Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

Reminds me, when you make a Infernal do you have to pick a patron? Cause if you don't you only have your caste Yozi as your patron and don't get a discount on another charm tree, which I don't think people would do.

So how does that work?

(Also the other question is that; that means all the infernals work for a Yozi that's not their caste patron lol)
Reminds me, when you make a Infernal do you have to pick a patron? Cause if you don't you only have your caste Yozi as your patron and don't get a discount on another charm tree, which I don't think people would do.

So how does that work?

(Also the other question is that; that means all the infernals work for a Yozi that's not their caste patron lol)

You can have your caste Yozi as your patron (the one who gives you your Urge) and then you'd just pick a favored Yozi for a second charm set.
Frankly, i prefer the interpretation where you work for 3th circles instead of Yozis more. It just makes more sense.
As I said I was gonna do, here's a brief primer on the history of Creation for those not familiar with the setting.

Essence - Everything is made from it. Period.

The Wyld - Before Creation, there was the boundless, limitless storm of chaotic Essence known as the wild. It is boundless potential, ever changing. Inhabited by the Fair Folk, who were fully down with the madness of the chaos.

The Primordials - Since what happens in boundless chaos isn't exactly clear, it's not known when, or if ever, the Primordials came to exist. Maybe they always did, as time isn't exactly something chaos cares about. Regardless, they existed, and they warred endlessly with the Fair Folk since even the most chaotic natured Primordial was ultimately more inclined towards order than the Fair Folk were.

Making Creation - The Primordials got together because they were tired of the Fair Folk and the endless sea of madness and chaos always wrecking their shit. The Wyld wasn't exactly a pleasant place to live for beings like them. So they decided to make a place of shelter where they could not have to have all their shit wrecked and they could play their Games of Divinity (a super addictive system they made to entertain themselves) and made a flat plane of existence they called Creation, filling it with all sorts of cool stuff made from all their concepts. Stuff like the Loom of Fate, races of things, etc.

The Gods - Now, the thing about Creation is that it was complicated and the the Fair Folk were of course trying to wreck it like they do with all the Primordials' shit. As such, the Primordials couldn't just go play the Games of Divinity for extended periods. As such, they came up with the idea to create a bunch powerful slave stewards to mange the place for them. These were the gods. Now, the Primordials weren't completely dumb - arrogant as fuck, but they aren't stupid. They realized the gods could be a threat to them, so they made it so the gods were under a geas to obey them and never raise a hand against them. The gods are many and varied, having lots of different jobs. A god could be in charge of a greater concept like Buearacracy, a lesser concept, a specific location, an object, even something as small as a grain of sand. (though of course is sucks to be that last one and they hope to get a promotion)

The Incarnae - Before going further, the gods in charge of all the other gods are the Incarnae.
- The Unconquered Sun - The Ebon Dragon, having the need to define himself by his opposite, created this guy. He's the greatest warrior among the gods, embodying perfection and virtue. He even declared the Ebon Dragon to be a creature of darkness as his first act, but that was cool with the Ebon Dragon because that's how he rolls. The Primordials were so impressed with this god that they made him what amounts to king of all the other gods.
- Luna - A many faced trickster god that is both male and female. A warrior almost as good as the Unconquered Sun. Kinda crazy though.
- The Maidens of Fate - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The five Maidens are in charge of running the Loom of Fate, each being in charge of certain aspects of it.
- Gaia - Actually a Primordial rather than a god. She is the spirit of Creation, and actually Creation is technically her body. The Five Elemental Dragons are her children.

Mortals, Humanity in particular - Now, the gods needed Essence to do their jobs, and they didn't get enough naturally to do it well. So the Primordials solved this problem by creating a bunch of cheap, renewable batteries that would generate Essence through prayer. Humanity was the most numerous of these. Problem solved. These ants weren't worth putting a geas on, as even the greatest among them couldn't use Essence all that well, so they were not in any way a threat.

And Everything Was Wonderful - And so with the gods working to maintain and protect Creation and the tiny mortals keeping the Gods flush with Essence, all was right with the world and the Primordials could go play with their Xbox. Occasionally they would take a break, go outside into Creation, and cavort about doing stuff. You know, wrecking other people's shit, killing a thousand mortal children to craft a monument from their bones that would produce a hauntingly beautiful sound whenever the wind blows through it, that kind of thing. Except not everyone was happy. The gods and the mortals weren't happy, because every time one of the rulers of Creation came out they would cause disasters and stuff because they didn't care all that much about the suffering of the lesser beings. However, they couldn't really do anything about it. The gods were under a geas, and the mortals were too weak even in their numbers to ever have a hope against the Primordials.

And Everything Goes Tits Up - Fortunately for them, two Primordials weren't happy with the status quo. The first was Autochthon, the Great Maker. He was rather picked on by the other Primordials, most of the stuff broken by the others was his stuff, and he also rather liked humanity because they made regular use of a number of his own creations such as dogma and faith so he didn't like seeing them be killed so callously. Being the Great Maker and embodying innovation as one of his concepts, he came up with an idea. He proposed to the gods that they could invest a measure of their power into his inventions, called Exaltations, and that these could be shoved into the souls of humans to empower them to fight the Primordials. The gods agreed to this, though not before Luna convinced Gaia to side with them, or more precisely not interfere. After all, it would be rather difficult to take over Creation when the very spirit of Creation was not amicable to the idea. Fortunately Gaia had boundless compassion for all life and agreed.

The Exalted - And so the Incarnae and the Five Elemental Dragons invested power into the Exaltations. This was not without cost, as the gods were permanently diminished for this. The Unconquered Sun for example, set for the first time ever, once he had done this. Fortunately the Primordials had their heads stuck too far up their asses to notice this.

