Green Sun, Black Shadows (CG/Exalted)

Ok, I've added buying a dot of Britannia (War) to max that out as well. Britannia is going to have an interesting time next time we fight, what with us having both Lelouch and Kallen as top tier pilots and Lelouch having even more dots in War.
Plus support from more Exalts, not to mention Lelouch has more tricks he can pull to utterly fuck the enemy up in a social setting.
Ok, I've added buying a dot of Britannia (War) to max that out as well. Britannia is going to have an interesting time next time we fight, what with us having both Lelouch and Kallen as top tier pilots and Lelouch having even more dots in War.
If we have enough xp, could we instead get Titanic Spawn Uncountable? It's almost as good as summon demon of the first circle, and we'll have to get it anyway in order to summon our souls.
If we have enough xp, could we instead get Titanic Spawn Uncountable? It's almost as good as summon demon of the first circle, and we'll have to get it anyway in order to summon our souls.

We don't, and we won't be able to summon our souls until we're Essence 4 so there isn't any rush to start creating our own demons even if they'd be useful.
We don't, and we won't be able to summon our souls until we're Essence 4 so there isn't any rush to start creating our own demons even if they'd be useful.
Just swap out Hardened Devil-Body. Create Demon is much more useful than a little bit of extra survivability, especially given that we're going to be spending all our battles in Knightmare Frames anyways.
Ok, I've added buying a dot of Britannia (War) to max that out as well. Britannia is going to have an interesting time next time we fight, what with us having both Lelouch and Kallen as top tier pilots and Lelouch having even more dots in War.
Looks good, so I will now finally vote for it. I'm also switching back to your basic write-in, as I haven't managed come up with any brilliant solutions to that potential information leak problem. We will just have to be extra careful in the future.

[X] XP Expenditure Plan "Congrats, its twins!"
[X] Suzaku is alive! Be happy but keep up your public mask.
-[X] "Suzaku..." You resist the urge to stare in shock. It takes a great deal of your will to keep up your carefully crafted mask. Your Essence Sight doesn't show him to be someone else magically disguised, so you're pretty damn sure it's him. You don't know how he survived, but you can catch up with him later, but for now you can't reveal anything that might link him to your secret past. "Well, I have to say I'm surprised, Suzaku. I would never have expected to see you here, but it's good to see you again." You say, smiling honestly. You turn to Rivalz. "Rivalz, have you met Suzaku? He helped me out after that idiot driver in the truck accident drove off with me inside."
-[X] Later when you're assured of privacy (the last thing you want is to give your fanclub ideas) give him a hug, let him know you're glad he's alive. The two of you have some catching up to do, and you're sure Nunnally would love to see him again.
Ok, I've added buying a dot of Britannia (War) to max that out as well. Britannia is going to have an interesting time next time we fight, what with us having both Lelouch and Kallen as top tier pilots and Lelouch having even more dots in War.

Plus support from more Exalts, not to mention Lelouch has more tricks he can pull to utterly fuck the enemy up in a social setting.

There won't be a Black Rebellion.

There will be a BLACK REVOLUTION!
That is in no way a guarantee.

Also do remember that creating new demon species costs XP.
The first one is free, and we are unlikely to get in a fight in which we:
1. Don't have a Knightmare Frame on hand
2. Can't just perfect defense while running
3. Will take enough damage to get into Hardened Devil-body, but not die from the wound.

And for the first demon species, we could easily create a demon that possesses vehicles and turns them against their masters, or create something to eat Brittanians and replace them in battle, or more assassins, or living armor for our soldiers (and for ourselves as well, maybe something like a Stomach Bottle Bug that grants extra health levels), or a gremblin that gets into Brittanian systems and causes malfunctions. And we can make another every single night. Remember how useful the Fangs are? Imagine adding another every night! And getting all of those amazingly useful things that I mentioned only costs 5 xp! Even one of those demon species will help us more regularly through the story than Hardened Devil-Body.

The only reason it's not better than sorcery is that Sorcerous Enlightenment+Demon of the First Circle costs 17 xp, and allows you to buy additional spells, and summon unlimited numbers of demons.
I'm assuming in this case that we're doing the smart thing and doing nothing but run, in which case Perfect Defenses are expensive, but are better than taking a hit because taking a hit provides cumulative penalties.
Anyway, if we're full out running away with our back toward the aggressor, Bloodless Murk Evasion might not even work. We need to be able to perceive the attack to activate the charm.
1. Don't have a Knightmare Frame on hand
2. Can't just perfect defense while running
3. Will take enough damage to get into Hardened Devil-body, but not die from the wound.

1. We do not have a Knightmare Frame on hand the majority of the time we're acting as Lelouch, and at least part of the time when acting as Zero. If a Wyld Hunt is looking for us or we're up against an Abyssal that we've run into, then we can't be certain to have a Knightmare on hand.

2. If the opponent can run faster (which is likely if we've entered into combat with an Exalt, as they'll be physically specced) then PD's aren't a solution. They'll just catch up, in which case use of a PD to help us run is just delaying the inevitable. And if we're out of motes, we can't rely on our PD.

