves, followed quickly by the ruthless Midnight Oil and the cunning Tempest Wind. Selenite had to take a moment to gather herself before leaving the table. As such, she was the last pony out the door, almost closing it behind her before Nightmare Moon uttered four more words. "Not you, General Selenite."

The pony in question froze briefly, before turning around and trotting back inside, bowing before the Goddess of the Night. "Yes, your Majesty?"

Nightmare Moon stood up, towering over Selenite (and incidentally, the table). Her strange eyes bored into Her youngest general. "Your proposed doctrine of 'Superior Firepower', as you call it, intrigues Us," the Empress said. "However, so does Midnight Oil's plan of 'Mass Assault'. Tell Us, General. Why should We choose your doctrine over his?"

General Selenite was screaming on the inside. She was only able to make through the official meeting because her aide d camp had helped her write a speech beforehoof. Now, her Empress was putting her on the spot. What was a pony to do? Selenite wanted to cry, run away, beg for forgiveness, go back in time and sabotage Midnight Oil's stragetizing before he could ever present a competitor. On some level, Selenite was still the young civilian mare who had woken up two years ago to discover a city in chaos outside her apartment.

But she was more that now. She was a General of the Lunar Empire, decorated in battle. She had led her troops all across Equestria, doing everything her power to protect them- and had killed a dozen Sun worshipers for every one of her ponies that had fallen. General Selenite had discovered something within herself over the course of the Civil War; a drive to lead, a taste for battle, and a dedication to the soldiers under and the Goddess above her. She had survived the crucible. She could do this.

"Y-your Majesty-" Damn it all, more stuttering? No matter, she had to power on. "Leading the Lunar Armies down the path General Midnight Oil has charted would be waste. He- he would see us throwing good soldiers at the Changelings or the Southerners in droves, with no care for tactics. Many lives would be unnecessarily lost." Off to a good a start...

Selenite took a deep breath, lifting her gaze up to those hellish pupils. "We can do better that. We have one of the greatest- no, the greatest- scientific and industrial base on all of Equis. We could build guns that make the best of Changeling longarms look like muskets, and churn them out by the thousands!" The young officer was standing on back hooves now, her forelimbs resting on the table. A fire had been ignited her eyes, but Nightmare Moon continued to simply watch and listen, inscrutably.

"The soldiers of the Lunar Empire would be armed so well, a single pony would worth three troops from any other nation! And more than that! We could build cannons with ranges measured in leagues, with enough power to fell even the mightiest of bunkers. Imagine, when the Changelings come, that they would see a line of artillery stretching across the horizon! When the guns fired, their shells would blot out the moon, and the muzzle flash would create a dawn to rival Celestias! And should the bugs choose to fight in the shade, Your armies will strike at their weak points with all the fury of a meteor storm!"

General Selenite punctuated that last exclamation by slamming her hoof on the table. The noise seemed to bring her back into reality, and the mare's jaw quickly snapped shut as she sat down. Her Empress continued to look down upon her, until a glimmer entered those slit pupils and Nightmare Moon burst into her iconic laughter. This continued for some time, and as the booming laughs faded into chuckles, the Empress of the Night once again spoke.

"Oh, Selenite", the Goddess mused, a smile on her lips. "You could have been a poet, a painter of words. We are fortunate that you serve Us in the way you do now." The pony in question was shocked. There was a large part of her that expected to be a stain of ash on the floor by now, even as she recalled Nightmare Moon's recent avocation of mercy. Selenite barely got out a "Th-thank you, your Majesty" before said Majesty continued. "We must admit, the image is exciting. Surprised changelings, a veritable storm of bullets, a dawn to surpass Our sisters..."

The Empress of Equestria trailed off, rage and sorrow warring within Her. General Selenite was quivering. Had she missteped by mentioning Equestria's former Princess? The Empress of the Night visibly shook Herself, and turned her attention to the young mare across from her. "You needn't worry", She soothed. "We are not going to gobble you up. We reserve that for Our enemies, and small foals from Trottingham." A wry smile flashed over Nightmare Moon's muzzle, before She continued. "We shall consider your proposal intensely. You are dismissed."

