Hell 1.5
Pet the pretty kitty? Y/N
- Location
- Italy
[X] Plan Get The Gang Together
"Lord Ligier, may I speak?" You ask with reverence to the Unquestionable. At his silent nod you stand up and bow. "Thank you. In light of what you revealed to us today, I have created a plan that I am sure will be able to take care of the more pressing issues, and also advance greatly the Reclamation's efforts towards its ultimate goal. I would like to propose it to everyone present."
"That was fast." Ligier comments with amusement. "Go on."
You take a deep breath before beginning. "The first point I want to address is that of the future Peers. Because the survival and training of the future Infernals is a key part of the Reclamation's objectives, obviously the survival of the current Infernals is of paramount importance to make that possible. This is something more likely to happen if everyone here is working together, rather than scattered. Peer Kaguya, Peer Milly and myself are all currently residing in Japan and should be able to work together readily." Both Kaguya and Milly nods at your words. "Peer Rakshata has already shown interest in coming to Japan, and I am are more than willing to provide a test pilot of adequate skills for the Guren Mk-II. Unless her presence is required elsewhere...?"
"Nope, I am free." The Indian scientist replies. "Me and Akito just finished a minor project in the Middle Eastern Federation. Now all that remains is to reap the benefits, and I have subordinates for that." She puts the pipe in her mouth and smiles. "Beside, I have a lot of stuff made for urban warfare that only need testing: Japan sounds like the perfect place to do so."
"That would be most helpful." You thank her before turning to the blue-haired Japanese. "That leaves Peer Akito. I believe it's essential for him to be near the rest of the Coven in order to fight any Wyld Hunts sent after us. Akito is a Slayer, from his and Lord Ligier's comments a warrior of great power who will only become even greater. While I am an elite Knightmare pilot myself, I am limited in the time and effort I can spend making myself personally capable in other areas of combat given my other responsibilities. Not to mention my greatest talents lie elsewhere. I suspect the others are in a similar situation, being focused on political efforts in the case of Milly and Kaguya or scientific pursuits in the case of Rakshata. Am I wrong?"
"You are not, Peer Lelouch." Kaguya readily admits. "I possess no martial ability whatsoever."
"Me neither. I have a Charm-" Seyrun snorts at Rakshata's words. "-that offers excellent support against normal humans, but isn't ideal against Exalts and other magical beings."
"As I thought. To balance this out the four of us need Akito close by." You see Akito nodding absentmindedly, but Leila's expression is quickly turning into a scowl. Time to strike. "Peer Akito, Major Malcal, I would like to propose that we convince your superiors to send the W-0 unit to Japan. I believe it will be a much better environment for your pilots to operate in."
While you still have a hard time getting a good read on Akito, Leila is clearly hesitant, but you can see that her interest is piqued. "How so?" she asks.
Giving your Essence a push, you state your case. "For seven years Japan and its people have been oppressed by Britannia, and what Akito has said about your unit doesn't indicate things are all that much better for the Japanese refugees within the EU if they have not been granted citizenship after that long. Given their lack of citizenship and the use of prototypes, I have little doubt that they are intended for highly dangerous missions in place of normal troops. In short, suicide missions." You can tell she's upset, in spite of her efforts to stay calm. She's aware of the matter, but she doesn't like it. "I can tell you don't approve of this notion, and neither do I. An enlightened world has no place for such discrimination. If you work with me, I can assure you that your subordinates would be valued as much as my own." The look on her face says she's interested. Perhaps just a bit more bait. "Also, I'm certain that Peer Rakshata would be willing to look over the Alexanders with your friend - with the advances that come of it, I'm sure their chances of survival in battle will increase greatly." The Indian scientist smiles confidently. "So, what do you say?"
"I...would like that." She seems to hesitate before her gaze hardens. "But you want my unit to aid your rebellion."
"Of course." Your honesty without hesitation stuns her. You take advantage of that. "We both know that it is only a matter of time before Britannia and the E.U. wage war against each other. So, instead of operating in missions that will likely result in high casualties, wouldn't it be better to work for a task that equally aids your nation, but it is much less dangerous? Plus if Japan is liberated the refugees could return to their home nation. There they would not be unjustly discriminated against, and could lead happier lives."
You raise your arm, letting your cape flapping dramatically. "This brings me to the next point, and the most important one: how Japan can be the ideal beachhead for the Reclamation, as well as a vital linchpin to any effort for defeating Britannia."
"Creation is large. Not as it was once, but still big." Ligier comments with what seem, seem, honest curiosity. "What makes a small island nation so special?"
"What it represents, and could be. Japan contains 70% of the world's known Sakuradite reserves. This makes it a strategic location with few equals in the world. By freeing Japan from Britannia's control it severely weakens their ability to wage war abroad: from Knightmares to common guns, the Britannian war machine runs on Sakuradite. Even if we have tangible proof that they have started using other magical materials, it is still an undeniable fact that cutting Britannia's source of Sakuradite would have devastating effects on them. Similarly, that advantage could become that of the Reclamation if Japan comes under its control."
You turn to Leila. "This is also a good negotiation point with the E.U. for sending the W-0 unit to Japan. The geographic location of Japan makes it impossible for the E.U. to gain control it, as they'd have to go through either Britannia or the Chinese Federation, neither of which is possible. An independent Japan is therefore better for them, especially if they have friendly relations. Britannia would be weakened, and their other rival wouldn't gain an advantage either, but by helping the revolution they can gain many advantages: like, an increased supply of Sakuradite?"
"You know, he isn't wrong." Akito comments, looking at Leila. "And even if we are discovered? The top brass can just say we went rogue. Things like those happen all the times."
Leila stares at Akito. She opens her mouth as if to say something before stopping, closing it and sitting down with a sigh. "You have already decided, uh? Fine, alright. But you will need to convince the W-0 Unit's supervisor, General Gene Smilas." She scowls. "Also, I want command of the W-0. There is no way I am leaving that racist Anou in charge."
