So.....what can we do with those options?
For normal spells, dots of paths do not represent discrete abilities, but broad spectrums of capabilities. As long as it looks vaguely consistent with the path and other effects it offers, most things are typically allowed. GM is the final arbiter, though.
A lot of paths that seems to be lacking can be made useful with some imagination.
At every dot of paths, new rituals become available. IIRC, you get one freebie ritual at every new dot of a path, but otherwise they cost a minor amount of XP. These are discrete abilities that typically take a long time to cast, but they are generally capable of effects "on the go" sorcery is incapable of, both numerically and qualitatively.
In simpler terms, Rituals work at +1.5 Dots average of strength compared to "normal" spells. That is a lot, given that Dot strength increase is not linear.
There are "ritual only" paths, but you do not pay more xp for these; that merely represents that casting time is always slow asf. In return, they are typically either more versatile or potent than other paths. Alchemy and Enchanting can replicate most other paths to some extent, but involve crafting time. Weather Manipulation can reliably destroy cities at 4 dots or so. Stuff like that.
If you roll a gross amount of sux, typically double what you needed otherwise, your spells and rituals get stronger. Infernals who are theoretically capable of hitting 30+ sux on a roll, theoretically can use this mechanic at the point where mortal sorcs cap out. What sorceries with 7-8 dots of effective power look like is anyone's guess.
Focus on potions and preparation of high-quality materials. Potion to run twice as fast? Two dots. Super-metal for weapons and armors? Three dots. Life extension? Four dots. Various "+dots of [Attributes]" effects are available at all levels. Side effects are typically mild.
Focus on persistent artifacts and gadgets. Sword of +1 Damage? Mail of +1 armor? One dot. At two dots, you can add +2. Higher level artifacts often require upkeep, but are correspondingly stronger: shoes that double speed permanently as long as [condition] is true is three dots. Sword that deals aggravated damage to [Splat X] is three dots. Increasing attributes? Enchantment isn't good at it, but at four dots it can do it. At five dots, some really strong stuff can be done, but upkeep and side-effect get more and more troublesome. Pouch of infinite money, as long as you only take 5 dollars per day out of it is 5 dots. Gun that deals 12 dice of damage to [Splat X] is 5 dots.
Anything imaginable to do with dreams. Healing Rosie is two-three dots with AP spending, Four without. Messaging people through dreams is four dots. Physically entering dreams is six dots, and allows for incredibly whacky stuff, like taking things and people
out of dreams. The path is heavily tilted toward high-dots effects, and we'd need to work with DP to actually make lower dots useful.
[] Shadowcasting, you already have an affinity for shadows, drawn as it might be from a fell place, being able to invoke the dark more readily would be of use in battle and out of it
Each dot of shadowcasting provides additional +1 dice to sneaking. That's pretty much terrestrial excellency-grade goodness, very good. Otherwise, increasing difficulty adjustments to enemies that fail the willpower roll, and physical solid shadows at higher dots. Not super useful outside of sneak buffs, tbh.
Vaunted "sleep is for the weak" is one dot ritual. Otherwise... Revised's healing system is a bit of a mess, to be entirely honest. Paths of Power Healing is a lot more internally consistent. Still, to sum it up; instant healing of serious injuries is very difficult. Healing bashing damage instantly is 3 dots, Lethal is 6 which is
bullshit because
ressurecting people is 6 dots. Over long-term time periods, genetic defects and serious illnesses are 4-5 dots. "You don't recover instantly, but heal X times faster than usual" effects are available at all dots. Healing aggravated is impossible, which is bullshit because
reviving people from death is possible.
Healing from Paths of Power makes a lot more sense. I should write down its mechanics down at some point, maybe DP would allow us to use it instead.
Summon thinking beings. Revised's summoning... Apparently doesn't teleport things, only compels them to come to you under their own power? IDK how that would work. Higher-dots creatures could teleport themselves, of course...
Anyway, at 1-3 you summon critters and mundane humans, at 4-5 you summon supernatural stuff, at 6 you summons gods.
Ask questions, receive answers. At one dot, you can ask about only about things in near vicinity, that happened recently, and recieve vague asf answers. At six dots, you know everything about anything at wish, as long as it isn't specifically shielded.
Yeah, DP wanted to nerf this path, IIRC.
There is some stuff that is very good, but isn't mentioned in DP's list. Fortune was widely considered as one of the most useful paths, for example. Shame that Shapeshifting is not available; Molly would've had a lot of fun with ability to change her appearance at will. One dot is sufficient for most cosmetic changes. Time manipulation paths are kind of busted. Illusion has a lot of utility. Mana Manipulation, if it could be made to work for Essence could multiplicatively increase our effective essence pool. And so on.
Enchantment doesn't seem to be general purpose enchantment. It is focused on making fetishes, and those are basically spells in a jar.
Descriptions on WoDwiki are deceptive, this allows +1 swords to be crafted just fine. Although spells in a jar is also possible. Explicit "awaken spirit of an item to get it to become magical" path exists in MtA's version of sorcerer's book, though.