Four types of Exalted were created:
The Solar Exalted - Empowered by the Essence of the Unconquered Sun, these were to be the leaders of the rebellion. 300 of this type of Exaltation were made. The Solars had powers that let them make themselves more and more perfect at anything they did.
The Lunar Exalted - Empowered by the Essence of Luna. Another 300 created, each one wedded to a Solar Exaltation. There would be strong emotional bond between a Solar and their respective Lunar. (not always resulting in love - could just be deep friendship, respect, ect. Even rivalry is possible, but the two are always bound together) They got shapeshifting animal powers that let them do tricky stuff, sneak around, hunt things, etc.
The Sidereals - Agents of the Maidens of Fate. 100 of these Exaltations exist, 20 for each Maiden. These guys have powers to manipulate the Loom of Fate, and freaky martial arts that let you do things like make someone fall in love with you by punching them. Also, normal mortals always forget them once they've Exalted. Think of them as plotting super kung-fu fate ninjas and you'll have a fraction of understanding of how bullshit they are.
The Terrestrials, or the Dragonblooded - The Five Elemental Dragons empowered 10,000 individuals with their Essence. 100 of these were men, the rest were women. This was deliberate. Their first order? Start fucking, get pregnant, birth as many children as you can. No, really. The Dragonblooded are the only Exalted whose power is not limited by numbers, as their power is inherited by their children. They were intended to be the soldiers for the Celestial Exalted, for though they lacked the raw power of the Celestials they made up for it with sheer numbers.

The Rebellion - The gods quietly put together their forces, training them over a long period of time and letting their power grow. Once they were ready, the Exalted were unleashed upon the unsuspecting Primordials and the war for Creation began. The Primordials of course ordered the gods to order their forces to stand down, and the gods complied, but as the gods anticipated the Exalted had no reason to obey such an order what with having free will and all. The war is long and brutal. Much of Creation is destroyed. The Primordials have weaved it into the very laws of creation that they were immortal and unkillable, but the Exalted managed to start killing them anyways. Once a number of Primordials had been killed off and it was clear the Exalted would win, the remaining Primordials surrendered in the hopes of they could get a good deal out of it.

The Creation of Hell - They didn't. The Primordials were fucked over. The Unconquered Sun made them swear a number of oaths that were nigh impossible to break, and then the Exalted worked on building a prison for them. The fetich soul (Primordials have multiple souls, and the top one is the fetich soul - killing it causes big changes in the Primordial) of the Holy Tyrant, Theon, who was king of the Primordials was killed, putting the rest of him into a temporary coma. His world body was turned inside out, sewn together, and after some additional pruning of their compontent souls (including some fetich ones) to make it so they couldn't escape they finished sewing it up. Theon was reborn as Ligier, and the Holy Tyrant was changed to became Malfeas. The surviving Primordials were broken, considering themselves lesser than they once were, and thus became the Yozis. And they have been pissed off ever since.

And So A Glorious Age of Solar Bullshit Begins - The Unconquered Sun is pleased, and the Solars are put in charge of Creation while the Incarnae decide to go play with their stolen Xbox. The Solars begin to make the world into a glorious paradise for humanity. Autocthon fled Creation for Elsewhere because the Solars made him castrate some of his other creations in order to ensure the rule of humanity, and he was afraid he might share the fate of the other Primordials one day. But aside from that, things were great, and nothing could possibly go wrong...

And Then Things Go Tits Up Again - Well, the thing about killing Primordials in creation is that their dead souls had to go somewhere, and since they were in creation rather than the chaos of the Wyld that would normally just tear them to pieces they went to the soul recycling system that had been set up. However, since the Primordials didn't think they could be killed they kind of neglected to make the system robust enough to handle souls as big as theirs, so the dead Primordials were kind of stuck... dead, and in constant agony. The Underworld was born for this, and these dead Primordials became the Neverborn, being who only want all life to end and to drag everything in existence into Oblivion so they can die properly. Also, with their dying breaths they had placed a curse on the Exalted, with the Solars being affected the most. So they started suffering bouts of madness (Limit Break) that got more and more pronounced each time they happened. Those were dark days.

The Sidereals figured they needed to do something. Ultimately they had three choices - try to convince the Solars to stay sane (very low chance of success), fail at that (long age of terrible darkness and misery), or overthrow the Solars at the cost of diminishing Creation. They decided on option three.

The Rebellion, Take Two - So the Sidereals got all the Dragonblooded to fight their Solar god-kings. While the Solars were super powerful, and thousands of Dragonblooded died fighting each of them, ultimately numbers won out as the Solars ran out of motes. Of the 300 Solar Exaltations, all but fifteen of them were captured and put into a prison so they couldn't just find new humans to Exalt and start the problems all over again. The Lunars fled into the Wyld, and the Dragonblooded inherited Creation.

And Creation is Diminished - Well, since the Solars were dead and the Unconquered Sun was too addicted to his Xbox to notice what was happening, various forces took advantage of the sudden absence of powerful defenders in Creation. The Neverborn managed to get 13 ghosts of the dead Solars to agree to work for them, making them the Death Lords. They started a plague that killed off 90% of the population of Creation. The Fair Folk then attacked, and destroyed 90% of creation in turn. Finally one of the Dragonblooded managed to get her shit together, activate a defense system that had been made to fight the Fair Folk, and saved what was left of Creation. She became the Scarlet Empress, and ruled over the Dragonblooded.

And Then Everything Was Great, Right? - Fuck no. The Dragonblooded were made to be soldiers, not rulers. They sucked at it, but they still tried. The Realm they made was corrupt in various ways, but it was still better than living under the Primordials or the insane Solars, so oh well. The Solars, Lunars, and pretty much any Exalted who weren't the Dragonblooded were declared to be anathema, the worship of the Unconquered Sun was banned, and any Solars who were found were killed - since there were only fifteen at any given time, this was doable. The Sidereals try to manage things from the shadows, but could only do so much. The Lunars were plotting to try to fix things so humans didn't need the Exalted, but good luck with that given the Fair Folk and the corrupt local gods whose bosses are too busy playing with their Xbox.

