There were great big monsters in the Wyld, not just Raksha but Unshaped, and above the Unshaped in the ecosystem are Hannya, weird, fucked up Unshaped that predate on and make a niche of predating on normal Unshaped in ways that arent normal.Certainly. But remember the Primordials were of that same Chaos themselves and in that sea such leviathans still swim. Especially if an Infernal went full Devil Tiger then, yeah, they could find their place in whatever ecosystem is out there and they wouldn't be at the bottom. But they wouldn't be an unassailable fortress-whale either.
And the Primordials were still unquestionably above. Theion took a Universe, a whole one, from the unborn possibilities into reality and broke it to make his crown. Canon charm fluff from Shards Theion Charms.
Primordials don't fuck around.
Universe Emperor Shintai said:Theion woke far from his brethren, brushing against the infinitude of Time Not to gaze on the 10,000 kingdoms he might rule. The formless rebels of Chaos laughed at him, a foolish monster seeking a place that could house his impossible majesty, but they screeched in voiceless terror at what he did next. From all his would-be dominions, the Empyreal Chaos drew forth the skeleton of the universe and shattered it, fashioning it into the fiery tines of his crown, lighting the flame of his righteousness and forging a realm greater than any imagined by others.
[X] With that courtesies Usum recalls (Charisma+Etiquette; may use Excelency)
-[X] Use Excellency
We got Etiquette for a reason.
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Demon Emperor Shintai also has some interesting stuff. Theion holding Time and Resurrection, the two these is cool.
Demon Emperor Shintai said:As this Charm activates, the Infernal's being evolves into pure Essence and expands at infinite speed to encompass the universe. For a moment, his feet tread the shinma and the wholeness of fate tangles about his limbs like tattered cobwebs. Time sits at his right hand and resurrection upon his left.
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