Nah, thats just for the scrubs who aren't the one and only Chosen of Oramus. Instead, Lelouch can have his normal Rebel Leader and Chessmaster persona who has "only" elite KF -fighting skills, but when needed, use Becoming the Mask, and rip his face off to show the burned and scarred flesh underneath:
And become this guy:
And thats when fighting without any of the Charms counted in!
True, we would need probably a bit more points in both Attributes and Abilities to not to have to downgrade skills outside "being a combat monster" that are still useful for his Zero -persona. But Craft, Bureaucracy, Larceny and some others maybe? Those have most of the time nothing to do being one of the most charismatic killing machine to walk on Creation. Besides, it would fit for a need if its absolutely necessary for him to unmask himself (we can probably Stunt the Charm to work at the same time when taking off the Zero-mask), but we don't want anybody to know Lelouch's real (or one of his most used and familiar) identity. And we could probably then proceed to kick the ass of the person who just forced us to unmask.
Also, we were actually disguised with a face like that when we met with Ohgi, Kallen and others:
Preparations: You will have the Anuhles scout out a suitable abandoned building for a meeting with the terrorists in one of the ghettos accessible by the monorail. You'll also get a prepaid phone that you can call as a means to contact the terrorists. As part of a backup plan, you'll go to the meeting place early and use your Peripheral Essence to create a disguise above your actual costume - the costume will be identical to your actual Zero costume, but underneath the mask the individual will be a man whose face is scarred and burned such that his race and former identity couldn't be recognized. You'll do this well enough in advance that you'll have stopped glowing by the time the terrorists arrive. (should be an hour)
Though the Yozis are beyond awareness of most damage, let alone threatened by it, their servants can only manage to embody a fraction of this durability. This Charm may be purchased a maximum number of times equal to the lesser of (Stamina or Resistance). Each purchase gives the Infernal three additional -2 health levels and one extra -4 level.
Extra health levels. Yay!
Cost: 1hl; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
Pain puts life in perspective, pushing aside all other distractions. This is the simplest truth Malfeas has learned from his imprisonment within himself. Use of this Charm allows an Infernal to ignore all negative effects associated with bashing damage she has suffered. Such injuries do not cause wound penalties or slow her down in any way. If reduced to Incapacitated by bashing wounds, she does not fall unconscious, but remains fully aware as further bashing trauma converts to lethal. Aggravated and lethal injuries penalize characters protected by this Charm normally. When this Charm ends, all suspended penalties resume immediately.
The Demon City is his own architect and does not abide the designs of other artists marring the blueprints of his will. Whenever the Infernal would be altered by a Shaping effect that qualifies as an attack (see Exalted, p. 179), that effect becomes Obvious to his senses so he can make an informed decision before permitting or rejecting the change. Resistance perfectly negates the changes at the cost of gaining one point of Limit from the strain of asserting inviolability. Infernals with Essence 3+ may also use this Charm to stop Shaping effects from altering any owned inanimate object within three yards, though each change to each separate object requires another point of Limit to stop.
Let's us know of shaping effects about to take place on us. Can spend Limit to block. Can also use it to protect our stuff.
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One season
Prerequisite Charms: By Pain Reforged
When compared with the corrosive, cosmic power of Malfeas, most diseases bore Infernal Exalted. Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal becomes infected with a variant of Final Viridescence (see the "Green Sun Wasting" sidebar, p. 110) that resists all treatment, magical or otherwise. The character automatically fails all checks to mitigate or end the malady's effects. However, once the disease fully runs its course and "kills" the Infernal, his fever breaks, and his disfigured flesh sloughs off to reveal pristine healthy tissue underneath. Not only does the character make a full and immediate recovery, he also becomes immune to all Sickness effects for one season.
The breaking of a character's fever does not heal any actual injuries or aid the character apart from reversing the effects of his illness and granting lasting immunity.
This disease, sometimes called Scalp-Shed Tonsure, is a supernatural infection without a natural vector. Only Malfeas Charms may impose this deliberate and wholly unnecessary form of suffering on the world. See Exalted, page 151, for basic rules on infections. Green Sun Wasting follows these rules except as stated.
Virulence: As listed for the Charm causing the infection. Most causes of Green Sun Wasting are perfectly virulent in that the victim receives no roll to avoid infection and must overcome it through treatment or his own immune system.
Morbidity/Treated Morbidity: These both begin at the Essence rating of the malady's source rather than 1 like mundane infections, but continue to increase each day normally.
Symptoms and Duration: The first stages of infection appear like extreme sunburn, itchy but hardly unbearable. Within an hour, hot sores appear around the wound, and the victim's hair begins to fall out in small clumps. The sores rapidly worsen into cancerous boils and pulsating sarcomas that reduce the victim's effective Appearance by one dot per day until cured (as far as to Appearance 0). As the infection progresses, organs necrotize and liquefy as a bloody slurry defecated along with actual wastes. This illness is among the most painful and grotesque ways a person can die. Natural animals will not attempt to scavenge the remains of any being killed by Green Sun Wasting, though demons descended from Malfeas find such meat delectable.
Treatment: Green Sun Wasting is often a death sentence for those without access to magical healing. The rare medicines needed for treatment regimens increase the Resource cost to four dots per treatment and five for the difficulty to gather the ingredients with Survival.
Special: This sickness can infect spirits and Fair Folk as if they were Exalted. All victims accrue a penalty of -1 per hour from growing discomfort, to a maximum of -4. Once mortals actually begin to die, they are at -8 instead. A far deadlier version of Green Sun Wasting also exists called Final Viridescence. This malady affects Exalted and other supernatural beings as if they were mortals. Unlike its lesser counterpart, Final Viridescence can't be treated with mortal medicine alone, though sufficiently tough Exalted may still throw off the infection through their own supernatural constitutions.
We get super cancer. Then, when that's driven us to the point of death, we become immune to sickness for a season.
...If I were an Infernal, I would not see myself using this charm unless I really had to.
Malfeas does not quietly accept his tortured inversion, but builds up calloused layers and folds them in a vain attempt to seal his wounds and inoculate against future injury. Such efforts cannot achieve their goal, but incidentally toughen the Demon City further. The first purchase of this Charm raises the character's natural lethal soak to her Stamina rating (rather than half) and gives her bashing Hardness equal to her Stamina.
