Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

A piece of possessed electronics, whether that be a phone or a high tech toaster cannot be destroyed by any loss of software, that is because the demon does not work off the software, it suborns it. So for instance a demon in the toaster is just as smart as the one in the phone despite the fact that one has vastly more complex software than the other. That said an EMP would do it, as that physically damages the device in a wide spectrum manner.
You're saying that the sort of software loss that would brick devices IRL
Firmware damage, boot sector viruses and the like?

High appearance, and a few unnatural mental influence 'charms*' ontop of that. With just that a white should be able to do well even without any social skills. And there is nothing stopping them from developing good social skills besides laziness (which should not be discounted as something that likely happens alot).

Anyone want to try and create a standard white court vampire template?
*What do we call them?
High Appearance + always on variable power NMI mental influence + a UMI toggleable power

Just superhuman appearance could suffice to represent mid-level white vamp social; rules allow to breeze through most social interactions without a roll as long as your Attribute+Skill is high enough. Superhuman is high enough for most everything.

Stuff that Lara does to Papa Raith and other blatant mind-manipulation stuff that comes out when White Vamp Tries Really Hard could be represented with oWoD Dominate, probably. Hedge Magic Fascinate is also a good reference for effects, if unsuitable mechanically.
Probably a little beyond that.

Whampires are generally high App, but it doesnt seem to be enough to model some of the things we see Whamps do.
Thomas was literally getting jumped by female coworkers, and then fired by his bosses, when he tried to get a job after Blood Rites.
Hence his adopting a very camp homosexual persona.

Low level Hedge Magic Fascinate is definitely a good model for some of the passive fuckme energy we see with Raith family whamps in particular.
Whampires are generally high App, but it doesnt seem to be enough to model some of the things we see Whamps do.
Thomas was literally getting jumped by female coworkers, and then fired by his bosses, when he tried to get a job after Blood Rites.
Hence his adopting a very camp homosexual persona.
We have had unintentionally side effects from intimidate rolls being too high. Maybe some of Thomas's co workers were low willpower, not inclined to spend willpower to resist and had no conflicting intimacy.

A problem with appearance rolls is you can't avoid rolling them and it only takes 1 coworker with lacking self control to cause a problem.
We have had unintentionally side effects from intimidate rolls being too high. Maybe some of Thomas's co workers were low willpower, not inclined to spend willpower to resist and had no conflicting intimacy.

A problem with appearance rolls is you can't avoid rolling them and it only takes 1 coworker with lacking self control to cause a problem.
May need a charm that lets us toggle our appearance to human levels, or learn how to diminish them to that level.
May need a charm that lets us toggle our appearance to human levels, or learn how to diminish them to that level.
Considering that we only have 2 dots in appearance and no current plans to buy more that doesn't seem like an issue.

Also we have much more ability to intimidate low willpower admirers then Tomas. Both from skill and because we are female.

If Lara uses violence to fend off an unwanted male admirer that pushes too hard I expect that she gets a lot less Trouble then Tomas in a similar position.
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I'd give all Whampires the level 1 Presence power Awe in addition to high appearance.

Though only few develop beyond that.
Votes as they stand.

Looks like we are getting a new minion, provided we do not fubb the roll.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Dec 4, 2022 at 1:10 AM, finished with 87 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Yes, try to plant a cyberdevil in her phone (Charisma+Technology)
    [X] Yes, try to plant a cyberdevil in her phone (Charisma+Technology)
    -[x] It's amazing how easy and reflexive picking a cyber devil from the wicked city has become. Easier now that you know this isn't going to be the last one by a long shot. It doesn't take a moment between deciding you want to bug Alyssa Katherine McGregor's Samsung SYNC and doing it. Nice you should be able to make use of her automatic music subscription on Napster and Yahoo! Ads more preservative then demons.
As always, I am very open to feedback on this, and am willing to adjust, modify and change most things. Especially on this part, since it's the characters that make the story.
Okay, keep in mind that this is in no way a criticism of your incredibly well-thought designs and worldbuilding, and is completely my own hangup, but… I was kind of thinking that at least one type from our realm would have wings. That at least one species would be naturally capable of flight. Again, just my thing, but there it is.
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Dec 4, 2022 at 1:10 AM, finished with 87 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Yes, try to plant a cyberdevil in her phone (Charisma+Technology)
    [X] Yes, try to plant a cyberdevil in her phone (Charisma+Technology)
    -[x] It's amazing how easy and reflexive picking a cyber devil from the wicked city has become. Easier now that you know this isn't going to be the last one by a long shot. It doesn't take a moment between deciding you want to bug Alyssa Katherine McGregor's Samsung SYNC and doing it. Nice you should be able to make use of her automatic music subscription on Napster and Yahoo! Ads more preservative then demons.
Arc 4 Post 7: Numbers in the Balance
Numbers in the Balance

30th of July 2006 A.D.