Selenite composed herself, and bowed deeply, before leaving the room. The second the door was shut and the general was alone in the hall, sans the ubiquitous Night Guard, she danced a little jig. She had done it, without embarrassing herself too badly! General Selenite cantered off, a spring in her step.

When She went to bed, Nightmare Moon dreamed of wars to come, and Luna dreamed of wars past.

Uh. Wow. Okay, I'm threadmarking that. That's really cool!

EDIT: Seriously, thank you. I feel positively flattered by that.
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Right, that's a pretty clear majority, I should get to work on the upda-

-Well, that was quick. It's a damn good thing I made a copy of the previous version!

Also, in other news, @LurkingNorth has put together a GSRPG set in Equestria at War. Go check it out!
Lunar Empire 12
[X] Superior Firepower

Selenite's proposal had impressed Us, and she had argued well in favor of it. The young general's ideas would be adopted. Shock and Awe would be the name of the game for the New Lunar Army.

The reds in Stalliongrad have announced the formation of an international alliance, though We are unsure as to who exactly would join them. The GRS is a backwater, and there aren't any other communist states around. Are there?

It would make sense to institute a more official policy of conscription, especially with the Changelings obviously gunning for us.

And the 'Royal Guard' is a bit… Well, it's a bit of an outdated concept. Perhaps overhauling it into a new form would be wise? The Changeling forces have apparently started motorising their army, a tactic that could easily be copied.

The revolutionaries in Aquilea have won out against the Royalist forces, and have begun to argue about the form the new government shall take. Harmony, though heavily tarnished by Celestia's fall, still remains a popular form of governance. However, the communist forces are also very popular in the new Republic, and may just win out instead.

The rebuilding efforts have already begun to see dividends, and Our population has begun to work with Us. They look towards their future, knowing that it will be better than what came before, and that they will have a part in shaping it.

Even if certain irritating little bugs wish to interfere in Our Glorious Future, and need to be squished flat.

(Also, I had to restart the game here and switch out a mod, so the interface changes slightly)

We are not one to wait on Our opponents to act first. At the first sign of a Changeling advance, the NLA counterattacked, hoping to catch them off guard. It mostly worked, with the Changeling forces quickly recovering and assuming a more defensive position.

With the Changelings now at war with most of the Equestrian continent, and the rest involving itself in various ways, the war with the Changelings had reached full pace inside a month. We still outnumbered them, of course, and gains were being made into their territory.

Though… there is an interesting opportunity that the War provides. The Vanhoover Commune is an important naval and industrial base, and their forces are busy fighting a Changeling incursion into 'their' territory. Our forces stationed on their border could easily retake the city and secure it against the Changeling menace.

[ ] 'Secure' Vanhoover!
[ ] We Shall Not Betray Our Fellow Ponies.
[X] 'Secure' Vanhoover

Though it might piss off the Commies to the east. Not an argument against it. Just might want to take steps to ensure they don't take us from behind.

And, hey, at least the Changelings are an enemy that can just be outlasted thanks to that hilarious continuous war focus they have that totally fucks them over.
[X] 'Secure' Vanhoover!

They clearly need the light of the moon to laminate the darkness they have decided to consume themselves with.
[X] 'Secure' Vanhoover!

Last time I played a game as NMM I decided to put off conquer those idiots till after the war. Useless morons ended up collapsing and nearly got my damned army encircled.
[X] 'Secure' Vanhoover!

The Commune has gone on long enough. Time for Vanhoover to return to Equestria; otherwise they'll just get steamrolled by the Changelings.
[X] 'Secure' Vanhoover!

Do not ask why should we conquer this territory, ask why not?

And there is never a reason to not subjugate traitors.