The second purchase of Scar-Writ Saga Shield requires Essence 3+ and adds the character's Essence rating to her natural bashing and lethal soak. Her Hardness remains unaffected. An Infernal needs Essence 4+ to buy this Charm a third time, at which point her natural bashing and lethal Hardness increase to match her natural soak. Additionally, attackers with a permanent Essence at least four dots less than the Infernal can no longer inflict minimum damage to her with their attacks if they fail to penetrate her soak.
Gives us Soak and Hardness in proportion to our Stamina.
A fine patina of blue-green tarnish rapidly spreads like mold over the character's body, flaking away to reveal a more durable layer of shining brass etched with maddening patterns and Old Realm characters that tell the stories Malfeas and foretell the punishments he would inflict upon his enemies. Players of observers literate in Old Realm receive a three-die bonus on all Occult rolls to know such facts while they can see the Infernal. These characters glow pale green, impairing their bearer's stealth as per a four- to seven-mote anima banner display.
Viridian Legend Exoskeleton is not studied for its luminous history lessons, however. The exoskeleton of living brass provides powerful armor with the following statistics: Soak +10L/+10B, with no mobility or fatigue penalty. This organic alloy has Hardness equal to its soak against attacks made without help of a Charm or artifact weapon. By default, this Charm is incompatible with other armor.
Infernals with Essence 4+ may purchase this Charm a second time, allowing the exoskeleton to grow around and reinforce existing armor. This hybrid armor can't be removed while the Charm is active and has the combined soak of the two armors, the best Hardness values between the armors, no fatigue or movement penalties and all other powers either armor possessed (such as Hardness equaling soak against nonmagical attacks). This purchase also increases the Charm's duration to Indefinite.
Armour with no penalties. Incompatible with other armour without an E4 repurchase, at which point they combine. +10L/+10B.
Having been humbled once, Malfeas is not keen to repeat the experience. This Charm enhances any attempt to parry an incoming attack, allowing the Infernal to ignore all penalties that apply to her Parry DV (regardless of which Ability or weapon she uses to block). If the Exalt has By Pain Reforged active, she also adds the greatest wound penalty she should suffer as a bonus to her Parry DV and can block lethal or ranged attacks with an unarmed parry.
Infernals may purchase this Charm a second time, in which case, each use of Pathetic Distraction Rebuke cumulatively reduces the cost to do so again by one mote until the Exalt's next action. For example, the cost to defend against a flurry with four attacks would be six motes (3m + 2m + 1m + 0m).
The foolish and the mad sometimes beat their fists against the impregnable walls of the Demon City as though they might crack anything but their own hands. The meaningless rhythms of their blows soothe the Yozi's raging heart to laughter. Invulnerable Wounding Futility momentarily hardens the Infernal's body into a passive weapon upon which attackers crash and break.
This attack destroys nonmagical projectiles but is far more effective against close-combat attacks, where the rebounding force of the blow can actually inflict injuries. The attacker suffers raw bashing damage equal to (the Infernal's soak against the incoming attack - the raw damage of the incoming attack). This value can't be lower than the Infernal's Essence rating or the raw damage of the original attack, whichever is less. This counterattack may be soaked normally but is considered an undodgeable and unblockable attack for the purposes of valid defenses.
Invulnerable Wounding Futility only retaliates against attacks and does not lessen their damage, and it can't respond to an attack the Infernal completely dodged. Completely parried attacks determine their raw damage for the purposes of this Charm using the weapon's base damage without any attack successes.
Destroys nonmagical projectiles against us, close combat attackers hurt themselves on our awesomeness (damage based on Soak).
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Invulnerable Wounding Futility
In his torment, Malfeas sheds constant layers in a vain effort to expand past his oaths. The wholesale destruction of a single layer and its inhabitants to push out unwanted injury is as inconsequential as the natural shedding of dead skin. By use of this Charm, an Infernal confidently steps into the path of an attack and chooses for it to hit him full on. The deliberateness of his interposed self perfectly parries the attack regardless of whether it is normally blockable. This Charm can also defend against any environmental hazards (including falling), though it must be activated at each interval at which the hazard inflicts damage. This Charm is a form of parry, not a soak, so the attack doesn't count as having hit when it uselessly impacts the Infernal's body with a spray of sparks and brass shavings. This Charm suffers the Imperfection of the Demon City.
The Demon City is only invulnerable within itself, so Malfeas constantly seeks to crush the other Yozis with his layers. Being of equal infinitude, such ambitions avail nothing. Because of this, however, all active perfect defenses granted by Malfeas Charms only function in an area that has been deliberately developed for habitation or use. The level of development is irrelevant; the most primitive mud hut village or farmstead is just as viable a battleground as the plazas of Nexus or the palaces of Yu-Shan. Infernals can intuitively sense when they cross the border between protected and unsafe territory (or vice versa).
Cheap parry-type Perfect Defense. Only works in places 'deliberately developed for habitation or use'.
...I'm gonna call this the 'Malfean Hikkikomori Defense'.
The Infernal exists at the cusp between sleeping and waking, unable to shake the nagging suspicion that everything she experiences is merely a dream. She truly slumbers only to commune with her subconscious and then only to refresh her psyche in contemplation of terrible things. This Charm permanently improves the character so that she ignores all penalties from sleep deprivation and can always stay awake without a roll. However, when she does choose to sleep, she suffers an internal penalty of -1 on all rolls to regain Willpower upon awakening from the disturbing content of her dreams.
No need to sleep, but Willpower doesn't return as easily when napping.
This Charm permanently improves By Pain Reforged, allowing that Charm to ignore deleterious effects from lethal damage. In addition, if lethal damage would reduce the Infernal below Incapacitated while he is using By Pain Reforged, the damage does not continue into his Dying levels, instead upgrading existing lethal wounds into aggravated damage. Once the Infernal has aggravated wounds in all health levels, further damage can mortally wound or kill him normally.
When purchased, By Agony Empowered does not mitigate penalties imposed by aggravated damage. Infernals with Essence 5+ may ignore even these penalties, fighting to the last breath without any sign of slowing or acknowledging their wounds.
Improves By Pain Reforged to protect against lethal. Also makes it harder to go from Incapacitated to Dying (though I'm not clear whether this occurs before or after we fall unconscious).
It is inconceivable that another could hold authority over Malfeas, no matter what oaths spilled from his mouth in momentary forgetfulness of his omnipotence. Accordingly, he treats any mental influence framed as a command as an unacceptable order. Social attacks framed as supplication or humble suggestions bypass this defense, though any insincere displays necessitate the attacker use Manipulation rather than Charisma. The Storyteller remains final arbiter over whether a given attack bypasses this Charm or not.