"I would like to take care of that." Kaguya smiles innocently. "As a representative of the old government of Japan, I am the most qualified for the job."
"Thank you both for your collaboration." You do a small bow before continuing. "With Japan freed, showing that an Area can liberate itself, rebellion will increase in other places conquered by Britannia, further weakening it. But it is in Japan specifically that my plan will unfold."
You spread your arms. "Japan is an ideal location to lay the foundation for achieving the objective Wise Oramus has given me: to create an empire that will surpass everything Britannia is and will ever be!" Your declaration draws curious stares from everyone, sans Milly who already know and Ligier whose expression doesn't let anything out. "I believe this is also a good platform that may be helpful for meeting the orders of the other Infernals here." You look at the others. "Or would that interfere with your duties?"
The others shake their heads in denial.
"Excellent. Finally, why I am sure my plan will aid the Reclamation." You turn to Ligier. "The empire I will build, is one where the people will embrace the worship of the Yozis! Japan is, again, ideal for this, as there are many disenfranchised people and cults have already begun being built. The cursed and corrupt gods have done nothing to help them, so the Yozis and their champions will become their champions. With Japan under our rule and worshiping the the Yozis, the future empire will become a subordinate kingdom to Hell, one that recognizes the world's True Masters and willingly aids in their liberation!"
Silence. For a few seconds nobody speak, your fellow Infernals and Leila staring at you in mute fascination.
And then Ligier laughs. Like his voice it is hardly something that belong to humans: it's like an explosion of energy, a wavelength that makes the air itself suffocating to breath.
It's a natural disaster, and the only reason your mask doesn't crack is that Ligier's laughter...isn't hostile.
"Now I see the unrestrainable ambition of a true Exalted! I can honestly say this is the boldest plan I have heard in the last few millennia. You do realize that, unlike cults, there will be no way to hide the conversion of an entire nation?" His smile is one of sadistic glee. "But oh, I would willing give some of my most precious treasures just to see the faces of those fools in Heaven the moment they hear the news!"
You bow. "I am perfectly aware Lord Ligier. Yet, I don't plan to proceed without making appropriate preparations. By the time my vision becomes reality the new kingdom will be equipped to deal with any violent responses, both from Britannia and Heaven, its armies ready to fight to protect their home just as fiercely as they fought to free it. And even if it not suffices...this plan requires only the five of us to oversee." Your indicate your fellow Exalts. "As we do it and bring Britannia's focus upon us, the other 45 Green Sun Princes will be able to strike everywhere else, forcing our enemies to either stretch their forces too thinly to be effective, or concentrate on a single target at the exclusion of all others, with the risk they grow too strong in the meantime. Whatever they do, it's their loss."
"You would stand openly against everyone, even at the risk of annihilation?" He asks you.
"If the king does not lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?" You raise your left hand and makes a sharp, cutting horizontal gesture to your side. "We will inspire by example, to show our future Peers that, no matter how numerous our enemies are-" You raise your head proudly. "Victory will be ours as long as our will is stronger than theirs!"
Kaguya is the first to react: she stands up and begins to clap. Milly follows immediately. Rakshata snorts before letting her pipe suspended in the air by a field of energy and starts clapping too. For the first time Akito's expression shows emotions: his lips curl into a bloodthirsty smile, but he claps nonetheless. Leila immediately imitates him before stopping, as if only then realizing what she is doing. Yet a few moments later she resumes clapping.
"The Dragons were right: Lelouch Vi Britannia, you really are something else." Ligier looks at you with an intrigued stare. "The operations of the Althing are up to his members. Are all of you ready to back up this plan, knowing the price for failure?"
"I was ready since the time I accepted to become a Green Sun Prince." is your answer.
"Where Lelouch goes, I'll follow!" Is Milly's answer.
"To protect Japan is my duty, to show its people the right way my pleasure." is Kaguya's answer.
"I have a dream, and nothing will steer me away from making it a reality." is Rakshata's answer.
"I was saved, in more ways than one. Now it's time to return the favor." is Akito's answer.
Leila gulps, but then sighs in relief when nobody ask her to say something too.
"Your determination will serve you well. But there is a last topic I must address." Ligier's right hand is weathered in green fire. When it subsides in his palm stands a black prism-like stone with a core of green light. Seyrun informs you it's one of those Hearthstones he told you about. "The Althing needs a Marshal. Someone who will act as the mouthpiece for all Peers, making sure the assembly's laws are respected and will bring their concerns to the Conclave should the need arise. Who do you think is most qualified for this task?"
All eyes turn to you. Clearing expecting this Ligier smiles and commands the rostrum to move until he's right in front of you. "Lelouch Vi Britannia. Green Sun Prince. Peer of the Demon City. Do you accept the title of Marshal of the Althing Infernal, with all that it implies?"
You kneel down and bow. "I do. I swear it on my name and on my very soul."
"Then this is yours." Ligier holds out the hearthstone. You extend your arm and he puts the stone in your palm. You feel a miniscule part of your Essence being drawn into the stone, and following that the creation of a metaphysical link between you and it. Information fills your mind, and you know everything about the hearthstone.
It is yours.
The others, save Leila, touch the stone too, creating a link to it. After that Ligier addresses everyone in a final, brief speech. "Go forth Green Sun Princes! You are the will of the Yozis! Remember Creation of its True Masters! Show no mercy to any who oppose you!"
He then ascends to the sky in a flash of impossible emerald brilliance, the buildings giving way to his passage before snapping back in place. Leaving the six of yours alone.
"That went well." Rakshata stretches before standing up and walking away. She stops and looks back at you, Kaguya and Milly. "One of the Unquestionables of your Patrons will surely request to meet you, and soon. Before that happen take possession of your personal palace and then meet me at the armory: it's time we properly equip you with Exalted gear."
"That would be most useful. Thank you." The Defiler smiles and walks away. Akito and Leila are talking, so you give them privacy and leave too.
