Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

I already addressed that in an earlier post: SWLiHN tries to set it up, but Malfeas' constant shifting made it impossible. Also she used it mostly for propaganda, so most demons just ignored it. So she can't wait for her Defiler to start hacking the hell out of Earth's Internet.

Also, in this quest looking at azure isn't forbidden - using it if you aren't a Cecelyne's priest is. And demons know their laws: they are found etched in stone, spread word by word, shout by those working to keep Adorjan away or you can simply ask a priest - if you don't mind a long and often boring theological lecture.
Hmm, so we could maybe set it up using satellites that could generally avoid being crushed by the constant shifting?
Hmm, so we could maybe set it up using satellites that could generally avoid being crushed by the constant shifting?
Sure. The terminals, on the other hand, are still susceptible to Malfeasan random source of destruction. You will also need to bribe a lot of people. Status Quo is serious business in Malfeas.

I will not stop you, but I honestly advise to start small.
Do you need a specific Charm for that, or "Titanic Spawn Uncountable" and/or "Titanic Heart Overweening" suffice?

Titanic Spawn Uncountable lets you create First Circles, which you can fluff as them descending from your subsouls if you are so inclined. Titanic Heart Overweening is what you want if you want to make your souls into "true" demons - ie, summonable and able to go out and do their own things. At that stage, they are mechanically equal to demons of the Second Circle (and so can be banished with Sapphire Circle Banishment, etc), even if "metaphysically" they're immature Third Circles who haven't grown enough to spawn their own souls.

That aside, I am still willing to allow the homebrew Charm "Glaring Sun's Subtlety"

I wouldn't if I were you. It's a terrible charm, and not really in-theme for Malfeas - it just exists because people want to try to get around the disadvantages of Witness to Darkness.
I came up with a heretical charm once that let you bypass the problems caused by charms like WtD or NFV, but I can't remember exactly how it worked. I think it gave you a point of temporary permanent limit per charm affected in exchange for suppressing the nasty side effects until your next episode of Torment.
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A cellular network? Cell phones could be both an import of goods and a service providing firm.
There are already artifacts for that, though they are mainly used by Unquestionables and Citizens.

Titanic Spawn Uncountable lets you create First Circles, which you can fluff as them descending from your subsouls if you are so inclined. Titanic Heart Overweening is what you want if you want to make your souls into "true" demons - ie, summonable and able to go out and do their own things. At that stage, they are mechanically equal to demons of the Second Circle (and so can be banished with Sapphire Circle Banishment, etc), even if "metaphysically" they're immature Third Circles who haven't grown enough to spawn their own souls.
Okay, thanks for the clarification.
I wouldn't if I were you. It's a terrible charm, and not really in-theme for Malfeas - it just exists because people want to try to get around the disadvantages of Witness to Darkness.
That's why I hope my players just choose WtD and purchase other Charms from Malfeas.
Did we ask the author if Lloyd is our Defiler- now obsessed with making the best Knightmare Frame warstrider hybrid?

Is either Rakshata or Lloyd. We already saw that Lancelot is made of Jade, so Lloyd certainly knows magic at least. But he could be a Dragon-blooded too.
Might be useful as a component for something better using Exalted artifice (Because the original prototype of the current greatest weapon of modern warfare probably has mystical resonance)

This is a good idea, something to look up later. After all Lloyd wanted it in canon, didn't he? It would be nice if he still wanted it here, even if for completely different reasons.

Hmm, so we could maybe set it up using satellites that could generally avoid being crushed by the constant shifting?

I seriously doubt we can find stable orbits to put the satellites in Malfeas.

Link please? I'm interested too.

Ascensions and Transgressions - the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht
Kerisgame hacks

That's why I hope my players just choose WtD and purchase other Charms from Malfeas.

There are better things to expend XP into that in removing the flaws of WtD anyway.
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Believe me, even Ninth Generation doesn't hold a candle to some of the shit some of the most powerful Warstrider can do. Sure they have different advantages and weakness, but personally I bet on the War/Hellstrider.

This of course will be solved by merging the two technologies.

Someone mentioned Earthscorpion's GoD "Witness to Darkness". I believe it's this:
The bold part is what is different from canon WtD. Do remember that an internal penalty remove dices from the dice pool before rolling, differently from an external penalty which removes successes after the dice pool is rolled. Most side-effects from Charms like WtD can be mitigated with Stunts, Excellencies, Willpower or more simply carefully choosing your words. Sure at, for example, Essence 5 the internal penalty is -5, but by that point you can afford to be honest to most people because they lack an high enough MDV to resist you even with the penalty, while with those who could resist it's just easier to be a crafty bastard all the time. But I am willing to use Earthscorpion's version in this quest.

That aside, I am still willing to allow the homebrew Charm "Glaring Sun's Subtlety", if you are okay with losing the potential benefits from both from higher Essence ratings and staying with a simple, fixed benefit for a general cost of 18 Xp, because your aim are the Charms with WtD at prerequisite.

That aside, there are consequences. Infernals are about transhumanism: most time is subtle, like Cecelyne's Transcendent Desert Creature or Kimbery's Spiteful Sea Tincture, but the changes are there.