The Yozis Have An Idea - So, after some time has passed and memory of the glories of the Solars has faded the Yozis get an idea. Malfeas, Cecelyne, She Who Lives In Her Name, Adjoran, and the Ebon Dragon make a scheme to get their hands on the Solar Exaltations locked in the Jade Prison to make their own Exalted with them and use those to bust out of prison. However, they can't do it alone. So they ask the Neverborn to collaborate with them, saying they should get 50 of the Exaltations siezed thinking that's going to be the majority. Turns out that of the 285 Exaltations trapped in the Jade Prison, the Neverborn manage to capture 150 when they bust out. So the Yozis get 50, the Neverborn get 100. These are all of coruse relieved of the Great Curse as the new users have other ideas.

What the Neverborn Did - They decide to create the Abyssal Exalted. These are just as powerful as Solars are, but are themed around death. Given that to get one you have to die and accept the offer of immortality the Neverborn offer you to get one, and accept their goal of KILL EVERYTHING. Give up on a normal life, because you're on a tight leash regarding that, but as long as you're killing things the Neverborn are happy enough. These guys are Blessed With Suck, but fortunately for them they can potentially redeem their Exaltations and become Solars who aren't afflicted with the Great Curse if they try hard enough.

What the Yozis Did - They discuss and decide on the Green Sun Princes. Ideally, they'd like the GSPs to have no free will, much like akuma (other Exalts who give up their free will to serve the Yozis), but for the same reason the gods let their Exalts have free will they had to do the same - they wanted their Exalted to be able to refuse an order to stand down from the Reclamation. Malfeas wanted to just control them by screaming at them and beating the shit out of them until they obeyed, but the Ebon Dragon convinced him this was a bad idea given that he embodies the concept of betrayal. They ultimately decided to use a carrot and stick approach, giving the GSPs townhouses in hell, drugs, and demon hookers galore, but then inflicting Torment on them when they weren't doing their jobs enough. This might be fine, except for the fact that eventually the Green Sun Princes are actually slowly becoming neo-Primordials who can grow powerful enough to slap the taste out of their masters' mouths, take their leash, and go off and do whatever the fuck they want. These guys can't become Solars again, but they don't really need to because they are Cursed With Awesome.

The Reclamation - The basic idea is for the GSPs to take actions that would turn Creation into an extension of Hell, thereby letting the Yozis enter it since there is nothing stopping them from being inside their own prison. Once this is done, they'll kill and/or torture the gods and inflict misery on humanity for their role in the rebellion. The GSPs will be rewarded with continued townhouses, drugs, and demon hookers. While not impossible, this is ultimately likely to fail as it's a very complex task that is very anti-human in nature with humans being the primary agents to carry it out. More likely the GSPs will decide they'd rather be Green Sun Kings and go off and do their own thing.

And that's where the Exalted setting starts off. The Scarlet Empress has disappeared and the Realm is in decline, the Solars are coming back in a big way, and the Neverborn and Yozis have their own plots going. How we went from that to Creation becoming the world of Code Geass is something I don't know, and will be revealed in time as the quest continues no doubt.
Frankly, i prefer the interpretation where you work for 3th circles instead of Yozis more. It just makes more sense.

The Yozi overall would determine your Urge, but you don't need direct interaction for that - your head demon will let you know your new orders. When you need to talk with the Yozi directly, doing it through a 3rd Circle Demon would be the easiest way to do it.
shit I forgot to vote!

[X] Plan Be Thorough
[X] XP Expenditure Plan - Basic Combat Proficiency

Whew, almost missed that xp participation point :D
[X] Plan Be Thorough
[X] XP Expenditure Plan - Basic Combat Proficiency

Hmm, Interesting on the lore Enjou. Not super familiar with Exalted, but I've always liked the setting. I really want to see some bullshit Sidereal martial arts now.
As I said I was gonna do, here's a brief primer on the history of Creation for those not familiar with the setting.

Essence - Everything is made from it. Period.

The Wyld - Before Creation, there was the boundless, limitless storm of chaotic Essence known as the wild. It is boundless potential, ever changing. Inhabited by the Fair Folk, who were fully down with the madness of the chaos.

The Primordials - Since what happens in boundless chaos isn't exactly clear, it's not known when, or if ever, the Primordials came to exist. Maybe they always did, as time isn't exactly something chaos cares about. Regardless, they existed, and they warred endlessly with the Fair Folk since even the most chaotic natured Primordial was ultimately more inclined towards order than the Fair Folk were.

Making Creation - The Primordials got together because they were tired of the Fair Folk and the endless sea of madness and chaos always wrecking their shit. The Wyld wasn't exactly a pleasant place to live for beings like them. So they decided to make a place of shelter where they could not have to have all their shit wrecked and they could play their Games of Divinity (a super addictive system they made to entertain themselves) and made a flat plane of existence they called Creation, filling it with all sorts of cool stuff made from all their concepts. Stuff like the Loom of Fate, races of things, etc.

The Gods - Now, the thing about Creation is that it was complicated and the the Fair Folk were of course trying to wreck it like they do with all the Primordials' shit. As such, the Primordials couldn't just go play the Games of Divinity for extended periods. As such, they came up with the idea to create a bunch powerful slave stewards to mange the place for them. These were the gods. Now, the Primordials weren't completely dumb - arrogant as fuck, but they aren't stupid. They realized the gods could be a threat to them, so they made it so the gods were under a geas to obey them and never raise a hand against them. The gods are many and varied, having lots of different jobs. A god could be in charge of a greater concept like Buearacracy, a lesser concept, a specific location, an object, even something as small as a grain of sand. (though of course is sucks to be that last one and they hope to get a promotion)

The Incarnae - Before going further, the gods in charge of all the other gods are the Incarnae.
- The Unconquered Sun - The Ebon Dragon, having the need to define himself by his opposite, created this guy. He's the greatest warrior among the gods, embodying perfection and virtue. He even declared the Ebon Dragon to be a creature of darkness as his first act, but that was cool with the Ebon Dragon because that's how he rolls. The Primordials were so impressed with this god that they made him what amounts to king of all the other gods.
- Luna - A many faced trickster god that is both male and female. A warrior almost as good as the Unconquered Sun. Kinda crazy though.
- The Maidens of Fate - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The five Maidens are in charge of running the Loom of Fate, each being in charge of certain aspects of it.
- Gaia - Actually a Primordial rather than a god. She is the spirit of Creation, and actually Creation is technically her body. The Five Elemental Dragons are her children.