"That went...well." Seyrun comments with a relieved tone. "Honestly, standing before an Unquestionable is usually a sign you fucked up, badly. Please Boss, let's not end there."
'I do have self-preservation instincts.' You reply back sarcastically.
Kaguya appears on your right, matching your pace. Milly does the same to your left.
"Lelouch-sama, later I would like to speak privately with you." She asks with a happy smile. "There are so many things we have to discuss."
"Of course." You reply with a small bow. "Our stay in Malfeas has just begun. There will be plenty of time for that."
Now if only you could understand why Milly is grinning like the cat that got the bird, you would be able to relax.
The palace is like the rest of the Conventicle Malfeasant, made primarily with black basalt, gold and brass. The style is vaguely reminiscent of Asian culture with a touch of Roman influence. Much to Seyrun's clear displeasure Lemmun is there waiting for you as the guide.
The palace itself is a huge thing with many halls, ballrooms, bedchambers, libraries and other rooms, the wall covered with great tapestries and works of art from Malfeas.
The latter are, luckily, only mildly disturbing.
"The Palaces was fitted with all the commodities of the modern world that could be installed Green Sun Prince." The Naneke explains. "Sadly some technological wonders couldn't be replicated for various reasons, but I can assure you any basic need you may desire for can be satisfied readily. There are many serfs working incessantly for that purpose and to keep the palace at full efficiency at all times."
"That's good, however I will spend much of my time in Creation. As such I have need of serfs expert in fighting, stealth and any other military ability. I also need to learn how to summon them myself."
"Of course Master. This can be easily arranged, and the libraries of Unquestionable Orabilis contain all the knowledge you require. Or, if it pleases you, my humble self can teach you himself."
"Oh please, no!"
"I will consider it." You cautiously reply. "Where are we going anyway?"
"The center of the Palace Master, the heart of the Manse. You will need to claim ownership of it and the Hearthstone within, so that nobody can question your authority."
'Another one?' You touch the pocket where you put the Gem of the Conventicle Malfeasant. 'Can never have enough I suppose.'
Reaching a large door two Erymanthoi opens it for you to step inside.
Right into a drunken party. You stop, staring in mild confusion as the Anuhles from the Dark-Green Fangs spread across the room, either drinking from bottles, wobbling around, singing or just snoring loudly.
"Those fucking imbeciles!" Seyrun seethes. "I lose sight of them for a while, and THIS is what they do?"
"Oh dear." Lemmun sniffs at an half-empty bottle. "It appears they found the reserve of bonewine."
'Bonewine? No wait, I don't want to know.' You clear your throat before speaking, loudly but calmly. "Having fun?"
"You bet-" An Anuhle begins, before realizing who he's speaking to. "Oh fuck! Guys! The Boss is here!" With a startled gasp everyone rush to form an orderly line, even if the effect is ruined by those still mostly sober needing to draw along the absolutely drunk and the passed out.
You smile pleasantly, your eyes closed. "What. Happened?"
They fidget nervously. Eventually one finds the courage to speak. "Weeellll...we were waiting...nothing to do...we found the wine-" He begins before another spider sleep-tackles and pushes him down.
"Pain. Pain for those idiots."
"Punishment, Master?" One of the Erymanthoi growls.
"Sadly I need them alive." You shake your head. "Just beat the drunkenness out of them."
The apes smile. The spiders pale.
Ignoring the cries of pain you follow Lemmun to the other side of the room, where on a raised pillar stand another Hearthstone. The process takes longer because you need to do the attunement yourself and alone, but it goes off without problems.
[] Choose one of the Hearthstone listed here*
*Note: the Deceiver's Stone will unlock a Special Event
"Here we are." Hands of Essence push open the massive doors, and Rakshata guides the rest of you into the armory of the Conventicle Malfeasant. The inside is full of racks, each one holding weapons of every type, to swords to spears and even guns, plus simpler but not less impressive items.
"You made them?" You ask, looking in wonder as what your new Essence sight is telling you are relics of great potency.
"Only a small part. Malfeas' massive production of Relics never slowed down since the Primordial War. I just helped refining it to modern needs." She answers smugly. "This is only the equipment that can be fitted on a person. Since Exalts can't only rely on their Charms, we need to prepare in any way possible."
"Make sense." You give a cursory glance around before discarding the melee-weapons as viable options. Instead you walk to the firearms section and pick up a random gun. It's heavy, yet it fits into your hand perfectly. "Those are Relic guns, yes? Do they have a specific name?"
How appropriate.
[] Choose two items from the "Relic Guns: Hellcasters" section here.
[] Choose three Lesser Infernal Relics:
-[] From those listed here.
-[] Custom made ones (write-in)
After you and the others made your selection a demon came to see you: it's a great crimson snake, two emeralds for eyes. "Peer Lelouch Vi Britannia, also know as Lelouch Lamperouge and Zero?" It hisses.
Just by how it says all three of your identities you have an inkling of what this is about. "I am." The Mark of Ebon Dragon opens up like a third eye, looking down at the snake.
It bows down. "By the order of my Master I came. Unquestionable Daendels requests your presence at the site where Mighty Oramus rest."
Called it.
"Daendels...Oh fuck." Seyrun is awestruck. "Daendels the Unfettered Heart. He is not just an Unquestionable of Oramus: he's his Fetich!!"
'Even more reasons to answer then.' You turn to Kaguya and apologize. "Sorry, it appears our talk will need to wait."
"It's not problem." She smiles in understanding. "Good luck Lelouch-sama."
"Thank you." You look back at the snake. "Let's go."
Waiting for you and the properly chastised Dark-Green Fangs is a dirigible-like airship manned by various demons with human-like form. Faster and more comfortable than an Agatae, it takes only three cries of Tomescu to reach your destination, time you spend admiring the layers of Malfeas you pass over.