The voices are still there, calling, shouting, screaming for salvation with voices of electromagnetic static... you flinch at the enormity of their agonized host, not truly endless, but near enough for any mortal understanding. So rather than fling it on to attach to the Alyssa Katherine McGregor's Samsung SYNC it stays tethered more strongly tethered to your own soul only a fraction, a flash of... their mind glimmering in the heart of silicon. Traveler then, for their unwillingness to stick where you put them, you decide upon a name even as the vampire who unfortunately shares one of your names puts away her only briefly possessed phone out of reach of your power.

74 72 61 76 65 6c 65 72

What the...? You do a double take at the sight of the seemingly random numbers that flicker onto Clippy's screen before she helpfully explains that this is Hex ASCII for the name you had given. Why six? It is a pleasing number.

Not going to dig into that here, you vow you vow, turning your attention back to the auction, though you do ask 74 as you had mentally shortened their preferred spelling, to dump as much interesting data as they could to Clippy in the brief time they have before returning to their anima.

Fortunately for you the only other two people interested in Black Rider after his little display now that the vampire is out are a middle aged lady with wearing enough rings to count as a deadly weapon, who is clearly here as a favor to someone else and an older gentlemen sweltering in a black suit and tie who had been hesitant to raise the sign even before you had pipped out all chipper and smiling with the thirty-five thousand offer, as though it would not have mattered to you if the price went to thirty-five hundred thousand.

So thirty-five thousand it is, you get to drive home a 'miraculously' no longer malfunctioning Black Rider. In fact he is functioning so well that you leave the driving up to him, keeping just one hand on the wheel while you read what 74 had pulled off Ms McGregor's phone. What you find is a lot more troubling than the bargain hunting you had expected. This 'Lara' had known who the car belonged to and she had also known..

"I thought I told you not to make waves," you chastise Black Rider.

"I did not harm the mortals, a touch of fear is good for the heart, keeps the blood flowing." Bass synthetic laughter thrums from the speakers.

Admittedly moving around in the parking lot would have probably been explained away as people forgetting where they had parked the car but retracting the safety belts and cutting off the breaks during in inspections had been too remarkable not to get talked about, especially not when I Feel Lucky suddenly started playing as soon as the breaks engaged.

How precisely that got to the ear of the White Court you do not know, but it is clear from the messaging on Alyssa's phone that they thought this is some spirit Katrina had put into the car, one which could be interrogated for useful information. You get the sense that the White Court, or at least Lara, would very much prefer if every single Kemlerite fell off the face of the planet and she would not be opposed to pushing them off if she could do it without risk to herself or her interests... but she would also probably sell any information on for the right price.

Of course the fact that she knew who Katrina was and that this was her car also has some interesting implications, though alas your temporary look into one vampire's phone is not enough to offer any insights into that.

Lost 2 Essence -> Now at 10/12 (HMP and Excellency to get the car for cheaper)
Lost 35,000 $ -> Now at 15,000 $


It takes you a full nine tries and burning enough Essence to make the inside of the garage blaze searing green for a full hour, but you finally manage to weave the spirit securely inside the car's computerized core... at which point the Beige Wagon starts honking.

"I'll get yo you when I've had my bath," you laugh and pat the hood as the lights flare on and slowly off, mollified for now. But you do have to wonder, what are you going to do with the Beige Wagon. It's not like you meed two cars, maybe Daniel could take it once he is old enough to to get a license... which leads one to another thought you had not really wanted to consider, how do you break it to mom and dad that you can make diamonds out of graphite... for a start.

Lost 9 Essence -> now at 1/12

Gained Black Rider -> Biding Made Permanent

Of course you think it is great and all and not just for selfish reasons, money is a great tool for making the world a better place and Lord knows it could use it, but you will admit it will do odd things to your sense of priorities, likely buying luxury cars out of a sense of duty to the demon you put in them. Better head this off at the pass. Bath first, I'm going to need your best arguments for this.

Regained 6 Essence -> Now at 7/12

So it is that an hour and a half later, fresh from the bath... and not so incidentally still covered in enough water following the bleach to give you a bit of an extra edge making your case that you go to talk to your parents about cars and personal finances.

How much do you explain to them about your abilities and your intent to use them to make money?

[] Just the gem-making for now, no need to overwhelm them
-[] Write in stunt

[] Everything, gems, lottery, cars, being able to fly to orbit and make your own satellite
-[] Write in stunt

[] Write in

OOC: You guys really were not lucky with HMP this time, but still even on a fail you get a scene's worth of use out of it so you got some info.
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I didn't even consider that Black Rider's mischief in the impound lot might have attracted White Court attention, though at least it seems like my assumption that Lara knew about Katrina was correct. Makes me curious about her dealings with the White Court and how she earned Lara's enmity.

[X] Just the gem-making for now, no need to overwhelm them
Okay, keep in mind that this is in no way a criticism of your incredibly well-thought designs and worldbuilding, and is completely my own hangup, but… I was kind of thinking that at least one type from our realm would have wings. That at least one species would be naturally capable of flight. Again, just my thing, but there it is.
Yeah, OK. I can see that. I'll see what I can add? Maybe make the fungi floating / levitating before they become sessile? That would add more complexity to them. From air to ground over the course of their life. Flying magic mushrooms.