Mortals, Humanity in particular - Now, the gods needed Essence to do their jobs, and they didn't get enough naturally to do it well. So the Primordials solved this problem by creating a bunch of cheap, renewable batteries that would generate Essence through prayer. Humanity was the most numerous of these. Problem solved. These ants weren't worth putting a geas on, as even the greatest among them couldn't use Essence all that well, so they were not in any way a threat.

And Everything Was Wonderful - And so with the gods working to maintain and protect Creation and the tiny mortals keeping the Gods flush with Essence, all was right with the world and the Primordials could go play with their Xbox. Occasionally they would take a break, go outside into Creation, and cavort about doing stuff. You know, wrecking other people's shit, killing a thousand mortal children to craft a monument from their bones that would produce a hauntingly beautiful sound whenever the wind blows through it, that kind of thing. Except not everyone was happy. The gods and the mortals weren't happy, because every time one of the rulers of Creation came out they would cause disasters and stuff because they didn't care all that much about the suffering of the lesser beings. However, they couldn't really do anything about it. The gods were under a geas, and the mortals were too weak even in their numbers to ever have a hope against the Primordials.

And Everything Goes Tits Up - Fortunately for them, two Primordials weren't happy with the status quo. The first was Autochthon, the Great Maker. He was rather picked on by the other Primordials, most of the stuff broken by the others was his stuff, and he also rather liked humanity because they made regular use of a number of his own creations such as dogma and faith so he didn't like seeing them be killed so callously. Being the Great Maker and embodying innovation as one of his concepts, he came up with an idea. He proposed to the gods that they could invest a measure of their power into his inventions, called Exaltations, and that these could be shoved into the souls of humans to empower them to fight the Primordials. The gods agreed to this, though not before Luna convinced Gaia to side with them, or more precisely not interfere. After all, it would be rather difficult to take over Creation when the very spirit of Creation was not amicable to the idea. Fortunately Gaia had boundless compassion for all life and agreed.

The Exalted - And so the Incarnae and the Five Elemental Dragons invested power into the Exaltations. This was not without cost, as the gods were permanently diminished for this. The Unconquered Sun for example, set for the first time ever, once he had done this. Fortunately the Primordials had their heads stuck too far up their asses to notice this.

Four types of Exalted were created:
The Solar Exalted - Empowered by the Essence of the Unconquered Sun, these were to be the leaders of the rebellion. 300 of this type of Exaltation were made. The Solars had powers that let them make themselves more and more perfect at anything they did.
The Lunar Exalted - Empowered by the Essence of Luna. Another 300 created, each one wedded to a Solar Exaltation. There would be strong emotional bond between a Solar and their respective Lunar. (not always resulting in love - could just be deep friendship, respect, ect. Even rivalry is possible, but the two are always bound together) They got shapeshifting animal powers that let them do tricky stuff, sneak around, hunt things, etc.
The Sidereals - Agents of the Maidens of Fate. 100 of these Exaltations exist, 20 for each Maiden. These guys have powers to manipulate the Loom of Fate, and freaky martial arts that let you do things like make someone fall in love with you by punching them. Also, normal mortals always forget them once they've Exalted. Think of them as plotting super kung-fu fate ninjas and you'll have a fraction of understanding of how bullshit they are.
The Terrestrials, or the Dragonblooded - The Five Elemental Dragons empowered 10,000 individuals with their Essence. 100 of these were men, the rest were women. This was deliberate. Their first order? Start fucking, get pregnant, birth as many children as you can. No, really. The Dragonblooded are the only Exalted whose power is not limited by numbers, as their power is inherited by their children. They were intended to be the soldiers for the Celestial Exalted, for though they lacked the raw power of the Celestials they made up for it with sheer numbers.

The Rebellion - The gods quietly put together their forces, training them over a long period of time and letting their power grow. Once they were ready, the Exalted were unleashed upon the unsuspecting Primordials and the war for Creation began. The Primordials of course ordered the gods to order their forces to stand down, and the gods complied, but as the gods anticipated the Exalted had no reason to obey such an order what with having free will and all. The war is long and brutal. Much of Creation is destroyed. The Primordials have weaved it into the very laws of creation that they were immortal and unkillable, but the Exalted managed to start killing them anyways. Once a number of Primordials had been killed off and it was clear the Exalted would win, the remaining Primordials surrendered in the hopes of they could get a good deal out of it.

The Creation of Hell - They didn't. The Primordials were fucked over. The Unconquered Sun made them swear a number of oaths that were nigh impossible to break, and then the Exalted worked on building a prison for them. The fetich soul (Primordials have multiple souls, and the top one is the fetich soul - killing it causes big changes in the Primordial) of the Holy Tyrant, Theon, who was king of the Primordials was killed, putting the rest of him into a temporary coma. His world body was turned inside out, sewn together, and after some additional pruning of their compontent souls (including some fetich ones) to make it so they couldn't escape they finished sewing it up. Theon was reborn as Ligier, and the Holy Tyrant was changed to became Malfeas. The surviving Primordials were broken, considering themselves lesser than they once were, and thus became the Yozis. And they have been pissed off ever since.