Passing above a forest of metallic sheen, great swarms of metallic insects swarming around at the airship's passage, your gaze fall for the first time on the Shattered Cities: a veritable mountain range of jagged, ruined buildings and cities lain waste, shattered spires and leveled temples visible at every turn.
And in the center of it is an egg-like mass the size of a mountain, its color changing rhythmically like the beat of a great hearth, a great structure of brass and marble hundreds of feet tall surrounding it like a scaffolding constructed by mad spiders.
You know what—who is it even before Seyrun tells you.
"Oh Great Oramus..." He whispers with reverence before descending in a litany of fervent prayers to the deity before you.
You instead stare at your patron in rapt fascination, absentmindedly following the serfs out of the ship and through the rubble until you reach the entrance to the scaffolding, the only temple to Oramus that ever exists, and they leave you there alone, the Anuhles waiting outside at a respectful distance.
For what seem like hours you stare there, silent and immobile, Seyrun's prayers relegated to background buzz. You gaze sweep over the great being, every Essence lattice and detail searing itself into your mind with absolute clarity, the blasphemous reality of Oramus's cage revealing itself.
You think how long he has been in this state. How much he must have suffered, but here you fail miserably because you know that, no much how you struggle, you can understand only an infinitesimal small part of it.
"How could they do this?" You finally whisper in a mix of horror and indignation.
"Fear mostly." A new voice says from behind you. Old, and wise beyond understanding. "For they could never quench the doubt gnawing at their hearts that all their efforts were, essentially, only a temporary measure."
You turn around.
Out of all the demons you met he is the most human-like. Appearing like an old but still strong man, he wears timeless simple clothes of a traveler or desert dweller, a hat partially shadowing his face. Then you realize it's not covered by shadows—everything above his nose IS a shadow, an emptiness in the structure of reality that cannot be pierced. That you don't want to pierce.
You fall down to one knee and bow deeply. "Honoured Unquestionable."
"At ease boy." He says simply while walking past you, deeper into the temple, before stopping and looking up at Oramus. "I will not stay here long, so we can dispense with the pleasantries."
"As...you wish." You reply with some hesitation. You slowly look up. "Are you...Unquestionable Daendels?"
"That I am." He hums. "I didn't have much faith in this Reclamation project, honestly not with all those fools trying, and failing, to make a coherent effort. Have you ever seen a reunion of the Conclave? Put ten Radeken in a cage meant to comfortably hold only six, and they will be more civil. Everyone has at least a single counterpart they hate, and they only search to further their own interests. By the end of each session there are always been a dozen attempted murders."
You stay silent, mentally trying to image the scenario painted by Daendels. It isn't pretty.
"But, apparently my Oversoul has a plan: you." He slightly tilts his body clockwise. "He didn't say much, but he told me every necessary move has been made, and all that remain is waiting for the results to show themselves."
"Words cannot express how honored I am to have such trust given upon me." You bow deeply. "Like I said to Unquestionable Ligier, I owe my Master and all of Malfeas a debt I believe will require much to repay. Whatever is asked of me, I will strive to achieve it at all costs."
"Yes. Debts must be repaid." He says in apparent approval before tossing something at you. "Catch."
You grab it out of the air. It turns out to be a scroll, around which is wrapped an Amulet with a single Hearthstone on it.
"I was told to give those things to you. The Hearthstone is for a Manse that sometimes fly around. Nothing much, but the stone itself is something you need to keep on yourself on all times. The scroll tells you how to meet the one who, among my soul-siblings, was decided is the best teacher for you. If you are in need of everything else, the boys living here are excellent artisans." He shrugs. "That's all."
"I...thank you for the gifts Lord Daendels." You bow again.
"No need boy. I was just repaying a favor."
"Eve-" You raise your head, but stop when you see the space in front of you is empty. You look around, but there is no trace of Daendels. He already left. Seyrun keeps praying.
What a bizarre encounter.
Choice time. You can choose more than one options, but in that case you also need to se the order in which doing them.
[] Stay there some more, praying to Oramus
[] Ask the demons around here what they can offer you
-[] Write-in.
[] Read the Scroll
[] Find this supposed "flying" Manse
[] Go back to your palace
[] Visit the Scattered Cities
[] Visit Malfeas, see how demons live
[] Something else? (write-in)
This is everything for today. The demons that live around Oramus are all grafters and can help you making the mask and costume of Zero into a relic, or supply other things. Whatever you decide you must make a list, with relative powers and other data, which will need my approval to be possible.
"Lord Ligier, may I speak?" You ask with reverence to the Unquestionable. At his silent nod you stand up and bow. "Thank you. In light of what you revealed to us today, I have created a plan that I am sure will be able to take care of the more pressing issues, and also advance greatly the Reclamation's efforts towards its ultimate goal. I would like to propose it to everyone present."
"That was fast." Ligier comments with amusement. "Go on."
You take a deep breath before beginning. "The first point I want to address is that of the future Peers. Because the survival and training of the future Infernals is a key part of the Reclamation's objectives, obviously the survival of the current Infernals is of paramount importance to make that possible. This is something more likely to happen if everyone here is working together, rather than scattered. Peer Kaguya, Peer Milly and myself are all currently residing in Japan and should be able to work together readily." Both Kaguya and Milly nods at your words. "Peer Rakshata has already shown interest in coming to Japan, and I am are more than willing to provide a test pilot of adequate skills for the Guren Mk-II. Unless her presence is required elsewhere...?"
"Nope, I am free." The Indian scientist replies. "Me and Akito just finished a minor project in the Middle Eastern Federation. Now all that remains is to reap the benefits, and I have subordinates for that." She puts the pipe in her mouth and smiles. "Beside, I have a lot of stuff made for urban warfare that only need testing: Japan sounds like the perfect place to do so."