3. The Exalted can close their wounds so they stop bleeding as a Reflexive (Stamina + Resistance) action every tick, or every five seconds outside of combat. We can also treat the wounds with our Medicine skill, which we have a dot on, which is an auto-success for an Exalt I believe. (not sure if this works with the reflexive wound closing or not, but still) In addition, the extra health levels are there to keep us from dying from wounds that would normally kill us as it makes it harder to put us into a dying state.

Also, we can at current just ask our cult to summon anything we need from Malfeas, or Rakshata could summon something.
I'm assuming in this case that we're doing the smart thing and doing nothing but run, in which case Perfect Defenses are expensive, but are better than taking a hit because taking a hit provides cumulative penalties.
You're assuming we can get away; a combat focused Exalt could chew through our mote pool by forcing Perfects and keep up with us quite easily. In that situation extra health levels could mean the difference between dying and surviving long enough for help to arrive. Not to mention that they're useful for charms that need health levels to activate, or if we get ambushed or something.
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Personally I dislike the idea of devas being intimacies. I believe that they are aspects of the larger emotion rather than a specific instance of it. For example, Ipthimiya(sp?) is Malfeas' capacity for love, not his love towards a particular person. Intimacies are also fairly simple to break, which results in either the death of the deva or its complete restructuring, unless you make the intimacy permanent so long as it exists.
Ipithymia, the Street of Gold Lanterns. She isn't Malfeas' love, she is his lust. Amalion, the Manse of Echoes Ascending, may be called his love: which is, appropriately, directed towards buildings.

Anyway, I think I can safely say I finished Oramus Charmset. It may be improved or whatnot, but seriously I just want it to be of inspiration for anyone who want to play an Oramus-themed Infernal.
[X] XP Expenditure Plan "Congrats, its twins!"
-[x] Swap Hardened Devil-Body for Titanic Spawn Uncountable
[X] Suzaku is alive! Be happy but keep up your public mask.
-[X] "Suzaku..." You resist the urge to stare in shock. It takes a great deal of your will to keep up your carefully crafted mask. Your Essence Sight doesn't show him to be someone else magically disguised, so you're pretty damn sure it's him. You don't know how he survived, but you can catch up with him later, but for now you can't reveal anything that might link him to your secret past. "Well, I have to say I'm surprised, Suzaku. I would never have expected to see you here, but it's good to see you again." You say, smiling honestly. You turn to Rivalz. "Rivalz, have you met Suzaku? He helped me out after that idiot driver in the truck accident drove off with me inside."
-[X] Later when you're assured of privacy (the last thing you want is to give your fanclub ideas) give him a hug, let him know you're glad he's alive. The two of you have some catching up to do, and you're sure Nunnally would love to see him again.
Personally I dislike the idea of devas being intimacies. I believe that they are aspects of the larger emotion rather than a specific instance of it. For example, Ipthimiya(sp?) is Malfeas' capacity for love, not his love towards a particular person.

Well, note that the Yozi have loads of souls (Around 15-20 each) so there is space to have souls for all your important principles and relations.

And in the case of Lelouch, even though he won't spawn enough souls to cover all his personality in the Quest time-frame, i think some of his Souls shouls cover relations. Even if it's only one for Nunally, that one is an aspect too central of him to not have a soul dedicated to it.

Intimacies are also fairly simple to break

Er, not really. Not unless you follow the rules to the point of stupidity.
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Doesn't always work. There are physical attacks or abilities that can break intimacies and AoE effects that don't directly attack but do make it easy to lose/gain intimacies, for example.

Please post an example, then.

And remember that we are talking about something: "Fairly simple" to do.

Also, look at this:

Mocking Murmurs Retort can defend against any form of mental or social influence as a perfect parry so long as that influence is not unexpected, even stopping unblockable attacks and those operating outside the timeframe of social combat.
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I think that's the Solar Circle spell Total Annihilation. Which probably also has an equivalent as a very high Essence Malfeas charm.
No, it wasn't that, because I remember that it referenced the name specifically not being "one of the seven impossible names of Oramus". Or it might have been secret names, I'm not sure. And it exploded into some kind of Wyld effect.

Argh. It's so annoying when there's something that you can almost remember, but not quite.
Please post an example, then.

And remember that we are talking about something: "Fairly simple" to do.
From Infernals (because I have the book already open):

Endless Torment Emanation (E3): Creates a field that means you only need 1 scene to break positive intimacies or gain negative whilst you're within it, that lasts a week. It's upgrade lets you target an entire organisation with the effect and lasts a month.
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No, it wasn't that, because I remember that it referenced the name specifically not being "one of the seven impossible names of Oramus". Or it might have been secret names, I'm not sure. And it exploded into some kind of Wyld effect.

Argh. It's so annoying when there's something that you can almost remember, but not quite.
I think you mean this one: Narrative Shredding Bolt.

For those worried about linking Intimacies to demons, the solution is easy: like in The Path of a Thousand Whispers, make so that the Intimacy cannot be removed unless the demon dies. Since, you know, the Intimacy is now its own person.
And about what you can do...well, I am also going to update Milly and Kaguya's Sheet: increasing Essence for Milly, adding new Charms for both...those things. Suggestions would be appreciated.
I imagine that upon finding out about her Szoreny charmset, Lelouch would have politely requested Kaguya learn how to heal people of their crippling injuries.
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