The basic defense of this Charm presents more of an inconvenience to social adversaries, who can easily stunt around it if they can swallow their pride or cultivate a taste for caustic irony. Against these clever opponents, the Infernal may reflexively spend four motes to add his Essence to his Dodge MDV for a scene.
...Also, you can pay 4m to add Essence to Dodge MDV for a scene.
Cost: —
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Social
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Nightmare Fugue Vigilance
Malfeas is not a patient Yozi. He can certainly wait when he must, as his surrender and imprisonment attest. However, the nature of the Demon City abhors the restraint implicit to inaction in any form. Whenever an Infernal who knows this Charm makes a social attack that would be considered an unacceptable order if defended against with Impervious Primacy Mantle, the attack becomes an unnatural mental influence costing one Willpower to resist. Flickers of hateful green fires emanate from the Infernal's eyes and mouth while using this Charm, curling up to hint at the outlines of a burning crown upon his brow ornamented with the central jewel of his caste mark. This display fades as soon as the Infernal finishes speaking his attack. This enhancement is not optional.
If you tell someone what to do, that's totally okay. Also, it counts as UMI and you unavoidably get green fire spewing from your mouth, eyes and in the form of a crown above your head.
When Infernals really stop to consider their power, it becomes obvious that no one else's perspective or opinion actually matters. Sadly, the world is mad without its king and insistently dares otherwise. The nagging contradiction weighs on an Infernal's mind, gradually twisting her sanity inside out until it can once more recall the irrelevance of others. Whenever an Infernal with this Charm would spend one or more Willpower points to resist any form of mental influence, she may reflexively gain one point of Limit instead. She gains an extra Limit as usual if this is the first time she resisted unnatural mental influence in a scene. This Charm does not function during Limit Break. Only in the grip of true madness can Malfeas consider the terrible possibility that the universe might contain more perspectives than his own.
Can resist mental influence with Limit instead of willpower.
The heart of Malfeas burns jealously, invisible tongues grasping like talons at the lesser flames smoldering in other souls. This Charm enhances any standard (Perception + Awareness) roll to notice sensory details about a targeted being.
In addition to whatever other information the character notices with any threshold of success, the Infernal also discerns the strength and aspect of the target's Essence relative to his own. The Storyteller should communicate this information numerically, even though the experience is more abstract and typically involves some form of personalized synesthesia.
Anyone observing this Charm in use may notice a momentary green glint that flashes in the Infernal's eye with a reflexive (Perception + Awareness) roll at difficulty 4. This telltale sign does not make the Charm Obvious, so astute observers will have to draw their own conclusions.
This Charm is not a means of bypassing stealth and costs no motes when activated by Infernals with Essence 4+, though it still requires a Charm activation.
You get to see if someone tastes stronger than you.
Some subordinates may accomplish acts worthy of notice from time to time. Whenever anyone uses any Essence-fueled supernatural power within (Essence x 10) yards, roll the Infernal's (Perception + Awareness) at a difficulty of (8 - the power user's Essence rating, minimum 1). Success means the Infernal senses where the power was activated relative to himself and the effect's minimum Essence. If he wishes further information, he may pay one mote to make the scrutinized effect Obvious to his senses, though doing so causes his eyes to flash like Insignificant Embers Intuition. Insignificant Embers Intuition may be used to enhance this Charm's activation roll, providing more information about the effect's aspect and the overall power of its source.
Dim Irrelevancies Unveiled only reveals the location where a power was activated and does not track the source even if the power is ongoing.
May inform us of nearby power usage. Stronger people are easier to notice.
The Green Sun beats hot on the continental districts and world-impaling skyscraper manses of the Demon City, yet it does not scorch the mirrored brass and garish verdigris entwining every wall and roof. Infernals with this Charm may similarly absorb and dissipate the damage inflicted by purely energy-based attacks. Examples include fire and other concentrated elemental Essence, Essence cannon fire or an Abyssal's Crypt Bolt Attack but not effects such as Death of Obsidian Butterflies. Skyfire-Seizing Repast can't defend against Holy attacks. Use of this Charm against a valid damage source reduces the post-soak damage by the Infernal's Essence. If this reduces the damage pool to zero dice, the attack is completely absorbed into the Infernal's anima and flares the banner to one level of display brighter than it was before, leaving her untouched. Otherwise, the remaining damage penetrates the anima flare normally. The Infernal also regains motes equal to the lesser of (her Essence x 2) or the (original post-soak damage of the attack x 2).
Your anima banner learns how to nom on pure energy attacks.
As Malfeas folds his power and procrustean layers around a central flame that is his beating heart, so may an Infernal with this Charm ignite a primitive and insensate new soul within her Essence. This Charm functions as an additional Peripheral Essence pool capable of holding 10 motes, but it can only be refilled by Malfeas Charms that restore motes, which always refill this pool before adding to any other. The Infernal also gains the innate power to refill her (Willpower rating) motes to this pool for a reflexive cost of one mote, but she can't "jumpstart" herself again this way until a full day has passed since she last did so.
She may give herself these motes while unconscious or otherwise incapacitated.
Overdrive mote pool. This pool can be jumpstarted once per day (based on Willpower).
The Infernal's blows spark and seethe with the acid-green radiance of Malfeas's heart, burning opponents. Green Sun Nimbus Flare may enhance any physical attack whose target is (Essence) yards or less away. If the attack inflicts any levels of damage, this Charm then inflicts two additional levels of unsoakable lethal damage from fiery tongues of Primordial Essence erupting from the wound. This damage is applied after the damage for the wound transmitting it, but still in Step 10 of attack resolution.
Screw that guy in particular! This adds 2 levels of unsoakable lethal damage to an attack of yours.
Cost: —
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare
The gods have much to answer for. This Charm permanently improves its prerequisite, allowing any attack enhanced by Green Sun Nimbus Flare to affect incorporeal beings as if they were solid. Spirits who suffer any levels of damage from the attack's secondary burn manifest and remain perceptible to normal senses as translucent apparitions for the rest of the scene, though they continue to lack solidity unless they actually materialize.
GSNF burns Spirits and makes them detectable.
...I will choose to assume Malfeas likes the smell of burning Vodka.
Cost: — (+1m)
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare
Those struck down by Malfeas suffer deeper injuries than physical scars. Whenever an Infernal with this Charm activates Green Sun Nimbus Flare, she may pay an additional mote to improve the attack. If the flare inflicts any levels of damage against a being with a Willpower pool, it also consumes one Willpower. Victims who lose their last point of Willpower this way instantly form an intimacy of terrified awe toward the Infernal that can't be destroyed or even weakened until the victim has not directly perceived the Exalt for one full day.
