Under 'pressure' from the military, the Supreme Soviet decided to prioritize funding for a new Tank-building program. Though, to be honest, many of the representatives seemed oddly enthused by the idea of bigger and better tanks. "Giddy like foals in a candy factory", in the words of one reporter.
Though, speaking of Tanks, here's our tree for the foreseeable future.
The County of Longsword has erupted into Civil War! With even the griffon-dominated military balking at the Reformisten Count's psychopathic (Read: Genocidal) policies, both they and the bands of pony partisans have erupted into an open revolt against him!
It bears mentioning that our contacts in the newly declared Socialist Republic have mentioned that one of their leaders is a bit… odd. He's popular amongst the troops with his cries of "Nasties!" and "Knock'em!", but there's still something slightly off about him…
Bah, it's probably nothing. SIX MILLION GRIFFONS!
Anyway, we'd love to send assistance, but our military is barely functional and by the time we got there the war would probably be decided.
In brighter news, the construction for the Palace of the Soviets has properly begun!
Word has reached us that the blast of sound that interrupted the Palace's construction this morning was Princess Luna's reaction to discovering the current state of the Equestrian 'military'. She has apparently decided to take unofficial control of the reform efforts herself.
Shocked silence filled the Presidium today as Vasiliy and Altidiya's regular arguments suddenly escalated. Citing his experience in managing the famine relief efforts and improving Stalliongrad's infrastructure, Vasily demanded that Altidiya step down from her position as General Secretary of the SCP and hand it over to him, and threatened a vote of no confidence if she did not. Although Altidiya would remain as General Secretary of the Stalliongrad Soviets, Vasily would become her effective equal in all regards if his request was granted. Combine with the fact that the posts' powers are intended to work with each other and not against each other, and a clear decision point has been reached. The Supreme Soviet must choose! Is the compromise accepted, or does the vote of no confidence occur?
Altidiya and Vasily are absolutely furious with each other at this point. Both will likely attempt to purge their opposite number and their supporters from the party if either of them seize control, and even accepting the compromise would leave Vasily in a dominant position in the near future. There are some worrying rumors floating around about Altidiya's health…
Note: This will affect future leadership choices. Compromise, as you can imagine, allows for the greatest variety, followed by Vasily, with Altidiya coming in last. SANDERS GANG SUPPORTS ALTIDIYA
[ ] The Supreme Soviet Supports Vasily
[ ] The Supreme Soviet Supports Compromise
[ ] The Supreme Soviet Supports Altidiya
RIGHT. Forgot to spell it out in the original post, but [X] The Supreme Soviet Supports Altidiya will lock you into the Dark Wing path. SANDERS GANG BEST GANG
This is the Dark Wing path. It does not look terrifically entertaining. SANDERS GANG BEST GANG Think very carefully before you pick it. SANDERS GANG BEST GANG
Vasily's a stubborn ass in multiple senses of the word, but he's a stubborn ass with his heart in the right place. He actually has one of the more peaceful expansionist paths for Stalliongrad, and he even has the ability to directly ally with Equestria against the Changelings. Mind, it's also more limited. He requires pretty specific circumstances to attack Nova Griffonia, and doesn't get as many wargoals overall.
Vasily's a stubborn ass in multiple senses of the word, but he's a stubborn ass with his heart in the right place. He actually has one of the more peaceful expansionist paths for Stalliongrad, and he even has the ability to directly ally with Equestria against the Changelings. Mind, it's also more limited. He requires pretty specific circumstances to attack Nova Griffonia, and doesn't get as many wargoals overall.
Not wishing to risk a vote, and seeing no other option, Altidiya gritted her teeth and accepted Vasily's demand for the position of General Secretary of the SCP. Discussions for the transfer of power would be scheduled for late July, and would likely continue as both sides used the opportunity to hash out their numerous differences.
Stupendous news! The ponies in Longsword have won their battle against Griffon tyranny! With the reactionaries and butchers driven north into Hellquill, the former partisans are free to form their own government, free from oppression. Truly a great day for socialism!
The Crystal Fair. Not much to talk about, really. Big fair, with entertainment and shopping, ended with a singalong, and generally went as every other fair does.