And So A Glorious Age of Solar Bullshit Begins - The Unconquered Sun is pleased, and the Solars are put in charge of Creation while the Incarnae decide to go play with their stolen Xbox. The Solars begin to make the world into a glorious paradise for humanity. Autocthon fled Creation for Elsewhere because the Solars made him castrate some of his other creations in order to ensure the rule of humanity, and he was afraid he might share the fate of the other Primordials one day. But aside from that, things were great, and nothing could possibly go wrong...

And Then Things Go Tits Up Again - Well, the thing about killing Primordials in creation is that their dead souls had to go somewhere, and since they were in creation rather than the chaos of the Wyld that would normally just tear them to pieces they went to the soul recycling system that had been set up. However, since the Primordials didn't think they could be killed they kind of neglected to make the system robust enough to handle souls as big as theirs, so the dead Primordials were kind of stuck... dead, and in constant agony. The Underworld was born for this, and these dead Primordials became the Neverborn, being who only want all life to end and to drag everything in existence into Oblivion so they can die properly. Also, with their dying breaths they had placed a curse on the Exalted, with the Solars being affected the most. So they started suffering bouts of madness (Limit Break) that got more and more pronounced each time they happened. Those were dark days.

The Sidereals figured they needed to do something. Ultimately they had three choices - try to convince the Solars to stay sane (very low chance of success), fail at that (long age of terrible darkness and misery), or overthrow the Solars at the cost of diminishing Creation. They decided on option three.

The Rebellion, Take Two - So the Sidereals got all the Dragonblooded to fight their Solar god-kings. While the Solars were super powerful, and thousands of Dragonblooded died fighting each of them, ultimately numbers won out as the Solars ran out of motes. Of the 300 Solar Exaltations, all but fifteen of them were captured and put into a prison so they couldn't just find new humans to Exalt and start the problems all over again. The Lunars fled into the Wyld, and the Dragonblooded inherited Creation.

And Creation is Diminished - Well, since the Solars were dead and the Unconquered Sun was too addicted to his Xbox to notice what was happening, various forces took advantage of the sudden absence of powerful defenders in Creation. The Neverborn managed to get 13 ghosts of the dead Solars to agree to work for them, making them the Death Lords. They started a plague that killed off 90% of the population of Creation. The Fair Folk then attacked, and destroyed 90% of creation in turn. Finally one of the Dragonblooded managed to get her shit together, activate a defense system that had been made to fight the Fair Folk, and saved what was left of Creation. She became the Scarlet Empress, and ruled over the Dragonblooded.

And Then Everything Was Great, Right? - Fuck no. The Dragonblooded were made to be soldiers, not rulers. They sucked at it, but they still tried. The Realm they made was corrupt in various ways, but it was still better than living under the Primordials or the insane Solars, so oh well. The Solars, Lunars, and pretty much any Exalted who weren't the Dragonblooded were declared to be anathema, the worship of the Unconquered Sun was banned, and any Solars who were found were killed - since there were only fifteen at any given time, this was doable. The Sidereals try to manage things from the shadows, but could only do so much. The Lunars were plotting to try to fix things so humans didn't need the Exalted, but good luck with that given the Fair Folk and the corrupt local gods whose bosses are too busy playing with their Xbox.

The Yozis Have An Idea - So, after some time has passed and memory of the glories of the Solars has faded the Yozis get an idea. Malfeas, Cecelyne, She Who Lives In Her Name, Adjoran, and the Ebon Dragon make a scheme to get their hands on the Solar Exaltations locked in the Jade Prison to make their own Exalted with them and use those to bust out of prison. However, they can't do it alone. So they ask the Neverborn to collaborate with them, saying they should get 50 of the Exaltations siezed thinking that's going to be the majority. Turns out that of the 285 Exaltations trapped in the Jade Prison, the Neverborn manage to capture 150 when they bust out. So the Yozis get 50, the Neverborn get 100. These are all of coruse relieved of the Great Curse as the new users have other ideas.

What the Neverborn Did - They decide to create the Abyssal Exalted. These are just as powerful as Solars are, but are themed around death. Given that to get one you have to die and accept the offer of immortality the Neverborn offer you to get one, and accept their goal of KILL EVERYTHING. Give up on a normal life, because you're on a tight leash regarding that, but as long as you're killing things the Neverborn are happy enough. These guys are Blessed With Suck, but fortunately for them they can potentially redeem their Exaltations and become Solars who aren't afflicted with the Great Curse if they try hard enough.

What the Yozis Did - They discuss and decide on the Green Sun Princes. Ideally, they'd like the GSPs to have no free will, much like akuma (other Exalts who give up their free will to serve the Yozis), but for the same reason the gods let their Exalts have free will they had to do the same - they wanted their Exalted to be able to refuse an order to stand down from the Reclamation. Malfeas wanted to just control them by screaming at them and beating the shit out of them until they obeyed, but the Ebon Dragon convinced him this was a bad idea given that he embodies the concept of betrayal. They ultimately decided to use a carrot and stick approach, giving the GSPs townhouses in hell, drugs, and demon hookers galore, but then inflicting Torment on them when they weren't doing their jobs enough. This might be fine, except for the fact that eventually the Green Sun Princes are actually slowly becoming neo-Primordials who can grow powerful enough to slap the taste out of their masters' mouths, take their leash, and go off and do whatever the fuck they want. These guys can't become Solars again, but they don't really need to because they are Cursed With Awesome.

The Reclamation - The basic idea is for the GSPs to take actions that would turn Creation into an extension of Hell, thereby letting the Yozis enter it since there is nothing stopping them from being inside their own prison. Once this is done, they'll kill and/or torture the gods and inflict misery on humanity for their role in the rebellion. The GSPs will be rewarded with continued townhouses, drugs, and demon hookers. While not impossible, this is ultimately likely to fail as it's a very complex task that is very anti-human in nature with humans being the primary agents to carry it out. More likely the GSPs will decide they'd rather be Green Sun Kings and go off and do their own thing.