"That would be most helpful." You thank her before turning to the blue-haired Japanese. "That leaves Peer Akito. I believe it's essential for him to be near the rest of the Coven in order to fight any Wyld Hunts sent after us. Akito is a Slayer, from his and Lord Ligier's comments a warrior of great power who will only become even greater. While I am an elite Knightmare pilot myself, I am limited in the time and effort I can spend making myself personally capable in other areas of combat given my other responsibilities. Not to mention my greatest talents lie elsewhere. I suspect the others are in a similar situation, being focused on political efforts in the case of Milly and Kaguya or scientific pursuits in the case of Rakshata. Am I wrong?"
"You are not, Peer Lelouch." Kaguya readily admits. "I possess no martial ability whatsoever."
"Me neither. I have a Charm-" Seyrun snorts at Rakshata's words. "-that offers excellent support against normal humans, but isn't ideal against Exalts and other magical beings."
"As I thought. To balance this out the four of us need Akito close by." You see Akito nodding absentmindedly, but Leila's expression is quickly turning into a scowl. Time to strike. "Peer Akito, Major Malcal, I would like to propose that we convince your superiors to send the W-0 unit to Japan. I believe it will be a much better environment for your pilots to operate in."
While you still have a hard time getting a good read on Akito, Leila is clearly hesitant, but you can see that her interest is piqued. "How so?" she asks.
Giving your Essence a push, you state your case. "For seven years Japan and its people have been oppressed by Britannia, and what Akito has said about your unit doesn't indicate things are all that much better for the Japanese refugees within the EU if they have not been granted citizenship after that long. Given their lack of citizenship and the use of prototypes, I have little doubt that they are intended for highly dangerous missions in place of normal troops. In short, suicide missions." You can tell she's upset, in spite of her efforts to stay calm. She's aware of the matter, but she doesn't like it. "I can tell you don't approve of this notion, and neither do I. An enlightened world has no place for such discrimination. If you work with me, I can assure you that your subordinates would be valued as much as my own." The look on her face says she's interested. Perhaps just a bit more bait. "Also, I'm certain that Peer Rakshata would be willing to look over the Alexanders with your friend - with the advances that come of it, I'm sure their chances of survival in battle will increase greatly." The Indian scientist smiles confidently. "So, what do you say?"
"I...would like that." She seems to hesitate before her gaze hardens. "But you want my unit to aid your rebellion."
"Of course." Your honesty without hesitation stuns her. You take advantage of that. "We both know that it is only a matter of time before Britannia and the E.U. wage war against each other. So, instead of operating in missions that will likely result in high casualties, wouldn't it be better to work for a task that equally aids your nation, but it is much less dangerous? Plus if Japan is liberated the refugees could return to their home nation. There they would not be unjustly discriminated against, and could lead happier lives."
You raise your arm, letting your cape flapping dramatically. "This brings me to the next point, and the most important one: how Japan can be the ideal beachhead for the Reclamation, as well as a vital linchpin to any effort for defeating Britannia."
"Creation is large. Not as it was once, but still big." Ligier comments with what seem, seem, honest curiosity. "What makes a small island nation so special?"
"What it represents, and could be. Japan contains 70% of the world's known Sakuradite reserves. This makes it a strategic location with few equals in the world. By freeing Japan from Britannia's control it severely weakens their ability to wage war abroad: from Knightmares to common guns, the Britannian war machine runs on Sakuradite. Even if we have tangible proof that they have started using other magical materials, it is still an undeniable fact that cutting Britannia's source of Sakuradite would have devastating effects on them. Similarly, that advantage could become that of the Reclamation if Japan comes under its control."
You turn to Leila. "This is also a good negotiation point with the E.U. for sending the W-0 unit to Japan. The geographic location of Japan makes it impossible for the E.U. to gain control it, as they'd have to go through either Britannia or the Chinese Federation, neither of which is possible. An independent Japan is therefore better for them, especially if they have friendly relations. Britannia would be weakened, and their other rival wouldn't gain an advantage either, but by helping the revolution they can gain many advantages: like, an increased supply of Sakuradite?"
"You know, he isn't wrong." Akito comments, looking at Leila. "And even if we are discovered? The top brass can just say we went rogue. Things like those happen all the times."
Leila stares at Akito. She opens her mouth as if to say something before stopping, closing it and sitting down with a sigh. "You have already decided, uh? Fine, alright. But you will need to convince the W-0 Unit's supervisor, General Gene Smilas." She scowls. "Also, I want command of the W-0. There is no way I am leaving that racist Anou in charge."
"I would like to take care of that." Kaguya smiles innocently. "As a representative of the old government of Japan, I am the most qualified for the job."
"Thank you both for your collaboration." You do a small bow before continuing. "With Japan freed, showing that an Area can liberate itself, rebellion will increase in other places conquered by Britannia, further weakening it. But it is in Japan specifically that my plan will unfold."
You spread your arms. "Japan is an ideal location to lay the foundation for achieving the objective Wise Oramus has given me: to create an empire that will surpass everything Britannia is and will ever be!" Your declaration draws curious stares from everyone, sans Milly who already know and Ligier whose expression doesn't let anything out. "I believe this is also a good platform that may be helpful for meeting the orders of the other Infernals here." You look at the others. "Or would that interfere with your duties?"
The others shake their heads in denial.
"Excellent. Finally, why I am sure my plan will aid the Reclamation." You turn to Ligier. "The empire I will build, is one where the people will embrace the worship of the Yozis! Japan is, again, ideal for this, as there are many disenfranchised people and cults have already begun being built. The cursed and corrupt gods have done nothing to help them, so the Yozis and their champions will become their champions. With Japan under our rule and worshiping the the Yozis, the future empire will become a subordinate kingdom to Hell, one that recognizes the world's True Masters and willingly aids in their liberation!"
Silence. For a few seconds nobody speak, your fellow Infernals and Leila staring at you in mute fascination.
And then Ligier laughs. Like his voice it is hardly something that belong to humans: it's like an explosion of energy, a wavelength that makes the air itself suffocating to breath.
It's a natural disaster, and the only reason your mask doesn't crack is that Ligier's laughter...isn't hostile.