GSNF burns your enemy's willpower. If it's the last of their willpower, they realise how terrifyingly awesome you are.
Long ago, the gods bowed without bidding to their infinite betters. It is less satisfying now that divinities must be forced to surrender but will suffice to keep Malfeas amused. This Charm enhances a (Charisma + Presence) miscellaneous action against the target's Dodge MDV in which the Infernal commands a spirit to materialize before him. If successful, the target may pay a number of Willpower points equal to the Infernal's Essence rating (maximum five) to become immune to World Chains Geas for the rest of the scene. If it cannot or does not pay this cost, the spirit must acquiesce to the unnatural mental influence by using its next action to assume a lasting solid form. A failed roll to use this Charm also immunizes the target against further uses by that Exalt for the rest of the scene.
The target is free to use further actions to reverse the materialization and is under no compulsion not to attack the Infernal. Spirits unable to achieve a materialized state ignore this Charm, as they would any impossible order.
Other Spirits are acceptable too.
Cost: —
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare
Although Malfeas is seldom subtle, he is a universal overlord and therefore infinitely capable of long-term strategies. This Charm permanently enhances Green Sun Nimbus Flare. Whenever an attack inflicts damage and would trigger secondary burns, the Infernal may suspend the eruption of Essence instead as a Sorcerous effect. The destructive energy remains invisibly embedded in the wound, though any form of Essence sight sees the Old Realm characters for "Mandate of Heaven" writ in bubbling green fire like an incandescent scar. So long as it remains, this mark also makes its bearer a native of Malfeas unless his supernatural nature is inherently opposed to it (like a non-Infernal Exalt).
Whenever the victim next attacks (physically, socially or otherwise, at the Storyteller's discretion) the Infernal who placed the brand, intentionally or not, the scar bursts with all the deleterious effects that would have taken place originally, and the brand disappears. The victim intuitively understands that she must not oppose the Infernal when he places the brand, though without knowing the consequences.
Unless prematurely dispelled, brands inflicted by this Charm endure until the death of the Infernal or the victim. Applying a new brand to a character the Infernal has already branded removes the first one; however, Infernals may brand any number of separate victims, and victims may be unfortunate enough to be branded by multiple Exalts.
Can make the GSNF activate as a brand rather than the burn. The brand delays until the target next attacks the user. The target gets a feeling that maybe they shouldn't bug the user.
Malfeas honors his inferiors most when he accepts their adoration personally and feasts upon their awe. Infernals may activate this Charm whenever they directly observe anyone else make a declaration of loyalty or love toward them. If multiple characters synchronize their pledge (such as in a recited pledge of allegiance), the Infernal can acknowledge a group with Magnitude up to his Essence rating per activation. The character pledging loyalty need not do so happily, but must do so willingly. Insincere promises still provide a chance to use this Charm, incidentally converting deep-cover spies and moles to loyal followers as they repeat the binding lies of their oaths.
Activating this Charm causes all targets to grow a brand exactly like one placed with Magnanimous Warning Glyph (but cannot override that Charm, and vice versa), save that the Infernal may decide whether the mark is visible or invisible, as well as where it is placed. This must be the same for all targets per activation. The act of burning the mark in place also gives its bearer an Intimacy of terrified awe toward the Infernal that does not count against a character's maximum number of sustainable Intimacies. The brand endures regardless of this Intimacy.
Making a declaration of love or loyalty to the Infernal gets you a brand and a new intimacy, so long as it is made willingly.
Yup, even if you're an undercover spy. Nifty.
Cost: —
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sickness
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare
When Malfeas strikes down the impudent, only the most fortunate die quickly. This Charm permanently improves Green Sun Nimbus Flare, causing all burns that Charm inflicts to automatically infect their victims with Green Sun Wasting (see p. 110).
Infernals with Essence 4+ inflict a disease with penalties that start at full strength rather than building over the course of hours, though this does not accelerate other symptoms. With Essence 5+, Cold Fire Desolation Brand infects victims with Final Viridescence. At Essence 6+, the type of Final Viridescence is so extreme that only magical treatment can remove it; all Morbidity checks automatically fail absent such magic.
GSNF gives people Super Cancer.
Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness, Sorcerous, Touch
Duration: Special
Prerequisite Charms: Cold Fire Desolation Brand
The Infernal touches an object (see Exalted p. 213) and bathes it in the Essence of Malfeas. Although the item does not appear any different to normal senses, all forms of Essence perception can automatically sense the terrible power radiating from it. Any being that isn't native to Malfeas must check for exposure to Green Sun Wasting (see p. 110) every full hour that they spend within one yard of the tainted object. If the object is consumed, infection is automatic.
The Virulence of this infection starts at 6 and drops by 1 per week. If a tainted object is scattered among non-tainted goods (such as when poisoning a well or a grain silo), the Storyteller should assign a reduced Virulence proportional to the level of contaminant present. Once there is more non-tainted material than tainted in an object, the effect is too dilute to do more than induce mild queasiness.
Infernals with Essence 4+ may target themselves with this Charm as if they were objects. At Essence 6+, the speed of infection increases so that potential victims must make an exposure check as soon as they enter into range of a cursed object (and after every full hour of exposure thereafter).
You can make objects so radioactive they give people Super Cancer.
Though the Green Sun of the primeval epoch once nourished the land and life, the heart of Malfeas is mad and terrible, poisoned against all he once ruled. Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal's anima radiates a burst of Malfean Essence that fills a radius of 50 yards. Normal senses can't detect this burst, though Essence users feel a characteristic, nauseating tingle as long as they remain among the lingering energies. Essence-based perception instantly recognizes the burst as if the Charm were Obvious.
In its passage, the burst poisons the air, the land and even space itself. The healthy green of foliage sickens unnaturally over the span of a week with a fine patina of tarnish on every leaf. Any being that isn't native to Malfeas must check for exposure to Green Sun Wasting (see p. 110) every full hour that they spend within the blight at a Virulence of the Exalt's Essence rating. Each day that passes reduces the disease's Virulence by 1 until it fades completely and the area becomes healthy again. Whenever an Infernal who knows this Charm dies, she may reflexively bathe her surroundings in blight as per Sun-Salted Fields with no cost as a final act of spite.