In the case of Lelouch, it's the eyes. I allowed Dual Gaze Paradox because the advantage from What Is and What Should Never Be is simply a pool of extra stunt dices that cannot, in any case, bring a stunt rating above 3. Even if there is no Stunt, 3 is still the limit. You still have to deal with people becoming obsessed with you.

That aside, if, hypothetically, you purchase both "Witness to Darkness", "Glaring Sun's Subtlety" and "Dual Gaze Paradox", expect Lelouch's sclera to become pitch black, with the pupil being a kaleidoscope of impossible colors surrounded by a ring of burning green. All the time. You will either need to wear a mask, sunglasses or contacts made from Cecelyne's sand to hide that.

I think the Earthscorpion version of WtD is better designed than the original, more in line with what it was intended to be and the Ebon Dragon's general themes.

Charisma isn't necessarily honesty, it's about how likeable you are. It helps with being honest, but you could be using your social graces on people to make them like you by lying to them - "Ah, you look lovely tonight, madam. It's nice to see you." *no, you're a fat ugly pig and I hate your guts, but I won't tell you that to your face* Lots of lying villains are like that.

Manipulation isn't necessarily deception, either. Bullying, coercion, intimidation, blackmail all fall under Manipulation. "Give me what I want or I'll break your legs." is a statement of Manipulation, and can be totally true. Manipulation is about making people do what you want through purposeful social action.

So yeah, I think I'd rather just go with that version of the Charm and take Glaring Sun's Subtlety off the table. That Charm only works under the dynamic that Charisma is honesty and Manipulation is deception, which is a false paradigm to begin with.

By the by, any permanent features for just WtD and DGP, with no GSS?


Okay, quick question: does Ligier shines upon Cecelyne? Or it's just a black sky until you reach the borders of Malfeas? I can't find out.

I've read it's just a blank black sky. Says so here anyways.
@Alexander89: Found the relevant passage in the Malfeas book. Page 113:

Those traveling through Cecelyne move through
vast shifting sands under a cloudless, starless sky. At
times, the green glow of Ligier can be seen on the horizon,
while at others, all is black. During Calibration,
where travel between Creation and Malfeas is easier
and more ordered, the dim light of the Unconquered
Sun is sometimes seen over the distant dunes.
I think the Earthscorpion version of WtD is better designed than the original, more in line with what it was intended to be and the Ebon Dragon's general themes.

Charisma isn't necessarily honesty, it's about how likeable you are. It helps with being honest, but you could be using your social graces on people to make them like you by lying to them - "Ah, you look lovely tonight, madam. It's nice to see you." *no, you're a fat ugly pig and I hate your guts, but I won't tell you that to your face* Lots of lying villains are like that.

Manipulation isn't necessarily deception, either. Bullying, coercion, intimidation, blackmail all fall under Manipulation. "Give me what I want or I'll break your legs." is a statement of Manipulation, and can be totally true. Manipulation is about making people do what you want through purposeful social action.

So yeah, I think I'd rather just go with that version of the Charm and take Glaring Sun's Subtlety off the table. That Charm only works under the dynamic that Charisma is honesty and Manipulation is deception, which is a false paradigm to begin with.
Glad to hear it. I hope others will be convinced too.

By the by, any permanent features for just WtD and DGP, with no GSS?
I saw many authors describing WtD making the eyes completely black or the like, but that's false: it's Obvious only when the Infernal suffer a Crippling effect that blinds him. Staying in direct sunlight doesn't count, and neither do staying directly at the sun. It makes one slightly uncomfortable when under direct sunlight, and only sunlight.

DGP is the same: it plays on the fact that Oramus, while normally more fascinated with things not of Creation, is still one of its Architects and so learned to split his psyche to see two different things at once, and pay equal attention to both. The downside is that said fissure is visible through the eyes and affect others, but Oramus doesn't often care for that. He also pretends sometimes to not have DGP, but that's just him playing the part of a crazy old man.

Mechanically, you can stunt WtD to have obvious effects (like your eyes turning completely black under darkness), but the portal or DGP still remains.

I've read it's just a blank black sky. Says so here anyways.
@Alexander89: Found the relevant passage in the Malfeas book. Page 113:

Those traveling through Cecelyne move through
vast shifting sands under a cloudless, starless sky. At
times, the green glow of Ligier can be seen on the horizon,
while at others, all is black. During Calibration,
where travel between Creation and Malfeas is easier
and more ordered, the dim light of the Unconquered
Sun is sometimes seen over the distant dunes.
I see. Thanks.
Alright. Earthscorpion's version of WtD is now official for this quest (see Charms Shop). "Glaring Sun's Subtlety" is not allowed, but other homebrew Malfeas's Charms are...provided they are not too ridiculous.

That aside, beside Enjou's Plan to raise things like Firearms, do any of you want to propose new Xp purchases? Abilities, Charms?
That aside, beside Enjou's Plan to raise things like Firearms, do any of you want to propose new Xp purchases? Abilities, Charms?

There are things I want done, but I wasn't planning on starting them until we head to Malfeas since Lelouch's schedule is rather packed as is. I've got learning Old Realm in the plan just because we really need it and it shouldn't take more than a couple hours of training, but my understanding is that the Charms take some dedicated training.

Didn't we already voted in a plan for that?

We didn't, but if it's not really going to be a burden on Lelouch's time I'm more than willing to vote to do all those.