"Now I see the unrestrainable ambition of a true Exalted! I can honestly say this is the boldest plan I have heard in the last few millennia. You do realize that, unlike cults, there will be no way to hide the conversion of an entire nation?" His smile is one of sadistic glee. "But oh, I would willing give some of my most precious treasures just to see the faces of those fools in Heaven the moment they hear the news!"
You bow. "I am perfectly aware Lord Ligier. Yet, I don't plan to proceed without making appropriate preparations. By the time my vision becomes reality the new kingdom will be equipped to deal with any violent responses, both from Britannia and Heaven, its armies ready to fight to protect their home just as fiercely as they fought to free it. And even if it not suffices...this plan requires only the five of us to oversee." Your indicate your fellow Exalts. "As we do it and bring Britannia's focus upon us, the other 45 Green Sun Princes will be able to strike everywhere else, forcing our enemies to either stretch their forces too thinly to be effective, or concentrate on a single target at the exclusion of all others, with the risk they grow too strong in the meantime. Whatever they do, it's their loss."
"You would stand openly against everyone, even at the risk of annihilation?" He asks you.
"If the king does not lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?" You raise your left hand and makes a sharp, cutting horizontal gesture to your side. "We will inspire by example, to show our future Peers that, no matter how numerous our enemies are-" You raise your head proudly. "Victory will be ours as long as our will is stronger than theirs!"
Kaguya is the first to react: she stands up and begins to clap. Milly follows immediately. Rakshata snorts before letting her pipe suspended in the air by a field of energy and starts clapping too. For the first time Akito's expression shows emotions: his lips curl into a bloodthirsty smile, but he claps nonetheless. Leila immediately imitates him before stopping, as if only then realizing what she is doing. Yet a few moments later she resumes clapping.
"The Dragons were right: Lelouch Vi Britannia, you really are something else." Ligier looks at you with an intrigued stare. "The operations of the Althing are up to his members. Are all of you ready to back up this plan, knowing the price for failure?"
"I was ready since the time I accepted to become a Green Sun Prince." is your answer.
"Where Lelouch goes, I'll follow!" Is Milly's answer.
"To protect Japan is my duty, to show its people the right way my pleasure." is Kaguya's answer.
"I have a dream, and nothing will steer me away from making it a reality." is Rakshata's answer.
"I was saved, in more ways than one. Now it's time to return the favor." is Akito's answer.
Leila gulps, but then sighs in relief when nobody ask her to say something too.
"Your determination will serve you well. But there is a last topic I must address." Ligier's right hand is weathered in green fire. When it subsides in his palm stands a black prism-like stone with a core of green light. Seyrun informs you it's one of those Hearthstones he told you about. "The Althing needs a Marshal. Someone who will act as the mouthpiece for all Peers, making sure the assembly's laws are respected and will bring their concerns to the Conclave should the need arise. Who do you think is most qualified for this task?"
All eyes turn to you. Clearing expecting this Ligier smiles and commands the rostrum to move until he's right in front of you. "Lelouch Vi Britannia. Green Sun Prince. Peer of the Demon City. Do you accept the title of Marshal of the Althing Infernal, with all that it implies?"
You kneel down and bow. "I do. I swear it on my name and on my very soul."
"Then this is yours." Ligier holds out the hearthstone. You extend your arm and he puts the stone in your palm. You feel a miniscule part of your Essence being drawn into the stone, and following that the creation of a metaphysical link between you and it. Information fills your mind, and you know everything about the hearthstone.
It is yours.
Gem of the Conventicle Malfeasant (Manse 5)
A core of green light shines within this black prism-shaped stone which split into exactly fifty rays. This unique hearthstone formed from the complex geomantic operations that set the foundations of the Conventicle Malfeasant and the intervention of Ligier himself. It is the symbol of the Marshal of the Althing Infernal, who has the duty to make sure the rules made by the Peers are respected and possesses the privilege to contact the Reclamation Conclave in case there are issues that require the Unquestionable's direct attention.
When an Infernal Exalt touches the Gem for the first time it drains from them a single mote. In case the warlock doesn't currently have motes she suffers one unsoakable health level of lethal damage as the prism's rays cut her skin and drink her blood. From then on, until the Infernal dies, the Gem remembers and recognizes the Exalt's metaphysical signature. Every time it is necessary to call for an assembly of the Althing outside Calibration the bearer of the Gem only needs to feed the hearthstone 10 motes. A single pulse of emerald light then emanates from it, encompassing the world instantly but unseen: any Infernal who has touched the Gem in the same realm of existence as the bearer gains the absolute knowledge that the Althing is called, and he must attend. This is not a Compulsion effect, but any properly trained Green Sun Prince knows that only the most grave of excuses will suffice to explain his absence.
The others, save Leila, touch the stone too, creating a link to it. After that Ligier addresses everyone in a final, brief speech. "Go forth Green Sun Princes! You are the will of the Yozis! Remember Creation of its True Masters! Show no mercy to any who oppose you!"
He then ascends to the sky in a flash of impossible emerald brilliance, the buildings giving way to his passage before snapping back in place. Leaving the six of yours alone.
"That went well." Rakshata stretches before standing up and walking away. She stops and looks back at you, Kaguya and Milly. "One of the Unquestionables of your Patrons will surely request to meet you, and soon. Before that happen take possession of your personal palace and then meet me at the armory: it's time we properly equip you with Exalted gear."
"That would be most useful. Thank you." The Defiler smiles and walks away. Akito and Leila are talking, so you give them privacy and leave too.
"That went...well." Seyrun comments with a relieved tone. "Honestly, standing before an Unquestionable is usually a sign you fucked up, badly. Please Boss, let's not end there."
'I do have self-preservation instincts.' You reply back sarcastically.
Kaguya appears on your right, matching your pace. Milly does the same to your left.
"Lelouch-sama, later I would like to speak privately with you." She asks with a happy smile. "There are so many things we have to discuss."