In the time before time, weapons knew their place, and even the sharpest blades dulled lest they scratch the King of the Primordials where he tread. The passing of Ages has diminished the world, but arsenals may yet be reminded of their place. This Charm can enhance any disarm attempt within the range limit of Green Sun Nimbus Flare. If the attack hits, the weapon superheats and glows brilliant green as if Ligier held it. Mortal weapons melt into slag or crumble to ash on the spot. Artifact weapons and those formed entirely of Essence are unharmed but remain superheated for a minute afterward, increasing the difficulty of the wielder's roll to resist the disarm attempt by 2.
Anyone holding a superheated weapon suffers one level of unsoakable lethal damage per action of contact (or fraction thereof). If the wielder forgoes the roll to maintain control and drops the superheated weapon immediately or that weapon is vaporized, he suffers no damage. Because the fire ignited by Rebuking Impudent Arms burns through Yozi power rather than heat alone, flame-resistant adversaries have as much to fear from this Charm as anyone else. Appropriate countermagic can cool a heated artifact back to normal temperature.
We like weapons and they like us. Disarming enemies is easier and enemies who don't let go get burnt.
The Infernal brandishes her weapon and salutes the sky with it, drawing and readying that weapon for use as part of activating this Charm. Green light falls upon the weapon from distant skies, superheating it as per Rebuking Impudent Arms for the rest of the scene. The Infernal becomes immune to the heat of her enchanted weapon once it chars one lethal level of damage from her hand. While this enchantment lasts, the Exalt may activate Green Sun Nimbus Flare to enhance any of the glowing weapon's attacks as an innate power rather than a Charm activation, though this still costs the usual motes.
With a second purchase of this Charm, she can summon a spear of radiant green light in lieu of enchanting an existing weapon. The spear has all the statistics of an attuned dire lance with no magical material bonus and the following improvements: infinite Rate, aggravated damage to gods and the usual enhancements provided by a single purchase of this Charm. Like all infinite rate weapons, this spear can't attack in the absence of any dice pool to do so, even with additional successes supplied by Excellencies or other Charms.
We can enchant a weapon to be painful to us and shoot Nimbus Flares. A repurchase summons a god-killing spear instead.
By the authority of the deposed King of the Primordials, the Infernal commands the universe itself to sunder a slain enemy into component motes. This Charm permanently improves Green Sun Nimbus Flare. Whenever a flare's damage is enough to kill a non-Yozi target, the surge of Essence spreads out from the wound like a bonfire doused with oil, growing exponentially brighter and hotter until nothing remains of the victim but glittering ash, a rising cloud of smoke in the shape of a fungal bloom and the victim's silhouette burned into the ground. Spirits can't reform from this demise, while Infernals with Essence 7+ can actually unravel the souls of beings with perfect reincarnation who normally resist permanent destruction, such as Dragon Kings and Jadeborn. However, not even Malfeas can sunder a Celestial Exaltation or permanently slay beings with Yozi-level immortality, such as Deathlords.
Anyone who sleeps within 100 yards of a victim's shadow experiences horrific visions of the victim that impose a one die penalty on rolls to regain Willpower upon waking. This radius contracts by one yard per century that passes until the being's Essence has been scattered to the reaches of eternity.
That Malfeas only sentences hated enemies to 10,000 years of suffering shows the upper limits of his magnanimity.
GSNF becomes soul-killing. STILL not as unkind as TED's soul-killer.
Cost: —
Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare
Only the mightiest adversaries deserve face-to-face confrontation with the Demon City. This Charm removes the range limit of its prerequisite, allowing Green Sun Nimbus Flare to augment physical attacks with bows and other distance weapons past point-blank range. Weapons not intended for use on a personal scale, such as Essence artillery, aren't compatible with Kissed By Hellish Noon by default, but Infernals with Essence 4+ may purchase the Charm a second time to enable this.
GSNF attacks at range.
Cost: —
Mins: Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare
The Infernal feeds the cosmic fires that rage within her. She inflicts up to (Essence) lethal levels of damage with Green Sun Nimbus Flare rather than a flat 2L. This damage is aggravated against gods. If she has Essence 6+, her surges inflict aggravated damage to all targets, though she may still vary the number of levels inflicted with each use. The bodies of victims killed by an augmented flare twist inside out as they burn, leaving jagged bone fragments penetrating like haphazard quills from between ropy masses of viscera and slabs of folded meat hot with boiled gore. The cadavers mummify over time but do not naturally decay. Natural animals will starve to death before they scavenge such remains, and even erymanthoi won't lick the marrow from the refuse. Curiously, starving humans seldom have such qualms and can eat the preserved corpses centuries later if they stumble upon them, but humans were always filthy creatures.
GSNF hurts even more!
So yeah, Green Sun Nimbus Flare is one of those things that you can just keep pouring all your xp into and still never finish off.
"Duration: One Scene" "The Shaping transformation wrought by this Charm lasts only one day by default"
"She can change her Attributes" "Equipment and clothing change with him"
Regarding the charm, two elements of it are problematic:
- (Essence x 7) points of temporary positive mutations - that many points which have to be assigned doesn't make one unique. It makes one monstrous. It also defeats charm purpose as physical completion of mental disguise. Hulking monsters and alien abominations have no place in society after all. It makes charm good mostly for non-human war form, and disguising as a demon. If hulking abomination is the goal, then it would be better to create follow-up charm that enhances "Becoming the Mask" and adds those points.
-The Infernal always maintains the seven signifiers of who she is in some fashion on her body - that makes the disguise glaringly obvious under any type of essence sight for anyone that knows the Infernal. Depending on circumstances, it can be even worse than Lunar tell. After the great length Infernal went to perfect all subtle aspects of disguise, it's a bit counterproductive. It would be better if the shapeshift was able to at least cloud those signifiers a bit.
In general, charm as summarized as relatively long-term (day), physical change into non-human form, easily seen through by any type of essence sight by anyone that looks specifically for Infernal.
My vote would be to change purpose of the charm into shorter-term, but close-to-perfect disguise. One limited be various factors, but lacking main vulnerabilities of the charm.
Something like (changes bolded):
Cost: 14m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Variable (hour+)
Prerequisite Charms: Seven Signifiers of Self, Name Shrouded Under Veils, False Identity Internalization
Oramus is a dragon with seven wings. He is also a temple with seven minarets, an ourobouros-serpent of seven colors, a galleon with seven masts anchored to a single pearl, and many more besides. He is all of them, and none at all. The Dragon Beyond the World is whatever he wants to be. Pure understanding of the Eldest Yozi reveals that he isn't defined by the world, but that it is the world which is defined by him.
