So anyone have ideas on what the Aspects for Cornelia and Schneizel would be? I have my own guesses, but what are everyone else's thoughts?
Cornelia - Earth or Fire. She's stubborn as hell which fits Earth, which would fit Earth, but she's also fast to act and is pretty passionate about what she cares about.
Schneizel - My guess would be Air or Water. Air suits his personality as he's got no real mundane attachments, and Air aspects often tend to be schemers and strategists. The failing of not being willing to get his hands dirty also is kind of there in that he doesn't fight to win but rather not to lose, so he's not really fully committed to any scheme. Water also works because he's quite adaptable to change, and his plans to create peace with the threats of mass death fits the failings of Water Aspects, I think. I'd guess more towards Air than Water, personally.
Cornelia - Earth or Fire. She's stubborn as hell which fits Earth, which would fit Earth, but she's also fast to act and is pretty passionate about what she cares about.
Schneizel - My guess would be Air or Water. Air suits his personality as he's got no real mundane attachments, and Air aspects often tend to be schemers and strategists. The failing of not being willing to get his hands dirty also is kind of there in that he doesn't fight to win but rather not to lose, so he's not really fully committed to any scheme. Water also works because he's quite adaptable to change, and his plans to create peace with the threats of mass death fits the failings of Water Aspects, I think. I'd guess more towards Air than Water, personally.