"Of course." You reply with a small bow. "Our stay in Malfeas has just begun. There will be plenty of time for that."
Now if only you could understand why Milly is grinning like the cat that got the bird, you would be able to relax.
The palace is like the rest of the Conventicle Malfeasant, made primarily with black basalt, gold and brass. The style is vaguely reminiscent of Asian culture with a touch of Roman influence. Much to Seyrun's clear displeasure Lemmun is there waiting for you as the guide.
The palace itself is a huge thing with many halls, ballrooms, bedchambers, libraries and other rooms, the wall covered with great tapestries and works of art from Malfeas.
The latter are, luckily, only mildly disturbing.
"The Palaces was fitted with all the commodities of the modern world that could be installed Green Sun Prince." The Naneke explains. "Sadly some technological wonders couldn't be replicated for various reasons, but I can assure you any basic need you may desire for can be satisfied readily. There are many serfs working incessantly for that purpose and to keep the palace at full efficiency at all times."
"That's good, however I will spend much of my time in Creation. As such I have need of serfs expert in fighting, stealth and any other military ability. I also need to learn how to summon them myself."
"Of course Master. This can be easily arranged, and the libraries of Unquestionable Orabilis contain all the knowledge you require. Or, if it pleases you, my humble self can teach you himself."
"Oh please, no!"
"I will consider it." You cautiously reply. "Where are we going anyway?"
"The center of the Palace Master, the heart of the Manse. You will need to claim ownership of it and the Hearthstone within, so that nobody can question your authority."
'Another one?' You touch the pocket where you put the Gem of the Conventicle Malfeasant. 'Can never have enough I suppose.'
Reaching a large door two Erymanthoi opens it for you to step inside.
Right into a drunken party. You stop, staring in mild confusion as the Anuhles from the Dark-Green Fangs spread across the room, either drinking from bottles, wobbling around, singing or just snoring loudly.
"Those fucking imbeciles!" Seyrun seethes. "I lose sight of them for a while, and THIS is what they do?"
"Oh dear." Lemmun sniffs at an half-empty bottle. "It appears they found the reserve of bonewine."
'Bonewine? No wait, I don't want to know.' You clear your throat before speaking, loudly but calmly. "Having fun?"
"You bet-" An Anuhle begins, before realizing who he's speaking to. "Oh fuck! Guys! The Boss is here!" With a startled gasp everyone rush to form an orderly line, even if the effect is ruined by those still mostly sober needing to draw along the absolutely drunk and the passed out.
You smile pleasantly, your eyes closed. "What. Happened?"
They fidget nervously. Eventually one finds the courage to speak. "Weeellll...we were waiting...nothing to do...we found the wine-" He begins before another spider sleep-tackles and pushes him down.
"Pain. Pain for those idiots."
"Punishment, Master?" One of the Erymanthoi growls.
"Sadly I need them alive." You shake your head. "Just beat the drunkenness out of them."
The apes smile. The spiders pale.
Ignoring the cries of pain you follow Lemmun to the other side of the room, where on a raised pillar stand another Hearthstone. The process takes longer because you need to do the attunement yourself and alone, but it goes off without problems.
[] Choose one of the Hearthstone listed here*
*Note: the Deceiver's Stone will unlock a Special Event
"Here we are." Hands of Essence push open the massive doors, and Rakshata guides the rest of you into the armory of the Conventicle Malfeasant. The inside is full of racks, each one holding weapons of every type, to swords to spears and even guns, plus simpler but not less impressive items.
"You made them?" You ask, looking in wonder as what your new Essence sight is telling you are relics of great potency.
"Only a small part. Malfeas' massive production of Relics never slowed down since the Primordial War. I just helped refining it to modern needs." She answers smugly. "This is only the equipment that can be fitted on a person. Since Exalts can't only rely on their Charms, we need to prepare in any way possible."
"Make sense." You give a cursory glance around before discarding the melee-weapons as viable options. Instead you walk to the firearms section and pick up a random gun. It's heavy, yet it fits into your hand perfectly. "Those are Relic guns, yes? Do they have a specific name?"
How appropriate.
[] Choose two items from the "Relic Guns: Hellcasters" section here.
[] Choose three Lesser Infernal Relics:
-[] From those listed here.
-[] Custom made ones (write-in)
After you and the others made your selection a demon came to see you: it's a great crimson snake, two emeralds for eyes. "Peer Lelouch Vi Britannia, also know as Lelouch Lamperouge and Zero?" It hisses.
Just by how it says all three of your identities you have an inkling of what this is about. "I am." The Mark of Ebon Dragon opens up like a third eye, looking down at the snake.
It bows down. "By the order of my Master I came. Unquestionable Daendels requests your presence at the site where Mighty Oramus rest."
Called it.
"Daendels...Oh fuck." Seyrun is awestruck. "Daendels the Unfettered Heart. He is not just an Unquestionable of Oramus: he's his Fetich!!"
'Even more reasons to answer then.' You turn to Kaguya and apologize. "Sorry, it appears our talk will need to wait."
"It's not problem." She smiles in understanding. "Good luck Lelouch-sama."
"Thank you." You look back at the snake. "Let's go."
Waiting for you and the properly chastised Dark-Green Fangs is a dirigible-like airship manned by various demons with human-like form. Faster and more comfortable than an Agatae, it takes only three cries of Tomescu to reach your destination, time you spend admiring the layers of Malfeas you pass over.
Passing above a forest of metallic sheen, great swarms of metallic insects swarming around at the airship's passage, your gaze fall for the first time on the Shattered Cities: a veritable mountain range of jagged, ruined buildings and cities lain waste, shattered spires and leveled temples visible at every turn.
And in the center of it is an egg-like mass the size of a mountain, its color changing rhythmically like the beat of a great hearth, a great structure of brass and marble hundreds of feet tall surrounding it like a scaffolding constructed by mad spiders.
You know what—who is it even before Seyrun tells you.