This Charm can be used only when Masque of Hollow is active and the Infernal is donning a hollow personality. Doing so causes her anima to shine around and through her, starting from her face before spreading to the rest of her body. Once the Infernal's body is completely made of her anima she reaches to her face and pulls it away like a mask: the rest of her anima scatters, revealing the transformed Infernal within; she has become the mask, and pulled away the disguise of her real self to reveal the truth behind it.
Using this Charm the Infernal shifts shape to match one of the personalities created through Masque of Hollow Faces: she may be a scholar, a martial artist, a businessman or even an animal such as a peacock or eagle. Gender or age do not matter. In addition to the normal benefits she also gains the following ones:
- She can change her Attributes, removing one dots from one and assign them to another, through she must retain at least one dot in each Attribute; she can do the same with her Abilities, without the need to keep at least one dot in the affected Ability, and even choosing five new Favoured Abilities, through she cannot change the Caste ones. Specialties follow the same rules of Abilities, plus they can be renamed to fit the new circumstances. - The seven signifiers of who she is brought by prerequisite charm remains, but are supressed and cloused by the charm. It requires perception roll against difficulty 3 to spot the under essence sight. No known form of Essence's sight or Charms can penetrated the disguise itself
Limitations: -Equipment and clothing does not change to change with Infernal
-Backgrounds cannot be changed unless they represent an internal quality of the character rather than an external socioeconomic advantage, such as Breeding, Heart's Blood, Savant, Whispers, etc. The character retains her memories and sense of self except to the degree that shifts in Virtues, Intimacies and Motivation adjust her behavior.
-No matter who or what he becomes, Oramus is still unique, for that is his nature. Self created by the charm cannot duplicate existing person perfectly. At least minor details must vary.
- When creating a new self the Infernal receives a package of (Essence x 2) points of temporary positive mutations to make it unique. The character is allowed to use mutations with a value of 0 points, or add negative mutations. When creating a self that is an animal, use existing templates for mundane examples of that animal as base to add the mutations; alternatively the character can create an original mutant animal, treating it as an alternative human self. This Charm explicitly ignores the normal limit on how many positive temporary mutations a Desecration effect may bestow. Mutation points gained from the Charm do count toward the usual mutation point limit other temporary Desecration effects can bestow.
-This Charm has a special cost of 12 Xp. Upon learning it for the first time the character's player can create a self for one of the personalities made with Masque of Hollow Faces. The Charm must be repurchased once for every new self created. If a personality is discarded so is the self. Only one self can match a personality: if the Infernal modify a personality he must purchase a new self reflecting the changes.
The Shaping transformation wrought by this Charm lasts for an hour by default, and can be terminated as reflexive action. At the end of the hour Infernal can make willpower roll, to extend it for another hour. Charm can be extended multiple times. Doing so is dangerous, for Infernal can lose the sight of herself. If that happens the way back is closed, and created self becomes new, permament body of infernal. It temporarily erases seven signifiers of self, which can be reclaimed one per day, with successful Willpower roll. Until it happens Infernal is locked in new shape, unable to use any version of "Becoming the Mask". Once signifiers are regained, Infernal can learn and use "Becoming the Mask" as normal, and if she wishes, implement it to return to original shape.
Any dispel, that would end the charm, counts as making it permanent instead.
It could be summarized as powerful charm, that permits close-to-perfect disguise as a human - limited by time, lack of equipment adjustment and personal danger for Infernal. Losing original body is no laughing matter. Problem brough by being locked in new shape even less so. Charms are not the toys after all - and playing with your personality and very identity is (or at least should be) serious business.
I think it's simply more interesting this way.
Question remains, how disguise charm tree interacts with effects of "Beautiful In My Way" and "Dual Gaze Paradox". Both are rather disguise-breaking and easy to notice.
Hello everyone, I have a question: I don't know a lot about exalted, but shouldn't we grab "impresario's sure hands" in addition to our wyld creating stone, or is it something harmless to us right now?
Dice, I think you missed this part of the description: She must either use at least seven points of mutations, or select at seven different mutations. The character is allowed to use mutations with a value of 0 points, or add negative mutations.
You have to use at least 7 points, or at least 7 mutations. And you can use small 0 point mutations as well.
The charm gives a whole bunch of points, but you don't have to spend them all.
I did not miss it. As You've said - user needs to assign 7 points, or 7 mutations. That IS quite a lot.
As for 0-point mutation - I don't have rulebooks around, but to be honest, I don't really remember any notable 0-points mutations. Certainly I dont remember enough of them to eat up 7 mutation slots. In each case, either wtih 7 point of mutation or 7 mutation, character would not blend with society.
...unless we are using non-standard, homebrew mutation list?
I did not miss it. As You've said - user needs to assign 7 points, or 7 mutations. That IS quite a lot.
As for 0-point mutation - I don't have rulebooks around, but to be honest, I don't really remember any notable 0-points mutations. Certainly I dont remember enough of them to eat up 7 mutation slots. In each case, either wtih 7 point of mutation or 7 mutation, character would not blend with society.
...unless we are using non-standard, homebrew mutation list?
I am using Revlid's revised Mutations Rules, which can be found here. -0 Points Mutations are:
(Disease) Carrier
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical, Requires (Disease) Immunity, Internal, Stackable
The creature does not avoid catching the disease it is immune to, it simply avoids any and all symptoms. While it remains unharmed, others can still catch the disease off it, as though it were infected as normal. A version of this mutation wherein the creature still displays the cosmetic symptoms of the illness exists; it has the Negative keyword, lacks the Internal keyword, and "costs" one point.
Alternate Reproduction
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical
The creature's method of reproduction differs from the default of "sex followed by live birth", in either conception, or birth, or both. Perhaps it lays eggs, or expels spores, or asexually buds, or utilizes pails of incestuous genetic slurry. Whatever the case, the process must still be recognizably biological, and still burdens at least one character in some way for the normal gestation period; they might not need to be pregnant, but will have to tend to their eggs, or monitor the larvae, or water the pods.
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
If a mutation has no mechanical impact, it does not cost any mutation points at all. Such things might include oddly-coloured skin or hair or eyes, natural markings, lisping, baldness, odd-smelling blood, a lack of fingernails, or twin sets of eyebrows. Such oddities cost nothing, and are, in fact, fairly widespread outside the stasis of the Blessed Isle; shades of blue hair are common throughout the West, while a number of tribes in the South-Eastern jungles have teeth in the shades of sunset. Note that this is not intended to permit magic that applies mutations to also inflict an infinite amount of mechanically-null weirdness with each application; such powers cannot apply a greater number of cosmetic mutations than they could actual, functional mutations.