And that's where the Exalted setting starts off. The Scarlet Empress has disappeared and the Realm is in decline, the Solars are coming back in a big way, and the Neverborn and Yozis have their own plots going. How we went from that to Creation becoming the world of Code Geass is something I don't know, and will be revealed in time as the quest continues no doubt.
If you feel that summary is too dry, here's the summary from 1d4chan:

Here's a history of the setting of Exalted, which may answer a bunch of questions and put things into perspective all at once.
Once upon a time, in the formless twisting chaos of the Wyld, there appeared the Primordials. The Primordials are impossibly vast alien beings with multiple souls. Imagine if Cthulhu was the size of Asia and you could meet and hold conversations with his major organs, which had separate identities, and you kinda get the idea.
"The formless chaos that spawned us sucks," said the Primordials. "Let's build someplace cool to live, rather than hang out here!"
And so they did. They made Creation, and nailed it down with the Elemental Poles of Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Heart Wood.
"This place isn't going to maintain itself," said the Primordials. "Let's make a bunch of servants to run the place for us! We'll give them intelligence, free will, and hopes and dreams, and then keep them as slaves for eternity! It'll be great!" And so they made the gods. Some gods, such as the Unconquered Sun, Luna, and the Maidens, were built to be exceedingly cool and do lots; others were built to do stuff like make sure individual shrubs grew properly.
"Huzzah!" said the Primordials. "We have people to do the dirty work of running the place for us! Let's spend half our time playing the impossibly awesome Games of Divinity, and the other half screwing with the lives of our lessers!" And so they did.
"This sucks," said the gods, after moving the Elemental Pole of Fire back into place for 700th time after one of the Primordials went on a drinking binge and knocked it loose, causing untold thousands of deaths and nearly causing Creation to fall back into the Wyld. "We should kill those assholes and take their stuff."
"Ha ha!" said the Primordials. "You can't kill us! When we built you, we programmed you so you could never attack us! Suck it!"
Making of the Exalted

So the Unconquered Sun, who is the God of Awesome, came up with a plan. "Let's take those little mortal humans down there and give them incredible power. Then we can have them kill the Primordials, and then we can get at their Games of Divinity and play them ourselves!" So they developed Exaltations, which are sort of like an additional component to the human soul that lets you do magic and super kung fu. Then they picked out the coolest people in Creation and instilled these Essence Shards in them.
"Are you planning on using those Exalted mortals to kill my asshole brothers and sister and take their stuff?" asked Autochthon, who was just about the only Primordial on the side of the gods, because most of the time it was his stuff that the other Primordials were breaking when they ran amok. Plus they made fun of him all the time.
"Um... no," said the gods.
"Gee, that's too bad. I was gonna hook them up with ultimate weapons of Primordial-slaying destruction, but since you're not rebelling and all..."
"Oh, in that case, yes. Yes, we are."
Meanwhile, Luna, goddess of the moon, managed to sweet-talk her Primordial hippy sugar mama Gaia into not fighting during the rebellion. "I'll do that thing with my tongue," Luna promised.
"We have granted you the power to be totally awesome!" said the gods to their Exalted. "Now, go kill those Primordial assholes!"
"Aww, isn't that cute," said the Primordials. "Those little humans think they can OH SHIT THEY'RE STABBING ME OW OW OW!" Half of them died.
"Don't kill us!" said the other half.
"Now you have to be our slaves for forever, ha ha ha!" said the gods, and then sewed them all up inside the butt of the head Primordial, Malfeas. (Malfeas got turned inside-out and sewn into his own butt.)
"You guys suck," said the dead Primordials to the Exalted. "We hereby curse you so that you'll all turn into assholes someday!"
"Whatever," said the Exalted.
"Well, now that that's over," said the Unconquered Sun, who had since declared himself King of All Cosmos, "Let's go play the Games of Divinity all day! You folks we Exalted, you guys can run the world. Make sure none of our lamer siblings start acting stupid. Make sure I get plenty of prayers coming my way. Other than that, have fun!"
"Hey, I feel kinda guilty for helping kill my brothers and sisters and enslaving the rest," said Autochthon. "I'm going to leave Creation to go brood for a few thousand years."
"Have fun!" said the gods.
So the Exalted – particularly the Solars – ran the world. Having been cool to begin with and then granted badassitude by the God of Awesome, they proceeded to do all sorts of cool stuff, like build magical cities out of glass, make mountains float, and breed dinosaurs who pissed heroin. YES, SERIOUSLY. THIS IS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS IN EXALTED.
The Usurpation and the Immaculate Order

Eventually, though, the Solars got bored and jaded and full of themselves. "We killed the Primordials and made all this cool stuff. Everything we do must therefore be right. Let's run amok!" And so they did.
"This sucks," said the Sidereals, whose job it is to make sure that the Loom of Fate, which is sort of the engine that runs Creation, doesn't crash. "At the rate they're going, they're gonna wreck Creation. Let's kill them and take their stuff!"
"Hey, we need your help," the bronze faction Sidereals (lead by Chejop Kejak) said to the Dragon-Blooded, who were the least powerful but most numerous of the Exalted, who acted as lieutenants and aides and local governors and such. Secretaries, too. "Your asshole Solar bosses are gonna wreck the world. Can you help us kill them?"
"Figures they'd end up doing something like that. Sure, we'll help," said the Dragon-Blooded.
"Come to our big dinner banquet!" said the Dragon-Blooded to the Solars. Then, when the Solars arrived, the bronze faction Sidreals blew the place up, and trapped the Solar's Essence Shards in a magic cage so that no more Solars could be created.
"Yay it worked! Now we'll erase all evidence of our existence and run the world from behind the scenes, while the Dragon-Blooded can do the dirty work!" said the Sidereals, proving themselves to be the only people in the setting with basic pattern recognition.
Meanwhile, the ghosts of the dead Primordials caught 13 of the dead Solar's ghosts on the way down into the Underworld. "Work for us," they said, "and we'll give you incredible power, like what you had when you were alive!"
"What's the catch?" asked the ex-Solar ghosts.
"Well, you have to be our slaves and try to make everything, everywhere, die forever."
"Deal! Let's get cracking!" And so were the Deathlords were created, super-powerful ghosts who want the world to die.
Back in Creation, the Dragon-Blooded had a conundrum.
"Hey, what the hell, guys?" The people said. "Those Solar and Lunar guys were fucking awesome! Why the hell did you kill them?"
"Um..." The Dragon-Blooded said as they came up with a solution. Eventually, one of them said, "...Because they were DEMONS possessing mortals! Yeah, that's the trick!" And so the Immaculate Order was invented, a religion that almost everyone in the Realm follows, which paints all Celestial Exalted as evil "Anathema", demons that possess awesome people and turn them into cunning evil monsters. Wyld Hunts (think modern special forces with magitech in a mostly standard fantasy setting) are sent out to kill Celestials and keep the status quo all status quo-y.
The Great Contagion and the Balorian Crusade

