I actually didn't realize that, as I'm not very good with the mechanics of the system. But I'm still assuming that she won't be seeing much combat, as her interests and abilities lie more in making stuff, even if she can hold her own in a battle if necessary.
Some basics:
She has a Parry of 6, as good as any combat specialist's base DV. You need an attacking dicepool of 12 or better to have even odds of hitting her, before charms.
She has an accuracy of 11 and damage of 3L, this is fairly low damage...but very good accuracy, allowing her to overflow accuracy into damage against most opponents. The Piercing element also does a good number on most armor.
She can use Mind Hand Manipulation to basically grapple multiple foes at once and render them combat irrelevant.
She can do all this at 11 yards away.
So basically, not very good against large groups, or combat specialist exalted, but she'd stomp the average soldier or spirit with little difficulty, and they can't even begin to touch her.
This is with the minimum investment, she hasn't gotten the upgrades:
-Occult isn't maxed out, and she can(and will) max it to add 2 to everything fairly quickly
-Willpower isn't maxed out either. Also adds to everything
-Unseen Force Application - Attacks are invisible and reduce enemy DV by 2. 3 and unblockable for mortals.
-Force Suppression Barrier - Add essence to defense again. Good luck touching her for the rest of the scene.
-Will Crushing Force - Convert telekinetic damage to willpower drain. Not very effective on Exalts who tend to have high willpower, but 3 hits with this on the average mortal shatters their mind and turns them into your minion. She could convert one person per round at this level if she buys it now.
Relatively small investment to be a combat monster, but I think she's good enough at present as a defensive fighter. Force Suppression Barrier is all she likely wants for now.
She is not quite there yet. As of now she is keeping a balance between Compassion and Conviction, under the belief she can be more useful to the world by creating weapons able to end wars faster, instead of just repairing what if left after them.
Still, her charms reward having 4s in her virtues I think. 3s isn't very useful for her build.
Virtue channeling isn't much good as a base until 4s.