[X] Everything, gems, lottery, cars, being able to fly to orbit and make your own satellite
-[X] Use Empathy excellency to understand your parents' concerns
-[X] Stunt: You find your mom and dad in a living room, watching tv. Careful not to wet the furniture you sit down with them, a cip of coffee in hand: "So... in a day of work I made 50k in synthetic diamonds. That's barely scratching the surface of what I can do now, much less of what I will be able to do in time. I, we are going to be wealthy. We should talk about it, and how to prepare for it".

Something like this?
[X] Just the gem-making for now, no need to overwhelm them

Gems are more than sufficient for now. We haven't even hit the 11 sux ceiling, where profits are going to sharply jump.
Yeah, OK. I can see that. I'll see what I can add? Maybe make the fungi floating / levitating before they become sessile? That would add more complexity to them. From air to ground over the course of their life. Flying magic mushrooms.
You could also make some of the radioactive dinosaur people into winged radioactive dinosaur people. There's a flying subtype of the dragon kings, after all, and that's what they're based on. And it would mean more of the inter-species hybrids would also have wings.

Really, I just want there to be a flying sub-culture in our realm. It's a fun thing to play with, and it means we can have some flying members of our honor guard when we summon them, which is useful since we can fly, too.
You could also make some of the radioactive dinosaur people into winged radioactive dinosaur people. There's a flying subtype of the dragon kings, after all, and that's what they're based on. And it would mean more of the inter-species hybrids would also have wings.

Really, I just want there to be a flying sub-culture in our realm. It's a fun thing to play with, and it means we can have some flying members of our honor guard when we summon them, which is useful since we can fly, too.
I'll see what I can do but it would probably take at least a week (I'm on a business trip and can't work a lot on this until I get back).
I thought we were avoiding using excellency against Molly's parents.
I can see the argument if we are I social combat with them, even if I don't quite agree with it. But this is different. It's using the excellency to better understand whatever concerns they have and might voice. It literally "ai am making myself better at hearing you" application. I don't see moral issues here. Besides, Molly is cheerfully using BSM on her own volition here.
As an aside, if we set up a satellite clubhouse and bought SBS would it count as an orbital death ray platform while we were on board? :V

I thought we were avoiding using excellency against Molly's parents.

You have? I mean you have been spamming the thing since you got it and it's not like UMI. She is just better at arguing the case than she otherwise would be, which given the high willpower of both people involved here is not as much of a comparative advantage.
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Given unlimited XP, and my own choice? In order of importance:

Etiquette and Empathy to 5: 11xp
Hellscry Chakra: 8xp
All Things Betray: 8xp
Emerald Sorcery Banishment: 10xp
Naked Wicked Souls: 4xp
Perception 3: 8xp
Awareness to 2: 5xp
Law to 2: 5xp
Politics to 1: 3xp
Appearance 3: 8xp
Law and Awareness Excellency: 8xp

Total: 78xp

Etiquette and Empathy of course.
Hellscry Chakra allows us to read her aura for emotional cues.
All Things Betray is a DC adjuster for all Perception rolls by -3, which would essentially massively improve Perception rolls.
Emerald Sorcery Banishment as something that might be offered in trade.
Naked Wicked Souls to see what she's most ashamed about. Also useful against any retinue members, if she brings them.
Abilities speak for themselves.

Nice catch.
I didnt notice that. Thats something to follow up on.

The point is along the lines of not giving away information for free unless you're sure its information you want out there.
Information being valuable currency in the Dresdenverse, and something we can trade to him.

Also worth noting that Odin apparently cares about humanity. IIRC he's supposed to have had a hand in training Merlin, and he was the one who taught humanity to defeat the mythological Grendel.
Doesnt mean that he cares about Molly. Or believes that we are going to be a positive influence.

We should probably not take that for granted.

Putting this here for future reference once we sort out Black Rider's situation
(I assume we're keeping up with Rosie and Molly's other friends offscreen via text and phonecall)

Outstanding Plot Threads for Crown and HMP Resolution
-Gorfel assassination attempt: Bullet focus: Sequence of orders/people that led to a sniper shooting bullets at us/Gorfel
-Lieutenant Greene murder: Grave or personal car or home focus: Sequence of orders/events/people that led to his death
-Warehouse crime scene: Surveillance camera focus: Sequence of orders/people who led to its installation in time to frame Dresden
-Warehouse crime scene: Warehouse focus: Greene's murderer(s) and murder site/weapon.
-Agent John Jenkins: Tried to put something on Beige Wagon, whether tracker or bomb: Find cellphone number, make call and HMP his phone. Use Cyberdevils to go over his life with a fine tooth comb.
-Principle of Consumption research.
By the way thing to look into is getting a wizards true sight or whatever it's called. as in canon alchemy could replicate it and even Dresden said he could do that with alchemy. The downside is insanity for normies if they stare at the wrong thing. It lasts longer, you memorize everything it sees, and it sees more than a fair few exalted sensory powers. Obviously it's not perfect everything you see might be true it's still personalized though and you may see true things you won't see all the things. Also it wouldn't cost essence every damn time and the time limit is basically non existent. The real cost for most is risking sanity.
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