So while the Dragon-Blooded were doing a fairly good (although not nearly as impressive as the Solars) job of running Creation, the Deathlords were building a doomsday plague.
"Taste the bitter poison mixed from the ashes of our hopes and the tears of betrayal in the dark pit of our tortured souls!" said the Deathlords, presumably while wearing too much eyeliner, and unleashed their doomsday plague into Creation.
"This sucks," said 90% of the living beings in the world, and died. Including plants.
"Hey," said the Deathlords to the Fair Folk, who lived in the Wyld outside of Creation and didn't like the idea of a place that didn't just change according to their thoughts. "Just about everyone in there's dead now. If you went in, ate the souls of the survivors, and tore the place down, no one could stop you!"
"Thanks for the heads up!" said the Fair Folk, and promptly invaded in force.
"This is bad," said one of the surviving Dragon-Blooded to her friends. "Fortunately, I just remembered that there's a sealed-off control center for an ultimate magical doomsday weapon that the Solars made for defending Creation against exactly this sort of thing. Let's go on an epic world-saving quest to get in there!"
And so they went. On the way, they came across a shitton of Lunars fighting the Fair Folk.
"Oh shit, Anathema! Let's fight!" One said. The Lunars rolled their eyes and kept fighting.
Another one said to them, "Hey, if you cover us, we can stop this whole thing, and then we'll pretend we never met you and keep feeding Creation the cock-and-bull-story about you being demons!"
"Deal." The Lunars said. And they bought the Dragon-Blooded time to get to the Imperial Manse.
Most of them died trying to get past the defenses, but eventually, two Dragon-Blooded finally made it to the control panel.
"Please insert soul to activate this device," said the control panel.
"What does that mean?" asked one, and then the other shoved her into the soul-extraction device.
And so this unnamed Dragon-Blooded, through an act of supreme badassness, gained access to Creation's greatest magical weapons systems and used them to blow up the Fair Folk.
"I hereby declare myself the Scarlet Empress and ruler of the world," she said.
"Nuh uh!" said some, until she blew them up. This brought lots more people over to her side, and thus was born the Realm, which is the major power in the world today.
Still, some said, "You were just a lieutenant who got lucky and stumbled across some doomsday weapons. We still have some doomsday weapons of our own, and we'll fight back!" The Scarlet Empress wanted to blow them up too, but a lot of her weapons didn't reach and she was kind of afraid of a Mutually Assured Destruction scenario, so, despite the occasional invasion attempt, they remained independent.
And so things went for over 750 years, until fairly recently, when the Scarlet Empress just up and disappeared. Having named no successor, the entire Realm is now leaderless and gearing up for civil war to see who's gonna be the next one of the Scarlet Throne. Right now, they've got this spineless bureaucrat warming the seat, but this guy is a total pussy who's basically being manipulated by whichever member of the shogunate is feeling power-hungry today. If you've seen Scrubs, imagine Ted with twenty-something Kelsos to suck up to.
Meanwhile, the Yozi known as the Ebon Dragon discovered where the Sidereals has stashed their cage full of Solar shards. They told the Neverborn -the ghosts of their brothers and sister who said Solars killed- tantalizing them with the idea of the power of the tools that destroyed them. "Hey, we can twist those and use them to create our own invincible deathknights!" The Deathlords pointed out. "We'll tell you where it is, just give us a third of what you find!" the Yozi promised, planning to reap the benefits if the plan succeeded and covering their asses if it didn't. "Deal, let's go get that cage!" Unfortunately for them (and fortunately for everyone else), half the Essence Shards got loose. Now, once again, there are Solar Exalted.
And that's where the game begins.
Return of Scarlet Empress