"Oh Great Oramus..." He whispers with reverence before descending in a litany of fervent prayers to the deity before you.
You instead stare at your patron in rapt fascination, absentmindedly following the serfs out of the ship and through the rubble until you reach the entrance to the scaffolding, the only temple to Oramus that ever exists, and they leave you there alone, the Anuhles waiting outside at a respectful distance.
For what seem like hours you stare there, silent and immobile, Seyrun's prayers relegated to background buzz. You gaze sweep over the great being, every Essence lattice and detail searing itself into your mind with absolute clarity, the blasphemous reality of Oramus's cage revealing itself.
You think how long he has been in this state. How much he must have suffered, but here you fail miserably because you know that, no much how you struggle, you can understand only an infinitesimal small part of it.
"How could they do this?" You finally whisper in a mix of horror and indignation.
"Fear mostly." A new voice says from behind you. Old, and wise beyond understanding. "For they could never quench the doubt gnawing at their hearts that all their efforts were, essentially, only a temporary measure."
You turn around.

Out of all the demons you met he is the most human-like. Appearing like an old but still strong man, he wears timeless simple clothes of a traveler or desert dweller, a hat partially shadowing his face. Then you realize it's not covered by shadows—everything above his nose IS a shadow, an emptiness in the structure of reality that cannot be pierced. That you don't want to pierce.
You fall down to one knee and bow deeply. "Honoured Unquestionable."
"At ease boy." He says simply while walking past you, deeper into the temple, before stopping and looking up at Oramus. "I will not stay here long, so we can dispense with the pleasantries."
"As...you wish." You reply with some hesitation. You slowly look up. "Are you...Unquestionable Daendels?"
"That I am." He hums. "I didn't have much faith in this Reclamation project, honestly not with all those fools trying, and failing, to make a coherent effort. Have you ever seen a reunion of the Conclave? Put ten Radeken in a cage meant to comfortably hold only six, and they will be more civil. Everyone has at least a single counterpart they hate, and they only search to further their own interests. By the end of each session there are always been a dozen attempted murders."
You stay silent, mentally trying to image the scenario painted by Daendels. It isn't pretty.
"But, apparently my Oversoul has a plan: you." He slightly tilts his body clockwise. "He didn't say much, but he told me every necessary move has been made, and all that remain is waiting for the results to show themselves."
"Words cannot express how honored I am to have such trust given upon me." You bow deeply. "Like I said to Unquestionable Ligier, I owe my Master and all of Malfeas a debt I believe will require much to repay. Whatever is asked of me, I will strive to achieve it at all costs."
"Yes. Debts must be repaid." He says in apparent approval before tossing something at you. "Catch."
You grab it out of the air. It turns out to be a scroll, around which is wrapped an Amulet with a single Hearthstone on it.
"I was told to give those things to you. The Hearthstone is for a Manse that sometimes fly around. Nothing much, but the stone itself is something you need to keep on yourself on all times. The scroll tells you how to meet the one who, among my soul-siblings, was decided is the best teacher for you. If you are in need of everything else, the boys living here are excellent artisans." He shrugs. "That's all."
"I...thank you for the gifts Lord Daendels." You bow again.
"No need boy. I was just repaying a favor."
"Eve-" You raise your head, but stop when you see the space in front of you is empty. You look around, but there is no trace of Daendels. He already left. Seyrun keeps praying.
What a bizarre encounter.
-Mysterious? Scroll
-Infernal Hearthstone Amulet with "Wyld-Spreading Gem" Hearthstone in it.
Wyld-Spreading Gem (Manse 3)
This stone is of no fixed color or form, these things shifting from moment to moment. Its presence breaks down the barriers between order and chaos, amplifying the chaos of the Wyld. Within 10 yards of the stone, treat Creation and Yu-shan as the Bordermarches; the Bordermarches as the Middlemarches; the Middlemarches as Deep Wyld; and Deep Wyld as Pure Chaos.
Choice time. You can choose more than one options, but in that case you also need to se the order in which doing them.
[] Stay there some more, praying to Oramus
[] Ask the demons around here what they can offer you
-[] Write-in.
[] Read the Scroll
[] Find this supposed "flying" Manse
[] Go back to your palace
[] Visit the Scattered Cities
[] Visit Malfeas, see how demons live
[] Something else? (write-in)
====Daendels, the Unfettered Heart, Fetich Soul of the Dragon Beyond the World
Something of a legend even in the Demon Realm, the Fetich Soul of Oramus wanders the Demon City without ceasing, questing endlessly for a way to free his master. Many Solar Savants thought Daendels became like this after Oramus' imprisonment, but in reality Daendels has always been a free spirit. He is the Unfettered, that which is shackled by nothing but his own goals, defining itself through them. His favored form is that of the archetypal wanderer, old and wise just like Oramus, but if he has others the scrolls of the Copper Spiders don't make mention of them. Many Sorcerers summoned him in the past in hope of learning secrets from before Creation was made, and paid greatly for it: for Daendels' hatred of restrictions is second only to his guile and intelligence, and it is to the latter than many Solars fell prey to, everything they worked for going wrong at the last possible moment, the despair leaving them a shell of their former selves. No matter how many times the Solars tried, how many biddings they laid on Daendels: the Unfettered Heart always obey them; and always, his summoners only reap ruin.
However, despite his apparent malice Daendels is honorable: believing favours given and debt unpaid to be ties that shackle him he always strives to repay them quickly and fairly. Those who help the Unfettered Heart can expect to receive a favour that perfectly balance their contribution; likewise, those he willingly help must take care to pay him back, lest he takes what he owns...one way or another. This behavior makes him popular among the Citizens and Unquestionables, for they know he can always get what they need, while First Circle Demons that have something he requires don't need to fear being treated unjustly.
This is everything for today. The demons that live around Oramus are all grafters and can help you making the mask and costume of Zero into a relic, or supply other things. Whatever you decide you must make a list, with relative powers and other data, which will need my approval to be possible.
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