Involuntary Transformation
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical
This mutation functions in the same way as Alternate Form, except that the creature has no control over when its chosen mutations manifest; instead, they do so upon encountering a specific external trigger, such as the full moon or cold water.
Alternate Form
Cost: 2pts; Keywords: Physical, Stackable
The creature's player groups together any number of its other mutations, physical or otherwise (the majority of which must be positive mutations) as a single set. By default, these mutations are demanifested; they have no mechanical effect, and are Internal for the purposes of anyone trying to detect them. The creature may manifest that entire set of mutations as a miscellaneous action costing a single point of Willpower (Essence-users may instead pay four motes), and demanifest them in the same way. After manifesting or demanifesting a set of mutations, the creature may not do so again until its DV has refreshed twice.
Deathly Construct
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Natural
This is a combination of a number of mutations, and represents mindless undead creatures, raised by Necromancy, constructed through necrotech, or animated by some other dark magic. It is included here as a "package" for convenience. Where mutations could have multiple point costs, the default is listed here; more expensive variants can be freely applied (at a commensurate increase in cost). Note that not all undead creatures will use this template, only the mindless constructs that fill the ranks of the Deathlords; more complex mortuary entities may well ignore it entirely. The positive mutations included are the three-point version of Disturbing Stench, the five-point version of Inexhaustible,Infector, Machine Mind, the three-point version of Sleepless, and the two-point of Small Appetite. The negative mutations included are one-point version of Restricted Diet (Carnivore), Creature of Darkness, Creature of Death, the one-point version of Failing Body, Hunger Frenzy, Mute, No Healing, Weak Healing.
Cost: 0-2pts; Keywords: Mental, Internal
The creature knows a single language shared by all other characters with this same mutation; all dogs can speak "Dog-tongue", with different breeds acting as regional dialects. This language is not entirely spoken; rather, it is instinctual, a mixture of scents and sounds and body-language. It cannot be written, and reduces the creature's effective Intelligence by one for the purposes of communicating higher concepts. The zero-point version of this mutation renders the creature unable to gain normal languages through its Linguistics ability.
Native to (Realm)
Cost: 0pts; Keywords: Spiritual, Internal
By default, all creatures are native to Creation. This mutation renders them native to another realm of existence, such as the Underworld, Malfeas, Yu-Shan, Autochthonia, or Gnosis. This has no mechanical effects on its own, but some magics have greater, lesser, or altered effects when applied to creatures native to a certain realm.
"Becoming the Mask" is not intended to imitate Lunar's shapeshifting abilities. It's not used for disguises. You want others to recognize you, but who you are is something that only you define. It's deciding one day upon waking up that instead of a human you want to spend your day as a seven-foot tall peacock with feathers each of a different color, who breath fire, can talk with dogs and cats and is capable of using kung-fu.
But you made some good points, so I changed the Charm a bit:
Cost: 14m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: Seven Signifiers of Self, Name Shrouded Under Veils, False Identity Internalization
Oramus is a dragon with seven wings. He is also a temple with seven minarets, an ourobouros-serpent of seven colors, a galleon with seven masts anchored to a single pearl, and many more besides. The savants of the First Age thought they were just different jouten of Oramus, and in doing so forgot it was from him that Luna gained her ever-changing nature. Oramus is all of them, and none at all: the Dragon Beyond the World is whatever he wants to be. Only Oramus can define himself, and the world shifts to accommodate his whims.
This Charm can be used only when Masque of Hollow is active and the Infernal is donning a hollow personality. Doing so causes her anima to shine around and through her, starting from her face before spreading to the rest of her body. Once the Infernal's body is completely made of her anima she reaches for her face and pulls it away like a mask: the rest of her anima scatters, revealing the transformed Infernal within; she has become the mask, and pulled away the disguise of her real self to reveal the truth behind it.
Using this Charm the Infernal shifts shape to match one of the personalities created through Masque of Hollow Faces: she may be a scholar, a martial artist, a businessman or even an animal such as a peacock or eagle. Gender or age do not matter. In addition to the normal benefits she also gains the following ones:
-She can change her Attributes, removing one dots from one and assign them to another, through she must retain at least one dot in each Attribute; she can do the same with her Abilities, without the need to keep at least one dot in the affected Ability, and even choosing five new Favoured Abilities, through she cannot change the Caste ones. Specialties follow the same rules of Abilities, plus they can be renamed to fit the new circumstances.
-Mundane equipment and clothes change with her but retain their attributes, modifying their shape to accommodate the new self. Artifacts do not lose attunement but are unaffected by the change, retaining their shape and attributes.
-No matter who or what he becomes, Oramus is still unique, for that is his nature. When creating a new self the Infernal receives a package of (Essence x 7) points of temporary positive mutations to make it unique. She must either use at least seven points of mutations, or select seven different mutations. The character is allowed to use mutations with a value of 0 points, or add negative mutations. When creating a self that is an animal, use existing templates for mundane examples of that animal as base to add the mutations; alternatively the character can create an original mutant animal, treating it as an alternative human self. This Charm explicitly ignores the normal limit on how many positive temporary mutations a Desecration effect may bestow. Mutation points gained from the Charm do count toward the usual mutation point limit other temporary Desecration effects can bestow. A self created by the Charm cannot duplicate an existing person perfectly: at least minor details must vary.
-The Infernal always maintains the seven signifiers of who she is in some fashion on her body, for otherwise she would not be herself. They instead become harder to spot even with essence sight, requiring a successful Perception roll against difficulty 3 to spot them. No known form of Essence's sight or Charms can penetrated the disguise itself.
-This Charm has a special cost of 12 Xp. Upon learning it for the first time the character's player can create a self for one of the personalities made with Masque of Hollow Faces. The Charm must be repurchased once for every new self created. If a personality is discarded so is the self. Only one self can match a personality: if the Infernal modify a personality he must purchase a new self reflecting the changes.
The Shaping transformation wrought by this Charm lasts only one day by default, though it can be terminated as a reflexive action. A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 6+ extends its duration to Indefinite, allowing the transformation to last until deliberately revoked or dispelled.
Just dropping in to say the next post, and end of "Episode 1: Fiendish Advent", will come out tomorrow. Wow, did we go far or not?