And this is how the game can possibly end.
"Oh man! This sucks," said the Scarlet Empress. "When I die whoever takes over is going screw everything I worked for what am I going to do?" She then found out about that if she wrote The-Broken-Wing-Crane (which pretty much the Necronomicon) she'd be immortal. "Aight I finished the Necronomicon! Now I'm immortal!"
"Sucker!" Said the Yozi known as the Ebon Dragon, as he dragged the Scarlet Empress off to Hell. There he brainwashed her with tentacles as his slave. He then said to the other Yozi "I've got a plan to get us out of here, any of you in?"
"Damn skippy!" said Malfeas.
"Affirmative," said She Who Lives In Her Name.
"Whatever," said Cecelyne.
"It's not like its got anything better to do,"said Adorjan.
The Ebon Dragon told his plan to his conspirators which amounts to: 'take the Akuma and Green Sun Princes to the four corners of Creation and fuck shit up!' Meanwhile Realm has a civil war, at least until the Scarlet Empress came back "I'm back and here to stay, Mhahahahahahahahahaha!" said the Scarlet Empress.
"Hmm, something's not right" said Chejop Kejak. So he called all the Sidereals together to try and assassinate her. It doesn't work and Chejop dies. Then back in Heaven Akuma, Green Sun Princes, and their Abyssal allies kill the Unconquered Sun (also possibly Luna and the five maidens.) Back in Hell the Ebon Dragon marries the Scarlet Empress breaking him out of Hell. "So long suckers!" he said betraying the Yozi.
"What a dick!" said the Yozis still in Hell and then proceeded to commit demon genocide.
Back on Creation the Apocalypse and Ragnarok are happening at the same time the Exalted gather a mighty armies to fight the forces of the Ebon Dragon in a mighty battle, And the Scarlet Empress dies of an incurable condition called a Daiklave to the chest. The Ebon Dragon is defeated, the day is saved, and everyone lives happily ever after. Except for the part where the Ebon Dragon is now in hiding unless, you killed him in that case he's now a Neverborn. Speaking of the Underworld there are a lot more ghosts in there for the Deathlords and Neverborn to take advantage of. Also more of Creation possibly was taken by the Wyld via the Fair Folk. and the fact the world is a much bigger mess and in more disarray then it was before. So Huzzah?
[X] Plan Be Thorough
[X] XP Expenditure Plan - Basic Combat Proficiency

Wow. That's an interesting history lesson.

And each of the Primordials got their own personal torment in Hell, right? Like Oramus being, as far as I can tell, completely immobile?

Also, apparently everyone in Creation is a jerk and/or insane. I'm tempted to actually try to release one or two of the Primordials in addition to just going off and doing our own stuff, just to see what would happen.
I've been thinking about Oramus attack charms. Instead of the normal thing about making attacks more awesome in certain conditions, he should have a charm that lets a social attack act as a physical damage, and another charm that lets a physical attack deal effects that a social attack would.
@Alexander89 , I really like the sound of this. Is it possible?

[X] Plan Be Thorough
[X] XP Expenditure Plan - Basic Combat Proficiency
Social attacks take... 10 ticks I think it is on a physical combat timer, compared to a physical attack only taking one. I don't really know the rules that well though so someone else should probably chip in (looking at you Enjou.)

I thought you couldn't even do social attacks or moves while in combat once join battle is rolled? You have to disengage or something first.
And each of the Primordials got their own personal torment in Hell, right? Like Oramus being, as far as I can tell, completely immobile?

Not exactly - just being beaten and 'made less' than they were is torment to the Yozis, but that's incidental. The purpose of Hell isn't to torture the Yozis, but rather just to contain them. Make no mistake though, most of them are suffering to some degree or another.

Also, apparently everyone in Creation is a jerk and/or insane. I'm tempted to actually try to release one or two of the Primordials in addition to just going off and doing our own stuff, just to see what would happen.

Lelouch isn't exactly a nice person himself, even if he does want to make a more gentle world at the end of the day.

It's important to realize that Creation has no objective good or evil. Aside from maybe the Ebon Dragon being the latter, because he's the only sapient being known to have absolutely no dots in any Virtues, but even he "just is" because his concepts aren't necessarily bad things in and of themselves.

Even the Unconquered Sun, with ten dots in every single Virtue, is not objectively good in all situations - is it 'right' for those who are forced to subsist on nothing but the locusts from Locust Mana Plague to be declared creatures of darkness and thus be unloved by him and considered enemies of Creation? That hardly seems fair, especially if you're a nicer Green Sun Prince who just wanted to save some starving people. Sure, you might convince him to rescind it and declare them to be not so, but for the time being they're vulnerable to any number of things they wouldn't otherwise be just because of how he'd view them just because they happened to do what it took to survive.

Very true, like Code Geass no one is absolutely good or evil. So mortality wise the two franchises fit well together.

Also the issue with the primordials' were...they were too large. They just couldn't get their smaller creations.

Creation was made their toy chest so they saw no issue with playing, breaking and then fixing it.
So, one thing we need to think about because she'll show up soon enough, likely tomorrow - how do we deal with Kallen?

Even in canon Lelouch was able to recognize her, and we've had even more chance to do so since we heard her name over the radio. In canon Lelouch uses Geass and trickery to convince her he's not Zero after he learns that his Geass only works on a person once, and when she eventually does it's quite a shock to her and she abandons him at a critical moment. While things most certainly won't go down the same way as in canon since we've already changed what happens with Clovis, do we want to be deceptive with her?

Considering that...

1. We have a charm that fascinates people, so making her more interested in Lelouch than in canon is bound to happen. Fascination by itself is really a neutral Intimacy, but it's bound to make any positive or negative Intimacies she gains towards Lelouch more pronounced, so any big shocker moments regarding Zero being Lelouch could similarly be affected.

2. She is going to be a member of the Student Council (Milly's grandfather requests it due to her 'frail constitution' preventing her from joining other clubs) so she's going to be around a lot anyways. We're likely to have enough trouble working around Lelouch's inevitably enlarged group of stalker fangirls that is going to come about due to his being more attractive and fascinating than in canon.

3. The Shinjuku incident went better overall. Zero really saved the day. Not only did Britannia suffer terrible losses, but her group got five Sutherlands. Also, Zero personally stuck out his neck for her in order to let her withdraw from fighting the Lancelot, heavily damaging it and allowing her group to help a lot of innocent people escape. I'd say she owes Zero more than in canon, so probably already be more positively predisposed towards him. (especially since she's got a name already, and he's not just a voice over the radio)

4. Lelouch has different options to deal with her than in canon, such as an oath to keep his secrets or if it came to it assassin demon spiders, so the risks are different.

...might it be better to deal with her more honestly and either come out as Zero or at least an agent of Zero? I wouldn't say that we're a Britannian prince, but at least being honest to a degree might work better for us in the long run.
Hell, he can already do that. Words that twist like daggers can cause depresion. Add enough dice and a good stunt and you can lead someone to suicide, Johan style.

(Is not easy, mind)