The meetings and discussions have begun, and begun reasonably well. Both Vasily and Altidiya are remaining civil, and their factions have mostly followed suit.
One of the items being discussed was the question of overall field command for the Soviet Army. After some debate, revolutionary veteran Fiat Coin was chosen for the position. Having been the one to seize and hold St. Petershoof during the revolutionary chaos, Fiat Coin had managed to remain relatively politically neutral, making him an ideal pick.
Vasily did not manage to come in for today's meeting in the Supreme Soviet. After an initial panic, things calmed down when Sinister Serov thought to check Vasily's apartment, where he was discovered completely drunk on apple cider and ranting to himself about the reactionary horror of Grand Galloping Gala. Upon hearing the news, Altidiya broke down laughing and promptly cancelled the day's meeting, insisting that everyone go and follow Vasily's example.
"We do not approve of the glorification of colonialism, the theft of cultural artifacts, and incompetent research practices. Go read science fiction instead." - The Stalliongrad Cultural Ministry, when asked if the new Daring Do book would be released for sale in the country.
Also, someone was clearly reading the loading screens for vanilla.
Chaos in the north! After the Nova Griffonian government refused to allocate funds to the frontier, the administration there was left vulnerable to the bandits plaguing the area, who have now taken over outright!
It is the First of October. Everything has been finalised. Vasily's faction has narrowed down their requests to Ten Conditions that must be met in full for them to continue cooperation with Altidiya's government, and presented officially to the Supreme Soviet. It is now up to her to accept them officially, and end this feud.
Which, of course, she will do, since Compromise won the vote and I don't think that shooting ourselves in the foot now will do any good.
A week or so later, Altidiya surprised many by announcing that she was retiring from politics completely due to health concerns, and moving north to Sovenok on the advice of friends. Vasily, in an uncharacteristic display, offered his sympathy and a personal acknowledgement of her accomplishments in service to the Union.
FYI, I am taking this event as written. I am aware that 'retired due to health reasons' was often Soviet code for 'purged from power but not killed', but c'mon. These are ponies. I might buy it if Vasily had taken full power without compromise, but as it is I like the idea of a peaceful transfer of power.
The Supreme Soviet has declared that elections for a new General Secretary will take place in two months time, and that any and all candidates for the position will have until then to prove themselves to the people.
Also, I'm beginning to think that Stalliongrad's localisation wasn't as good as it could be.
The Palace of the Soviets continues construction. Already the shape of the building is in place, and dominates the Stalliongrad skyline.
Sinister Serov, a former ally of Vasily, has broken from his faction and announced his own candidacy. An unorthodox politician by far, his declaration of a need for a 'New Economic Policy' of limited market elements in agriculture to combat the famine and his desire to 'streamline' the bureaucracy have led to furious accusations of 'changeling-liberalism' from his former compatriot and now opponent. However, his personal charisma and pro-revolutionary rhetoric have caused him to receive a swell of support.
Vasily, meanwhile, has responded by doubling down on his convictions. He points to his successes with the famine crisis that the issues with collectivization were ones of management and not policy, and that the benefits will show in time if the policy is continued. However, the combination of stress from his fights with Altidiya and Sinister's defection have had their effect on him, and a number of people are beginning to view Vasily as increasingly paranoid as he rails against Sinister.
If Sinister drove him to paranoia, then the announcement of Dark Wing's campaign drove Vasily to apoplectic fury. Nestor Lunin described Vasily reaction to Dark Wing's insistence that "Stalliongrad has no choice but rapprochement with Equestria" in order to solve the famine as being like a dragon watching its horde be stolen piece by piece.
The Supreme Soviet has gathered, after a vacation week to celebrate Hearth's Warming, to elect the new General Secretary. Regardless of who is chosen, it is clear that they will have an enormous effect on Stalliongrad's future policy.
[ ] Vote Vasily (The Orthodox Choice)
[ ] Vote Sinister (A Charming Fellow) Though not as charming as…
[ ] Vote Dark Wing (A Rather Harmonious Fellow…) BROUGHT TO YOU BY SANDERS GANG!