Even if one in ten of our tips gets acted on (and we could probably ensure more through backchannels, such as for example by having father Forthil help arrange the whole thing), it's still more than zero. That's a net benefit, measured in lives saved, for essentially no effort.
I strongly disagree. Something that takes half an hour in the evening shouldn't cost a full action point.
Who says it would take half an hour?
You are drastically underestimating the effort involved in
- Acquiring missing person's reports in a timely manner (missing person reports to the police are not public knowledge),
- Figuring out which are actually the result of foulplay instead of, say, someone leaving town. Or a family dispute over children
- Making sure we dont give away the Crown
- Laundering the results of any findings into something plausible to vanillas
- AND ensuring the police or a relevant body actually take action.
Fabricating 50k worth of diamonds took us a couple hours in the afternoon to forge and cut.
It still took us 1 AP and a couple days to process, even with Lydia's connections smoothing our way.
Indeed, if Lydia hadnt essentially advanced us a loan, it would have taken more time.
The idea that setting up a missing person or body finding service is going to be free doesnt pass the small test.
Any one person saved with the use of a crown is a person that wouldn't get saved without the use of the crown. How is "we can't save everyone" an argument against saving someone?
Literally an argument that can be made to support anything.
Why arent we out there playing Batman on the rooftops. Why arent we out there attending to homeless and addicts.
After all, if we only save one life...
The answer is always the same: The results to effort yield has to be worth the trouble.
The Consequences have to be expected and manageable.
Any Celestial Exalt has a ton of options clamoring for their time and attention.
If Murphy could solve every missing person case in Chicago that should go a long way to restoring her reputation in the police force.
I've addressed this, and
@Goldfish just did as well.
How does she explain suddenly managing this marvellous feat? Law enforcement are
supposed to look gift horses in the mouth.
Seriously, Im surprised and appalled at people who I assume have read the books and this quest automatically assuming that law enforcement is always the friend of someone involved in the magical community.
Before Dresden became Murphy's friend, she almost got him killed in Storm Front by attempting to arrest him when Sells was trying to kill him, for not talking to her. She DID have him arrested in Full Moon, after punching him in the face and gut, and he had to go on the lam for the rest of the book. The other bad guys in that same book were FBI.
Rudolph the Brown Nosed Reindeer had Dresden's home invaded by an FBI SWAT team in Changes under false pretences.
Setting him up to be shot by a sniper getting out of Chicago FBI headquarters. He survived because he was wearing the duster.
Rudolph suffered no consequences.
Molly herself had the late Lt Greene and an FBI agent attempt to interrogate her without parents or lawyer present while a minor in the immediate aftermath of one of the Splattercon attacks.
This happened in Proven Guilty, so from Molly's perspective, barely a couple weeks ago.
Do you forget its only been a couple weeks since Dresden was arrested for murder based on video footage some FBI agents knew to be faked? And thats not counting for things like when key elements of a police department are wholly owned subsidairies of some entity or the other. Like the Red Court taking over chunks of the Cleveland PD.
Why assume law enforcement will believe in the purity of our heart and purpose?
Still it should help Dresden in making it so he can off load a lot of his case work. No more is he forced to do 3 cases at once well getting more and more beat up and on a time limit.
Dresden is a private detective.
He DOESNT have a case load. He doesnt do 3 cases at once.
These scenarios you are building bear no palpable resemblance to the Harry Dresden of the books.