In the meantime...I see some of you are interested in the Pantheon Charms. This beg the question: what kind of beings will be born from Lelouch's soul internalizing the concept of the Yozis?
Will Muse of Unearthly Delight give birth to a quirky, exuberant little girl called Muse? Lelouch's boundless immagination when crafting outrageous battle plans?
Will Darkling Grace Complete give birth to a sensible, talented musician called Grace? Lelouch's great love for drama and opera?
Will Sun-Heart Furnace Soul give birth to a haughty, prideful princess called Heart? Lelouch's arrogance and sense of superiority?
Just dropping in to say the next post, and end of "Episode 1: Fiendish Advent", will come out tomorrow. Wow, did we go far or not?
In the meantime...I see some of you are interested in the Pantheon Charms. This beg the question: what kind of beings will be born from Lelouch's soul internalizing the concept of the Yozis?
Will Muse of Unearthly Delight give birth to a quirky, exuberant little girl called Muse? Lelouch's boundless immagination when crafting outrageous battle plans?
Will Darkling Grace Complete give birth to a sensible, talented musician called Grace? Lelouch's great love for drama and opera?
Will Sun-Heart Furnace Soul give birth to a haughty, prideful princess called Heart? Lelouch's arrogance and sense of superiority?
Pantheon charms are (IIRC) ones which, if the Infernal gains Fourth Soul Devil Domain, grant Deva/Demons to the Infernal, often representing aspects of themselves.
I don't see any need to use one of the words in the name of the Pantheon charm as the name of the spawned soul, at least not directly. For instance, if you wish to continue with the idea of giving them names based on the charm name, why not use Leah for MoUD? Leah, as in Leanan sídhe. Maybe run with the idea in Kerisgame where the spawned souls often take elements from those the exalt had strong connections to. If we run with that, a MoUD based soul feels appropriate for some C.C. elements.
A variety of charms granting specific devas (such as Sun-Heart Furnace Soul) and allowing the Infernal to spawn their own at will (Titanic Heart tree).
They're the result of experimentation a few people (Earthscorpion and Aleph mostly) using heavily modified rules. We'll have to play it by ear if we use them heavily, since we can fairly easily generate a personal army.
A variety of charms granting specific devas (such as Sun-Heart Furnace Soul) and allowing the Infernal to spawn their own at will (Titanic Heart tree).
They're the result of experimentation a few people (Earthscorpion and Aleph mostly) using heavily modified rules. We'll have to play it by ear if we use them heavily, since we can fairly easily generate a personal army.
Do you have links to these charms, as they currently arnt in the shop.
And I really want them. First circle demons seem so... cute, y'know? Also, a personal army might be useful when facing the worlds largest military power.
Episode 1 lasted for quite some time, and it's only the beginning.
In the meantime...I see some of you are interested in the Pantheon Charms. This beg the question: what kind of beings will be born from Lelouch's soul internalizing the concept of the Yozis?
Will Muse of Unearthly Delight give birth to a quirky, exuberant little girl called Muse? Lelouch's boundless immagination when crafting outrageous battle plans?
I like this idea. A war adviser who seems all innocent until she comes up with a horrifying but brilliant idea to destroy Lelouch's enemies? Maybe add in a side of thinking of new and unique weapons of war as well. Not necessarily finished products or designs, but concepts that could be given to Rakshata or to Heart.
Also, in the flavor of Oramus and always being unique, give her heterochromia that changes every time you look at her.
Something like this.
(though this may also be good for a Szoreny-derived Pantheon soul as well.
Alternatively she could have the prismatic eyes as well, sans obsession effects.
Will Darkling Grace Complete give birth to a sensible, talented musician called Grace? Lelouch's great love for drama and opera?
Sounds good to me. Being the sensible, mature one she might also put on shadow puppet plays for the others while they're young to keep them entertained? She would be good at helping with speech writing.
Maybe she looks like a combination of Nunnally and Erembour, as well, and Lelouch think she's his most adorable daughter-soul? Or perhaps something like this.
Will Sun-Heart Furnace Soul give birth to a haughty, prideful princess called Heart? Lelouch's arrogance and sense of superiority?
Of course it will! I'm thinking Heart will be a crafter, though she'll need to learn the skills perhaps. (we'll want to get books and whatnot in the Devil Domain to help with the education of the young ones) She'd occasionally ask Muse-oneechan for advice and inspiration, though in a prideful and haughty manner befitting a tsundere.
Will Seyrun survive his new role as babysitter?[/QUOTE}
If Lelouch can survive you giving him only daughters, Seyrun will live. How much of his sanity may be intact at the end of things... well, at least Lelouch can give him cigars once we get the Devil Domain. (though no smoking around the girls, of course)
Here is the link to the Pantheon Heresy charms. If you wish to create new First Circle souls like Blood Apes or Neomahs, you'd want Titanic Spawn Uncountable. I'll note that while Titanic Heart Overweening is needed for the souls spawned by Pantheon charms to be summoned, they still exist prior to that point. If you want to see an example of this in play, three had been spawned in Kerisgame last I checked.
Episode 1 lasted for quite some time, and it's only the beginning.
Interesting and amusing ones!
I like this idea. A war adviser who seems all innocent until she comes up with a horrifying but brilliant idea to destroy Lelouch's enemies? Maybe add in a side of thinking of new and unique weapons of war as well. Not necessarily finished products or designs, but concepts that could be given to Rakshata or to Heart.
Also, in the flavor of Oramus and always being unique, give her heterochromia that changes every time you look at her.
Something like this.
(though this may also be good for a Szoreny-derived Pantheon soul as well.
Alternatively she could have the prismatic eyes as well, sans obsession effects.
Sounds good to me. Being the sensible, mature one she might also put on shadow puppet plays for the others while they're young to keep them entertained? She would be good at helping with speech writing.
Maybe she looks like a combination of Nunnally and Erembour, as well, and Lelouch think she's his most adorable daughter-soul? Or perhaps something like this.
Of course it will! I'm thinking Heart will be a crafter, though she'll need to learn the skills perhaps. (we'll want to get books and whatnot in the Devil Domain to help with the education of the young ones) She'd occasionally ask Muse-oneechan for advice and inspiration, though in a prideful and haughty manner befitting a tsundere.
If every one of Lelouch's adolescent Third Circle souls is a girl, including his fetich (if that's even a thing GSP's have a charm to make, unless he counts as his own fetich somehow?), does that make him a girl?
I don't really know enough to speculate accurately on my own, but that would be hilarious if it was technically true somehow...